Lost Girl (Rosewood Realm Book 2)

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Lost Girl (Rosewood Realm Book 2) Page 14

by Dee Garcia


  Seconds later, Tavi’s turning back to me, plucking a berry from the napkin. Chocolatey irises on me, he brings it up to his lips and takes a full bite.

  “You heard him, save him some,” I chide, rapt on the way his throat bobs through a swallow.

  “I do what I want, little wolf.”

  “Figured as much.”

  Tossing the leafy end into the sink, he reaches for another and repeats the same action, dragging it along my lips a second time. “Take another bite.” He pins me with that intense stare.

  “Tavi.” My eyes cut to the hallway. “He’s…”

  In my face.

  The man is in my face, adamant as ever. “Take. Another bite.”

  It’s clear I’m not getting out of this. Whether Soren is here or not, he doesn’t give a fuck, and maybe I shouldn’t either. It’s all harmless fun anyway.


  Stares entwined, I open my mouth for him. Tavi slides the strawberry in a ways more, urging me to sink my teeth into it.

  I do, savoring the sweet stream that rolls across my tongue and down my throat. I’m mid-chew when he downs what’s left of the fruit, tosses the leafy end with the others, and reaches up to cup one side of my face. His lips dancing at my ear have me sucking in a heap of air.

  “Not entirely sure there really needs to be a record of this, but in case there is or, you know, you find yourself curious...he’s not wrong,” he whispers.

  “About what?” I struggle to keep my eyes open as a shiver zips down my spine.

  Tavi chuckles, darker than I’ve yet to hear before. “I do like them juicy, that’s what.”

  Self-combustion begins in three…



  I’m so fucked.

  ♫ You And Me - Lifehouse ♫

  It’s been ten days.

  Ten days since Wendy miscarried Peter’s baby.

  Ten days since I stopped going home.

  Ten days since the real torture began because, yes, sleeping beside Wendy every night is proving to be pure-fucking-torture. I don't even think she realizes what she does in her sleep. How she rolls into me and buries herself against me. Sometimes she'll throw a leg over mine, too. Every little movement wakes me up and the more she curls into me, the more I can't help but let my arms fall around her. It's like the second she presses herself against me—so flush that I can feel her nipples grazing my chest—I just swallow her up.

  Inhale her deeply and listen to the steady beat of her heart.

  And give myself blue balls while I'm at it, apparently.

  In all actuality, it’s just her. Everything she does appeals to me, everything about her appeals to me. My instincts are raging on a constant basis, whispering all the ways I should claim her, how she is and will be mine.

  But she’s not, and she never will be.

  Quieting that voice seems to be an impossible task, though, one that amounts more by the day and weighs heavily on my shoulders, especially when she hasn’t mentioned going home again. I haven’t brought it up, either. The way I see it is, if and when the time comes and she finally does voice that desire, then I’ll make good on my promise and get her there. Until then, my selfish ass is relishing—and thoroughly indulging—every minute I’m allowed to spend with her.

  Which is more than I thought I’d get without interruption at all. I’d expected Hook and his leeches to show up by now, declaring some sort of war, but they haven’t. Leads me to wonder why when I know they’re fully aware of how she got out at this point.

  How do I know this? My sister. She warned me the day Pa went to confess to Hook. I’d say I’m disappointed he actually ratted me out, but like I told Soren from day one, I knew he would. As a result, the boys and I have been prepared for an ambush situation. Whether that’ll actually happen or not isn’t a given, but we’re ready either way.

  Let him come for me. I promise he’ll regret it.

  "Well, well, boys—looks like Soren’s brought a visitor," Niko hollers above the sounds of construction.

  Hammer mid-air, I turn in time to catch Soren walking onto the lot—with Wendy at his side.

  My expression must say it all because he offers a sheepish smile, shoulders creeping up to his ears. "She wanted to come see what we've been working on. I suggested otherwise but—"

  "I insisted.” Wendy flashes me an innocent smile. "This is amazing."

  Setting the hammer onto the top of the ladder, I jump off and skip down the steps of the porch over to them. "And she's not even done yet. But you”—I bop the tip of her nose—“You think you're slick. You're supposed to be resting.”

  Wendy sighs exaggeratedly and rolls her eyes. "I've been laying in that bed for days. I'm tired of staring at the wall."

  "It's only been a few days."

  "Ten days too long,” she corrects, making it a point to stress the timeframe. “That’s almost two weeks. I promise I’m fine, Tavi. No pain or anything.”

  "Fresh air's good for her, Tav," Cortez chimes, whipping my head in his direction. Calm the fuck down, dude, I can all but hear in his pointed stare.

  "Thank you.” Wendy beams at him, offering a dainty little curtsy. "Cortez, right?"

  "Yes ma'am." He grins. “The one and only.”

  "Oh, God, no,” she visibly cringes, “please don't call me ma’am. Wendy is fine.”

  Cortez and the boys all chuckle in unison. “Wendy it is then,” he agrees.

  “Sooo are you going to show me around or..." That’s directed at me as those inquisitive blues bore into the side of my face, prompting me to tip my head toward the house.

  "Come on." I hold my hand out for her, which she takes without hesitance, lacing our fingers together.

  Snickers resound as I lead her up the steps and into the house, but are soon replaced with more hammering and drilling at my lack of a reaction.

  We stop just beyond the threshold, what will soon be considered the foyer. "That's all she wrote, for now anyway.” I motion around the blank slate.

  The structure is complete, including all of the windows and the interior walls, but the roof is only halfway done. Once that’s complete, installations can begin.

  "It's so open yet surprisingly cozy,” she muses, taking it all in. “No fireplace though?"

  "There will be, right over there. Here, let me show you.” I guide her further in, positioning her right in the middle of the room. “This will be the common area. The fireplace will go up against this wall. Behind us is the kitchen and on the opposite side I want to add some built-in shelves and put in a piano for my sister."

  Wendy spins around in a flash. "She plays?" The astonished lilt in her voice doesn’t go unnoticed, neither does the bewilderment coloring her expression.

  "She does,” I nod, “and she's really good. I used to love listening to her practice when we were younger."

  "Well, maybe I'll play a tune or two for you, too.” She tosses in a little wink as she shuffles to the window overlooking the porch.

  Now it’s me who’s astounded, rushing up behind her. "Wait, you play?"

  A small hum vibrates within her throat. "All my life."

  Without realizing it, she just added another point to the list of things that fascinate me about her. “There's a piano in the Town Square. If I take you, will you play for me?"

  Wendy peers at me from over her shoulder, lips puckering in amusement. "I thought you said I needed to rest?"

  "I thought you said you were tired of staring at the wall?"

  She considers this for a beat, then pivots to face me, crossing her arms. "What do I get if I play for you?"

  "I don't know.” I hitch a shoulder. “State your terms and I'll see what I can do."

  "That beach, the one we walked the night you broke me out? Is that the only beach here?"

  "It's not. The one off the edge of the Woodlands is lush."

  "Take me there,” she demands. “That's what I want."

  And you’r
e what I want.

  Taking a step toward her, I wind my arms around her and slide my palms to the small of her back, dropping my lips beside her ear. "Better start refreshing your memory on all those notes, little wolf, 'cause I'm taking you to the beach tonight, after you play for me."

  “Oh my God...That sounds so dirty," she breathes.

  I don't think she meant to say as much, it simply came to be, evoking a hushed laugh through my nose as I reel her in closer.

  "Does it now? Do tell,” I demand.

  "Pass,” she counters.

  "Pass denied. Tell me—what came to mind that was so dirty?"

  Wendy gulps, the sound loud to my ears from our proximity. "I think you know."

  Oh, I know. I know, little wolf, because it's probable I thought the very same thing.

  Like I said, blue balls is a bitch and I’m not sure how much more I can withstand before my resolve breaks and I devour her whole.

  Later on that evening, with vibrant pink skies overhead, Wendy and I make it to the Town Square. I can’t stop admiring her, not when she looks this beautiful. She’s styled her hair in loose waves and applied what looks like light make-up. Ironically enough, her dress kind of matches the sky, too.

  The color isn’t what’s eye catching, though.

  It’s the style, how it molds to every curve of her body yet still flows playfully towards the bottom. Thin straps wrap around her neck, accentuating the mouthwatering swell of her breasts. The back dips down low—temptingly low—and the hem reaches mid-thigh, showing off those creamy, shapely legs I’ve envisioned thrown over my shoulders one too many times.

  And to think my sister picked this out when she and Soren did me the favor of grabbing Wendy some essentials. Makes you wonder if they did it purposefully—because knowing Soren he would do some shit like that—or if Lil simply selected items she would’ve chosen for herself while Soren served as her assistant.

  In any case, I’ll have to thank her because not only am I proud to have this woman on my arm tonight, I’m thrilled that she seems happy.

  At ease.

  Living in the moment.

  “I still can’t get over this place.” Wendy breaks through my inner-observations as she tightens her hold on my arm. “I feel like I’m walking through the pages of a storybook.”

  Grinning at her excitement, I lean into her, ignoring the inquisitive stares we’re receiving from all around. "Funny you should mention that because I have a confession to make."

  Turning her head toward me, she smiles softly. "What's that?"

  "I love watching you take everything in. You look so dazzled."

  "I am dazzled,” she laughs. “The little girl in me is loving this. I'm still reeling that it’s all real and that I get to live it.”

  And I get to live it.

  Does that mean she might just want to stay?

  “And you haven’t even seen all of it, yet. Where Tinksley’s from, the Incandescent Forest? It’s pretty breathtaking the deeper you venture. The colors are unreal.”


  I nod. “You think this is magical? That forest puts this to shame.”

  “Can we go?” She beams obliviously, all but tugging on my arm as she bounces on the tips of her toes.

  I say obliviously because she hasn’t seemed to noticed what’s unfolding around us. The further into the square we trail, the more I feel every eye on us. Distant whispers resound, too, probably speculation about her, about who she is, who she’s tied to.

  Thanks a lot, Pa.

  “Wherever you want to go, I’ll take you,” I promise her, maneuvering us toward the outdoor theater.

  “The beach, then the forest.” Her statement earns her a laugh on my part.

  “You got it. I still need to take you to my sister’s garden, too.”

  “Oh, the Tiger lillies!” Her voice raises a few octaves more. “I forgot all about those!”

  “They’re vibrant as hell right now, too. We’ll have to go soon before the weather starts getting too chilly.”

  Palm sliding down my arm, she takes hold of my hand and laces our fingers together, littering my skin with goosebumps. “Can we go tomorrow? I don’t want to miss them in all their glory.”

  “Whenever you want, little wolf.” I squeeze her hand. “Whenever you want.”

  As we near the docks of the port, soft music fills the air, drowning out the analytical whispers. There’s still eyes on us, but they’re fewer and not as attentive.

  “Guess someone beat us to that piano,” Wendy states. “Shall we just head to the beach?”

  “Nice try, but I’m not letting you off that easy. We can wait.” I withhold a laugh as she lets out a sigh.

  “Fine, we’ll wait.”

  “What’s wrong? Stagefright?”

  “Well, yes,” she admits. “I told you, it’s been awhile since I’ve played. I’ll be rusty.”

  “And I’ll be right beside you, so who cares. You’re playing for me, not for them.”

  Wendy gazes up at me, beckoning my attention. “You’re lucky you’re you and I’m so fond of you. I’d have told anyone else to fuck off. I only used to play for dad and granddad.”

  I don’t know how the hell to respond to that. I probably shouldn’t be taken aback, but I am. I’m fucking ecstatic, too. My chest wants to double in size, my lips want to claim hers, and that asshole trapped beneath my pants...well, you know.

  He’s ready to mark her and never let her go.

  “I’ll tell you what”—I lead us to some of the available seating at the very back—“We’ll enjoy the entertainment for half an hour max. If the piano still isn’t available by then, we’ll get out of here.”

  “Promise?” She yanks me toward her before I can drop into one of the seats.

  The look she’s giving me right now—all wide, innocent blues and pouty lips—splits my face with a slow smile. Hands falling to her waist, I pull her into me and drop my lips to her cheek, pressing them against her soft skin with purpose. “I promise, little wolf. Half an hour and then we’re out of here.”

  Wendy shivers in my embrace, those dainty little hands of hers stealing up my torso over my shirt. I nearly shiver myself, inhaling a deep breath as my fingers dig into the curve of her figure. “Let’s sit,” she murmurs. “We seem to have attracted an audience.”

  Of course we did.

  Even so, the last thing I want to do is sit. I could stand here for the rest of the night with her in my arms and be the happiest bastard alive, but she’s already on edge about possibly playing with an audience, so I acquise and ease back, yanking her down with me.

  Doesn’t mean I’m not gonna give them something to look at. They want to speculate what the Chief’s son is doing?

  How about they speculate this.

  As she falls into the seat beside me, I slink an arm over the back of her chair and twiddle my fingers at them, flashing them the cockiest grin I manage.

  Eyes widen. Heads snap back toward the stage.

  Yeah, that’s right, I saw you.

  “Have you ever been to my world?” Wendy asks suddenly, returning my attention where it belongs.

  "Just once, wasn't my cup of tea. Way too many people. Don’t get me wrong, I had fun, but I wouldn’t care to live my life there."

  "Where did you go?"

  "Las Vegas.”

  "Ah, yes. Sin City,” she chuckles. “Why am I not surprised? Let me guess, you went with all the Lost Boys?"

  "Some, yes.” I chuckle, too. “They hadn't all made it to Rosewood yet at that point. It was only me, Soren, Cortez, and Niko."

  "I don't even want to know what kind of trouble the four of you got into. Niko and Cortez sound like a handful all on their own."

  "They are. I swear they were related in another lifetime." I nearly roll my eyes just thinking about the shit those two get into, hence why they’ve been dubbed Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb.

  “So what exactly makes you all Lost Boys? I’ve been cu
rious for a while now.”

  “The name reflects them more than me. I was born here. They, however, originate from all the surrounding islands.”

  Wendy hums pensively, her head tilting ever so slightly. “So you’re not a traditional pack. Interesting. Are their families here now, too?”

  “No, most of them left their families behind when they fled. The only one who surfaced here with his mother in tow was Soren.”

  “What were they fleeing from?”

  “Their pasts.”

  “Oh.” Her lips form a perfect O, eyebrows shooting up to her hairline as her mind visibly races.

  “Some are worse than others, but like I always say: everyone makes mistakes, everyone has a past. Maybe I’m biased because they’re part of my pack but I believe they were all justified.” I won’t regale her of their sins, for they’re not my sins to share. And even if they were, we’d end up sitting here all night trying to get through a quarter of them. “Speaking of pasts, other than Peter and your piano skills, I don’t know much about you. Tell me something.”

  Wendy gives a little smirk and sideways glance. “Like what?”

  “Anything you want.”

  “Well,” she sing-songs, “Let’s see. I was a nurse.”

  I’m not even surprised to hear that come out of her mouth, shaking my head amusedly. “Somehow, I feel like I should’ve known that based on...” I trail off, but she knows exactly what I was getting at, offering a shrug.

  “It’s the main reason I was so calm. I already knew what was happening. I just wanted the confirmation.”

  The hand gripping her chair falls to her shoulder, guiding her further into my side. “So my little wolf was a nurse, what else?”

  “Only child, raised mostly by my dad. Mum walked out and left me behind just before I turned twelve.”

  Now this I’m surprised by. “Why would she ever want to leave you behind?”

  “Because she loved getting high and I was in the way of that,” she deadpans, refreshing my memory.

  “That’s right, I remember you mentioning that. It’s quite sad, unfortunate, too.”

  “Mhmm, but it is what it is.” She shrugs again. “Dad raised me the best he could and I think I turned out fine.”


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