Beau's Redemption

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Beau's Redemption Page 16

by Royal Blue

  “Don’t fuck this up. I don’t want to have to kick my husband’s ass for fucking you up.”

  “What? I’ll kick Beau’s ass,” he says.

  “Why is my ass being threatened?”

  We turn to see Beau closing in on us. So much for my alone time to think to myself. Although I don’t mind the company at all. My twin and my soul mate. I couldn’t be in better company.

  “Don’t worry. He’s all mouth,” I say.

  “Um, okay. Your mama wants you both. She’s ready to say good night. The kids are getting restless,” Beau says.

  I nod, and the three of us start back into the restaurant. When we get to the entrance that leads to the private area, something is off. Everyone’s standing in a semicircle facing the door.

  Beau groans beside me, causing me to look at him. His cheeks are pink and he’s shaking his head. He reaches for my hand and holds it tight. I’m lost until singing fills the private dining room area.

  I turn to find Kyle crooning “All My Life” by K-Ci and JoJo. It takes a second to click. So this was what he meant about fixing things.

  Beau pulls me to stand in front of him as he wraps his arms around me from behind and starts to sway me. Kyle has an amazing voice, and his choice of song is perfect. I have waited all of my life for someone like Beau.

  “I’m going to kill him,” Beau breathes in my ear.

  “Why? It’s the perfect song,” I say.

  “Yeah, but that’s not the problem.”

  Kyle continues to sing, but my focus turns to Beau. He is now bright red. He releases me and digs into his pocket.

  “I didn’t know if I’d do any of this. I had planned to just give you the ring.” He turns to glare at Kyle. “My brother didn’t feel that was right.”

  “You drop to your knee, I’m walking out,” I warn.

  I’m serious too. The song is cool. I appreciate the gesture.

  Beau’s eyes widen and his cheeks grow brighter. Before I can apologize and let him follow through with whatever he had planned, a smile breaks across his face. He takes the ring from its box, grabs the front of my shirt, and tugs me to him.

  Placing his forehead to mine, he grabs my hand and lifts it. “I don’t have a bunch of pretty words, but that doesn’t make me love you any less. When I asked, you said yes. Now that I have your daddy’s blessing, this is just to show you I meant it. I love you,” he says, pushing the ring onto my finger.

  “I love you too,” I say and kiss him.

  Our families begin to applaud around us. It’s the perfect moment. Not what most would call romantic, but it’s me, and it’s Beau. I was fine with our private moment three weeks ago. Yet, I’ll admit, when I turn the look of pride and happiness in my parents’ eyes… this is more than I could’ve asked for.

  Chapter 25

  Special Moments


  “I’m going to get me a horse one day,” Billy says as we head for the stables.

  I look at Angel with wide eyes, and he purses his lips as mirth lights his eyes. Everyone has put so much into planning this day for her. We wanted it to be perfect. Her comment sends me straight into a panic.

  At thirty, I never thought I’d be planning to be someone’s father. Finding the perfect gift for Billy seemed like the world’s biggest task to me. I want this to be the best birthday she’s had yet.

  “That would be so cool. Then we could ride together all the time,” Mason says.

  I hold my breath as we get to the stable door, and I reach for the handle. Pulling it open, I allow Billy to enter first. She starts inside, skidding to stop as everyone yells surprise.

  “This is for me?” she looks up at me and whispers.

  “Yes, darlin’. It’s your birthday party,” I say.

  She looks around at all of the people here for her. Balloons and streamers are everywhere. The place looks perfect for a little nine-year-old girl.

  However, the moment that makes my own heart stop is when the crowd parts, and Emma comes forward leading a horse beside her. The horse has a bow around its neck, and its mane is braided with a bow at the end. Billy’s face runs through a number of emotions, settling on excitement and awe.

  “Is that mine?”

  “Yes,” Angel replies.

  “You got me a horse?”

  “He’s a beautiful stallion and he’s all yours,” I say.

  She takes a step forward, then turns back to look up at me. The gears are going. I should expect her words, but they still send a sharp pain to my heart.

  “I’ll work hard for him. I’ll come to the gym more days and clean up, and—”

  I squat to get eye level with her. “Sugar, that horse is yours. You don’t owe me a thing for it. It’s your birthday gift. Angel and I wanted you to have it. When we give you something, it’s because we want to see a smile on your face. You never have to give us anything in return,” I say.

  She throws her arms around my neck and squeezes me so tight, if she were stronger she might cut my air off. I wrap her little body in my arms and squeeze back. I fight back the tears.

  “Thank you, Beau. This is the best birthday ever,” she whispers.

  “You’re welcome.”

  I guess we got it right.


  “You boys did an awesome job,” Daphne says as I walk up with more ice from inside the main house.

  She and my moms have been cleaning up the picnic tables Beau had set up inside the barn for the party, after serving all the kids ice cream and cake. I set the ice down and start to cover the drinks I brought out earlier. Everyone has run through the first two tubs we had out.

  “I’m so proud of you, m’ijo,” my mother adds. “She’s adorable. I pray things work out. I can’t wait to spoil her.”

  “I don’t know how we’re going to keep it from her. I’ve wanted to tell her all day,” I murmur.

  Daphne pats my cheek the way she always does. “It’s best this way. She’s had so many disappointments, we don’t want to get her little hopes up.”

  “I know that’s why we’re waiting, but this is tough. I just want to see her happy, you know?”

  Daphne smiles. “You raised a wonderful young man, Paula.”

  “Thank you. You did wonderfully yourself. Billy has been driving Beau crazy wanting to ride and feed that horse every five seconds. Poor horse,” my mother snickers.

  “We’ll have to find time to bring her here more often,” I think aloud.

  “Everyone will pitch in. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a little one to go riding with. I’ll bring her as much as I can. I used to ride competitively as a girl. I bet she’d love that,” Daphne muses.

  “I bet she would. That kid has a huge competitive streak.”

  “Then she’s already your daughter, mi hijo.” My mother chortles.

  “I told them she’s the perfect child for them,” Daphne says.

  She is.

  I look across the barn to see Billy laughing with Mason and Aryanna. You would never know there was ever an issue between the three. I’d been worried about inviting others to Billy’s special place, but it seems to be working out.

  “I’m worried. I hope we’re right for her. I read that kids adapt to things easier and faster than adults,” I muse aloud. “We’ll have to be patient with her and allow her to adjust on her own time, but she’s more likely to adjust because of her age.

  “Mommy, I was hoping you or Martina will teach me how to do her hair. I only know how to pull it up in a band like mine, but I want to be able to do more. She’s not as big a tomboy as everyone thinks. She likes girly stuff,” I ramble.

  When I turn back to my mother and Daphne, they’re looking at me like I have two heads. I think over what I’ve just said to see if I said something wrong. I’m still not sure what the looks are about until my mother speaks up.

  “Mi hijo, you’re going to make a great father. You’re reading books, you want to learn to do her hair, you pay attention to wha
t she’s interested in. You’re more than right for her,” she says.

  “My husband loved his kids, but he wouldn’t even look at one of the baby books I had when I was pregnant with Beau or Emma,” Daphne adds. “You’re already shaping up to be a great daddy.”

  “We have to get her first,” I say.

  “You will, m’hijo. It will all work out.”

  Will it work out?

  I’ve been extra anxious in the last few weeks. I’m sleeping less and pacing more. I worry about how Billy will adapt, but I also worry about how I’ll handle all of these changes.

  “Your mama is right; it will,” Daphne says, handing me a chocolate chip cookie.

  “I hope so.”

  Chapter 26



  I can’t believe we did it. I look at Beau in his suit and can’t stop smiling. I wanted to keep it simple, and he was all for that. City Hall was fine with both of us. The only reason we’re having this dinner is because Mommy and Daphne wanted us to have a celebration.

  “I’m honored y’all could be here with us,” Beau says, completing his short toast.

  Always straight and to the point. I love that about him. Some days I’m not up for a lot of talking. I don’t ever have to worry about Beau pushing me to do so.

  That’s what makes us work. Being with Beau is easy. He makes it easy to love him.

  “I guess that means it’s my turn,” I say while standing next to my husband. Beau returns my smile, placing his hand on my back. “Today has been amazing. We have yet to tell Billy; we’re waiting until it’s official. However, we wanted you all to be the first to know that we’ve started the process to adopt. We’ll be taking our first parenting classes next week.

  “This is all happening so fast. It’s surreal. Within two months we’ve started a renovation, gotten married, and now we’ll be parents in the next six months to a y—”

  “They’re coming in hot. I need backup,” Hanes shouts.

  “Cover me, Bachman. I’m heading in,” I say as I try to get eyes on Hanes.

  Explosions are going off all around us. I just need to get to that truck and help them get out of there. If I can make it….

  “I have zero visibility. Fuck. Just give me a second, Hernández.”

  I make a quick decision. I have to move. I can’t leave them out there. No one’s dying on my watch. Not today.

  “They don’t have a minute,” I grit out.

  “Hernández, Hernández, get your stubborn ass down,” Bachman calls after me. “Fuck.”


  “It’s okay. It’s all right,” I croon. “You’re right here with me. Stay right here with me.”

  “Lo siento,” Angel sobs for the millionth time. “I’m so sorry.”

  I never knew my heart could hurt so much. This day should be a happy one. It’s official. We’re married.

  When Angel suggested something small, I was more than fine with it. It was just us, our parents, and our siblings. Everyone met at City Hall, and within a few hours we were married.

  This small reception was more for our mothers and friends. I’ll admit once we arrived, I was happy to see my friends here to support me. However, what made this day amazing was the stop we made before heading here to the restaurant.

  Our lawyer had everything ready for us to sign. We’re starting the process to become parents. Six months to a year from now, we could be bringing Billy home.

  “It’s okay,” I whisper in his ear. “It’s going to be okay.”

  Everything was perfect. I did everything I could to make this day special, booked out a tucked-away restaurant in midtown. The place is surrounded in glass, giving us a view of the street. I made sure the champagne wasn’t opened around Angel in case the sound became a trigger.

  I did everything right. I controlled everything I could. I thought of everything to make this day perfect.

  “Can you get my son-in-law a glass of water?” Mama says.

  “Yes, ma’am. Right away.” The hostess rushes out.

  I rock Angel in my arms as we sit on the floor in the middle of the restaurant. I ignore the moisture seeping through the seat of my slacks from the spilled beverages. Mama moves cautiously over the broken glass.

  The hostess hands her a glass of water, and she hands it to me. I hold it up to Angel’s mouth, and he takes it with shaky hands. I kiss his forehead as he empties the glass.

  “I’m sorry,” he says again as he hands Mama the glass.

  “You stop telling us you’re sorry, sugar,” she says softly. “That transformer blew and scared us all. Thankfully the generator came on so Beau could help you.”

  A transformer. A fucking transformer blew right outside the restaurant in the middle of Angel giving his toast. He flipped the table, soaking Mama, his mama, and Emma with water and wine as the glasses crashed around them. He was ready for battle, calling out to a team not here.

  At least not for the rest of us. For Angel, it was all real. There was danger and he reacted.

  This one was bad. It’s been about twenty minutes since that damn thing blew. I don’t know how long we’ve been sitting here since I got him to come back to me.

  “I’m ruining everything. We’re not going to get Billy. I’m too fucked-up,” he whispers.

  “Now you listen here,” I say. “This isn’t going to stop anything. You’re going to continue to see Eric, and if we have to, we’ll go together. This isn’t going to change a thing.”

  “He’s right, m’ijo,” Alejandro says, squatting to get eye level with his son. “You’re strong. You will beat this. You will learn to cope. I believe in you. I will help. I’ve learned to adapt. It takes more than the meds. I work at it. So can you.”

  “No one was hurt. Besides, aren’t broken dishes supposed to be good luck?” Emma says, trying to lighten the mood.

  “I ruined dinner,” Angel sobs.

  “It needed seasoning.” Alejandro shrugs and pats Angel’s shoulder.

  Brushing his hair back from his face, I kiss the top of his head. We’re all doing our best to make sure Angel feels our love as he grasps ahold of himself again. Everyone’s concern and love fills the restaurant as we remain seated on the floor.

  “We can go to the complex and order in,” Andy offers.

  “I will cook,” Paula chimes in.

  “I can too. We’ll have y’all bellies full in no time. I’ve been wanting to cook in that big fancy kitchen anyway. I’ll bake all those babies some cookies while I’m at it,” Mama says.

  I tuck a strain of hair behind Angel’s ear. He turns to me with tortured eyes. I clench my teeth against the helplessness I feel. I want to make this go away for him. I want to make it better.

  “It’s up to you, darlin’. If you want to just go home, we can. If you want to have dinner with the family, that’s good too,” I say.

  He swallows and licks his lips. Angel’s forehead creases as he weighs the options. I kiss his nose, wanting to ease the tension within him.

  “I don’t think I can,” he says brokenly. “Maybe another time. I just want to go home. I’m sorry, everyone.”

  “Nothing to be sorry about, Angel,” Jordan says. “We’re family. You and Beau decide to try this again, you just call. We’ll be there.”

  Thank you, I mouth to one of my best friends as Angel relaxes a bit in my arms. I take comfort in knowing I have so many people in my life that are understanding.

  “All right, I’ll be the first to take my leave and let the couple have a moment. You’re all welcome to join me at Refuge for a drink or ten if you like,” Javier calls.

  Again, I’m grateful for my friends. I watch as the men I think of as brothers all give me nods of encouragement as they start to leave. I know they’ll call to check in.

  As the rest of the family starts to gather their things, I turn my attention back to my shaken husband in my arms. I get us both to our feet. My arms go around him to tug him into my chest.

bsp; “This isn’t a setback, baby. We’re going to have our family,” I whisper in his ear. “We’ll get through this together.”

  Chapter 27

  Ghosts of the Past


  This is a shit show if I’ve ever seen one. I should’ve known it would be. It’s been over six years, and my name has been in the papers for everything from who they think my sister is dating to the latest rising star I may or may not be training.

  I don’t know what made me think my coming out of retirement wouldn’t explode into a media frenzy. I guess the fact that my first fight out of retirement will be with Gordon Norwack hasn’t helped the situation. Norwack is at the top of the food chain. He’s also arrogant and wants a shot at sending me back into retirement.

  “Thanks for coming out. I’m officially announcing my return from retirement. I’ll be fighting Gordon Norwack in a heavyweight bout six months from now.”

  This conference room is nearly suffocating with their thirst to find a juicy story in all of this. I just want to get to the fight, but I know this is inevitable. I’m sitting here at this table with all these cameras in my face like an offering. I’ve thrown myself to the wolves.

  “Beau James, is it true that no one else wanted to take a fight with you?” a reporter calls.

  “It wasn’t easy finding an opponent,” I say into the mic.

  That’s an understatement. We’ve been looking for a fight worth entertaining for almost five months. I haven’t stopped training in hopes that we’d find someone willing to step in the ring with me, an opponent who takes this sport as seriously as I do. Norwack has been the only real taker worth considering.

  “Do you think you’re ready for a fighter like Norwack?”

  “I’m ready to get back in the ring. Myself and my team are dedicated to showing up ready to take home a win,” I reply.


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