The Outbreak Series (Book 4): Deadlocked

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The Outbreak Series (Book 4): Deadlocked Page 14

by Baker, Thomas

  A sudden thud nearly made JT jump out of his shoes, in turn sending pain shooting through his leg. A second thud drew his attention towards the area a few feet away that read "Employees Only Past This Point" JT parked the cart by the wall and peered down the dark hallway. At the end were four doorways as far as he could tell, three of which were closed, the other one was an open entryway.

  JT eased his way down the hallway. The first door on the right simply read "Storage". He gave the handle a jiggle to find it unlocked. He crept the door open and peeked his head inside. It was indeed a small storage closet, nothing more than some cases of plastic shopping bags, a janitorial cart, and some cleaning tools such as various mops and brooms.

  He decided he would head for the open doorway, which was the next one on the right. He stepped through it. It opened into a large space, which at one time was their break room. He eyeballed the room. The first thing that caught his eye was a busted open vending machines. A search of the cabinets of the small kitchenette area yielded nothing more than some paper plates and plastic utensils. He turned to head out when he took a second look at a small wall of lockers, most emblazoned with a name. He started opening them one by one, which turned out to be a wise decision.

  Amongst the contents of the lockers he found a few half used bottles of Tylenol, Ibuprofen and even a partial bottle of prescription antibiotics. JT pulled up the bottom of his shirt as a makeshift basket to carry the items back to his cart.

  Once he had tossed them into a plastic bag and dropped it into the real basket, he headed back down the hall to check the last two rooms on the left. The first one read "Human Resources" This door was also unlocked, well unlocked with force it had appeared by the shape of the door frame. Someone trashed the office. JT took a quick look around, but there was nothing of use for them in here. As he exited another shaking thud hammered against the wall. Well, this probably won't end well.

  As JT reached the door that said "Store Manager" he said aloud, "Well ladies and gentlemen, let's see what is behind door number three." JT grabbed the handle to find it locked. When he shook the door knob, something slammed against it from the other side. He about fell back on his ass.

  JT thought about it for a moment and against his better judgment raised his metal pipe and brought it down on the door knob, causing it to bend but not break. With another whack from his pipe, the knob clattered to the floor, rolling to a stop.

  The door let out a long creak as JT pushed it open. He took a hesitant peek inside before entering, shining his light around the room. He found it odd that the room was locked and wondered what in the walls would make those sounds. JT's thoughts evaporated in his mind and the door slammed shut. There, standing behind it between the door and some filing cabinets, was a behemoth of a zombie. It didn't snarl or make a noise.

  It lunged at JT.

  He tried to protect himself as the weight of the zombie carried them over the desk and he crashed to the floor. JT tried to use the desk chair as a barrier to slow the zombie, but it proved ineffective.

  It came at him again, snapping its jaws, the click click unnerving him. JT jabbed at it with his pipe, attempting to keep it at bay. He was in complete shock when the giant thing grabbed the pipe and tossed it aside. JT backpedaled as quick as his hobbled limbs would let him. He had just made it into the doorway when the thing charged him again, this time tackling him to the floor so hard his head bounced off the tile as they slid across into the break room.

  JT swung wildly at the zombie, landing ineffective punches. He even tried to gouge his thumbs into its undead eyes while his head still spun from cracking it against the floor. He somehow managed to slide out from under it enough to kick at it, connecting twice right in its chin with a sinking satisfaction. With that the behemoth rose to its feet, not looking staggered, injured or even confused. It looked pissed, its blank eyes bore into JT as it gnashed its dented in mouth.

  He laid there stunned. He used a table to get back to his feet, never taking his eyes off his attacker. It just stood there staring like it was waiting for JT to make the first move. JT took a glance around the room for anything he might use to defend himself. The only thing he saw was a broom leaning in a corner next a trash can.

  Adrenaline pumped as he made a break for the broom. His zombie opponent swung out at him but missed by a wide margin before giving pursuit.

  JT snatched up the broom and snapped the wooden handle in half over his good knee just before the zombie was back on top of him. He took the less jagged piece and beat the zombie in the face until he staggered it enough to gain some distance then rushed forward plunging the other broken piece right into the middle of its rotted out face. The zombie fell to the ground in a heap followed by JT plopping down in one of the many chairs, elbows on his knees, trying to catch his breath.


  JT sat there for a few moments trying to compose himself. That's when he noticed the subdued glow emitting from the wall in the manager's office across the hallway. It was like someone shined a spotlight on it as he squinted his eyes to make it out. There was a cross and beneath that cross were the words "First-Aid Kit" Seeing that JT dashed out of his seat, into the office, and ripped the plastic box open. It was stocked with ointments, bandages, scissors, rubbing alcohol, peroxide, pretty much anything one would need in a kit like this.

  He pulled it off the wall and wanted to run back to Hannah and Lindsay. He grabbed his pipe off the office floor, threw it and the medical kit in the shopping cart, and made his way back out to the girls. The cart rattled across the pavement as he exited. He regarded the state of things as he made his way across the parking lot. Hannah and Lindsay huddled beside a blood-spattered Chevy Cruze. Hannah spotted him and waved her arms frantically and pointed off to JT's right. He turned his head in that direction, and a dread fell over him. A group of twenty or so zombies headed in their direction. They were only about half a block away now.

  JT knew they only had a minute or two before the undead pack would be on top of them. When he looked back to Hannah and Lindsay, they crouch-walked and limped in his direction. He pushed the cart as fast as his leg would allow to meet them and let them use the cart to hurry back. The footfalls of the dead intensified. The cart clattered across the asphalt, sure to draw their attention.

  Hannah surveyed the zombies as JT helped Lindsay lift herself into the cart. None of the creatures so far seemed to be much more than the shambling variety. Which was a good thing because with only a few rounds left Hannah didn't feel equipped enough to fend off too many Runners.

  With a tap on her shoulder, Hannah turned to grab the cart as she and JT pushed it as fast as they could back to the storefront. The nearest zombies were now only a few feet away. JT pried the sliding doors. The three of them made it in. JT slid the doors shut. A moment later two putrid faces pressed against the glass.

  The three stood there staring at them for a moment before going all the way back into the store through the second set of doors. Once inside, JT shoved as many carts as he could into the doorway just in case the glass didn't hold. The reanimated bodies piled against them, blocking what little sunlight he had to work with.

  Once satisfied, he joined the women inside. Lindsay sat atop one of the checkout lanes. Hannah was cleaning and dressing her wound in a crude and quick fashion.

  JT kept watch on the doors while Hannah finished up. The glass tinkled, buckling from the weight of the zombies pressing inward. Hannah spotted a backpack hanging on the back of a chair in a little cafe type area. She dumped it out, sending papers and a couple of books fluttering to the ground. She shoved the first aid kit and the rest of the things from the cart inside it and slid it over her shoulders.

  The little horde grew to full strength. The sound of glass shattering stopped and the sound of bodies slapping together intensified. JT snuck a peek through the barrier. Rotted bodies banging against the inner glass.

  "These doors aren't going to hold, we need to move further in and find a sa
fe place to hide," he suggested to the other two.

  "A fire exit!" Lindsay shouted, "we can use one of the fire exits. We get to it and get out while they're still trying to get in. If they get in here before we get out we can use it as a choke point. Then I'll take you guys to where I think they're keeping Gus and them, along with catching up to that little prick who shot me."

  "You'll need to fill us in on that last part, but that is a great plan, Lins. Let's move ladies," JT retorted.

  Hannah felt a twinge of jealousy hearing JT use a pet name for Lindsay, but she pushed that out of her mind as they made their way to the East side of the store and out the door just as the shattering of glass rang out. The three of them resembled some drunken friends, using each other to stand as they exited the bar at closing time.


  Gus awoke to people buzzing around. Killian's folks were moving around with urgency. The guards for the prisoners seemed to be nervous and unsettled as they kept their watch. Gus worked his way to the edge of the enclosure for a better looksie.

  Gus quieted the people around him. Linda and Madison joined him by his side. Linda had an inquisitive face, and she watched Gus listen in with sheer determination. He couldn't make out much more than some inaudible mumbling. They all spoke in hushed tones while stealing glances at Gus and the others inside of the cage.

  Linda gripped his arm tight as three men, dressed in all black tactical type gear, the same they wore the day they had invaded their town stepped around the corner from the hallway with a purpose. They approached the cage door and shouted, "Gus and Linda, step to the door right now!" The force of his words sent chills down their spines. The others in the cage wouldn't even raise their heads. They gazed at the floor, fearful of the force in his words.

  Gus scooped Madison up in his arms as he and Linda stepped towards the door. "I said Gus and Linda, not Gus and Linda plus one." The big burly guy from the front yelled.

  "Well, I am not going anywhere or doing anything without this little girl so why don't you tell me what the problem is fellas? Y'all want an autograph from ole' Gus?"

  "Whatever old man. Emilio warned us you were a wise ass. Bring the kid, it's your blood she will see, we don't give two shits." The guard's words made Gus clench Linda's hand tight. She returned the gesture. Madison squeezed his neck a little tighter, and he thought he felt her shudder.

  "Get your asses moving!" The guards ordered as they opened the door for them to come through. Gus and Linda tensed up even more as two of the three men got in behind them, jabbing them in their backs with the muzzles of their assault rifles as they urged them along, following behind the big burly guy who lead the way.

  They came to a metal door with nothing more than a handle. The lead guard used a key to open it. They all stepped inside to a little foyer type area with some metal lockers on either side and a sink. The guard knocked on a second door and they ushered them all the way inside as it opened.

  Worry seized Linda when she heard the door click shut behind her. They were locked in a big empty room. In the middle of the room was a table with restraints attached to it. They made Gus and Linda sit in the two metal folding chairs at the table and place their hands into the thick leather restraints. Linda let out a gasp as they yanked the straps tight, securing them.

  Gus took a quick survey of the situation and realized they bolted the table to the ground. It was an old metal style lab table, so it wasn't one that was easily movable to begin with. Gus had his focus broken when Madison cried out. He whipped his head around the best he could to see them binding her hands and feet with grey duct tape.

  "Leave that little girl alone, you assholes!" Linda yelled at the two men restraining Madison. The third man stepped forward and backhanded Linda across the mouth, splitting her bottom lip.

  "Now wait a minute there Mr. Seth!" Killian made his presence known while entering the room, "I said bring them to me, I said nothing about causing anyone physical harm." The man he had called Seth seemed to grow nervous as Killian walked towards him. He stopped right in front of him and turned him while putting his arm around him. They both now stood facing Gus and Linda.

  "Ma'am, Linda? Correct?" Killian asked. "Did this man cause that little bit of blood trickling from your precious lips?" Linda didn't answer, she just stared at a blank spot on the table. She jumped in her chair when Killian slammed Seth's head down onto the table in front of her. He pinned his head with one hand and smacked him several times with the other, which caused his own lips to redden and swell.

  "Now, apologize to this lady Seth, and do it right or next time Sister Sledge will do my slapping." Killian was stone cold. Seth stuttered to begin, but he followed orders and apologized to Linda before Killian excused all three of the men from the room.

  Madison drew Killian's attention as she struggled against her binds before he sat down in the chair across the table from Gus and Linda. He swayed over to her nonchalant. He crouched down in front of her and brushed her hair back out of her face and over her ears.

  "Well hello there sweet child, these here restraints are just to keep you out of trouble while I talk to your friends over there. If you can be a good little gal and let the grown ups handle their business, then maybe Uncle Cash can wrestle up a special treat for you. I may or may not have a secret stash of yummy chocolate chip cookies I'd be willing to share just with you." Killian gave her a huge smile before raising back up and heading over to the chair at the table.

  He sat and crossed his right leg over his left. He intertwined his hands, placed them in his lap, and gave Gus and Linda a huge grin as he sank back into his seat. He sat there for a moment simply smiling at the two of them, looking back and forth between them, attempting to make eye contact. His smile broke, and he leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table and rubbing the scruff on his chin.

  "Good morning. Now let's go ahead and address the elephant in the room. I know what you're thinking, chocolate chip cookies, right? Why would a man living in this dystopian world offer a sweet little girl such a delicious treat? Simple! We found the lucky pot of gold! Not too long ago while out on a run someone brought me the truckload of a kid at fat camps wet dream! A mother fucking cookie truck! A semi trailer loaded with pallets of delectable goodness!"

  Killian's enthusiasm caught Gus off guard.

  Killian held his arms out to the sides like he was basking in the sun's warmth, a big smile still upon his face. He brought his arms in and folded them across his chest. Killian sat there for a minute before clapping his hands once, sending an echo through the nearly empty room.

  "My name is Killian Cash. You two, I've been told by my friends, are our celebrity guests. Gus and the beautiful Linda." Killian leaned back onto the table as he continued. "Well, don't look so stunned that I know your names. You see, a little bird flew into my place and told me all about it! They told me you're Gus and Linda and that you have two crazy people named JT and Hannah we've spotted nearby snooping around, looking for you. Now I'm not so sure these two are of any threat to me or my compound, but I was also told a third person, a female named Lindsay who was being held in the outside pens with you two got away. She showed up and pulled a weapon on one of my most trusted men and that my friends is unacceptable."

  Gus felt like his chin must've been sagging to the floor. He realized that Killian stared right at him, but he was speechless. He turned his head towards Linda. She too sat there looking shell shocked. Could Hannah and JT really be near? How else could this guy learned so much? Had he already taken them prisoner too? Was this all some sick game?

  Killian shifted in his chair, breaking Gus out of his deep thoughts. "Well this is where one of you two mutes speak. How about ladies first? Linda, tell me all about this JT and Hannah. Tell me, why would they come here looking for you and those sorry sacks of shit back in the cells?"

  Killian propped his feet up on the table, locking his fingers behind his head. "Well, go on. The clock is a ticking."


  Their escape wasn't as clean as JT would have liked.

  The three of them made it to the back of the store and to the fire exit without incident, holding onto the cart like three people thrown overboard hanging onto a life raft.

  JT cracked it open and, to his credit, it looked clear. He had forgotten about the strange new behavior from some of the undead fucks.

  After waving them on, the ladies pushed the cart outside to join him. No sooner were they through the door than a body landed with a wet thud in the cart, knocking it out of their hands. It rolled away across the trash strewn back lot, a zombie still inside.

  All three of them swayed on their feet, like hurricane-force winds threatened to blow them over. JT scrambled to pull out the pipe he stored on his belt.

  The zombie, which looked like it used to be a pre-teen girl, leapt out of the basket, its milk white eyes wide. Best as JT guessed, it pounced on them from the roof.

  With no chance of running, JT stood his ground. The pipe clear of its holster, JT smacked it on the ground, wanting its attention but not the whole pack around front.

  Its dead head turned to him. Its torn up hoodie flapped in the wind. It seemed guarded, unlike the mindless killing machines all before this one were.

  Come get me, you fucker. Come on.

  It turned and took two steps towards Lindsay, whose roughly made bandage had already turned a darker shade. JT clubbed the ground again.

  It was like an instinct took over. The zombie turned and shot towards him. With luck he timed his blow just right and his swing caught the zombie girl right smack upside its head. Its neck twisted to an angle that JT found uncomfortable to look at.

  Recovering the cart, JT brought it back to the girls. From there, they moved stealth like away from the grocery store. JT, Hannah, and Lindsay found an old vacant shoe store to take shelter in a couple of blocks away. After nursing their injuries the best they could, they opted to hold up for the day, and wound up spending the night too.


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