Trade World Saga

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Trade World Saga Page 65

by Ken Pence

  “Captain, that is room service bringing your food and drink. Do you wish me to unlock your door and let him in?” the computer queried.

  “Can he get in if I do not wish him to get in?” asked the Captain.

  “No. It would take the hotel manager and security observers to enter a room without the consent of an occupant. When your room is not occupied, the hotel staff cleans your room and clears any trash if allowed by the guest. Do you wish to let him in?”

  The Captain thought through what he had been told. “Let him in and clean my room when I leave. Have my men ordered anything?”

  “Allow entry this time and room cleaning when unoccupied…acknowledged. Your crew has not used the computer in their rooms,” the computer replied.

  “Send them no more than one bottle of house wine each and enough food appropriate for Tros,” he said as a being came rolling in with a cart full of small wine bottles, glasses, fruits, and vegetables – even jalapenos. This negotiation may take us a few days if this is how we are treated – many days, he thought.

  The crew could not take their eyes off the three dimensional programs playing on the wall displays until the wall asked them if they would allow someone to bring food and drink into their room. Most sprang for their hand weapons and aimed at the door until the wall said that their captain had ordered the food and drink for them. They were very suspicious about this service because the captain had never done anything like this for them before. One of the savvy Tros remembered that the captain was getting this all free and they relaxed when he mentioned that fact.

  The bottles were confusing until the being showed them how they opened by twisting off the top and pouring the liquid into glasses. He also demonstrated a drink called grape juice. Once one of them tasted that drink – it was consumed in moments. The wine was like nothing they had tasted either and it went almost as fast as the apples – the pears were eaten whole. They asked the room service person when they were supposed to get up and he went over to the wall and asked the computer as he had been shown. The computer answered and this led to more questions and demonstrations by a few of the Tros while the others went back to munching in front of the wall displays. The Exploration Service would not have the trouble they had lately in recruiting if duty like this was described. This was tromping.


  The ES crew and their captain were awakened in the morning and they went down to one of the hotel restaurants. The food was excellent and the ES personnel were in a good mood when the armed escort arrived. The crew was a bit uncomfortable with armed soldiers in silver uniforms. Some of them were almost as large as the Ullumff captain. The walk to the embassy was short and refreshing. The embassy itself had strong outside walls and extensive security. The conference room where they were guided had appropriate props for resting around a large table. There were extensive refreshments all around the room. Diplomat Beasley and Will Castellano were there with several more of the diplomatic staff.

  Captain Umma preempted Donald Beasley’s welcome by stating, “Why are we here? Your hospitality is pleasant but what do you hope to gain? We have a saying that finding food in plenty normally means it belongs to someone else. What do you want from the Exploration Service?” Captain Umma.

  Beasley started to answer but Lieutenant Commander Castellano put his hand on Donald’s arm and responded.

  “We do want something, Captain. We need your help. We are new to travel throughout the stars and our people will be trading on many planets inside and outside the Exploration Service confederation. We want you to know that you can rely on the Earth Regulatory Force for assistance,” Castellano said.

  Umma snorted and the ES side of the room was full of interesting smells the humans now recognized as disgust and disbelief.

  “What assistance can you give us other than a nice room and food? Is this what you mean?” the captain asked.

  “No, Captain. The good room and food was to put you in a good mood so you would listen to us,” Castellano said and Beasley tried to stop him. “No. I will not lie to him, Captain,” Will said turning back to the ES group. “We are prepared to offer you advanced Earth technology and reinforcement when attacked.”

  Captain Umma sat quietly for a few moments and showed no sign that they could read from his body language. He leaned forward and said, “Earth technology is very expensive. Why are your products so expensive then when my people buy them? We have bought calculators on other planets.”

  Will Castellano thought of another of his Sicilian grandfather’s sayings: La scarsizza fa lu prezzu. English translation: Scarcity sets the price but he said, “We set prices to the public on our costs to manufacture, transport, and market. When you buy from someone else who bought Earth technology you have to pay more.”

  “I understand profit as I have a cousin who is a trader. I also know that technology makes you dependent on the supplier of the technology for parts and service. Many times, the supplier hides how the technology works. That also makes you dependent. The Exploration Service will not become dependent and does not have a budget for expensive Earth products and your expensive hotel and food,” Umma said and they could smell the sweet cinnamon like smell of anger from him as his lurched to his feet.

  “Wait – wait…please, Captain. That is not what we want or need,” said Diplomat Beasley. “We are prepared to offer you the technology in toto.”

  “What does that mean?” the Captain said in a deep voice that sounded menacing as hell.

  “We will give you some very advanced weapons, computers, star drive improvements, and instantaneous communications. We don’t have enough for the Exploration Service but we can show you how it is made and provide parts and service. We cannot give it away free to everyone,” he said.

  The Ullumff Captain snorted in his equivalent of laughter. He was thinking that here is the insect in the drink – meaning here it comes…

  “We will give you – at no charge – whatever spare equipment we have if you will protect Earth shipments and trade as we will protect other ES shipments. We want a mutual assistance agreement,” Beasley said.

  “You cannot expect helping one squadron of ES will cause me to sign an agreement for the entire Service. These technologies do not exist anyway,” he said.

  “Captain,” Lieutenant Castellano said. “I guarantee you that they do. We will demonstrate all that we named. I have general instructions to help you become stronger. Captain, what is the top speed of your cruiser?”

  The Captain snorted again. “I will not tell you that fact,” he said and they smelled his disgust scent.

  “My top speed for the Osprey is almost 1,500 times the speed of light. Our shuttles can travel over 700 times the speed of light,” he said.

  “Impossible,” said Umma, “Why would you say such things?”

  “Captain, I want you to be our ally here. I want to give you the advantage over enemies. I cannot be your ally and let your ships and men be destroyed. Earth will not let friends be hurt without helping if we can. Captain. We can communicate instantaneously up to 104 standard light years. Your standard years are a bit shorter than Earth years.”

  “Now I know you are lying,” said the Captain.

  Will turned and motioned to one of his men. The man nodded and left through a side door and rolled a cart in with three 60 cm square boxes and assorted other controls and antennas. “These are three communication sets that will let you communicate over that distance instantly.”

  “Impossible…” said the Captain.

  “It works so it must be possible. It does not let you send pictures or sound yet but it will let you send short and long pulses using whatever codes you want. It is the only set we have extra. Only the matched boxes will work with other matched boxes. Our boxes cannot work with your boxes. It is new for us too. We can demonstrate the drive enhancements for you. They require lamlee to make them work.”

  “Where are we supposed to get lamlee? I told you we only have a small budget,”
said the Captain.

  “Captain, we will give you as many lamlee as you need and extras for spares. Give – not sell,” Beasley said.

  “Captain,” Castellano said. “Since you do not believe these technologies yet will you believe your eyes…” Castellano motioned to the open door.

  The room was quiet for a few moments and the Earth delegation quietly put their hands palm down on the table and turned to the wall near the open door. The ES crew also turned that way and three of them slid their molecular disruptors out of their holsters.

  Castellano said, “Do not be alarmed – this is just a demonstration. Now.”

  Three figures appeared against the wall. Their appearance startled the crew. The three who had their weapons partially drawn brought them up and fired at the figures. The figures did not try to retaliate but instead took off their helmets and stood at attention with their helmets under their arms.

  Captain Umma shouted, “You #$%^@&*@#). Put those weapons away. They do nothing.”

  The Earth delegation was trying to look as non-threatening as they could right at that moment. It had been a risky gamble but Castellano thought this revelation would be needed.

  “You said you would give us technology – we want this technology,” the Captain stated while pointing at the soldiers in suits and the Earth delegation smelled the acrid smell of surprise and curiosity.

  “I can not give you this technology,” Castellano said.

  “I thought so,” said the Captain. “The first thing I want and you say you will not give it to me.”

  “Captain, I have no suits that would fit your crew and I do not have the equipment here to manufacture more. I will show you how it is done if you will pledge to keep the techniques secret to those outside the Exploration Service,” Castellano said.

  Beasley leaned over to Castellano. “Don’t you think you went a little overboard on your old instructions to… help the ES folks if you get a chance and even show them some of our tech. Doesn’t this put Earth at risk.”

  “Look, Donald. We are going to run into some bad actors out here. It’s just me with the Osprey and a few soldiers out here right now. I haven’t had any communication with Earth in months. If you are being beaten up in an alley – who do you want coming to save your ass? Three feeble old ladies hobbling down the street or three big brothers who are going to kick your enemies butt? Our tech is going to filter out there so I want the good guys to have it first – at least, not last.”

  “When do we get this demonstration? When do we eat? I am hungry from all this talking, “ said the Captain as the three suited men marched out of the room.

  “Do you drink alcoholic beverages this early in the day?” asked Castellano.

  It was then and there that they knew they could work out a deal. Captain Umma said. “We have a saying in the Exploration Service…we only drink during nighttime…but it is always nighttime somewhere on the planet.”

  The negotiations soon went much better.

  The Demo

  The Exploration Service, Earth Diplomatic Service, and the Earth Regulatory Force personnel…bonded the rest of the afternoon during negotiations and the impromptu party afterward. Castellano saw Senior Chief Traci Warrington coming out of an adjacent room followed by one of the female attaches to the embassy. Traci was getting a little long on the tooth for such young talent so the lieutenant commander walked over to the young lady who was straightening her hair. Castellano looked at Traci and then faced the young lady with a raised eyebrow.

  She looked at Traci and smiled. “Good but lacks stamina,” she said appraising her assignation with Senior Chief Warrington. Castellano held his hands up in front while thinking about another of his grandfather’s sayings: Lignu vecchiu megghiu adduma ma cchiù prestu si cunsuma. English translation: Old wood lights better but burns out quicker.


  Everyone was near his or her ship the next morning. The ES Captain had finally agreed, provisionally, that they would protect Earth ships and trade in this sector if the speed enhancements and communications worked. Captain Umma was dubious but ship captains had to always look for improvements or they would be soon outclassed. He had been forced to give way to criminals once before and he was not about to let it happen again.

  Four ES observers were on the Osprey and techs were installing the quantum entanglement communications on the three Exploration Service ships. The ES communications officers were pleased because they still used a great deal of communications using coded short and long pulses. They couldn’t wait to try it out and did so at close range just to get a feel. They planned to separate an hour of travel time in opposite directions to measure performance. The observers on the Osprey were going to test speed and performance of the shuttle versus the top speed of the Osprey. Captain Umma was on his smallest ship, as he did not trust drive modifications on his cruiser. The tech came on board and opened a container for the captain to see. It contained over 100 lamlee!

  “Would it take this many to improve the drive? There are not that many anywhere,” he told the tech.

  “Captain, I am to tell you and no one else how these work. You decide whom else you tell. Is that acceptable?” the tech asked.

  “Yes,” said the Captain thinking furiously. This would assure his career … or ruin it.

  The tech watched as the Captain made the other crew leave the engine room.

  The tech said, “Captain. We used ten per ship but you have to think while you place them in the drive circuitry.”

  “I always think,” said the Captain in a voice even the tech thought sounded indignant.

  “No. No. Think about your ship going faster because of these lamlee. We found they do not work unless they have contact with your skin while you are placing them and you visualize what you want them to do. Apparently, the molecular circuitry is managed by telepathy.”

  “What was that last word t-lep-thi? It is not a word in Trade,” asked the Captain.

  “It means communication mind-to-mind,” said the tech.

  “That is impossible,” said Umma.

  “I thought so too but it does not work any other way,” said the tech.

  The Captain snorted but carefully counted out ten lamlee and placed them in the diffuser housing while thinking of his ship outracing an Earth ship. All ES ship Captains had to study star drive mechanisms so he knew where it should do the most good. He thought, we would observe the results of this action. He looked sternly at the human tech.

  The human tech thought, I sure hope this shit works.


  Aboard the shuttle Albert, inherited from the Odin, Oakley sat with the ES observer. The observer was in a bulky suit compared to Oakley’s but seemed comfortable and excited. The observer reported they were ready to start and Oakley sent the craft hurtling away at top speed for a div as planned. He then held the craft steady and let the observer check his instruments. He went through them again and then called the observers on the Osprey.

  “This shuttle traveled at 712 times light speed. I checked our position and time twice. We are coming back,” said the ES observer over the radio and then sent a confirming message over the Earth quantum entanglement system. He had started his timer, a precious Earth watch, so he would know how long after he got back he could expect the radio signal.


  Captain Umma was preparing to test their new communications and drive aboard the small ES vessel. He returned to the bridge and commanded the communications officer to send a continual message over the new communications system to his large vessel.

  “Full speed when you are ready navigator,” Umma announced.

  “Confirmed to engage at full speed for one div as planned,” said the navigator and the ship did so.

  “Captain,” the navigator said excitedly after he had finished taking readings of their position. “We traveled at 1,500 lights. The communications system is now working captain but it stopped while we were moving. We have the fastest ship in the f

  The Captain looked at the human tech, passed gas and said, ”Soon this will be one of the fastest ships in the fleet. About as fast as the Earth Regulatory Force ships – our new allies. Take us back to my cruiser before they test the range of the communication device. Full speed – engage.”

  “Full speed Engage – confirmed,” said the navigator.


  It did not take the Captain long to retrofit his other two ships. He looked like a teenager who just got his first new car, thought Castellano.

  “Lieutenant Commander Will Castellano,” Umma said while walking to stand directly in front of him. You also mentioned weapons. I apologize for not believing you. A ship that is fast can only run away – I want sharp teeth.”

  “There are two things we can do to increase your effectiveness. I see you have lasers but they are weak. We can increase their effectiveness and we can show you how to build missiles that go through ship fields. I recommend we upgrade all your weapons and targeting before you split up and test distant communications. I would not want to be caught upgrading without cover. We can have all ships guard while each is upgraded,” Castellano said.

  “Teeth first. Where will we do this work and who will do it?” asked Umma.

  “Here are coordinates just outside the city where we did the upgrades on the Osprey. We already have a small dock there. Let us put a ship overhead and the Osprey paired with one of yours for communications off planet. That will let you deploy your cruiser wherever you think,” Castellano said.

  “I do not like to take plans from others,” Umma said.

  “You suggest a plan,” said Castellano.

  Umma paused, “We must be ready and this plan is reasonable. I will order it now.”

  Castellano agreed and ordered the Osprey to coordinate with the ES ships. One landed and the work crews hurried out to it. Castellano told Shuma to figure out some way to make duplicate missiles at least as good as the Earth designs. I told him money was no object and he perked up because he loved to make new things.


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