Midnight Moon (Love and Blood Series Book 1)

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Midnight Moon (Love and Blood Series Book 1) Page 18

by Raven K. Asher

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  Raven K. Asher

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  Sneak Peek


  A Touch of Frost

  By: Raven K. Asher


  It was the first spring of my sixth birthday, and Momma had brought me out to my Aunt Ester’s garden to roam through the newly sprouted buds.

  Happily, I skipped through the long winding paths.

  I longed to take off my special gloves to touch the new green leaves, but even at this age, I knew better. Any plant would instantly freeze and die with just a single touch.

  It had made me sad as a child, but Momma had always told me that it was a gift, that in time I would learn to control and love. No one ever warned me of the trouble it would get me into over the next few years of my life though.

  Skipping along with my long braids of blonde hair tapping my back I reached the edge of the garden where to my surprise was one single flower already in full bloom. It was a sight to my young eyes. The blue center called to me, and my fingers ached to touch the lighter blue petals.

  Leaning in, I had closed my eyes while the sweet perfume overtook my senses. Before my young mind could grasp what was happening, I had already taken off my gloves and touched the petals.

  Instead of that flower shriveling and dying it grew.

  From the center, a bright light shined as a song unfamiliar to me softly floated by my little ears.

  It called me to walk forward, which I did.

  For a moment I had hesitated thinking what trouble this would get me into with Momma, but the soft, welcoming voice pulled me in.

  With a bright flash, I had been suddenly transported to a whole new world, one with vibrant colors.

  My young eyes took in as much of it as I could to save every detail for later.

  Dancing in the long green grass around me, I had laughed while my touch covered each blade with a thin layer of frost. It didn’t wither and die as regular plants did. My touch seemed to bring them to life.

  This world felt like home to me.

  I don’t know how I knew that at just six years of age but I felt it in my heart.

  “Who are you, little one?” A man had suddenly asked as he appeared before me.

  He had soft blue eyes, and his long golden blonde hair was much like mine.

  Kneeling before me he had held out his hand.

  My little hand had trembled in fear as I placed it within his. “My momma calls me Snow.”

  The man briefly scanned the surrounding area before he turned his attention back towards me. That’s when I had noticed his pointed ears.

  “Where is your momma, little one?” He had asked curiously.

  I had looked around and shrugged before answering him. “I don’t know.”

  Before I could say another word, I had been abruptly pulled back away from the man. The scene before me had faded quickly, and in an instant I had found myself back in my aunt’s garden in my momma’s arms, staring up at the dark clouds in the spring sky.

  “God’s, I hope he didn’t find her.” Momma had pleaded softly.

  “You need to take her far away and hide, Nancy. You need to make sure she never remembers this place.” My aunt had stressed as her hand cupped my chubby little cheek.

  I had smiled at her while the world around had faded to black and all my memories of the man in the field vanished.

  Nothing had been left. It had been the only way to keep me safe.

  Chapter One

  “Snow, Hunnie, you’re going to be late for school if you don’t get up now.” Gram stresses as she shakes me lightly.

  I groan and roll over to my back, shielding my eyes from the sudden onslaught of bright light as she opens my curtains.

  She turns back to me with a broad smile on her lips. “I’ll have breakfast ready for you in the kitchen.”

  I nod and smile. “Thanks, Gram. I’ll be out soon.”

  She nods and with shaky steps makes her way the few steps towards the door.

  Stopping abruptly, she turns to look back to me. “I almost forgot. That young man you like stopped by to walk you to school.”

  With that, she leaves me absolutely mortified.

  William, my longtime crush couldn’t possibly be right outside. If he were, I would just die from embarrassment knowing that he had to have heard my grandmother’s words.

  Hopping out from under my covers, I quickly make the bed and then rush to get into some clean clothes. I decide on a soft summer dress that Gram had bought from the small town store a few weeks ago for my birthday.

  It was made from soft cotton and was a light sunflower yellow.

  I absolutely loved it.

  Slipping on my worn brown boots, I try not to notice the pain from the blisters that I had. Socks were something we couldn’t afford and rather than complaining to my grandmother I tolerated the pain.

  It was a small price to pay.

  Running my fingers through my hair, I detangle it as much as possible before quickly braiding the thick blonde locks. It desperately needed to be washed but the only way I could do that was to travel down to the stream that ran through our backyard.

  Even though summer was well on its way, the water was still cool coming down from the fresh springs that were hidden somewhere inside the tall surrounding hills.

  It was too cold for my taste, so I wasn’t exactly rushing to go there just yet.

  With one last look in my grandmother’s antique mirror, I smile and cross my fingers that if it was really William beyond my door that he wouldn’t be completely disgusted by my living arrangements.

  One deep breath later, I pull open the little blue wooden door that opened up right into the kitchen.

  At the tiny table, I find Gram and my best friend Tucker sitting side by side. Not William.

  “Ah, there’s our girl.” Gram coos with a smile as she motions towards the empty rickety chair on the other side of the table next to Tucker. “I made pancakes.”

  Slightly disappointed and faintly relieved I move to take my seat before I begin eating the two pancakes that were sitting on my plate.

  “You look great, Snow,” Tucker mumbles around a mouthful.

  “You look good too,” I reply as I motion to his name brand jeans and black tee shirt with some logo that I knew had to be expensive.

  Tucker was lucky enough to be born into a wealthy family, a family he almost never saw, but they were still rich all the same.

  Never once did I really envy him though. I mean I would have loved to be wearing clothes like his and have as many friends as he did but I was content being the girl against the wall, the one no one paid any attention to.

  An awkward but comfortable silence engulfs us while we eat until Gram clears her throat. “Well, this old woman is going to leave you two be so you can get off to school.”

  She stands, and Tucker quickly rises with her, lending her his arm for support.

  Wobbling slightly, Grandma allows him to guide her into the room I had just come from and straight over to the small bed which was farther than she had ever let him walk her before.

  I stand and move to the doorway to watch as Tucker helps her to bed. He gently lifts her legs up and then places them under the covers.

  Lying there, she appeared frail and a knock away from death’s doorstep.

  “Gram, do you need me to call Dr. Benjamin?” I ask softly, filled with worry.

  She waves me away. “I don’t
need that doctor. He doesn't know what he’s talking about.” Sighing softly, she looks towards me sadly. “We don’t have the money to pay for him to come anyway, Hunnie.”

  “Ma’am, if money is the issue I could…” Tucker begins, but Gram stops him with a single look.

  “I’m not going to take your money, Dear.” She replies sternly.

  He knew as well as I did that it was useless to argue with her when she was like this. She never accepted help from anyone, ever.

  Moving over to her side, I take her hand in mine, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I love you, Gram.”

  “I love you too, Hunnie.” She breathes out as she smiles softly. “Now, get out of here and let this old woman rest.”

  I nod and reluctantly let her hand go before turning to walk away.

  Tucker leads the way back out of the room.

  As I shut the door, I glance back at her one last time. “I’ll see you when I get home, Gram.”

  She nods while looking out the window from her spot on the bed.

  For a moment I watch her as she closes her eyes while the sunlight washes over her pale skin and white hair.

  My stomach twists not wanting to leave her side, but I knew she wouldn’t want me to miss school. She would kick my butt if I did.

  Softly shutting her door, I turn to Tucker.

  “She’ll be fine.” He whispers softly as his arm wraps around my shoulders for comfort.

  I nod and then walk out of our little one bedroom shack with a heavy heart.

  A short distance down the dirt road that we always traveled, Tucker stops me. “Snow, if you want me to I can call the doctor and arrange for him to visit with your grandmother.”

  I shake my head. “She wouldn’t let him in the door even if you did, Tucker. You know how stubborn she can be and she wouldn’t want to take your money.”

  He nods in agreement before quickly rummaging through his backpack. He pulls out a pair of white socks and then holds them out towards me.

  “Take them.” He insists. “I know your feet have to be killing you in those boots and I haven’t seen you wear socks for the past two weeks.”

  I shake my head while pushing the socks back. “I can’t.”

  “Yes, you can. At least take them, for me, so I know that you’re being taken care of, Snow.” He coaxes gently.

  I reluctantly take the socks and then move to lean against him so that I could slip them on my feet quickly. His hands grip my hips tightly, keeping me steady until I have my boots back on.

  Sighing inwardly with contentment, I wiggle my feet, enjoying the soft and clean material.

  “Better?” Tucker questions, his warm breath fanning over my cheek.

  I turn just enough to look back at him over my shoulder. “Yes, thank you, Tucker.”

  Turning in his arms, I lay my head against his chest. I’ll never be able to repay you for everything you’ve done for me.”

  “You don’t need to thank me. You being here, with me, that’s payment enough in my book.” Tucker replies as he holds me tighter.

  A few moments later I pull away, much to his dismay.

  Even though Tucker carried feelings for me, I had never felt that way with him. I saw him as my best friend and my brother, not as someone I could be more than that with.

  Someone like him never dated someone like me anyway.

  In school, we had kept our friendship hidden in order to preserve ourselves. I guess it was more of me wanting to keep our friendship secret than him though. He never cared about who saw us together or what we did.

  I was the one who kept my distance and begged him to do the same.

  Tucker quickly catches up while I move down the road. He keeps pace by my side until we reach the spot closest to the school where we would part ways.

  I turn my way but stop when he lets out a sad sigh. “Have a good day, Snow.”

  “You too, Tucker,” I reply softly without looking back.

  With that, I head off towards the south doors of the school, the doors that very few students used to get inside in the mornings. It was the one place I could slip in without being noticed.

  Taking the steps up to the doors I reach out to pull one open, but it doesn’t budge.

  I curse softly and try the other one.

  Of course, it doesn’t open either.

  I inwardly panic as I try them once more.

  Again, nothing happens.

  Placing my hands against the glass, I peer inside to see students and teachers alike mingling around the hallways.

  Unfortunately no one even glances my way.

  Sighing roughly while stepping back I resign myself to what I had to do now. I had no other choice if I didn’t want to be late for my first class.

  Moving back down the steps, I slowly make my way around to the front of the building where most of the students were crowded around the main entrance.

  Putting my head down, I weave my way in-between students, trying to make my way to the doors without being noticed. Halfway through someone roughly bumps into me, pushing me into someone else.

  I mutter an apology, but that person quickly turns around to face me with anger.

  To my horror I find myself looking at the school’s head cheerleader, Mandy. Her anger quickly turns into a smug grin as she places her hand on her hip while tossing her perfectly curled blonde locks of hair over her shoulder.

  “Hey, poor girl, that sure is a pretty dress.” She states arrogantly.

  Words evade me while the students around us take notice of our interaction and quiet down. This was the last kind of situation that I ever wanted to be in.

  Mandy snaps her fingers in front of my face. “Didn’t you hear me?”

  “Yes, I heard you, now can you just let me past so I can get to my class.” I plead softly, wishing I could crawl into a dark hole.

  “I don’t think I will, not until you say thank you since I just gave you a compliment.” She spits out.

  Instead of saying anything I move to get past her. I get nowhere as two of her groupies step in front of me, stopping my escape.

  I inwardly groan until none other than William himself appears beside me in all of his handsome glory. His perfectly chiseled chin and soft brown hair mesmerize me as I gaze up into his friendly brown eyes.

  “What are you doing to the poor girl, Mandy?” He asks with a smooth grin while placing his arm around my shoulders.

  This would have been a swoon-worthy moment if it wasn’t for the cruel smile spreading across Mandy’s face as she bats her eyes at William.

  “I just complimented her on her lovely dress, and she was rude to me by not saying thank you, Will.” She replies with a dramatic pout.

  William turns to look at me with false surprise. “Really, I didn’t take you to be a rude girl. I figured you’d be a little more polite.”

  “Guys, just leave the girl alone and let her get to class.” Tucker insists as he joins in.

  I was thankful for him being there, but at the same time, I hated it because I didn’t want him to blow the cover of our friendship.

  “We’re just having a little fun, Tuck. No harm done.” William laughs lightly while he pulls me snuggly against his side.

  “Yeah, there’s no harm done, Babe.” Mandy chimes in while wrapping her arm around Tucker’s waist before leaning up to give him a quick kiss on his cheek.

  I had to admit that it kind of stung a little to see their display of affection. Plus, I had never taken Tucker to be the type to be interested in a girl like Mandy at all.

  “Then why not just let her go?” Tucker pushes while pinning William with a look.

  “She’s pretty,” William responds simply.

  Tucker’s jaw tightens and ticks with anger as he glances towards me before turning his attention back to William. “There’s better-looking girls here than her, Will. You don’t want to be seen with her kind anyway.”

  His words are like a hard slap to my cheek, but I wouldn’t have had him
answer any other way. At least he was trying to get me out of this situation.

  Although being this close to William had my mind a little fuzzy. My heart was jack-hammering against my chest, and since I was rapidly becoming lightheaded, I had no choice but to lean into his warmth while breathing in his spicy cologne.

  I couldn’t help myself being this close to my crush.

  “I don’t know. None of the other girls wear dresses like this.” William replies as he looks down at me while cupping my chin gently with his hand. “I bet if I kissed her right now she wouldn’t stop me either.”

  Mandy makes a disgusted sound while William continues to smirk down at me.

  I should have known nothing good would come from this situation, but I was too caught up in the moment. Caught in his gaze, I don’t see William’s girlfriend stomp up behind me until it's too late.

  “What the hell are you doing holding the trash like that, Will?” She screeches.

  Reality hits me full force, and I turn just in time to have her splash an entire cup of something awful and smelly onto my dress. William, of course, jumps back just in time to not get hit.

  Holding my hands out in horror tears fill my eyes as I glance around at the crowd, completely embarrassed.

  Pointing her finger at me, Anna practically snarls. “That should teach you never to let my guy touch you, and that you shouldn’t wear something so pretty. Trash should never dress up.”

  Everyone begins laughing and pointing at me before someone else decides to toss their drink on me, adding to the mess that Anna had already made.

  I was frozen in mortification as the students laugh and pass by me.

  Glancing up, I watch as Tucker is pulled away by Mandy while William tosses his arm around Anna, without giving me another thought.

  Not one person had stood up for me other than Tucker.

  No one else cared.

  And in that moment I felt like the smallest person on the planet.


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