Devil’s Knights MC Box Set 2

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Devil’s Knights MC Box Set 2 Page 62

by Winter Travers

  His lips devoured mine, and his hands roamed over my body. He pulled off my shirt, and his fingers lightly skated over my skin. His palm spanned my side, and he squeezed gently. “So fucking soft,” he growled. His other hand cupped my breast through my bra, and I arched my back into him.

  I needed him to touch me everywhere before my body combusted into flames. His touch was setting me on fire, and I never wanted it to end. I grabbed the hem of his t-shirt and pulled it up his back and over his head.

  His hands left me for a second, and I missed his touch instantly. “Slider,” I moaned when he tossed his shirt to the side.

  “I’m right here, Fayth. I’m not going anywhere,” he vowed. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up. He sat back on his ass and pulled me into his lap. “You were fucking made to be in my arms.” He lifted me up, positioning me in his lap and held me close.

  I ran my fingers through his hair, finally able to know what it felt like.

  “I’ve had these dreams for a while. I would have this crazy, wild sex, but I never knew who I was fucking. Last night, I had the dream again, and it was you. I was fucking you until you screamed my name and begged me never to stop.”

  I gasped as Slider slammed his lips down on mine, his tongue invading my mouth. My hands roamed over his bare back, and his hands frantically worked the clasp of my bra free. His hands immediately cupped my breasts when my bra broke free.

  He squeezed and twisted my nipples as his mouth assaulted me, teasing and tasting all at once. “What the fuck are you doing to me, Fay?” he growled against my lips. “I can’t get enough of you.”

  I ground my hips into him, the feel of his rock hard dick bulging under his jeans driving me insane. That was for me. I was making Slider feel this way. No one else but me.

  “Yes,” I gasped when he leaned down and captured my nipple in between his teeth. The sharp bite of pain mixed with the pure ecstasy my body was feeling.

  Slider’s hand slid down my stomach, working on the button of my jeans when we heard a loud bang. His head whipped up.

  “What the fuck was that?” he growled.

  I had no idea what it was. I was in a pleasurable fog that I didn’t want to come out of. Whatever it was could wait for later. I reached up, cupping Slider’s head, and he looked down at me. “Stay here, don’t move.” He grabbed his shirt and quickly pulled it over his head.

  His hands deftly grabbed my shirt, covering my breasts, and he stood, gently setting me on the ground. He walked over to the bar, reached under the shelf, and pulled out a handgun. “I want you on the other side of the pool table and stay down. Only come out if I tell you to, no one else.”

  I nodded dumbly, reaching behind me to fasten my bra.

  “Do you know how to use a gun?” He reached under the bar again and pulled out a smaller gun.

  I nodded and quickly stood. He pressed the gun into my hand and pressed a kiss to my lips. “Stay down, shoot if it’s anyone but me,” he instructed. He pushed me towards the pool table and headed to the stairs.

  “Slider,” I called, and he stepped on the first step.

  His eyes hit me, and he nodded. I didn’t want him to leave. We had no idea what was going on, and he was headed up there blindly. “I’ll be back, Fayth. I promised to never let anything hurt you again, and I’ll die keeping that promise.”

  He slowly made his way up the stairs, both hands on the gun.

  I waited until I couldn’t see him anymore, and I slowly sank down behind the table, the gun at my side.

  I finally discovered what Slider’s touch was like, and I might never get to feel it again.

  I prayed to God that Slider was going to be okay, because I knew if he wasn’t, I wasn’t going to be okay either.


  Chapter 22


  I crept up the stairs and saw the door to the garage was wide open. A car door slammed, and I heard tires squeal down the driveway. I flattened myself against the wall by the garage door and glanced in the kitchen.

  The table was tipped upside down and three of the chairs were knocked over. That would explain the loud bang Fayth and I had heard. Footsteps sounded in the garage, and I quickly whipped around, my arms extended and pointed my gun.

  “It’s about fucking time you got your head out of your ass.”

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” I asked as I kept my gun trained on Creed, one of Leo’s men.

  “Looks like I’m here to babysit you fuckers again.” He walked toward me, stopping two feet away and crossing his arms over his chest. “You can put the fucking gun down,” he growled.

  “Leo said he couldn’t spare any men.” I lowered the gun to my side and clicked the safety into place.

  “Yeah, and Leo also worries about his sister and nephew. He was able to spare me to come help, and it looks like it was in the nick of time.” Creed pointed down the driveway. “Some fuck face was breaking into your house when I pulled up. He managed to get in through the front door. I tried to take him down in the kitchen, but the fucker managed to slip away.”

  “Who the hell was it?” I couldn’t believe Fayth had been in the house, and we hadn’t heard someone trying to break in.

  “Not a fucking clue. I was hoping that you would have an idea. Leo said he talked to King about finding out who’s still around that is connected to Big A.”

  “Yeah, he did, but that was just today. We haven’t had a chance to find any leads yet.”

  Creed nodded. “That’s what Leo told me, but I was hoping that you guys had managed to figure something out already.”

  “We have two leads that we’re going to track down, and hopefully one of them pans out. You manage to get the plates on the car?” I stepped back and let Creed through the door.

  “No, fucker had them blacked out. It was newer black Town Car. I’d never seen the car before.”

  “I don’t know anyone who drives a car like that either.”

  “You got any ice? I managed to get a couple of punches in before the fucker took off.” Creed held up his hand that was red and swollen.

  “Looks like they were at least good punches. Ice is in the fridge,” I said, pointing in the kitchen. “Grab what you need. I’ll get Fayth.”

  “What, you hiding her in the basement?” Creed chuckled.

  I shook my head and started down the stairs. “We were playing pool,” I called up to him.

  I walked down the stairs and picked up the darts we had dropped. “Fayth, it’s me, Firecracker,” I called as I set them back on the shelf.

  I heard her click the safety into place, and she slowly rose from the side of the pool table. “Slider?” she asked meekly.

  “I’m okay,” I assured. “Someone was trying to break into the house, and thankfully Creed showed up in time to stop him.”

  Fayth’s eyes bugged out, and she gasped.

  I grabbed the gun out of her hand and laid it underneath the bar. “You okay?”

  She nodded and looked down at the floor.

  “Fayth.” I hooked a finger under her chin and lifted her head to look at me. “What’s wrong?”

  She bit her lip and shook her head.

  “Where’s that fucking paper?” We weren’t going upstairs until I figured out what had changed from when I went up the stairs to now. I handed her the pad of paper, and she walked over to the bar.

  It took her a minute, but she finally started writing.

  You kissed me.

  I read while she wrote. “I did more than kiss you, Fay,” I growled.

  She shook her head. Why?

  She didn’t look up from the paper, just waited for my answer. “Because I’ve wanted to kiss you since the first day I saw you, but I knew if I did that, things would change.”

  So why now?

  “Because if I wouldn’t have kissed you then, it would have happened eventually, and it probably wouldn’t have been in private. I’ve been a ticking time-bomb, waiting for the right time to explode, Fay.
I couldn’t resist you anymore.”

  She tapped her pen on the paper and looked up at me.

  “Don’t look at me like that, Firecracker. I could give two shits about Creed being upstairs. I’ll take you right there on that pool table, and you won’t see the sunlight until Tuesday.”

  It’s Saturday!!

  I smirked. “I know damn well what day it is.”

  We just almost had sex, and we didn’t even hear a guy breaking into your house.

  I ran my hand through my hair. Yeah, that was definitely running through my mind. Fayth was a distraction I didn’t need, but I fucking wanted her. “You’re too damn distracting, Firecracker.”

  “Ass,” she hissed.

  “I love when you talk dirty to me.”

  She rolled her eyes. You’re the dirty talker. Not me.

  I grabbed the empty bottle and glasses. “Yeah, but you damn sure like it, Fay. Don’t tell me you didn’t stop for a second and picture me pounding the hell out of you bent over that pool table.”

  Her mouth dropped out, and she smacked me with the notepad.

  I leaned down, my lips hovering over hers. “Did you really say yes before, or did I imagine it?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “You do know this means I’m going to have to keep pushing you, because that’s when you speak.”

  She rolled her eyes and moved to step away from me.

  “Not so fast, Firecracker. Right now, I have to go upstairs and deal with some shit I’d really rather not, but you can bet that lush ass of yours that we will be continuing this later.” She glared up at me, but I couldn’t miss the spark of desire in her eyes. Fayth wanted this just as much as I did; we just had to find the right fucking time.

  I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her close. “You can’t get away from me that easily, Fay. I’ll always be right here.” I pressed my lips against hers, needing one more taste. She moaned slightly, her hand pushing against my chest, but her body melted into mine. “You’re going to be mine, Fayth. Just you wait,” I growled against her lips.

  “Slider,” she breathed out. He eyes were filled with desire, and I knew it wouldn’t be long until I made her mine.

  I was sick of waiting.



  “What the hell were you two doing down there?”

  Slider had his arms braced on the counter, and he growled and glared at Creed. I smoothed down my shirt, making sure it wasn’t pushed up and wrinkled.

  “You wanna talk to Fayth with a different tone?” Slider snarled.

  Creed moved the ice that was on his hand. “I wasn’t talking to Fayth,” he shot back.

  They both stood there, staring at each other.

  I cleared my throat and stood next to Slider and waved at Creed, hoping to break the tension between them.

  “Fayth,” he said, his eyes surveying me. Creed and I had dated after I had Marco, and he still acted like we were possibly going to be something. “You look different.”

  I smoothed down my shirt again and looked down at the counter.

  “She looks the fucking same. You mind taking your eyes off of her now?” Slider stood straight and moved over to stand in front of me partially.

  Creed looked between Slider and me. “Leo is going to shit himself when he hears this,” he mumbled, shaking his head.

  I slammed my hand down on the counter and pointed my finger at Creed.

  Slider snickered next to me.

  “Don’t give me that look, Fayth.”

  I would give Creed any look I felt like.

  “I’m here to look after you.”

  I pointed at Slider.

  “He’s here to look after you?” Creed chuckled. “I just found some guy breaking in while you two were downstairs doing God knows what.”

  I grabbed a pad of paper and a pen that I had stuck by the fridge. No, you are here to report back to Leo.

  Creed shrugged. “I can’t deny that.”

  You can go.

  Creed threw his head back and laughed. “No can do. Leo told me to stay here until all this bullshit gets tied up.”


  “See, now this is why we never would have worked. I tell you something, and you think you know better.” Creed crossed his arms over his chest and glared at Slider. “He can have you.”

  “Oh, I can have her? You’re giving me permission?” Slider barked.

  Creed shrugged. “If that’s what you want to call it.”

  I put my hand on his arm and shook my head.

  This is Slider’s house, I wrote and shoved it in Creed’s face.

  I knew that was going to shut up Creed. It was a big thing to all of Leo’s men to respect where they were. Talking to Slider the way Creed was would not go over well with Leo.

  Creed put up his hands. “My bad.” He tossed the ice pack into the sink and grabbed his keys off of the counter. “I’m gonna grab my bag that I dropped in the bushes.” Creed headed out the front door, and Slider turned to look at me.

  “You dated that douchewad?”

  I glanced to the right and nodded. It wasn’t really my brightest moment. I had been trying to piss off Leo, and dating one of his men was an easy way to do it.

  “He’s not Marco’s dad, is he?”

  My jaw dropped, and I shook my head.

  “I knew you had said that his dad had died, but I didn’t know if you just didn’t want to tell him that douche was his dad.” Slider shrugged and leaned against the counter.


  “I fucking love when you call me that.” Slider grabbed me around the waist and pulled me into his arms. “Say it again before douchelord comes back,” he growled against my lips.

  “Ass,” I whispered.

  He slammed his lips down mine and gave me a quick, but thorough, kiss. “Don’t forget what I said before. I’m not done with you.”

  Slider pulled out of my arms and grabbed his boots from near the back door. “I need to call King and let him know what happened. I’m going to be a bit.”

  I looked at the clock and saw it was already after nine. I think I’m going to go to bed. I held up the paper to Slider, and he nodded.

  “Sounds good, Firecracker.” Slider slipped out the back door, and I collapsed against the counter.

  What a night. I was ready to go to bed and pass out.

  Slider kissed me. Someone broke into the house. Slider kissed me again. Creed was here. Slider kissed me again.

  I think I needed another drink after the day I just had.

  Hopefully, tomorrow was going to be a better day, although I totally wouldn’t mind if Slider kissed me again.


  Chapter 23


  “I was wondering if you were going to tear yourself away from Fayth.”

  I shoved my phone in my pocket and turned around to look at Creed who walked across the backyard. “You gonna talk shit the whole time you’re here?”

  Creed shrugged and crossed his arms over his chest. “I really don’t think you know what the hell you’re doing with her.”

  “I think you’re fucking wrong, but I know that your damn opinion doesn’t mean shit to Fayth and me.”

  “You may be right about that, but I can guarantee Leo’s opinion matters to Fayth.”

  He was right, but I really didn’t think Leo had a problem with me. Leo was the one who had called me and had told me to take Fayth back to Rockton. “I guess I’ll have to have a chat with Leo. Make sure we’re on the same page.”

  Creed looked at the house. “You call King? Let him know what the hell happened.”

  I nodded. “He’s aware.”

  “You wanna tell me how the hell you didn’t know someone was breaking into your house?”

  “I fucked up.”

  “That seems to be a pattern with you, Slider. Your fuck up three months ago landed Fayth in the hospital.”

  I growled and flexed my hands at my sides. I
didn’t need my fuck-ups listed off to me. “You ever make a mistake in your life before, Creed?”

  “Yeah, but not that anyone knows.”

  “Well, I made a mistake with Fayth before, and I’ve vowed to never let it happen again.”

  “You were damn close to it happening tonight.”

  I shook my head. “I’ll die before anything happens to Fayth again. We don’t even know what the guy was doing here. He could have just been trying to get my TV.”

  Creed shrugged. “That may be true, but you should have been there before he even had a chance to get in the house.”

  I ran my fingers through my hair. I was beating myself up enough over the fact I wasn’t paying attention, I didn’t need Creed to beat a dead horse. “I got it, Creed. There isn’t anything else I can say.”

  “You’re right. Now fucking do what you keep saying. You die before anything happens to Fayth. I’ll make sure of it.” Creed stalked to the front of the house and I looked up at the dark sky.

  “Fuck,” I mumbled.

  I needed to prove I was going to keep Fayth safe.

  It was time to stop fucking around and to keep my word.

  No more distractions until everything was fucking tied up in a neat little bow.

  Then, Fayth would be mine.


  Chapter 24


  It was Friday afternoon, and I had never been more confused in my life.

  I could count on one hand the amount of times Slider said more than one word to me. Something had changed the night of the break-in after I had went to bed, and I had no idea what it was.

  “Remy’s here, Mom,” Marco called.

  I peeked out of the bathroom and motioned for him to come to me.


  I grabbed my small pad of paper from my back pocket. Be safe. Listen to whoever is at the clubhouse watching you guys.

  “I know, you’ve told me five times. You should have saved the paper the first time you wrote it.” Marco shoved his hands in his pocket and leaned against the wall. “Can I come with you to get a tattoo? I’m sure they would let me if you were there with me.”


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