Beast of the Bay

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Beast of the Bay Page 9

by Pride, Mia

  “Land on the horizon!” Will called from the outlook above. Juan turned and looked to see the faint silhouette of land in the distance. It felt like a mirage, but it had been five days and they were due to reach Scotland soon. The last few days had been very strained between him and Kat, having to share a cabin, yet hardly speaking to one another. It would be best for them both to get off this ship and onto to dry land.

  His nightmare had not returned in the past few days, but instead, he was haunted by memories of Kat, her kiss, and the small whimpering sounds she made when she rubbed herself against his cock. She had felt so good, so right. Too good. Too right. It had scared him to feel that connection. He wasn’t supposed to want another woman again, especially not her. They were supposed to pretend to be in love, but what had happened between them while alone in that cabin had thrown him off kilter. Kat was an unexpected complication and not one he had time to figure out. Especially because he wanted more of her. More kisses. More touching. More sharing of secrets and learning about one another.

  Staring out to sea, the mist all around them made it hard to see past his own nose, but he could smell the changes in the air. It was delicate, but one he knew well when the salt of the sea begins to mix with the flora of the land, swirling in the air.

  “So, this is the land of the Scots, si?” Alonso said, sidling up beside Juan. They had had time to reconnect these past few days and it was surreal to have a piece of his old life standing beside him now.

  “Si. They have the Spanish galleon in their possession. Lawrence will find out what they were doing here and set the queen’s mind at ease.”

  “And what have you been told to do with them?” Alonso asked, looking at Juan warily.

  “I was not given instructions to do anything. As you know, they are her enemy. But, they are our people, and we are here, not her. We shall figure it out.”

  “And you trust this Lawrence to not blow a hole in their ship and send all our countrymen to a watery grave?”

  “Si, I trust him.”

  “Lawrence is one of the most trustworthy men I have ever met,” he heard from behind him and knew it was Kat. She came out on deck from time to time and he allowed it if she stayed by his side. To his surprise, Kat had been calm and relatively well-behaved during the last few days. It unnerved him.

  Turning around, he smiled at her and looked her up and down. Today, she was wearing a dark blue linen dress she must have found in the trunk and it fit her even better than the other dresses before, hugging her curves and cradling her bosom. He was not certain if it was the habit of holding her close when she was on deck or memories of their shared kiss, but the more he saw Kat, the more real his feelings for her became. Once they were off this ship and had space from one another back on Clew Bay, he was certain whatever he was feeling would disappear. For now, he had a role to play.

  “Buenos días, mi amor,” Juan said and walked over to her, placing his hand around her waist. “You look as beautiful as ever.” Kissing her temple, he took a moment to whisper in her ear. “You truly do look beautiful. I am not saying that simply for others to hear.”

  “Thank ye.” Kat turned to look at Alonso and sent him a genuine smile. “Hola, Alonso,” she said, hugging him. She had picked up on a bit of his language, which sounded rather intriguing with her thick Irish accent, but he appreciated her learning it and appreciated even more how close she had grown to the man who had been a father to him.

  “Hola, chica bonita. How are you feeling this lovely morning?”

  Kat laughed as she always did when he called her a beautiful woman, and he wondered why he did not get the same response when he said the same. All he received was a bloody scowl from her. “I am not as well rested as ye seem to be, but I sense land up ahead, so how can I be anything other than glad?”

  “You can see the land from here?” Juan asked, squinting into the distance. He saw the land, but just barely.

  “Nay, I have grown up on ships. I dinnae need to see to ken land is approaching. It is… in the air.”

  Juan nodded, needing no more explanation, though she never ceased to amaze him with her wit and intelligence.

  “Ferdin—I mean Juan has been on many ships in his life, as well,” Alonso said. Juan cringed at the near slip up of his real name and Kat did not seem to miss it. Narrowing her eyes, she forced a smile at Alonso before shifting a suspicious gaze in his direction and pursing her lips.

  “Has he now? Ye will need to tell me all about Juan as a wee lad,” Kat responded with a grin. “There is so much I dinnae ken about him and if I am to be his wife, I will need to hear all the stories.” Looping her arm with Alonso’s, Kat walked away with him and looked over her shoulder, sending Juan a mischievous look before turning back around.

  Wife? She was taking this situation a step too far by claiming such a thing, to Alonso of all people. What was she trying to accomplish? One thing Juan knew for certain was that Kat O’Malley did not wish to be his wife. The woman could barely stand to be near him.

  As the land in the distance started to come into relief, Juan shouted orders at his men as he stood at the wheel, guiding the ship into the harbor. “Lower the anchor and raise the sails!” he commanded.

  A towering castle stood just in the distance and he recognized Castle Dheomhan, the stronghold of the Devils of the Deep. Only once had he been here with Tomas but it was an unforgettable place full of history, pirates, and the sort of pleasures most men dream of. All Juan wanted was to find out why the Spanish were in enemy waters, send them back and be on his way to Clew Bay – and away from Kat if possible.

  She was a temptation he did not need and, still, he was stuck with her for the next few days, apparently playing the role of her future husband. Though he needed to keep her close, this was more than he had expected, or wanted.

  Men readied the ship before preparing to disembark and Juan walked over to Kat and Alonso, putting his arm out to her. “Come, mi amor. We must be greeted to ensure safe passage. These men are pirates, after all,” he said with a smile, then leaned in to whisper so only she could hear him. “I would not want any harm to come to my bride.” Her eyes narrowed at him and he gave her a roguish grin. If she wanted to act as his future wife, Juan would play along and show her just what she could expect from him if she were truly his… only she was not and never would be if he had anything to say about it. Still, being near her affected him physically and made his heart and stomach twist and, at the same time, his cock twitch with need – a combination of feelings he was determined to be rid of.

  “As ye say, Husband.” Kat let go of Alonso and took Juan’s outstretched arm burrowing into his side like a kitten does when it desires a bowl of milk. She felt good in his arms and looked like a wind-blown siren with her low-cut dress and swept red hair, green eyes flashing with devilry. Kat could seduce the breeches off any man, and Juan was certain she knew it.

  Disembarking across the gangway, Juan saw some large men awaited them on the shore, arms crossed and swords hanging at their sides. They wore all black, except one man with a red rag tied around his head standing in the middle with a square jaw and looks that were known to frighten most men and bring all women to their knees. Niall MacDougall.

  Juan had met the man one time and knew he was somehow a distant cousin of Tomas’. He also knew the man was the leader of the Devils of the Deep and not one to underestimate.

  Kat stepped off the gangway first, flashing her smile at Niall before looking up at Juan, who gripped her arm tightly in a warning. He did not like the look in her eye and was not certain he could trust her to stay by his side.

  Approaching the men, Juan tipped his head in respect and unstrapped his leather belt, allowing his sword to fall to the sand to show that he came in peace.

  “Juan Sanchez,” Niall said slowly, walking toward him and Kat. “Where is my cousin, Tomas?” Niall’s gaze flicked over to Kat, scanning her up and down before smiling lecherously at her.

  “Tomas s
ent me in his stead. He had business to attend to in the north. He received a panicked missive from the queen and was commanded to travel here.”

  Making a tsking sound, Niall kept his deep blue gaze on Kat and barely blinked. “’Tis a shame. I was hoping to see his bonny wife again, but this one will do.”

  “Katherine willnae touch ye ever. She loves my brother,” Kat said with a bite in her tone. She was clearly protective of her sister by marriage and valued her married with Tomas, but all Niall did was smile wider.

  “Awe. Tomas’ wee sister. Kat, aye?”

  “Aye,” she said, raising a brow.

  “I dinnae recognize ye without yer breeches. I have spent so much time staring at yer arse that I forgot how bonny yer face is, as well.”

  Crossing her arms, Kat only made things worse by pushing her breasts together unknowingly. “Is that supposed to make me swoon, or vomit?”

  Niall tilted his head back and laughed, but Juan was starting to see red. He did not appreciate any man talking disrespectfully to Kat, not even a lord of pirates. “Kat and I are to marry, so I would ask you to refrain from such comments,” Juan said, trying to sound calm, pulling Kat closer to him instinctively, though she tried to pull away.

  Niall looked sideways at Juan and ran his tongue along his lower lip while he scrutinized them both. “Is Tomas aware that ye plan on wedding his sister?”

  What sort of question was that? “Not yet. It is a recent development.”

  “Tomas isnae my father. I can marry who I wish,” Kat added.

  Lawrence came up behind Juan and Kat, greeting Niall and receiving a much friendlier reception than Juan was receiving, being one of the descendants of the first Pirate Lord of the Devils. “Niall is asking because it wasnae so long ago that Tomas suggested a match between Kat and Niall.”

  “What?” Kat gasped, spinning on her heels to face Lawrence. “He never asked what I thought of that!”

  “He was aware of how beneficial it would be to unite the Scottish and Irish factions with our marriage, my bonny lassie. I admit I hadnae given it much consideration, but now…”

  “Now, the woman is spoken for,” Juan growled, pulling Kat back into him possessively and feeling rage take control of him. “Tomas never mentioned this to me.”

  “Well, obviously he doesnae tell ye everything then,” Niall scowled.

  “I will decide who I marry!” Kat shouted. “Nay man can make that choice for me!”

  “Tomas can, lass, if he chooses to,” Lawrence said gently and put a hand on her back. “But, he wouldnae, not without consulting ye.”

  Juan scowled at Lawrence, wondering why the man had urged Juan to play the role as her protector and lover if he knew they were heading toward Niall, who already believed he had a claim to her.

  “What brings ye to Castle Dheomhan in the first place?” Niall squinted, popping his knuckles as his men stood behind him with their arms still crossed and fierce looks on their faces.

  “The Queen of England heard that you stopped a Spanish galleon in these waters and held them as prisoners. You wrote to her to inform her that you would allow them to attack her if she did not pay you for protection. She wrote to Tomas and asked him to discover why they are here. She fears another armada.”

  Niall scoffed. “The Spanish are too weak now to build another armada.”

  “I know that,” Juan replied bluntly. He knew it far better than anyone here.

  “They also have a plague sweeping through their lands. That makes these men more dangerous. They may carry the disease. If I allow them into English territory, they could bring pestilence to the English. Would that not be a fine thing, aye?” Niall chuckled.

  Juan clenched his jaw. He also knew about the plague and did not appreciate the reminder. “To unleash the black death upon an innocent population of people? No. That does not seem a fine thing at all,” Juan snarled. Kat gripped his hand and looked up at him with a look that was neither pity nor scorn. It was simply understanding and it was all he needed. Squeezing her hand back, he was relieved that she knew his truth and could silently support him, understanding his grief.

  “I agree. That is an awful thing,” Kat said calmly.

  “Then, the queen had better pay us to keep the Spanish bastards away,” Niall shrugged as if it were no big thing to kill thousands of people.

  Keeping his silence, Juan wondered why Tomas would wish to marry his sister to a man such as Niall, who only sought his own gains. It may do well to combine pirate factions, but was not being allies good enough? Kat deserved a man of far greater character than Niall MacDougall.

  “Do ye ken why they are here?” Lawrence asked, thankfully changing the subject.

  “King Philip II has died. His weak, pathetic son is to take the throne. There is a rumor that another son named Ferdinand, an elder son of Philip’s who was thought dead, actually lives. It is said he was kept in hiding by his mother because of some secret. Every other son died, so it was easy enough for her to say he had, as well. They seek him out, believing he was on one of the ships that sailed out this way with the armada. A few of the surviving men returned to Spain, claiming to have knowledge of the man and that he lives. The new king, Ferdinand’s half-brother, wants him found, and likely killed.” Niall shrugged. “Sounds like a load of shite if ye ask me. I simply want a payment from the queen and then I will let these Spaniards go wherever they damned well please, once they have paid me a passage. Nobody leaves Castle Dheomhan without paying a fee…” He looked at Kat and licked his lips, making Juan bunch his fists, wishing to smash the Scottish pirate’s face in. But Kat did not notice… because she was looking at Juan strangely, knowingly.

  “I dinnae like the Spanish,” Niall continued, glancing at Juan, then back to Kat. “But, Tomas is my kin through his father, which makes his sister not my kin. Ye are a Burke by birth, not an Esmonde, aye?”

  “Aye,” Kat said warily.

  “Good. Here are my terms. Juan and his men may stay here for two days to make any repairs, rest, and feast with us as our Irish allies. I welcome ye all with open arms for Grace and Tomas. Here is my fee: Kat is to consider me as a husband.”

  “No.” Juan grabbed Kat and pushed her behind him, stepping forward to meet Niall’s gaze, standing slightly taller than the large Scot. “She is not a fee. She is the granddaughter of Grace and deserves your respect.”

  “Och. I respect everything I have seen of her, I assure ye. And her being the Irish Pirate Queen’s granddaughter makes her a perfect match for the heir of the Scottish pirate faction, doesnae it?”

  Kat stepped forward and put her hand out to Niall. “Deal.”

  Smiling, Niall shook her hand and looked up at Juan, a smug look on his face just before he snapped his fingers, turned, and walked away with his men.

  “Are you insane?” Juan spat. “I have been trying to protect you all this time and as soon as we get here, you put yourself at the mercy of that lecher?” Juan roared. “He is the worst sort of man, Kat!”

  “She had no choice, Juan,” Lawrence said.

  “I did not ask you!” Juan barked back. “Why do you tell me to act as if Kat is my woman, only to tell me now that Tomas wishes her to marry… that piece of shite? And you encourage it?”

  “Let me speak!” Kat roared, balling her fists. “Lawrence is correct. I had no choice. If I reject him, he will send us away, likely steal yer goods in the process, and ye will fail Tomas. I didnae agree to marry the lout! I only agreed to consider him… as far as he kens.” Then, leaning in so Lawrence could not hear, she whispered in his ear.

  “I will still need yer protection, just as ye will now be needing mine, Juan. Or, should I say… Ferdinand, heir of the Spanish crown?”

  Chapter Eight

  The ashen look on Juan’s face told Kat all she needed to know. He had been keeping another secret from her and she was furious at him for it, yet he was now being hunted down by the country he was meant to rule and the reasonable part of her understoo
d why he held his secret so close. Still, she would demand answers later. For now, he needed her help and she would woo information out of Niall if she could.

  “Kat.” Juan reached out to her and she pushed his hand away.

  “We will talk later,” she said, not knowing exactly what to say at the moment. She was not mad at him. After all, what was she to him, aside from a false bride? He had not needed to tell her about his family, but he had. Her plan to seduce him for answers had disappeared the moment he walked into that cabin and told her about his wife and daughter. Now, she was too dangerously attached to Juan, emotionally entangled with him, imagining a life with him somehow. Yet, he had made it perfectly clear after their shared time together that he regretted their connection immediately. Kat wanted Juan in a visceral way; she wanted to feel him on her, to taste his lips, to smell his manly natural scent when he was close, to see his dark eyes glaring into hers as she rubbed herself against him once more. But, she also wanted respect and if he could share that with her, then walk away, Kat would never be foolish enough to chase a man who did not wish to be caught.

  However, she was in a fortress full of pirates and as much as she wished to be as far away from Juan as possible, she knew that she needed to stay close to him, and he needed help avoiding the Spanish ship.

  Walking a fair distance behind Niall, she entered the castle through a large outer bailey, Lawrence and Juan close behind her. It was dusk now and it seemed most men had stopped their work for the day, for it felt eerily empty outside. When Niall pushed open the large iron doors, the sounds of loud music, shouting men, and laughing women infiltrated Kat’s ears and her eyes widened at the sights all around.

  Juan stepped in and grabbed her to his side the moment he saw what was transpiring.

  “Welcome to our life of sin!” Niall waved around the room and Kat’s mouth dropped. The women were almost entirely nude, occupying the men in one way or another. A few moans of pleasure drifted in the air and Kat resisted burying her face into Juan’s side. She did not want to appear overly innocent, and thanks to the man who had forced himself on her… and her one night of bliss with Juan, she could claim to know what happens between a man and a woman. But this… all manner of pleasure was occurring, from a woman sitting on a man’s lap with her breasts out to a man with his head between a woman’s legs as she sprawled out on the table and other men watched. She was quite certain another woman was on her knees beneath the table doing something she had only ever heard other lassie’s talk about. On the other side of the room, a man had a woman bent over the table as he plowed into her from behind.


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