Sentinel Of Khoth

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Sentinel Of Khoth Page 12

by Brenda Trim

  Tug­ging the door open, she en­tered the com­plex. She was sur­prised to find the en­try dark and dank. Aside from that there was noth­ing in the foyer. Troy paused be­side her and scanned the area.

  Izzy no­ticed a drop of red liq­uid next to a flight of stairs; oth­er­wise, the room seemed empty. Troy was head­ing to­ward the blood when she grabbed his arm. She pointed to a desk off to the side.

  Will­ing her pant­ing to stop, she crept to­ward the desk and checked be­hind and un­der­neath. Stand­ing straight she joined Troy and to­gether they started up the steps. Troy held up a hand right be­fore they reached the first-floor land­ing.

  Izzy scanned the floor and walls as they as­cended and didn’t see an­other sign of trou­ble. Slow­ing her breath­ing, Izzy fo­cused her en­ergy to her ears and lis­tened for any hint of where they should be head­ing.

  Of course, the knights weren’t go­ing to make it that easy. There wasn’t even the squeak of a door or floor board. Reach­ing the land­ing a sec­ond later, Izzy broke off to the right while Troy went left. On silent feet, her friend made it to the end of the hall with­out in­ci­dent.

  Izzy wasn’t quite as sound­less as she crossed to the mid­dle of the hall. She took in ev­ery de­tail from the stained car­pet­ing to the sage green walls. The scent of flow­ers mixed with spices and cooked meat filled the air. Stretch­ing her senses, she picked up the faint aroma of de­cay­ing flesh, as well.

  It seemed to be com­ing from an apart­ment fur­ther down her side of the hall­way. Izzy pointed in the di­rec­tion of the door, but Troy shook his head. Pissed that he wasn’t lis­ten­ing to her, she nod­ded and started in that di­rec­tion.

  Be­fore her hand latched onto the knob, a warm hand on her shoul­der stopped her. Glanc­ing back, she looked into Troy’s alert eyes. His nos­trils flared and he fi­nally nod­ded his head.

  An­gling his body in front of her, Troy twisted the han­dle and pushed the door open. Izzy’s heart was rac­ing in her chest as her brow beaded with sweat. Stay­ing as quiet as pos­si­ble, they en­tered the apart­ment.

  Izzy kept an eye out be­hind them while Troy scanned for in­trud­ers in front of them. There was a door on the left that led to an empty bath­room. There was an­other door on the right be­fore the area seemed as if it opened up into a liv­ing area.

  The scent of flow­ers was more in­tense in­side the apart­ment but so was the scent of de­cay­ing flesh. Press­ing her body out­side the next open door, Izzy tried to slow her breath­ing. It was loud and the way she was hav­ing trou­ble catch­ing a full breath was mak­ing her light­headed.

  Troy jumped into the open door­way in a fight­ing stance with his knees bent and his fists bladed. Izzy re­trieved her knives and joined him, ready to take on what­ever knight was in the room.

  All she saw was a large bed with a deep pur­ple com­forter. Cross­ing to the door on the op­po­site wall she opened it to find a closet full of fe­male shoes and cloth­ing. Turn­ing back around she shook her head and they con­tin­ued to the main liv­ing area.

  They im­me­di­ately spot­ted a crea­ture’s body on a plas­tic tarp. It was ob­vi­ous by the open wounds, black­ish spots, and limp flesh the thing had been dead awhile. Quickly they cleared the rest of the apart­ment but didn’t find any­thing.

  “There’s noth­ing here,” she whis­pered.

  “Crap. They aren’t go­ing to make this easy,” Troy replied just as softly.

  “Nope. Demons and Un­seelie won’t take it easy on you, so why should they?”

  Troy glared at her be­fore the ex­pres­sion left his face. “You’re right. Let’s go to the next floor.”

  Fol­low­ing be­hind Troy, Izzy con­tin­ued to scan for any hint of where they should go. By the time they reached the sec­ond floor she heard chirp­ing. “Down here,” she said in a barely au­di­ble voice with her mouth against his ear.

  Pray­ing the sounds cov­ered their rapid foot­steps, they paused out­side the apart­ment where the noise was com­ing from. This time she twisted the han­dle and threw the door open.

  Troy en­tered and was im­me­di­ately knocked against his back. Izzy didn’t have time to con­sider her next move. She would be hit if she stayed still too long, so she jumped over Troy’s form and brought her knees to her chest.

  She landed in the hall on the other side of him and went into a roll. Sound from what she as­sumed was the bath­room made her re­main low to the ground. Us­ing the weapons in her hands, Izzy thrust her arm into the open space.

  She mis­cal­cu­lated and a hand latched onto her arm. Her body sailed through the air in the next in­stant. See­ing the shower loom­ing in the very close dis­tance, she tried to twist her body in mid-air.

  Un­for­tu­nately, all she man­aged was to place her shoul­der in the glass door’s tra­jec­tory. A sec­ond later she slammed into the glass and a loud ex­plo­sion of sound was fol­lowed by glass shat­ter­ing and tear­ing through her thin t-shirt to slice into her flesh.

  At least she saved her skull, Izzy thought as she landed on one of her knees. Pain re­ver­ber­ated up her legs and nearly stole her breath. Tele­port, she shouted to her­self. She tried to force her mol­e­cules to dis­ap­pear and re­form be­hind Blaine where he was stand­ing near the door.

  Thank­fully, Troy grabbed the Maa­hes and pulled him from the room. Izzy grabbed the knives she had dropped and ran past them but wasn’t as fast as she nor­mally was. The foot she nearly lost in the shark at­tack had healed com­pletely, but it was far weaker than the other one and was be­gin­ning to throb painfully.

  The rush to get to the apart­ment fol­lowed by ev­ery­thing af­ter en­ter­ing the build­ing was tak­ing its toll on the joint. She’d been train­ing for sev­eral days but might’ve needed more time, she ac­knowl­edged.

  She paused out­side the open bed­room door to catch her breath. Troy and Blaine were grap­pling in the hall­way. Blaine was hold­ing back, but Troy was far more ca­pa­ble than she thought. He must re­ally want to get good marks on this test, she thought. He’d never shown this level of skill be­fore.

  A yelp es­caped her mouth when some­thing clamped around her shoul­ders and dragged her in­side the room. On in­stinct, she started thrash­ing her body and flail­ing her arms. As her head moved, she thought Lorne had hold of her.

  Re­al­iz­ing she was ex­haust­ing her­self and get­ting blood ev­ery­where, she stopped mov­ing and feigned res­ig­na­tion. “That’s it…oomph,” Lorne blurted when her el­bow con­nected with his stom­ach.

  His hold light­ened on her body and she man­aged to get free of his hold. She twisted her body and brought her knee into his groin, mak­ing him choke. She wanted to whoop and holler, but now was not the time to cel­e­brate.

  She brought the butt of her knife down on his head a sec­ond later. She was in mo­tion in the blink of an eye but mis­judged his in­ca­pac­i­ta­tion and fell to her face when he yanked on her weak an­kle. Her cheek con­nected with the wood floor, mak­ing spots dance in her vi­sion.

  “Shit,” she cursed and rolled to her back. She lost her knives some­where un­der the bed so she used her good foot to kick him in the side of his head. As Lorne flew into the wall, she raced out of the room and into the liv­ing room.

  Slate was stand­ing next to a kip­pie in a cage. Scream­ing, Izzy grabbed a nearby sculp­ture and swung it at Slate’s knees. Ex­pect­ing her to go for his face the Maa­hes ducked and the mar­ble con­nected with his thigh, mak­ing him fall to his knees.

  Lift­ing it over­head, she brought it down on his skull. Re­morse fil­tered through Izzy as Slate crum­pled to the ground in a heap and blood trick­led from his ears. It wasn’t un­til af­ter she’d freed the kip­pie that Izzy re­turned to make sure he was breath­ing.

  This was far more in­tense than she an­tic­i­pated and wasn’t look­ing for­ward to the next few days. She might not sur­vive train­ing to be a

  “Good job, Izzy, Troy,” Lorne said while Izzy pressed her fin­ger­tips to Slate’s throat. “Next time, stay away from the fam­ily jew­els though.”

  “Your fault, bro. You should have ex­pected that. He’s fine, Iz” Blaine as­sured her. “We didn’t leave any­thing in the apart­ment that you guys would be able to kill us with.”

  “Fuck, my head hurts,” Slate com­plained a mo­ment later.

  “Sorry,” Izzy told the knight as she climbed to her feet, winc­ing when her an­kle protested.

  As she watched Troy and the oth­ers en­ter the room, Izzy no­ticed Blaine had a black eye, and Lorne’s shirt was torn with a cut across his chest.

  “Go get that foot looked at,” Lorne in­structed her. “If you need a break in drills, let me know.”

  “I can do them. I just need some rest is all,” she in­sisted, not want­ing to be ex­cluded.

  “Have Dyson look at it and he can let me know,” Lorne in­structed in a tone that meant he wasn’t jok­ing around.

  “She will,” Troy as­sured the Maa­hes as he grabbed her hand and led her from the apart­ment, “You were fan­tas­tic. Lorne’s lucky he al­ready has his kids, or he might not be hav­ing any­more,” Troy teased.

  Izzy gig­glled and shook her head as she limped down the stairs. “I didn’t hit him that hard. I can’t be­lieve you man­aged to stop Blaine and then Lorne be­fore he could reach me. You need to show that in train­ing more of­ten.”

  Troy’s cheeks turned pink and he looked away. Once out­side, she picked up her jacket and re­al­ized she left her weapons. “Crap, I need to get my knives.”

  Troy’s hand was on her shoul­der then his arm snaked around her waist a sec­ond later. She was stunned as he pulled her flush with his body. “They will bring them back to the cas­tle.”

  Izzy wasn’t able to re­spond be­cause his lips were on hers a sec­ond later. His mouth moved over hers and he held her tighter. But­ter­flies flut­tered in her stom­ach and her core tin­gled. He’d kissed her once be­fore, and she had to ad­mit the first time was en­joy­able. Sweet and ten­der. This time was dif­fer­ent. De­mand­ing and pos­ses­sive, and it made her un­com­fort­able.

  When he licked the seam of her mouth try­ing to shove his tongue past her lips, she pushed on his chest and broke the kiss. Pant­ing, she gazed into wide eyes.

  “Why’d you do that?”

  Troy kissed her cheek then lifted his head and stared into her soul. “Be­cause you’re mine, and I couldn’t re­sist.”

  What was he talk­ing about? Did he think she was his Fated Mate? Was that even pos­si­ble? She thought about the in­sis­tent tug her mother talked about with her dad. Izzy didn’t have that with Troy. She wasn’t sure what it was, but she didn’t ob­sess over Troy like her mom had with her dad. Izzy didn’t care what he was do­ing or who he was with or when she would see him again.

  She al­ways imag­ined her body would just know when she kissed her Fated Mate. Right now her body was re­ject­ing ev­ery­thing about Troy’s ad­vances.

  “I don’t be­long to you, Troy.”

  “Yes, Izzy, you do. Why else do you think you carry the mark of a Tuya? That dragon on your shoul­der means you’re mine.”

  Izzy dis­en­tan­gled her­self from his hold and took sev­eral steps to­ward the door to the apart­ment com­plex. “No. That isn’t what it means. I’m sorry if that’s what you thought, but I’m not mat­ing you, nor am I dat­ing you.”

  With that she turned on her heels and as fast as her throb­bing an­kle al­lowed, she limped back to the apart­ment with Lorne and the oth­ers. They would get her home and she would not dam­age her friend­ship with Troy in the process.

  She was con­fused and hurt. Izzy needed space from Troy to gain clar­ity of what she was feel­ing. Part of her wanted to ex­plore that kiss and more, but in­stinct said she should stay away from the male. What that meant, if any­thing, she didn’t know but her gut said she would find out soon enough.

  * * *

  Chap­ter 13

  “Good evening, Beau­ti­ful,” Finn beamed when Talysia stepped out­side Medure Eats. He was so gor­geous it made her head spin.

  Dressed in jeans and a tight-fit­ting t-shirt, her mouth wa­tered at the ruggedly hand­some knight. Smil­ing, she lifted on her tip­toes and kissed him. The em­brace quickly heated and Finn deep­ened the kiss, tan­gling his tongue with hers. His hands roamed up and down her sides, and she in­stinc­tively lifted one of her legs and brought her core in con­tact with his groin. His hard length greeted her ac­tions, and Finn latched onto her ass while his other hand palmed one of her breasts.

  “We need to go some­where pri­vate if this is go­ing any fur­ther,” she panted when she broke the kiss.

  Eyes like shiny choco­late di­a­monds, Finn smiled down at her. “Good idea. I’m ready to rav­age your body, Song­bird.”

  Turned on and ea­ger for more, Talysia nod­ded her agree­ment. “Sounds per­fect to me.” Her head spun and her vi­sion wa­vered for a sec­ond as her de­sire spun out of con­trol.

  “C’mon, Tals,” he urged when her leg low­ered. Damn, this dragon re­ally went to her head, she thought as she stum­bled be­hind him. Her head felt like it was bob­bing in a stormy ocean. It was dis­con­cert­ing, to say the least.

  With shaky fin­gers, she tried to in­sert the key into the lock. Af­ter three tries she was no closer to lock­ing the back door to Medure. Warm fin­gers set­tled over hers. “Let me do that for you,” Finn of­fered. “Are you okay?”

  Shak­ing her head to dis­pel the dizzi­ness, she col­lapsed into Finn’s side. A soft groan left her throat. This was not right. Some­thing was se­ri­ously wrong. “I…uh…I haven’t been feel­ing well lately.”

  “Do sirens get sick?”

  Talysia’s head snapped up with his harsh de­mand. Why was he an­gry with her? Oh, he wasn’t, she thought to her­self. His eyes were pinched, and he was hold­ing her steady with an arm around her back. The slight dis­com­fort told her the rash on her back was get­ting worse.

  “Sure, like any other species,” she told him and con­tin­ued talk­ing when he opened his mouth. “We don’t get sick like hu­mans, if that’s what you’re ask­ing, but there are ail­ments that can af­fect us.”

  “Does it feel like a com­mon ill­ness for your kind? I won­der if Dyson missed some­thing, and you ac­tu­ally were in­fected by that par­a­site weeks ago.”

  Had it been weeks, she won­dered. It seemed as if she just met Finn, but the bomb­ing at Ray­nah Beach oc­curred a lit­tle over three weeks be­fore. Of course, the at­tacks kept com­ing non-stop since then. It was ex­haust­ing to think about how much Finn rushed to var­i­ous bat­tles al­most daily.

  The de­mands on his time meant they hadn’t had time to re­ally ex­plore each other. He’d given her sev­eral mind-blow­ing or­gasms, but she had yet to feel him in­side her body. Now, it seemed her health was go­ing to stop them.

  She was be­gin­ning to think there was some force con­spir­ing to keep them apart. No, she told her­self. It was bet­ter this way. Nor­mally, she would have fol­lowed her li­bido and jumped into bed too soon which would lead to heartache.

  More times than she cared to re­mem­ber, Talysia met a male and they jumped right into a phys­i­cal re­la­tion­ship. One of them would in­evitably de­velop deeper feel­ings than the other and once they got to know each other there was no way to end things with­out some­one get­ting hurt.

  With Finn, they spent more time talk­ing than any­thing else and she’d come to know him. Even bet­ter was she had yet to dis­cover a trait of his that she didn’t like.


  Heat crept up her cheeks when she re­al­ized he was wait­ing for her to an­swer his ques­tion about her health while she was con­tem­plat­ing the state of their re­la­tion­ship. Thank the Gods he couldn’t read her mind.

rry. I’m not sure, ac­tu­ally. I’ve only been ill a cou­ple of times in my life. I don’t think it’s the par­a­site. I haven’t been cough­ing or had trou­ble breath­ing. It’s prob­a­bly just fa­tigue. I haven’t been sleep­ing very well.”

  “That’s be­cause a hand­some dragon keeps vis­it­ing at odd hours,” Finn teased. “Let’s get you checked out any­way.”

  Talysia wasn’t so sure about that. “You check me out enough, wouldn’t you say?” she flirted, hop­ing to side­track him.

  A chuckle left Finn’s throat. “I need you in good health for what I have planned.”

  “I’m fit as a horse. It’s just a lit­tle dizzi­ness. Noth­ing to worry about,” she promised.

  Finn wrapped his arms around her shoul­ders and led her to­ward the beach. Enough time had passed that fam­i­lies were re­turn­ing to the coast and en­joy­ing sunny days to­gether in the wa­ter.

  The beach area was still a cou­ple of steps down from the board­walk, but the Maa­hes pro­tect­ing the area re­moved the fallen trees ev­ery time they changed shifts, so barely any de­bris re­mained in the vicin­ity.

  Talysia’s legs shook as she fol­lowed Finn. She wasn’t cer­tain where he was go­ing, but she rec­og­nized some of the group he seemed to be headed to­wards. There were two males and a fe­male sit­ting with their backs to them, so she wasn’t able to see their faces, but she rec­og­nized Izzy, Blaze, and their friends.

  “Sire,” Finn called out. One of the males turned his head and waved at Finn, mak­ing Talysia’s heart race.

  “That’s why there are so many knights here to­day,” she asked as she un­der­stood.

  Finn’s hand rubbed up and down her arm. “Yes. The queen and her brother visit reg­u­larly and since he is the King of the Stoor­worm they pre­fer to meet here.”

  Good to see you again, Talysia,” the Cuele­bre Queen said with a wave of her hand. There was a lit­tle girl that had An­gus’s black hair and green eyes, but she looked so much like Keira that there was no mis­tak­ing she was her mother.


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