Lost Girl (Rosewood Realm Book 2)

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Lost Girl (Rosewood Realm Book 2) Page 19

by Dee Garcia

  "Again, I can't help her if she won't let me. I'm not about to follow her around like a stray puppy begging her to listen to me when I have plenty of other things that require my attention."

  "Something has to give. If she takes her own life, Tavi..." His gaze flickers off into the distance.

  "I know, Pa. I know. That’s not something any of us want to see happen. It shouldn’t come to that. She was gifted the gene for a reason, meaning she can handle it. She just needs to believe that and remember there’s a purpose here." That’s not what he wants to hear. I can tell by the way his mouth immediately pops open to respond. I beat him to it, though, holding a hand up before continuing. “I’ll tell you what: You get her over here with her mother in tow and we can all sit down for a little chat. Perhaps with Aiyana and you present as a buffer, she might be easier to get through to."

  And that, friends, is what he wanted to hear. The way his shoulders sag in relief proves as much. "Thank you, my son. I'll talk to Aiyana about it and keep you posted. Are you still at Soren's?"

  "We are, yes. The house is nearly done, though. Shouldn't be much longer before I can start furnishing."

  "And the girl, she's still here?"

  Something about “the girl” doesn’t sit right with me and it’s obvious in my tone. "That's why I said we. Yes, she's still here."

  "Have you..?"

  "Marked her?”

  He nods.


  "But you want to?"

  Yes, but I won’t admit that. Not aloud anyway. "Maybe. I know you don't approve of her, but she makes me happy, Pa. She's a good girl, kind, funny, smart as a whip. She’s not Peter, not in any way, shape, or form."

  "Your sister told me what she went through the morning you came clean. That had to have been an awful experience."

  "It was, but she dealt with it like a champ."

  My dad’s mouth twists with a soft smile, eyes crinkling at the corners. "Your face lights up when you talk about her, you know? I think you—"

  "Don't.” I look away, shaking my head. “Don't say it."

  "Why not? It’s the truth, isn’t it?”

  "Because I have my reasons."

  You can’t mark a woman who doesn’t call these lands her home.

  I left my dad’s shortly after that. There wasn’t much left to say. He was going to talk to Aiyana about a joint meeting between the four of us and that was that. Yes, I could’ve used that opportunity to tell him more about Wendy, but for what? Just because Tigerlily shared with him some of what she’s been through doesn’t mean he’s going to accept her.

  Pushing through the front door of Soren’s home, I find him already in the kitchen, cooking up a damn buffet. Given his lone state, I’m assuming Wendy’s still out like a light.

  "How is it that the man and I get in a fight and still I can't say no to him?" I shut the door behind myself, stomach rumbling at the appetizing smell that wafts up my nose.

  Soren’s shoulders bounce through a hushed laugh. "What happened?"

  Sighing, I take a seat at the counter and lean onto my elbows. "Evidently, Kimi's still freaking out about her first shift. Said she's adamant on not living her life with the wolf gene at play and that she's threatened suicide."

  "Fuck," he hisses, which isn’t at all what I was expecting as a response.


  Soren quickly goes about shutting off all the burners and wiping his hands clean with the rag laid over his shoulder. "We need to talk, man." He’s dead serious, too, stare unfaltering.

  "Should I be concerned?"

  "Maybe. I hadn't told you yet because I wasn't sure what would come from it. It all started so suddenly and—"

  "Spit it out." He knows better than to play ring around the rosey.

  But whatever it is, it’s not something easily put into words. He stands there for quite some time, tight-lipped as ever, until finally he sets his hands onto the counter top and bows his auburn head.

  "I marked Kimi."

  "You what?!"

  Soren nods, head still hanging low. "It happened before I even realized it."

  Holy shit. "Since when are you and Kimi...?" I can’t even finish the question. He has never, ever mentioned a single thing about her to me.

  Not that I care, Kimi isn’t my type, but he’s my boy. We share fucking everything with each other.

  "It's been a while,” he admits, peeking up at me. “Super casual at first, just meeting each other's needs and what not. But then it spiraled, fast, and I fell for her. Before I knew it, she was mine."

  The way he says it is real. Genuine. He loves her, a bare fact I find myself grinning over. "Well, shit. My man," I laugh, offering him my hand.

  But he doesn’t take it, his face somewhat sullen, hard-pressed even. "She hasn't told her mom."


  "How is that even possible? Wouldn't she have seen it?" The term mark isn’t figurative. It’s both literal and physical.

  "No, it formed on her back, near the nape of her neck. Her hair hides it.”

  "I'm still not following here. Marking aside, Aiyana didn’t know about you two at all?"

  I mean, I know he hadn’t shared it with me, but I’m not Soren’s mother.

  "No. She didn’t want her to know what we're about to do until it's done."

  My. Stomach. Lurches.

  No part of that sounds good.

  "What the hell are you about to do?"

  “There’s a loophole,” he starts, visibly considering how to relay the rest. “It’ll inert the gene, Tav, but I don't know if I can do it."

  "Can’t do what?"

  Soren blows out a breath as if steeling himself to even utter the words. “The only way the witches can cast the spell is if she's bitten first."

  All I heard was bitten, raising the hairs at the nape of my neck. "Bitten by what, a damn leech?! Is she—"

  "Not a bloodsucker,” he clarifies hurriedly. “By a wolf, but it's not just a nip. I'm talking about a full-on mauled bite. She needs to bleed, really bleed, before the witches do anything."

  For once, I’m stunned to silence. I don’t care how adamant Kimi is on living a shift-free life, if he loves her, he can’t possibly be considering something of this nature. "Please don't tell me either one of you is considering this?"

  My brother shrugs, almost in a helpless, defeated fashion. "She's begged me profusely and I'm not sure I can tell her no. I love her, T, and I want her to be happy. I don't know if I can do it, though. Maul the woman I love all so she can live her life in a subdued state?"

  "Considering Persia isn’t at her best, I wouldn’t advise proceeding. Kimi has you, who knows exactly what she's about to experience. Why wouldn’t she want to roam free with you? Do you know how rare that is, wandering in your wolf form with your mate?"

  "That's what I've told her, but she won't listen," he groans, scrubbing at his face in frustration.

  "I say stand your ground then, brother. Put your foot down and tell her no, that you'll do everything in your power to make the first shift as easy as possible, and that's it. Who knows what else that spell might do to her? I wouldn’t risk it."

  Soren nods in agreement, but that sense of defeat is still noticeable. "I've got two more weeks to try and convince her," he sighs, propelling me onto my feet and around the counter.

  "You can do this.” I squeeze his shoulder reassuringly. “If she loves you as she claims, she'll understand you're coming from a good place. Besides, if she's pregnant, she won't be able to shift until the baby is born."

  "Really?" He asks hopefully.

  "That's what I've gathered from my findings. Their bodies won't allow them to shift when they're carrying. The question is, could she be pregnant?"

  "It's possible." A smirk curls his lips.

  "You bastard," I clap his shoulder again, “Marked the fuck out of her then, huh?"

  His amber eyes shine with mirth. "On every surface of this house."

  "Oh, what the fuck?

  "Chill, bro,” he laughs. “Not in your room."

  Thank fuck. My gaze drops to the counter. "How about the counter?"

  "Yep." He pops the P.

  "The table?"


  Yeah, I won't be eating there tomorrow.

  ♫ The Heart Wants What It Wants -

  Selena Gomez ♫

  Watching Tavi work shouldn't be this arousing.

  It really shouldn't.

  And yet here I am sweating like a bitch in heat. I brought a book to read in hopes to just breathe in the fresh air while the boys do their thing, but distracted isn't enough of a word to describe what seeing his chiseled body ripple and flex with each motion does to me.

  We haven't been intimate since the day I let him take me. Well, not to completion, that is. Stolen kisses, hot and heavy make-out sessions, that’s as far as we’ve gotten before Soren’s bursting through the front door, bringing everything to a screeching halt. He’s not the only factor, though. If it’s not him, it’s the lack of time. Tavi’s been working hard during the days to get the house done, and those teas put me out on my arse before he can so much as rile me up once he makes it back to me.

  The first few days weren't so bad—I was just thankful to be sleeping peacefully. But I'm starting to feel it. The need for him, to feel him pressing me into the mattress, having him all over me, in me, is more than I can bear.

  I feel like I'm going insane.

  On the flip side, I don’t know what the hell Persia put in those things, but I think it’s safe to say they’re effective.

  For now anyway.

  I’m not convinced they’re full-proof just yet.

  "Hey." That abrupt voice snaps me out of another explicit daydream.

  A quick shake of my head and I'm glancing up at the source, blushing when I see it's my daydream's sister.

  "Hey." I offer her a warm smile.

  "Can I join you?" Tigerlily asks.

  "Of course." Scooting over, I give her some space on the blanket I brought with me.

  Tigerlily sinks beside me and leans back onto her hands, crossing her legs at the ankle. She looks as pretty as always, rocking the hell out of this deep aqua dress. It's simple, made of a thin material, but she wears it well. The color pops against her velvety skin.

  "The house is looking good, huh?" She’s admiring it with such pride, a pleasant smile stretching her lips.

  "It is.” I take a gander at it, too. It’s beautiful, honestly, and the door is supposed to go in tomorrow. “I can't wait to see it finished."

  Her dark head swings my way, beckoning my attention. "Sooo does that mean you plan to stay long enough to see it finished?"

  "Why not? I don't really have anything back home other than my job. Sure, I loved it but I could do that here. I’m sure Ward could use some help, right?" I know I’m jumping the gun there. For all I know, the man might not want my help. I mean, he seemed content on his own, but you never know.

  I’m registered and I know what I’m doing. I think I’d be a great addition to his little practice and I’d love to be able to get back into some sort of a routine that doesn’t include me lying around for hours with nothing to do.

  "You would really do that?" Tigerlily’s tone is incredulous, her brown eyes wide.

  "Like I said, I have nothing back there. Dad and granddad are gone. Who knows if my mother is still alive.” I shrug, holding her stare. “I like it here. Seems like a simpler life in some ways."

  The way she nods gives her away. She doesn’t believe me, and I can’t fault her for that. "Listen, I'm just going to cut to the chase. From what I’ve seen, I think you’re a sweet girl and truth be told, I have no reason not to take your word for it, but—"

  "I already know what you're going to say, but go on." Amused smirk curling my lips, I motion for her to continue.

  Tigerlily presses her full lips together, likely warring with herself on how to phrase her next words when, finally, she blurts, "Don't fuck with my brother."

  Yep, knew it.

  "You guys are so cute," I laugh, lifting the color in her cheeks.

  "Shut up." She shoves me softly. "He drives me crazy, but I love him to no end."

  "I know you do. He loves you, too."

  "I know. That's why I want him to be happy, and I see that you do that for him, yet it worries me."

  "You don't want to see him get hurt. I understand." And I do. I may be an only child, but if I had siblings, I’d only want the best for them, too.

  "I will say, this goes both ways, though. If he messes with you and becomes impossible, you let me know. I'll pull his ear like mama used to do. He better be treating you right if you’re about to do this for him." She’s completely serious, too, bubbling another laugh in my throat at the image that flits in my mind.

  A little Tavi getting his arse dragged in the house by the ear.

  "Why does it not surprise me he was a troublemaker even as a kid?" I ask.

  "Because T doesn't stand for Tavi. It stands for trouble," Tigerlily chortles.

  "I heard that!" Tavi's voice resounds, jolting us out of our skin as he approaches. It’s much closer than either one of us were expecting, shooting my heart into my throat.

  I haven’t told him I want to stay yet.

  "How much of that conversation did you hear?" I rasp, holding a hand to my chest.

  In my sister's words, and I quote, "’Because T doesn't stand for Tavi. It stands for trouble,’" he answers.

  Oh, thank God.

  I plan to tell him, I just don’t know when, much less how.

  "Well, it's true.” Tigerlily rises to full height and squares up with her brother. “You’re a grown ass man and that still hasn’t changed.”

  Unfazed by her jab, Tavi simply flicks the tip of her nose. "What I want to know is why was my name in your mouth? Gossiping about me, were you?"

  “No.” She tosses a fist into his bicep. "I was telling her not to fuck with you."

  Only a hiccup of silence falls between them as he gives her that look. "You did not."

  "She did," I chime, pushing onto my feet.

  Tavi’s stare bounces from me to his sister and back again several times before he grits out a nettled, "Lil..."

  "Oh, relax." I roll my eyes at him. "It was cute, okay? She’s just looking out for you."

  "I'll get you back one day, and it's going to be a helluva lot worse for whatever asshole thinks he's going to have it easy with you," he warns, narrowing Tigerlily’s eyes.

  "You better not."

  "Oh, lil' sis, but I am.” A wicked grin lights up his face. “You just initiated war."

  Crossing her arms, she leans into him and lifts her chin proudly. “I was just looking out, big bruh. Don't be dumb." Then she’s storming away after that, heading back in the direction of the village.

  "I'm gonna be dumb, fair warning!" he hollers at her departing form, voice echoing. Once she’s out of bounds, his gaze falls on me, steely yet uneasy. "She didn’t really tell you that, did she?"

  "Sure did." I nod, barely curbing another bout of laughter.

  He’s not amused, though. Tavi sighs exasperatedly, rubbing a hand down the back of his head as he watches her tread further and further away.

  “Hey.” Reaching out for him, I latch onto his wrist and pull him toward me. "It’s fine, really. I knew she would eventually. If it helps, she wasn’t overbearing about it in the slightest."

  "She has no right prying," he grits.

  "You’re her brother. She kind of does," I reply humorously, but again, he doesn’t seem to see the adorable amusement of it all.

  "Why are you siding with her?"

  "Because if I had a brother like you, I would want only the best for him, too."

  His flummoxed expression softens dramatically, spurring him into action. Arms circling around my waist, he urges me closer, head dipping low beside my ear. "Okay but, you are the best, so what's the problem?"

  This man.
  Locking my arms around his neck, I don’t bother trying to hide the smile tickling my lips. "Who taught you to be such a smooth talker?"

  "Me, myself, and I. It's a gift, really," he purrs, stroking gently beneath my chin, a subtle action that lures me toward his lips.

  "So cocky,” I chide. “You continue to surprise me."

  "Confident—not cocky." He grins, luring me closer still.

  "I wouldn't expect anything less from the Alpha."

  The faintest hum follows my remark around his widening grin. I’m sure his mouth is milliseconds from sealing over mine, anxiously awaiting it to be exact, when he says, “I heard everything by the way.”

  His concession goes right over my head. “Everything about what?”

  “Your conversation with my sister, I heard it all.”

  My heart stops momentarily, any semblance of an explanation evading me like a convict on the run.

  Tavi chuckles at my silence, teasing me with the softest brush of his lips. “So you like it here, do you? When were you planning on telling me?”

  “What’s not to like about it?” I allude. “It’s beautiful. Experience was pretty wicked at first, but otherwise, great hospitality.”

  “Oh, I’ll show you good hospitality tonight, little wolf. I’d say you’re long overdue.”

  “I’m blaming the tea.”

  “So am I, which is why you’re skipping a dose. Do you know how painful it’s been to know what you feel like, what you look like, what you smell like, and not be able to take it again?” he growls, nails digging into the curve of my waist.

  “Can you two get a damned room?” Niko barks from somewhere behind us.

  “Can you shut the hell up?” Tavi barks back.

  “Be nice,” I whisper, but all I’m given is a shake of his head.

  “I don’t wanna be nice, little wolf. I’m in a nasty mood.”

  I am, too.

  Just as fate would have it, though—it isn’t in the cards for us.


  Perhaps never at all.

  ♫ (I Just) Died in Your Arms - Hidden Citizens ♫


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