The Antares Codex Box Set

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The Antares Codex Box Set Page 4

by Bob Cooper

  She missed Aidan. He could have stopped them from leaving in the garage, but he didn’t. She picked up her com link and called him, knowing full well the risk, but she had to thank him.

  “Hello, Aidan.”

  “Acey, where are you?

  “Aidan, I want to thank you for everything, and I miss you very much, but I have to see this thing through with Dirk.” She ended the transmission.

  Aidan called the Citizens Guard HQ. “Were you able to get a fix on that last transmission?” he asked.

  “Yes, sir, we have a fix — about thirty-five miles in the desert. I’ll plot the coordinates and get the exact location,” the officer said.

  Acey downed her bottle of instant nutrition just as Dirk came back. He sat down next to her.

  “We have to find the truth about what happened to Mom and Dad,” Acey said.

  “The best thing you can do is to get back to class. If you go back now, they won’t charge you with anything,” Dirk said.

  “I can’t do that. I need to be with you.”

  “Look, Acey. I’ll be alright. I promise you. But you need to get back to your life. That’s the best way you can help me,” he pleaded.

  Acey knew arguing with Dirk would get her nowhere. She was determined to stay with him, and that was all that mattered. She stared back at him and, without answering, walked down the path leading away from the mineshaft. Dirk used to take her there to teach her the proper method of excavating ruins. They would sleep under the stars and Dirk would point out all the constellations. The sight of Hillary snapped her back to real-time.

  “I have a bar of soap and some toothpaste if you want to clean up. There’s an old cistern just down the road with some water in it,” Hillary said.

  “Thanks,” Acey said, taking the supplies from Hillary.

  Dirk was on the com link when he saw Hillary approaching. He quickly ended his communication.

  “Hillary. I want you and Acey to go back today. You can’t stay with me.”

  “But what are you going to do?” Hillary asked.

  He wouldn’t answer that question.

  “Hillary, I apologize for dragging you into this. You and Acey cannot be involved with me. You both need to leave now,” Dirk said firmly.

  Hillary knew if she stayed, she could be arrested for helping Dirk escape. But Acey was her best friend. She had no one else. Raised as an only child, with her parents always traveling, Hillary was left to fend for herself. She had friends in the art world but none as close as Acey. Acey was always there for her. She remembered when her parents announced their divorce. Acey got her through it. Then there was the time when drugs ruled her life. Again, Acey fought to get her into recovery and cared for her. There was no way she could abandon Acey now.

  “Dirk, I understand what you are saying. But it’s my turn to be there for Acey.”

  “The best way you can help is to leave and convince Acey to go with you.”

  “What are you going to do? We can help. Acey will never leave you alone in this mess,” Hillary said, pleading her case.

  “You and Acey must leave. That’s all there is to it,” Dirk shouted and walked off down the path.


  Aidan looked at the 3D image map. He marked the exact location of Acey’s transmission, then folded the map up and stuck it into his back pocket. He had to see Acey and convince Dirk to turn himself in. He was off duty in an hour and decided to go there alone. When it was time, he left the building and approached the bay where he docked his land cruiser. Aidan got in and programmed the coordinates on the map. The computer responded with blinking lights as the vehicle’s turbojets ignited and whisked him away.

  As soon as he cleared the building, another cruiser materialized from around the corner and began to follow him.

  “Got him! He’ll take us right to them,” Raina said on the com link.

  “Good Job! Keep me posted,” O’Malley replied.


  Acey checked her backpack for anything edible. The bottle of instant nutrition did nothing to curb her hunger pangs. She found the box that Dirk brought to her with her father’s notebooks and letters, her computer, make-up, assorted scribing utensils but no food. Hillary came to the rescue.

  “How about some of my chocolate bar?” she asked, breaking a piece off.

  “Thanks,” Acey replied, shoving the whole thing in her mouth.

  “What do you think Dirk is going to do?” Hillary asked.

  “I know he’s planning something,” Acey replied.

  “I saw him talking to someone on my com link, and he shut it down when I approached. Why did he do that? He knows that’s the best way for the authorities to trace him especially if he is going to hide out here for any length of time,” Hillary said.

  Acey jumped up and gave Hillary a terrified look.

  “Maybe he’s not planning to stick around. Come on! Let’s go see what he’s up to,” Acey said, running down the path.

  When they approached the mineshaft, Dirk was nowhere around. They saw a massive cloud of dust coming from down in the valley. As they approached the rim of the hill, they saw an S-Class Star Cruiser maneuvering in for a landing. These were not large crafts, but they held a small crew and up to five passengers comfortably. They were known for their speed and agility. They spotted Dirk waiting. Uncle Harry gave Dirk last-minute instructions and then waved to his accomplice who followed him in a land cruiser.

  “I can’t let him go without me,” Acey screamed, running down the hill and pulling Hillary with her.

  Aidan saw the dust and the star cruiser also. He got out and approached the landing spot cautiously. Raina stayed a reasonable distance behind Aidan.

  “He’s getting in a star cruiser and is about to leave. Here are the coordinates of where we are, but I’m not sure where he’s going,” Raina communicated to O’Malley.

  “Oh, I know exactly where he’s going,” he responded.


  Acey and Hillary reached the star cruiser as Uncle Harry sped away in the land cruiser. Dirk saw them approach. The star cruiser engines were activated and ready to go.

  “Acey! You can’t come with me,” he yelled to her over the roar of the engines.

  “I have a stake in this too.”

  “I will take care of this. You’re already involved far too much.”

  “You’re right. I am involved. And that’s why I need to go with you,” Acey shouted back.

  “Nobody’s going anywhere,” came a voice out of nowhere.

  Aidan approached the trio. Although he had a weapon, it wasn’t drawn. He looked directly at Dirk.

  “Dirk, you need to come with me. You will stand a much better chance of clearing your name if you accompany me.”

  “Aidan we have proof from Bob Haskall before he died that will clear Dirk,” Acey cut in.

  “Then what’s the problem? Come with me and let’s get this resolved,” Aidan insisted.

  “There’s one more piece to this puzzle that needs to be cleared up. After that, I’ll turn myself in.”

  “I can’t allow that,” Aidan said, moving closer to Dirk.

  Acey approached Aidan not really sure what she was going to do. Aidan’s demeanor softened a bit, but then he stiffened and looked square into her eyes.

  “Acey, please don’t interfere. I cannot allow Dirk to leave,” he said, talking in his most official tone as possible.

  She looked at him standing there and wondered how far he would take this. He didn’t have his weapon drawn, but she wasn’t going to test him any further. She felt the tenseness of the situation and was about ready to make another plea when Raina appeared holding a blaster aimed directly at Acey.

  “Nobody move!” she shouted.

  Aidan reached for his weapon, and Raina discharged her blaster into the air above Acey, causing them all to flinch. The blast knocked Raina off balance. She clearly had no experience with a weapon of this magnitude. Hillary took the opportunity, rushed Raina, and k
nocked her to the ground. Aidan and Acey leaped toward them to help Hillary.

  They rolled on the ground, scrambling for the blaster when Dirk grabbed it and threw it far into the desert. While the four of them were entangled outside the ship, Dirk ran back inside to the bridge and strapped himself in. If he left now without Acey and Hillary, they would not be implicated any further. Some of the instrumentation looked foreign to him, but he knew what he had to do to get out of earth’s orbit. He would figure out the rest later. Checking the video monitor, he could see that the main entrance was clear. He activated the lock hatch sequence and turned his attention to the lift-off procedures.

  Aidan held onto Raina as he drew his weapon, but Raina was able to knock it out of his hands towards the ship’s entrance. Raina broke free and leaped toward it. Hillary dove and landed on the weapon. Acey saw the lights activating the gang ramp, and the entrance hatch into the loading bay was starting to close. Knowing Dirk was going to leave, she pulled Hillary through the hatch as it started to shut. Aidan, still wrestling with Raina, tumbled into the entrance just as the hatch was sealed. The lift thrusters kicked in, and a surge of power threw them back. Aidan managed to handcuff Raina to a support beam. They all were violently tossed around inside the cabin until the craft broke Earth’s gravity.

  Acey had a cut above her eye and Aidan had a gash on his forehead. Raina was unconscious. Hillary survived without a scratch. She was fingering the weapon when Aidan saw her.

  “You’d better let me have that,” he said.

  He disarmed it and went to Acey. She was still dazed. He wiped the blood from her face.

  “I’m so sorry all this is happening,” Acey said.

  Aidan put his arm around her and held her tight. He thought back to the night they met after the art show. Those feelings returned. He never had time for a real relationship with anyone and tried never to let his emotions get the best of him. He fought hard to focus on the situation at hand, but Acey felt so right in his arms. Raina muttered something, and Aidan gently released Acey. He walked over to Raina as she regained consciousness.

  “Take these things off me now!” she screamed at Aidan.

  “Why did you follow me here?” Aidan screamed back.

  “None of your dammed business!”

  “Who else knows…?”

  “O’Malley knows, doesn’t he? You do his dirty work, don’t you?” Acey said, cutting in and getting right in Raina’s face.

  Raina made an obscene gesture and sat on the floor.

  “We’d better let Dirk know we’re here,” Hillary said.

  “I’ll go,” Acey said, walking towards the ladder leading to the hatch in the upper deck.

  Dirk was busy making sense of the instrumentation at the con. S-Class star cruisers, designed to fly themselves, were primarily used as cargo ships to deliver goods within the Earth’s solar system. This one was retrofitted with a new Tachyon propulsion system and hyperspace capabilities. At least that’s what “Uncle Harry” told Dirk. Probably used to smuggle contraband, Dirk thought. The main entrance door on the flight deck buzzed and lights flashed. Dirk turned around just in time to see the door disappear into the wall.

  “Acey!” he said, looking startled.

  She ran to his arms, and they hugged for a long time. He was grateful she was okay but was clearly upset that she had stowed away.

  “Acey, it’s not good for you to be here,” was all he could manage to say.

  “We all kind of “fell” into the loading bay as …..”

  “We! Who’s we?” he yelled.

  Acey told him how Raina appeared, how the scuffle over Aidan’s weapon led them into the ship just as he was taking off. Dirk accompanied Acey down to the loading bay.

  Aidan and Hillary questioned Raina, who sat defiantly handcuffed. She wouldn’t even look at them. When Dirk and Acey appeared, silence fell as they all waited for someone to speak. Dirk shook his head and broke the silence.

  “I’m sorry you all had to get involved.”

  He stared at Raina. She stared back.

  “I know you hate us and what we stand for, but why are you so interested in me personally?” he asked.

  “We have good reason to believe she is working with O’Malley,” Aidan said.

  Dirk was furious. The veins in his neck bulged when he heard the name “O’Malley.” All the memories of Bob Haskall came rushing back. He then remembered being humiliated at the Academy in front of his peers when he was essentially thrown out. Raina felt the fire in his eyes as he walked closer to her.

  “Throw her in the cargo bay for now. I’ll deal with her later,” he said to Aidan.

  “Right now, I need to figure out where we are going and how to get there. Acey and Hillary, could you please review those discs again to see if you can get more information?”

  Aidan dragged Raina screaming obscenities to the dingiest, dirtiest cargo hold and locked her in. He then met up with Hillary and Acey who were already reviewing the discs from Bob Haskall for more clues.

  Aidan and other Citizen Guard officers had monitored the com link for messages from Raina and the rest of her group. They knew of their ties to O’Malley but couldn’t establish the motivation that connected the two. As he listened and watched the discs, O’Malley’s greed and complicity in the deaths of Acey’s parents, and now with Bob Haskall’s death, became apparent to him. Aidan’s theory was that O’Malley probably paid Raina and her group to distract and harass Dirk from snooping any further into his son’s death and to dissuade him from doing any more work deciphering the Antares Codex.

  “Dirk never believed the Academy’s report on the accidental death of your parents, did he?” Aidan asked studying the discs.

  “No. Not really. He tried to pursue an independent investigation with the Citizen Guard, but they more or less relied on the findings of the Academy. When he hounded the Academy leadership to release the complete report, O’Malley quashed it,” Acey replied.

  “I reviewed the files, and it seemed like an open and shut case. However, it seemed that nobody wanted to spend the time or money to go to Antares Proper and do a complete investigation,” Aidan said.

  “Do we know where this temple is on Antares Proper that’s mentioned in the discs?” Hillary asked.

  “Not really. I’m quite sure the Academy has this information, but Dirk never found out. I’m hoping that going through my father’s notebooks will give us some clues,” Acey answered.

  They reviewed the discs over and over and found nothing that would reveal any clues about the temple location. They heard the blackmail threats O’Malley made against Acey’s father, and Aidan could see the pain in her eyes. Hillary tried to skip through it quickly when the dialogue came up, but Acey was intent on hearing every word. Whatever transgression might have occurred, her parents must have worked it out. She remembered the letters that Dirk found. She had not read them, but perhaps they would provide some clues. They were with her along with her father’s notebooks. For now, she decided that it was more important for her to find where this temple was located.

  “Let’s take a look at the notebooks and see what we can find,” Acey said.

  They began reviewing the notebooks with the various symbols and glyphs for any hint to the temple’s location. The notebooks mostly contained the software algorithms, but interspersed were descriptions of the temple walls that the Codex was written on. It concluded by mentioning that all roads led to the main temple. The civilization died out long ago, but there were references to living ancestors who took care of the temple. Antares Proper was twice the size of Earth and mostly landmass. It would be almost impossible to find the location of the temple.

  “I would think that the main temple should be a very tall structure. We might be able to locate it with a scan if we look for anything that resembles a road system leading to it,” Acey said.

  Acey thumbed through the pages of her father’s notebooks. The symbols were scattered throughout. These symbols had n
o translation, and Acey could not put them in context with the other drawings. She tore the pages from the notebook, thinking they would help once they landed. Aidan was able to pull up a star map of the Antares system on the auxiliary computer and initiated a scan. He was able to isolate Antares Proper and program the scan criteria to look for the temple.

  “How about we start at the polar cap and work our way down,” Aidan said, manipulating the controls on the computer.

  “What exactly are we looking for?” Hillary asked.

  “Anything unusual and unnatural,” Acey said.

  They reviewed the scans for every inch of the surface with no success.

  “Let’s go over them again?” Aidan said.

  “Wait!” said Hillary, taking the pages of symbols from Acey.

  She studied the first symbol. It consisted of geometric patterns–like a complex maze. “This symbol is not like all the rest,” she said.

  Acey and Aidan studied the symbol. “I’ll program my computer to look for any surface features resembling the symbol,” Acey said.

  Aidan left Hillary and Acey and went to the con to see how Dirk was doing. When he entered, Dirk was working through the calculations to feed into the navigation computer.

  “These calculations should warp us through the right wormhole to Antares Proper,” he said.

  Aidan had never left Earth’s solar system and hadn’t experienced warped time and space. Dirk noticed the anxious look on Aidan’s face.

  “Don’t worry. It’s a painless process. Just a little disorientation and nausea but that’s it,” Dirk said.

  Aidan smiled nervously at Dirk. Hillary and Acey burst in.

  “I think we identified the location of the temple on the planet,” Acey said.

  “We did a pattern scan for one of the symbols in the notebook and found a good match on the surface maps,” Acey said.

  “Give me the coordinates, and I’ll plug them into the hyperspace calculations,” Dirk replied.

  Dirk plotted the course into the navigational computer. Although it was different from what he was used to, the computer confirmed the coordinates and projected a 3D display of the Antares Star System on the main con monitor. Dirk made the computer zoom in on Antares Proper and located the area where the temple might be. It was sketchy at best, but an outline appeared in the mountainous region that showed a large clearing with what looked like roads leading to the center. It was hard to tell if this was the area, but it was the best they had to go on.


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