Trade World Saga

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Trade World Saga Page 93

by Ken Pence

  “The Allung looted this station and set up a nuclear device to destroy the evidence. The Allung took facility workers and trusted traders as slaves. Exactly how did we destroy your center?”

  “The Allung were running from you. They got the jump information from you,” said the Ylee. “You brought unnecessary attention to this planet and our station.”

  Lee Post had reached a decision and spoke, “You stole the jump technology yourselves. You steal the lamlee from another race. You have no idea on how to manufacture lamlee. Tell us where you get them.”

  The room was shocked but they had never heard Lee Post utter a statement that wasn’t true or helpful. Andrew trusted him enough to let him continue.

  “We will not tell you. We created you in our form. We are your masters,” said the Ylee.

  “I understand your statements. We will return you to a nearby Ylee water world with complete facilities built for your race. Will this be acceptable? You can stay there until the next Ylee ship comes by – we saw one Ylee there a few days ago and will not interfere if you decide to stay or want to leave,” he said and transferred a data file he had been accumulating to Octi.

  “That is the correct attitude to have,” said the Ylee.

  Octi immediately sent two to escort the refuge Ylee to the water-covered moon at Upsilon Sagittarii. Octi’s crew was to escort them there – which they did as soon as they could be transferred from the battered Phoenix to the recovered Ylee ship. Octi made the shortest interstellar visit in history. He transferred the two Ylee to his old water covered moon at Upsilon Sagittarii. He then transferred the data file from Lee Post to all the remaining lamlee-shaped Ylee that had remained on the water moon. Those remaining would treat the two Ylee in the style they deserved. Octi returned back to the expedition and reported to Lee Post.

  “The two Ylee were unhappy when they found out none of our lamlee brothers would serve them. They will have a difficult time staying alive with the destroyed ecosystem of that moon…exactly what they deserve. I agree with your assumptions Commander. I realize why there are no Ylee in this region of space now but they were not so technically ahead of the Allung to cause such a fear reaction,” Octi said to Lee Post.

  “I think they have been living on bluffs so long they made themselves believe they were superior. The humans’ secret weapon is they are so adaptable. They treated progeny as equals from the start,” Lee Post stated.


  “What’s our status?” Andrew asked Tod.

  “The Phoenix arose again from the ashes and we have added many improvements to this old battleship. The Allung ran away from the planetoid but got hit by slicers once and we lost three ships with all crew. Like us, our own slicers hit several ships when the Allung jammed our IFF system. We think we got all the ships under Cetosme’s command. I’ve reported results back to Earth. I expect a rapid response,” Tod said.

  “What about the planet this trade center was orbiting? Why are we still orbiting here? The planet is in the habitable zone and I can see rivers, lakes, and small seas…axial tilt or something else wrong with it? Is it safe?”

  “Don’t know much about it. The planet seems to be an anomaly. It has some primitive life on it. The Ylee seem to keep traders away from it for some reason. We are scanning it but we’ve been preoccupied getting casualty lists and repairs. The settler ships have been a big help getting us back up to speed. They have some experts in manufacturing and wanted to help. It has really speeded repairs. We’re a bit more leery of facing something new right now. We’re down three ships,” Tod explained.

  “Keep me apprised. Dex reports aren’t as complete as I want. When is the memorial service?” Andrew asked.

  “We sent the courier to Earth when we finished the list of those killed. It is scheduled for later today. We don’t have many in medical?” Tod said knowing battles in space leave few wounded. “We’ll hold it on the planetoid flight deck because it has the largest open area.”

  Commodore Williams and Commander Schroeder were startled when their Dexs beeped.

  “Looks like we have important company…a battleship and two destroyers from Earth with Admiral Kyger. We’re being invited to meet with him. Shall we?” Tod Schroeder asked.


  Commodore Williams and Commander Schroeder eyed the newly commissioned battleship, Antares, as they approached. It looked like a sophisticated racecar designer had produced it. It was a slightly flattened tube with gently rounded protuberances that served as laser gun ports. On board, it was a beauty and even smelled new. They landed their shuttle and stepped out in the huge bay only to be met by Admiral Kyger himself and two escorts.

  “Welcome to the Antares. We need to talk…and not here,” Brad said in a serious tone.

  They all walked in silence to a small conference room nearby and sat down.

  “Admiral? We didn’t expect you,” Andrew said questioningly.

  “Keeps the troops on their toes to have the old man visit unannounced. You two have been busy,” he paused as an aide came in with a bottle of Jack Black, glasses, and ice. “Gentlemen,” Admiral Kyger said in such a manner as to make them see that they were going to need a drink. “First the good news. I am transferring this battleship and two destroyers to your command. I’ll be going back after the memorial service. The crews and a few improvements in weapons go along with it. I’m sure you’ve got battle experience and improvements of your own. I understand Rett came up with an improvement for suits that we want.”

  Andrew looked around at Tod with raised eyebrows and Tod nodded affirmative.

  “I also hear he has a romantic interest now,” Brad said and they both smiled and nodded about the reference to Rett and the rescued Tros captain.

  “We’ve upgraded the slicer software to make it less susceptible to jamming. Sorry we couldn’t get it to you sooner. We have a load on board that are much smaller but produce as much damage. We’ve upped the power of the lasers a bit too,” Admiral Kyger said.

  “The new ships aren’t the reason you’re here, is it Admiral?” Andrew asked.

  “No. It’s the public outrage.”

  “Several reasons…first of all a video compilation leaked,” Brad stated, “…then we got hit with the genocide of Omega Sagittarii III.”

  “What…were the settlers wiped out? They were a bunch of self-righteous bastards but I’d hate to see them wiped out.”

  “No…the indigenous natives were wiped out,” Brad said shaking his head.

  “Damn. How’d it happen?” Andrew asked.

  “A virus killed them all?” Brad said, “Before you ask… It was an engineered virus…engineered by a couple of scientists to kill the locals. I want you, Commodore, to go to Omega Sagittarii III and straighten that out. The public wants blood and I do too. Figure out a way to resolve the issue – find out who is involved.”

  Tod spoke up, “You mentioned the public was outraged by a video compilation. Was the video from Omega III?”

  “No…it was leaked in mail from here. It was a compilation of videos from your expedition. Everyone on Earth and most of the trade planets has seen it and they are angry.”

  “At us?” Andrew asked.

  “No…at the Ylee and the Allung mainly. They have videos from ships and personal combat videos. The scenes were copied into games and they use them for everything from political ads to advertising,” Admiral Kyger explained. “I have some samples…on the screen behind you.”

  Andrew and Tod watched some of the media reports showing select clips taken from the leaked videos. Then they watched commentary about other clips and then some of the normally censured, personal battle scenes. To say it was violent and bloody would downplay the terms. It showed Allung killing ERF and brutally slaughtering slaves when the ERF could not prevent it. It showed ERF fighting to save trapped refugees. There was a summary of the Ylee response to their rescue. The public outrage was beyond vehement – it was vitriolic.

  “What did you do wit
h the Ylee we rescued?” Admiral Kyger asked.

  Andrew told him about the eternal exile of the Ylee without peers or support on the water moon.

  Admiral Kyger asked for more details and started laughing so hard he got a headache. He said, “I want you to come up with a solution to the genocide.”

  “What about continuing the expedition? We still have to find planet for the colonists,” Andrew questioned.

  “Go fix Omega Sagittarii III. Break in your new ships. The expedition can wait. Besides…. from what I hear there is a virgin planet right below us,” Kyger said.


  The memorial service was hours long so they could acknowledge everyone who had been killed. There weren’t bodies except in rare cases. Admiral Kyger had reviewed records compiled by the command computer on the planetoid. It provided a list of names and specifications for medals for the rescue operation battles. Names and video clips went to their superiors with recommendations for different medals. All the Toi troopers and progeny went to the award ceremony as well as the ERF troops. Awards were given out to the living – it still took an awful sacrifice or act of bravery to get an award. Admiral Kyger presented major awards. Commodore Williams’s dex records were recovered in spite of the damage and he was awarded the Legion of Merit award and Rett got a Bronze Star. Chiefs Mayerchak and Warrington were awarded silver stars.

  Admiral Kyger and staff left in the morning on a courier frigate after the change of command ceremony where he and Commodore inspected the personnel of the Antares.


  Andrew put Lee Post in charge. He was ordered to find out if the rocky planet could support life for the new colonists and survey any nearby systems – in force. Andrew assigned the two new destroyers to the expedition fleet for training and assigned two destroyers with experienced crews to accompany the Antares back to Omega Sagittarii III. Captain Shuler and Ling were on one of the destroyers.


  It was a day trip these days to go from Mu Sagittarii to Omega Sagittarii. They met the destroyer of progeny to get a full briefing when they arrived in orbit.

  “Captain, let me know what happened. When did you first discover this issue and what steps have you taken,” Commodore Williams asked the commanding officer of the destroyer.

  “We didn’t know, Commodore. The inhabitants had been negotiating a land deal with the settlers in exchange for transport to the large continent. Evidently the settlers were buying time to develop an engineered virus that would not be lethal until it had infected all the locals. It was lethal but it didn’t kill its victims right away. It allowed time to spread first and it was one designed as first; a contact virus and then spread through contact, airborne, and waste products. It seems to have been spread by spray when the settlers inspected rural villages. They were thorough,” said the progeny captain.

  “Did you isolate the virus? How persistent is it? Did it get into the ecosystem? Does it affect any other species” Andrew asked.

  “We finally isolated it. It breaks down in a short time and was designed to kill the indigenous species only. It is in the ecosystem but there have been no mass deaths other than the natives.”

  “Do you know who is responsible?”

  “We do, Commodore. We have isolated those who affirmed it and those that developed and delivered it.”

  “Round up all those that were involved in the decision,” Andrew said seething at the enormity of the conspiracy.


  Later that morning the five leaders of the expedition and a good number of the settlers had been assembled. They had been rousted out onto the large plaza. They had been living in the homes of the natives. They stood before Commodore Williams and the crews of the ERF.

  “Why are we here, Commodore? This is outside the laws of Earth – you cannot deny us this planet now that it is unclaimed. Who is to say that a natural disease didn’t kill all these creatures,” said Roy Barnes, the head of settler council.

  “We have confirmed that your people created the virus. We have detailed all the discussions and electronic messages and data used to create it. I was sent here to make sure this does not happen again.”

  Roy Barnes looked around. “This isn’t any worse than the Europeans giving blankets of smallpox victims knowingly to the Indians.”

  “That is an excellent example, Mister Barnes,” Andrew said and looked each council member in the eye. Two of them looked down at the ground. “I’m curious. Why? Why with a whole world to control you couldn’t be satisfied?”

  Barnes spoke up. “They wanted us to fly them over the oceans to build on the other continents. We couldn’t have them moving in on our land. God gave us this opportunity and the knowledge to do this quickly and cleanly.”

  Andrew gritted his teeth. “Who voted for it? I already know but I want you to raise your hands high. Be proud of doing God’s work.”

  One more hand went up beside Barnes. One hand tentatively was raised a little.

  “So three of you voted for it,” Andrew said. “Put your hands back down. What about you two? What did you say?”

  The fourth man lifted his head. “I abstained. I didn’t vote,” he said proudly.

  Andrew went to the last of the five. “What’s your name?”

  “Steve Dozier, sir. I thought it was horrendous and told them so,” Dozier said.

  “What should we do about it?” Andrew asked the crowd.

  “Let us build this world. You have no rights here. This is our world now. Come on people. We have rights,” shouted the man trying to rally the settlers.

  Andrew lifted his Dex, which identified the man. “Ah. Doctor Schneider I assume.” Andrew had more Progeny troops move into the crowd at strategic points.

  Andrew rubbed his temples with his hand and then looked up. “My name is Commodore Andrew Williams of the Earth Auxiliary Force. You have violated no Earth laws here. You say God gave you this planet. This planet will now be declared to have an official name. It shall be called SHAME as long as any of you here now are alive. An Exploration Service treaty that protects planets with intelligent indigenous life binds my forces. This planet qualified. I am in charge of this sector. It is my responsibility to make sure this does not happen again.”

  Andrew drew his molecular disruptor in the blink of an eye and disassociated the atoms of Reverend Roy Barnes. One moment he was there and the next he was gone. All around the plaza the same had happened to thirty-one of the four hundred eighty three settlers present. People started looking around and crying but it happened so fast that they were still in shock. The progeny troops had done their duty in that same blink of an eye and in a second, all people culpable for the genocide were erased. The troops were moving away from the crowd and back to their ships. Those guilty were not given a lengthy trial where sentiment could build for or against them. Some of the settlers had done something they would never have considered on Earth.

  All but a few of the troops had returned to their ships by this time. Wives of a few of the missing were going through the crowd trying to find their husband who would never be returning. Some just sat down and sobbed. Four of the five council members were gone.

  Commodore Williams again addressed the crowd using the combined speakers of the Dexs in the crowd. “The people who are gone purposely plotted to murder all the native men, women and children of this world. I expect you to build a shrine for the natives of this planet explaining to any visitors what transpired here. We will come back in one Earth year to make sure that is completed satisfactorily – if it is not complete – I will confiscate your ships and none of you here now will ever leave.”

  “Your children may leave – but I will leave patrols in orbit to protect others from you. You wanted a planet to call your own – it is yours. Settlers may still come here. You may freely travel to other continents on this planet but you best build a shrine commemorating what your people did to the natives. Steve Dozier is in charge for now. We will leave you alone and you can give a
new planet to your children. I have sent a list of my statements here today to all your computers. It contains recorded documents and statements of those involved in murdering the natives. I suggest you review them often and have your children review them.”

  From the Journal of Ling Tanaka

  The crew talked about the judgment of Commodore Williams…a lot. Some thought it was over the top and some thought we should have killed them all. I thought it was pretty cool – I sure wouldn’t have wanted to make the decision. On Earth, there would have been a big media circus trial and then most of them would have gotten life or a job in a pharmaceutical company. This was faster and gave a great story that could be repeated as an object lesson. Drawn out stories don’t get repeated. We sent a report to Earth and returned to Mu Sagittarii.

  The Enigma

  The report from Shame (Omega Sagittarii III) seemed to satisfy the Admiral and the public on Earth. It started a lot of discussions but sentiment was leaning toward the ERF as a respected force. Lee Post contacted Andrew immediately upon their return to Mu Sagittarii.

  Lee Post seemed worried when he walked into the conference room. Andrew had never seen him this way before.

  “What’s up?” Andrew asked. “Why the big hush-hush meeting?”

  “We found something on the planet below. It’s not like anything we’ve seen before. It’s an enclosure – it’s running but it seems really – really ancient. There are a lot of Ylee artifacts nearby but I don’t think they built it. It looks like they’ve been trying to get into it for a long time without success,” Lee said and started pacing.

  He was picking up a lot of human facets, Andrew thought. “What type artifacts?”

  “Most of them we recognized,” Lee said.

  “How many know about this place?” Andrew asked. “You did say we.”

  “All the progeny and I told Rett and his mate recently.”


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