The Seduction Game

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The Seduction Game Page 1

by Damien Dsoul



  Damien Dsoul

  First published in 2018 by

  House of Erotica Books

  Digital edition converted and distributed by

  Andrews UK Limited

  © Copyright 2018 Damien Dsoul

  The right of Damien Dsoul to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1998.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. Any person who does so may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

  All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


  My Faithful Pal


  Chapter 1

  “Don’t forget your briefcase, honey!”

  Dave was halfway out the door when Jenny hollered from across the living room and he stopped and turned towards her. His face flushed when he looked at his hand and realised yes indeed, he was about leaving for work and forgetting the one important item he ought to take with himself.

  She stood at the passageway that divided the living room from the rest of the house in her cashmere nightgown, holding up his briefcase for him with a wry smile that seemed to say: ‘I love you, darling, but you can’t help being forgetful, can you?’ He recognised that smile of hers so well. One too many times in their fourteen years of marriage he thought he would have gotten used to it by now. A part of him detested it, but still he could not help being grateful that she never was the sort to chide him about it unlike his former wife often did.

  “Hope you don’t plan on leaving this behind,” she said as she approached him and gave him his briefcase.

  He took it from her and kissed her. “Thanks for always having my back, darling.”

  “That’s what a good wife is for, honey.” Jenny smiled as she adjusted his striped tie inside his navy-blue suit for him. “Better hurry. Don’t want you getting there late.”

  “Are the kids up yet?”

  “I’m fixing breakfast for them right now. Call me if anything important comes up.”

  “You know I will.” He kissed her once again then left the house.

  Dave adjusted his glasses on his chubby face as he walked down the cobblestoned pathway that branched off the side of the house to his car parked facing the garage. He nearly tripped on his feet when he stepped on something and groaned inaudibly when he saw it was one of his son’s Transformer toys. He annoyingly kicked it onto the lawn and adjusted his suit and continued his walk. He got to his Chrysler, glad he didn’t make another clumsy misstep. He unlocked his car door and took a moment to run his hand over his bald pate before sliding into his car. He clipped in his seatbelt then started his car and reversed out of his driveway.

  The neighbourhood was quiet as it typically was this time of the day. He made a left turn at the end of the street and honked his horn as he drove pass the school bus. It would be pulling near his home in a couple of minutes by which time Jenny would be rushing the kids out so they wouldn’t miss it. Thinking about his wonderful family brought a winsome smile to his face.

  Dave was in his late forties. He had been married before but that lasted two years before calling it quits. He and his ex-wife had been young and somewhat unprepared for the hazardous life that lay ahead. Plus, he had some fetish habits that delighted him so much but ignited nothing but abhorrence from his former wife when he made them known to her. She had presented him an ultimatum of either he quit his dirty acts or she would leave; Dave had stuck with the former. It had been a depressing time for him when their marriage ended. A few years had gone by before he ran into the one woman in the world who infinitely surprised him by loving as well accepting him for his fetish habits. He could not have found a better companion when he met Jenny. Like him, she, too, had her own kinky fetish. They had made for a dynamic couple when they muttered the words ‘I do’ to each other after four months of testing out their separate delights and realising they could actually make things work for the best together.

  He slowed his vehicle as he came to a red light and as if then remembering, he turned on the car radio knob to his news station giving off the day’s headline news. He looked out his side window and winked at the hot-looking dame in a flat top riding beside him. She too glanced his way and smiled back at him; her smile made his morning seem even special to him. The light turned green and he shifted into gear and continued with his route.

  Chapter 2

  Jenny Belling walked back to her driveway having waved goodbye to her kids after ushering them into the school bus. She stopped to pick the rolled-up newspaper lying on her lawn that Dave had missed, as he sometimes did, as well pack up her children’s toys scattered about before returning into the comfort of her home.

  She left the newspaper in the kitchen then went upstairs to drop the toys in her kids’ bedroom. She stopped to scratch an itch in her ash-blonde hair as well wipe a light pool of sweat off her brow. Returning to the kitchen, she set a kettle on the stove and made herself a cup of tea before sitting down to peruse the newspaper.

  A person’s silhouette appeared behind the curtain that shielded the back door window. Jenny looked up when she heard a knock on the door and seeing the person’s silhouette recognised who her morning visitor was. What with the conversation they had yesterday (or was it the day before?), she should have known April was going to visit her today, though she never expected to see her come around this early.

  Jenny left her chair and went and unlocked the door and was rewarded by the expectant green eyes and earnest smile that was her neighbour and closest confidant, April McLaren.

  “Hey-yah, Jenny!” April embraced her friend and kissed her cheek. “You up and ready for the week?”

  “Come in, April.” Jenny shut the door behind her. “I was making myself some tea, care for some?”

  “Yeah, sure. Morning tea will do. And then I want to hear again all about your last adventure.”

  “It was not any adventure,” Jenny corrected her while filling the kettle with more water then placed it back on the stove. “What more would you want to know? I thought I told you everything last time.”

  “You told me some but not all of it,” April pulled a chair and sat across from Jenny. She glanced at the newspaper for a moment before turning back to her.

  “I just thought I’d want to know more. Everything you told me yesterday, I don’t know how to say this but it got me feeling so strange with myself. I wanted to hear it one more time to really believe everything.”

  “What I told you was not something for the faint-hearted, you ought to know that. Gosh, I already said too much already.”

  “Please don’t, Jenny. Just do me this one favour and tell it to me again.”

  Jenny looked at her friend and debilitated with herself if really she was doing the right thing entrusting April with her secret as she waited for her kettle to heat up. Everything about April, including her bob of red hair, indicated her as seemingly feisty with a vivaciousness spirit. Not exorbitant though; more like decorous. There was a time J
enny mistook her for a chatterbox, but as their friendship grew she realized how tight-lipped she could be when it pertained to stuff between them. There was something about April that was like bubbling effervescent inside of her, like it wanted to burst out but she was doing her best to starve it off and keep it chained in a basement. Jenny had shared this insight with Dave before and quipped that she thought April’s husband, Howard, knew little of the woman he was married to. Dave could not help agreeing with her. When it came to sniffling intimate secrets regarding other women, Jenny was a pro in that field.

  “You want to hear about my last outing right?” Jenny asked. “I can’t go into telling you everything I’ve done in the past.”

  “Sure, your last outing sounds okay for me,” said April. “Think you’ll be getting any call today?”

  The kettle began whistling and Jenny went and turned off the stove. She opened a glass drawer and got out two cups and made tea for both of them.

  “It’s been a while since I got any calls,” Jenny gave April her cup of tea then sat down on her chair and stirred her own cup, watching smoke curl out of its surface. “But its still morning and you never know what the day might bring. So, where were we?”

  “You were going to tell me what happened with your last score.” April blew into her cup while waiting for her friend to begin her tale.

  Jenny continued stirring her tea, taking time to gather her thoughts. She swept her hair backward when she felt ready then started talking.

  Chapter 3

  “Yeah, we’re shipping a million units this coming month, and hopefully another in the second quarter. I’m optimistic that will be enough to keep the board of overseers business happy and smiling till fall season arrives.”

  Dave had his feet propped on his desk with his office phone glued to his ear as he conversed with the admin executive calling from the company’s West Coast office located in Santa Monica. He rotated his chair left to right casually while he talked and listened. His eyes hovered upon his wall of honours that featured various executive awards and distinction plaques. Standing on separate shelves were photos taken with Jenny at company events, and others of both of them with the kids on holiday. Everyone looked bright and happy in the photos including himself. He looked at a photo stand beside his computer that was of Jenny and the kids smiling at him when he had taken the photo; that had been taken during a summer trip to Disneyland. He switched his gaze to the window that afforded him an expansive view of the city’s downtown section. He would love so much to be someplace else right now, especially for today. Except someone had to bring home the bread and it was him.

  “Yeah, you’re absolutely right on that,” he continued on the phone. “Ray Thrumbone from Finance will be swinging by my office soon. I’ll let you know how the meeting goes. Okay, Timmy, talk later. Bye.”

  He dropped the phone, blew air into his cheeks before letting it out through his lips, feeling relieved that the call was over. He brought both hands behind his head and allowed himself a brief moment of daydreaming. His thoughts went to Jenny. He tried conjuring up whatever she might be doing right now. No doubt bored out of her head while looking after the homestead, wasting time till the kids got back from school and he returned home... or who knows they might get lucky by the end of the day and he would get the sort of call they have been expecting since that would spur her into getting out of the house.

  Dave looked at a desktop calendar. It had been three weeks and two days since last time they got any prospective calls. This was the first time they have had themselves a longer wait - usually it took a week or less before any worthy client having checked out the escort page in her website made up his mind on contacting her for some erotic service. On the plus side, her website garnered a growing followership. Jenny prided herself in being an irresistible sex queen always wanting black men, and Dave remained devoted towards ensuring that remained so.

  There have been times he slyly caught men’s eyes admiring her figure when attending past company parties and social events. He always tried to be perceptive when glimpsing stares he caught in men’s eyes whenever they paused to ogle her figure. One time they had attended some forgettable charity event where he had received a compliment from a man who audaciously whispered into his ear that Jenny was sexy as fuck. The man never realised he was speaking to her husband. Dave pretended to take his remark at face value when actually he felt a nudge in his pants just from hearing those words.

  His thoughts brought him back to the present as if something important suddenly occurred to him. Dave took his feet off his desk and went into the rest room that adjoined his office.

  He stood in front of a mirror attached to the wall and first unzipped his fly then unbuckled his pants. His pants fell to his ankles to reveal the red-laced panties he was wearing. Jenny had picked the colour for him as she always did everyday; it looked a little skimpy on him especially with his protruding gut hanging low. Dave held up his gut for a moment to get a better view of his panties before letting go of his flesh. He pulled up his pants then went and peed in the toilet and flushed when he was done. He wore back his pants and washed his hands before leaving the room.

  He had barely shut the door when his mobile phone started ringing. There it was blinking its light on his desk. Dave groaned as he clumsily bumped his knee into his chair while reaching to get to his phone. He was quelling the throb in his knee while he answered his phone.

  “Hello,” he said.

  “Hi, is this ‘1-800-Call-A-Slut’?” a man’s voice enquired.

  “Yes, this is the number,” Dave lowered himself into his chair. He was bubbling inside and could barely contain himself as he spoke to the would-be client. “How can I help you?”

  “I was checking out her web page and I liked what I saw there. I’ve never done this before but is there any chance I can set up an appointment today?”

  “Yes, it’s definitely possible. Just give me a second, please.”

  He searched about his desk till he found himself a pen and then reached for a jotter pad and leaned as well. “All right, I’m ready. Let me have your details, sir.”

  Chapter 4

  April slumped against her chair as if she had not sat there the whole time. Her face bore a dazed expression, like she had just heard a fantastic tale that apparently knocked the breath out of her. In this case, yes, it was fantastic and unbelievable... well, sort of.

  “And that’s that,” Jenny concluded her tale with self-satisfying aplomb. She looked at April with mild amusement as she slowly regained herself. “You look surprised?”

  “I don’t know what I am right now,” April exhaled. “How long have you been running this sort of... sex enterprise? And when did you start?”

  “It’s been more than a year since,” Jenny said. She picked April’s empty tea cup along with hers and went and added them into the dish washer. She left the kitchen and April got up and went with her.

  “Dave and I were swingers before we married,” Jenny said as she went up the stairs towards her bedroom. “It was quite fun back then - meeting kinky people and stuff. That slowly changed as Dave’s job started taking too much of his time, and then I got pregnant and then life kinda dried up for us. One night we got to talking about stuff we’d missed out on. That was when he came up with this idea about me becoming a good-time slut for black men. That I should be on call for anyone wanting special sex entertainment and get paid for it.”

  “Seriously, just black men?”

  “Yes, April. Just black men,” she emphasized as she ventured past her bedroom door and her friend followed behind.

  “That’s what I don’t get,” April settled in a chair while Jenny got busy removing the bed sheets and pillow cases.

  “What don’t you get?”

  “How come you prefer only black men? What’s the mystique about th
em? I mean, I’ve heard everything you’ve said about them, but I still don’t get what makes them special. Is that part of the fetish stuff you mentioned before?”

  Jenny rolled the sheets and pillow cases in a bundle then dropped them on the floor. She went looking in the closet and took out a fresh pair which she then unfurled over the bed.

  “You’re a good friend, April, and a good mother, too. But really you’ve never ventured beyond your doorstep to know what’s out there.”

  “Oh, come off that, Jen. Howard and I have a healthy relationship, thank you very much. Our love is strong, and gives me everything I want.”

  “This has got nothing to do with your love with Howard,” Jenny explained while she set about dressing the bed. “This is sex we’re talking here. I’m talking hard-pounding sex here, or otherwise dirty rough fucking. Step out of your comfort zone if you can and you’ll see there’s a difference. What you have with Howard is the same thing I have with Dave. Except Dave knows he can’t satisfy me when it comes to sex, and he loves me dearly for me it.”

  “You mentioned that he sometimes loves to watch?”

  “Whenever he can, yeah. What I usually do is sometimes I tape my sessions, depending on if my client allows. Dave edits the videos and uploads them to my web page. I’ve got an alias for anyone wanting to set up an appointment. Dave handles everything: he checks on the site, updates my social media, and talks with anyone who wants to know more about me. And believe me, there’re many out there who do,” she stopped to laugh. “You probably won’t believe me, but I know plenty of women out there - married wives, too - that want to get involved in stuff like this. Hell, many are doing it already.”

  “Going out and fucking random black men?”

  “It’s however they want it, April,” Jenny went about dressing the pillows and arranging them on the bed. “Some do it in their home. Doesn’t matter where as long as they enjoy it, which they usually do.”


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