JK Haru is a Sex Worker in Another World: Summer

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JK Haru is a Sex Worker in Another World: Summer Page 12

by Ko Hiratori

  About the time he started appraising the girls as they ate and drank, I said hello again. And I told him something for his ears only.

  “Our number-one girl’s room is currently available.” I introduced Kizuha by explaining that she had important government officials and high-ranking military officers among her patrons. Lots of men judged girls not by their looks, but by who else liked them—especially guys who seemed to have money and status. Of course, I added that she had a large chest.


  I save the price for last. Some people don’t even let me say it. If they frequent brothels they already have an idea what the going rate is, and the shop is also a place for men to socialize. They are probably already thinking about the next time they’ll come.

  “What do you think?”

  “Okay, I’ll go.”

  This one didn’t ask the price. He would be a good customer for sure. Next time he came, I would have the girls line up to greet him.

  Great. I can leave the rest to Kizuha. She can satisfy anyone. She really does a great job. And she hasn’t had anyone in two days, so she’ll probably be happy, too.

  I was so relieved I let my guard down, but the customer came clomping right back down the stairs.

  “Hey, what the fuck? What’s with that girl?” He pointed at me and glared with a bright red face.

  I had no idea what was going on, so I panicked. “Uh, what’s wrong?”

  “I’m asking you what’s with that girl! She’s the best you’ve got?! I’ve never been so insulted in my life. Who does that little whore think I am?”

  “Umm, I’m sorry, I can take you to another girl’s room right away.”

  “You mean your second or third best? You think I’m gonna sleep with any of the women in this shop? What kind of chump do you take me for? I’m out of here!”

  I really didn’t understand. After bowing repeatedly to see the customer off, I rushed up to the second floor.

  There was the blue door at the end of the hallway. It was this shop’s biggest room. I knocked, a bit nervous. No answer.Fine. I’ll just open it, then.


  The fragrance of flowers wafted out, and I felt a dull pain in my eyes, like all the colors of the loudly painted walls and the stacks of rugs spread across the floor were pressing in on them.

  Clothes, accessories, hats—all from men. They were all gorgeous but arranged so neatly they looked as if they had never been worn. There were so many colors, I felt uneasy. I worried I would drown in them.

  She was in her bed. Her legs hung sloppily open, and she was sipping a cup of blood. There was a big hand print on her face. The customer had slapped her.

  “Kizuha, you can’t do that. We can’t have you getting marks on your face.”

  She was our poster girl, number one above all of us. She was a spoiled handful, but the one supporting the shop was her.

  Smirking with the other half of her lips, she traced her cheek with a finger and said, “Oh, this’ll be gone by tomorrow. It’s no problem.”

  Itisa problem. What are you going to do for the rest of tonight? You told me to find you customers, and this is what I get?

  “...What did you do to that customer?”

  “Nothing. I just said what he looked like. And I told him I would hate to have a guy like him fuck me.”

  “What the heck? Did you really say that?”

  Her job was the one thing she took seriously. Or more like, sex work was all she did.

  She could handle any guy. She fucked them like she meant it. Even the guys that creeped the rest of us out a bit, she would really fall for in bed. I heard she even cried when they left. That was how she bewitched customer after customer—with her looks and love. She could make any man her captive. Madam said that she had been a prostitute since she was born.

  “Why would you do that...?”

  “I wasn’t in the mood. Should I not have?”

  Kizuha looked at my upset face and laughed. She seemed to actually find it funny. She was drunk on blood. Plastered. So even I got irritated.

  I think she made the customer angry on purpose to mess with me.

  “What’s the matter, Lupe? Are you mad?”

  I bit my lip and endured. If I blew up at her, I would be out of luck.

  “Please just do your job. There aren’t many customers tonight. Want me to do your makeup?”

  I wasn’t sure if I could find another customer for her or if someone good would even come to the shop, all things including the weather considered, but I had to make sure she earned some money tonight. Otherwise I’d really be in trouble.

  The past few days had been horrible.If this is what happens when Madam leaves, I’ll never—

  “No! I said I’m not in the mood, didn’t I? I’m taking some time off. You go ahead and work hard at your own job.” When I went to touch her, she swatted my hand away and turned with a pout.

  I can’t get mad. She’s only teasing me. If I get mad, I’ll be doing exactly what she wants. But I’m sick of this.

  “Then get out of here. This shop doesn’t need girls who won’t sleep with customers. You can’t do anything but sex work either, so don’t act so spoiled.”

  Kizuha looked up at me in surprise and furrowed her brow.

  I was a little shaken up myself, the way my mouth went off like that, but I pursed my lips and stood up to her.

  “Huh? Who do you think you’re talking to, Lupe?”

  “To you. You’re being a real brat. I even brought you a customer today. How could you chase him off like that? I did my best and you—”

  “Oh, who cares about that? You said you don’t need me. What’s that supposed to mean? Are you serious?”

  That pissed me off.You don’t get to decide who cares about what! Don’t look down on us all like you’re the only one in the world with any value! Who do you think set it up so you can hole up in a special room like this?

  “A prostitute who won’t sleep with a man is worthless. That goes for you, too.”

  I was saying horrible things. In trying to hurt Kizuha, I flung words that came back and hurt me, too. My chest tightened, and tears spilled. Even if I wanted to apologize, my mouth wouldn’t form the words.

  Kizuha shoved my shoulder, pushing me into the wall. I covered my face and cried.

  “Are you stupid? If I leave, what’ll be worthless is this shop!”

  There was nothing I could say to that; I just sobbed.

  Iamstupid. I’m inadequate.Somehow I managed to wring out an, “I’m sorry.”

  Kizuha sighed and struck the wall behind me. “Smile,” she threatened in a low voice. I was so scared my shoulders shook. Kizuha glared at me like a wild animal. “I said, smile! That’s what the mama’s role is—to smile and gloss things over! Like always!”

  I heard someone cracking up downstairs. Even if there weren’t many customers, the girls were doing their best to make the atmosphere fun.

  I had to smile, too. But my throat kept spasming, and the tears wouldn’t stop.

  Kizuha clicked her tongue. “Nevermind. You can go. Just remember that I’m not sleeping with any customers for a while—I mean it.”

  She pulled me away from the wall and kicked my butt. I trudged back to the noisy pub.

  The next day, Chiba was sitting out in front of the shop. He was facing away from the door humming a song I’d never heard. I kneed his back.

  “Ow!” He turned around in surprise and then immediately grinned. “Morning!”

  When he stood up, I kneed the back of his leg.

  “What, what? What are you doing?” He thought I was joking around.

  I’m furious.

  But because he smiled at me, I was able to smile for the first time that day, so I forgave him.

  “Holy crap. Sometimes cake tastes really fucking good. There are lots of guys who hate sweets, but I like ’em. I guess because I’m the type that understands how women feel. Yum.”

  As usual, I had
no idea what Chiba was talking about. Or what his point was, I mean. Usually as I listened I actually would lose track of what he was going on about, which made me anxious, but today I felt somehow at ease. And I felt the same way he did about the cake.

  Speaking of food impressions, Kiyori was really good at those—although she only ever praised Sumo’s cooking.I wonder what you’re doing now. Are you safe?

  I bet you didn’t tell Chiba you were going into the forest. Before, you used to say what a strong adventurer he was. You even asked me for training because until not that long ago, you were planning on having him take you.

  But you stopped expecting so much of him, huh? Because Chiba wasn’t interested. He’s interested in getting stronger, but he says defeating the demon lord is impossible, so he won’t bother trying.

  I don’t know much about that kind of stuff, so I just listened to what he said and figured that’s how it was. I’m a little envious—of how he can give himself the okay to not go for all he’s worth.

  Is it confidence? Or something less great, like putting up a brave front or being a sore loser? I’m envious either way. I guess all of that is confidence, really.

  I have to bend over backwards just to survive. I don’t even know how I’m going to run the shop from tonight on.Remembering that ruined the flavor of the cake for me. Dangit.

  “Chiba.” I wanted to ask if he was seeing Kizuha, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t go there. I was scared of making her angry.

  “Hm? What is it? If you want to know something about me, you can ask anything.”

  I would really hate it if they talked about me,I thought. While they did obscene things. When I imagined them doing blood and getting wasted, it made me sick to my stomach.

  “...It’s nothing.” I felt guilty for hiding my question.

  But while he could have picked up on my minor failure there, of glossing things over, he instead leaned forward enthusiastically and said, “What, what? Now youhaveto tell me what it was!”

  This must be what annoys Haru.

  The reason I like Chiba is that he’s like my little brother. But the memories I have of my little brother are from when he wasn’t much more than a baby, and Chiba is the same age as Haru—already an adult. And his face is totally different. If someone asked if they were really that similar, I’m not sure what I would say. I don’t know.

  If he doesn’t want to sleep with me, then why does he meet me one-on-one? Even though he says stuff that must be come-ons, he’s never gotten aggressive.

  This guy does things that seem to have no purpose at all, as if they’re totally normal.Is he bored?I’m envious if he has that much time on his hands. He probably never feels anxious.

  Chiba stared at me, ignoring the smudge of cake next to his lip. He looked so funny I ended up laughing.

  Ohh, I get it. He thinks he’s still a kid. That’s why he can live his life like it’s a hobby. He just thinks differently.

  I figured it out. Basically, when he calls me, “Mama,” he means it. He doesn’t sleep with me because I’m not “a girl to replace his mother”—Iamhis mother. That was it.


  “Really, what is it?”

  “Mmm, I thought of a question. Can I ask you?”

  “Huh? Sure. Of course, ask away.”

  “What kind of person do you want to be when you grow up?”

  I asked him as if I were asking my little brother. Chiba’s eyes twinkled. He really seemed like a child. It cracked me up.

  I assumed he would say he wanted to be a hero, or that he wanted to end up in the bards’ songs, but I was wrong.

  It was so unexpected, I didn’t realize what he said at first.

  “I want to punch God.”

  That really is what he said.

  I glanced around to make sure there weren’t any people from the Church in the area.Phew, I’m glad Kiyori didn’t come running back from the forest.

  “I’m gonna be the man who punches God’s lights out.”

  He said it again without even realizing how tense I was.

  I couldn’t even picture it when I tried. It was the first time I had ever heard anyone say something like that. I had never imagined it before.

  What kind of situation would that be? Why would God suddenly be on the receiving end of violence from Chiba? How would they meet? It’s not as if God’s a customer at the brothel.

  “...What’s the point of hitting him?”

  “Hmm.” He looked up—and to the right. “Honestly, I don’t have that many complaints. To be frank, I like this other world. It’s all romance, adventures, and fantasy. Any boy would like it. But you know,” he said, cocking his head, “I’ve started to think a little differently lately—that for the people here it’s not like that. And the level cap thing really came out of left field. But still, I understand the system, so I have it better than most. Most people don’t even realize there’s a ceiling and only have skills they can’t use for anything. Well, my cheat skills are the same way. It would be different if there was no limit, but like this, defeating the demon lord is impossible. The design is messed up. Who could beat this game? Or is this the slow-life type? If so, then there should be a proper tutorial.”

  Yeah, I had no idea what he was talking about, so I just smiled vaguely.So it’s just the same old Chiba, huh? I was stupid for listening seriously.

  But he must have realized my reaction was superficial, because he said, “Sorry.” That was the first time he had ever read my expression. I was astounded.Chibapaid attention!

  “Basically, there’s too much misery. I think it’s weird that people like you can’t attain more happiness. Well, I get that in human society and whatever if you make some changes at the lower levels, things improve a bit. But I know the guy at the top. If he doesn’t change things for us, they won’t change on a fundamental level, so I’m gonna pop him one and make him fix the world. I’m gonna make him cough up all the skills and evolve the entire species! Defeating the demon lord won’t be accomplished by a single hero, but by systemic reform that raises up those at the bottom. And I think that’s the hero’s job. In other words, it’s something only I can do. So I’m going to do it.”

  I was still shaken, and I still had no idea what he was talking about. But I was really excited. I was attracted even though I didn’t understand. Chiba seemed like a totally different person—like someone from another world.

  I didn’t know what to do, so I laughed like usual, except I messed up. I laughed so hard tears came out.

  But Chiba was laughing, too.

  “...Are you really...?”


  “Are you really going to hit him?”

  “You bet. With a closed fist.”

  Imagining it made me laugh even harder.God’ll be caught off guard. Chiba’ll surprise everyone. That’s so cool.

  He folded his hands around mine as if he were making a vow. I was happy.

  But the world wasn’t going to change so quickly. That night I was running around the shop making apologies with an ingratiating smile.

  I had to rely on the regulars more, and they rolled their eyes at me, so I flattered them. And for some reason there were lots of customers making impossible requests—people I had never seen before.

  “Hey, this isn’t the drink I ordered! I already drank it, but...”

  “Don’t run away, c’mon! You can at least drink with me! Huh? Talking Time fee? What kind of idiot pays that? Just sit down!”

  Ohh, is this because...?

  Maybe it’s that angry customer’s doing. I see. I should have asked his attendant for his address and had some flowers sent around. I just didn’t get that far...

  There were people starting fights, too. The commotion spread little by little. Maybe they were used to harassing people. Some regulars refused to break it up when I asked them. People were starting to dislike me.

  I asked one of the older girls to see if the guildmaster would send some guys over. If we didn�
��t do something soon, the shop’s atmosphere would be completely ruined. We would probably owe them an extra-big cut, but there wasn’t anything I could do about it.

  “Hey, lady, are you the madam here?”

  Someone called me, so I greeted him. “I’m filling in.” It was the man who was trying to get a girl to sit with him without paying. He started pressuring me with complaints about the shop and backed me up against a wall until I was alone. Then someone came from the opposite direction.

  “Uh, umm...?”

  Before I knew it, I was surrounded. Three rough-looking customers. There were other trouble spots that needed my immediate attention, but I was stuck.

  “What are you going to do about this? Some kind of juice got all over my food—it’s soaked!”

  “My girl wouldn’t even pour me a drink! You’re in charge of the shop, aren’t you, lady? How are you going to fix this?”

  “You know what ‘good faith’ means, right? You need to apologize to us properly like a prostitute should, right here.”

  “Umm, excuse me. I have to go. To make amends I’ll send out new food and another girl right a—”

  “How about getting naked and dancing for us? You’re good at that, right?”

  “Ha-ha! Good idea.”

  “C’mon, strip. Let’s go.”

  They cornered me, sneering, so close I could practically feel their breath on me. The fear and fatigue of the past few days made my knees weak.

  “I said to strip!”

  I tried to smile. But apparently I couldn’t make it work.

  One of the men said, “What kinda face is that?” and raised his fist. Another man grabbed my dress.

  Someone stomped loudly on the floor and the shop went silent.

  I opened the eyelids I had closed thinking I would be hit.

  There was a girl on the stage. Everyone’s eyes were on her. I nearly screamed.


  But it wasn’t Haru. Blond hair, blue eyes.

  In a flashy dress with a blue flower in her teeth, Kizuha surveyed the room from the stage.

  Then she let the flower go and displayed it between her breasts. The man with his hands on my dress gulped.

  “It seems I haven’t met many of you. My name is Kizuha. I’m a prostitute here at Blue Cat Nocturne. Unlike these gorgeous ladies, I’m an indecent woman kept up on the second floor. It just sounded so lively and fun down here that I was tempted to come down. Forgive me for burdening your eyes with my unsightly presence.”


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