Sweet Little Secrets

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Sweet Little Secrets Page 3

by Travis Szablewski

  “I just didn’t know if she said anything or seemed off. Did she ever say anything that might have pointed to the possibility that someone was following her? Did she have any enemies around town?”

  “Not that we know of; everyone that knew her loved her. I don’t know a single person that disliked her,” Tatum said, shaking her head. Lillian knew one person that hated her…and it took everything inside of her not to raise her damn hand into the air.

  “Well, if you remember anything at all, I’ll be in town…until we find her,” Peyton said as she slowly stood to her feet.

  “We? Did other family members come with you?” Lillian asked, confused.

  “No, I contacted the local police department. I filed a missing person report,” Peyton nodded, staring down at Lillian. Lillian’s heart sank in her chest as her stomach twisted beneath her black sweater. Now, the police were involved. What if they found her? What if they came asking questions? Her entire life…would be shattered.

  “Please, let us know if there is anything we can do to help,” Tatum nodded as she stood up, walking with Peyton through the doorway and into the foyer.

  Lillian fought back the tears building in her eyes as she swallowed hard, staring down at her trembling hands that rested on her lap. If they found out what happened…if the police discovered something…Kylie would have died for nothing.

  This would all be for nothing; all for Lillian to sit in a jail cell for the rest of her life. Never to see Tatum again. Never to see Gordon grow up. She couldn’t let that happen.

  And she was going to do anything…to prevent it. She already killed one Richmond whore…

  If needed…she could kill one more.


  Victoria twirled her fork through the Nicoise salad on the white plate in front of her as she glanced up, staring across the small round table and back at her husband, Derek Hampton. The flickering flame of the candle placed in the center of the table danced along Derek’s face…his eyes staring down at the steak in front of him. She thought maybe bringing him to Alexander’s would break him out of his funk. She didn’t understand what he was so upset about. He and Elle bickered like two little schoolgirls on the playground. Sure, she was his daughter…but deep down…she knew he hated Elle.

  “Are you not hungry?” Victoria asked as a piece of lettuce crunched between her teeth.

  “I thought coming out might…might help take my mind off of it all. But, all it does is…” Derek then stopped as he fought back his tears.

  “Derek,” Victoria said softly as she sat her fork down and reached across the table, grabbing his right hand tightly. “She knows how much you loved her. Every day, you were the best father that you could have been. What you went through…what we went through was horrible. No parent should ever go through this…but we are. All we can do is honor her memory…and remember that it isn’t goodbye.”

  “I love you so much,” Derek smiled softly through the tears rolling down his face as he squeezed her hand tighter. Derek leaned forward, his chest inches above the tabletop…as he gently kissed Victoria’s pink lips.

  “I love you more,” Victoria smiled and winked as Derek sat back down into his chair and slowly began to cut the medium rare steak on his plate.

  “How about…I go to the powder room and we get out of here. Cruise around town like a couple of high school kids…find a quiet spot,” Victoria smiled coyly as she bit her bottom lip, her eyes locked on Derek’s.

  “That might take my mind off of things,” Derek smiled, nodding hesitantly as Victoria slowly stood up.

  “I’ll be back,” Victoria winked as she grabbed her black clutch and adjusted the bottom of her tight blue cocktail dress, pulling it down her thin thighs.

  Victoria threw her hand against the bathroom door and stepped inside, glancing around the empty, dimly lit bathroom surrounding her. Victoria stepped up to the center sink and stared back at her reflection in the mirror before her. Victoria ran her fingers through her thick, bouncy blonde hair as she dug into her clutch and pulled out a deep red shade of lipstick.

  “Uh, excuse me?” a soft voice rang out from the center stall behind Victoria. Victoria’s eyes widened as she slowly turned, her eyes locking onto the secured stall door. Victoria glanced down…to see a set of white heeled feet placed firmly against the floor within the stall.

  “Uh, yeah?” Victoria smirked, confused.

  “Do you…do you have…?” the soft voice asked as a soft smile spread across Victoria’s face.

  “Do you want a tampon, pad, or condom; I have an abundance of each,” Victoria giggled, holding up her black clutch.

  “A tampon, please,” the soft voice giggled behind the wooden stall door.

  “Coming right up,” Victoria said as she dug into her clutch and pulled out a tampon, the plastic wrapping crackling in her hands. Victoria leaned forward, holding the tampon under the stall door…waiting for the person inside to take it. A small hand wrapped around the tampon and pulled it under, disappearing out of sight.

  “Thank you so much!”

  “Don’t sweat it, girl; I’ve been there, too,” Victoria smirked as she turned, moving back to the center sink. Victoria popped the cap off of the lipstick and glided it carefully along the curves of her lips…as the center stall opened behind her.

  “I might take you up on that condom offer later,” the young woman smiled as she stepped up to the sink beside Victoria’s. Victoria turned, eying the young woman carefully. Her long, curly black hair draped down her back. A tight, yellow cocktail dress hugged her smooth curves tightly. She looked so familiar…she had seen her before…

  “I got you covered,” Victoria grinned as she popped the cap back onto the lipstick tube and dropped it into her clutch.

  “Wait, don’t I know you?” the young woman asked as she looked to Victoria.

  “I don’t know, do you?” Victoria asked inquisitively.

  “Wait, are you Victoria?”

  “Yeah, how did you know that?”

  “You’re friends with Connelly, right? You live in Magnolia Cove with her?” the young woman said, nodding her head.

  “You know Connelly?” Victoria asked, confused.

  “Yes, I work for her! I’m Piper! I work at her shop!”

  “Oh, the famous Piper! Connelly adores you! She has nothing but nice things to say about you. She says you totally kick ass at the shop,” Victoria smiled to Piper.

  “Yeah, well I try. She’s pretty great to work for. So, what brings you here?” Piper asked as she turned the sink on and ran her hands beneath the warm water.

  “Date night with the hubby,” Victoria nodded.

  “Oh, I heard about…about Elle. I’m so sorry for what happened. Do they know what caused her to…” Piper then stopped, her eyes wide. “I’m sorry, I probably sound super insensitive.”

  “No, you’re fine. They say…they say it was a heart attack. It’s crazy; seventeen should be the prime of your life,” Victoria said, displaying her award-winning frown.

  “Yeah, Harlan’s been really upset about it. That’s all he’s talked about all night,” Piper said softly as she ran her hands through her black hair. Victoria’s eyebrows arched as she turned towards Piper, her eyes glued to her.


  “Did Harlan not tell you guys he had a date tonight?” Piper asked, smirking slightly.

  “No, he didn’t,” Victoria said sternly, her jaw tight.

  “Yeah, he just texted me earlier and asked me out. I mean, we’ve been talking on and off for months, but nothing came of it. Then, tonight…out of the blue…he asked me out.”

  “So, he’s here…right now?” Victoria smiled.

  “Yeah, we have a small booth over in the corner. Do you guys want to join us?” Piper asked as a smile spread across her face.

  “We would love to,” Victoria nodded as she forced a hard smile. Harlan…was sneaking around on her? Harlan…had been talking to Piper this whole time? Who the hell
did he think he was? He was her toy…and only hers.

  It was time to show him just who he was fucking with.

  Victoria charged out through the bathroom as she watched Piper circle the bar and make her way towards the far corner of the restaurant. Victoria dodged around a waiter and stopped at the table, her eyes staring down at Derek.

  “Come on, honey! It’s double date night!” Victoria giggled as she grabbed Derek’s hand and pulled him to his feet.

  “What are you talking about?” Derek asked, confused, as Victoria dragged him behind her, making their way towards the far corner of the restaurant.

  “Harlan’s here with a date!” Victoria snapped, struggling to keep the smile on her face as her teeth grinded behind her red lips.

  “Harlan is here?” Derek asked, confused, as he struggled to keep up with Victoria as she walked faster and faster.

  “Yes, Harlan! You’re here!” Victoria yelled ecstatically as they stepped up to the booth where Harlan and Piper sat; Piper, inches from him…the both of them, sharing the left side of the booth. Harlan’s eyes widened as they darted to Victoria.

  “Victoria…dad…what…what are you guys doing here?” Harlan asked, his voice trembling as he swallowed hard.

  “Same thing you are, silly! Having a date night! Care if we join?” Victoria asked cheerfully.

  “Actually…” Harlan began.

  “Didn’t think so!” Victoria laughed as she scooted onto the booth, sitting directly across from Harlan as Derek sat down beside her.

  “I didn’t know you guys were coming here. I thought you were going to the bistro on fifth?” Harlan asked, his eyes locked onto the tabletop…not daring to look up at Victoria.

  “I met your friend here in the bathroom! She seems like a really sweet girl,” Victoria nodded. She wanted to kill him. She wanted to grab the steak knife on the table and stab it into Harlan’s forehead. But she had to hold back…she couldn’t get too crazy. Not now…not right here in front of everyone.

  “Yeah, we’re just hanging out,” Harlan nodded softly.

  “Oh, come on! I hear wedding bells!” Victoria cheered, clapping her hands together.

  “Honey, are you alright?” Derek whispered into Victoria’s ear.

  “Why wouldn’t I be? Finally…Harlan has found a good woman! I’m so happy for him! I’m so happy for the both of you!” Victoria said, smiling towards Piper who sat nervously silent beside Harlan.

  “How about you guys go back to your table and we just talk at home?” Harlan nodded.

  “Sounds like a plan,” Derek said as he began to stand up. Victoria’s hand lunged up, grabbing the end of Derek’s tie, and pulled it down, forcing him back onto the seat.

  “Why? I figured it would be fun to have a little double date!” Victoria grinned.

  “Come on, Har…it’s not a big deal,” Piper smiled softly as her eyes darted towards him.

  “Yeah, come on…Har! It’s not a big deal…is it?” Victoria asked, tilting her head to the left, as she lifted her heel up beneath the table…and placed the bottom of her shoe onto the bulge pressed tightly against his black slacks. Harlan shifted slightly in the seat across from Victoria as he felt the pressure…the heel pressing harder and harder on his groin.

  “No, it’s not a problem at all,” Harlan swallowed hard as he nodded, his eyes locked onto Victoria across from him. He wanted to play her like this…fine. But that just meant that she was going to play him…ten times worse. He belonged to her. She wasn’t an option. She was a priority. She was the only one who could touch him…please him. And if she can’t have him…no one can.


  Connelly gently placed the last red rose into the bouquet in front of her as she heard the bell above the flower shop door sound off. Connelly glanced to her right as she watched Piper Goodman shuffle into the shop and around the front counter, her eyes lined with shades of blue.

  “Was it a rough night?” Connelly smirked as Piper groaned, slamming her purse onto the counter.

  “It was a nightmare,” Piper sighed as she plopped down onto a wooden stool behind the desk.

  “Another date?” Connelly asked as she turned towards Piper.

  “You know Harlan, right?”

  “Yeah, Victoria’s stepson?” Connelly nodded. “He’s a sweet kid! What did he do?”

  “It wasn’t him! It was Victoria!” Piper sighed as she slammed her elbows onto the countertop and rubbed her tired eyes.

  “Victoria? She was there?” Connelly asked, confused.

  “Yeah, her and Harlan’s dad. I met her in the bathroom and the next thing I know, we’re all four at a booth…having the most awkward time ever,” Piper yawned.

  “Victoria’s always been a little…out there,” Connelly giggled as she placed her hand on her hip.

  “She was more than just out there, Connelly. I swear, she’s on something. She was acting so crazy. And I may be wrong…but I swear…at one point, I saw her foot in his crotch,” Piper said as her tired eyes darted to Connelly.

  “Oh, come on!” Connelly giggled in disbelief. “Sure, she’s a little…rough around the edges, but once you get to know her, she really is pretty cool.”

  “Well, Harlan asked me out again,” Piper said softly.

  “Really?” Connelly smiled.

  “But the sad thing is…I don’t know what I’m going to say.”

  “What? Come on! Harlan is great guy! You two would make an adorable couple and…I mean, you wouldn’t have to want for anything if you know what I mean,” Connelly smiled, nudging Piper playfully.

  “I know, but…if, God forbid, he’s like, the one…I don’t know if I could live with Victoria in my life permanently. This was like Jane Fonda in Monster-In-Law times ten, OK! She was acting batshit insane!”

  “I think you just need to really think about it. Victoria has just been going through a lot; with Ally’s case and now with Elle passing away. She’s in a dark place I think right now. Just…give it a chance, maybe?” Connelly shrugged.

  “I’ll think about it, I guess,” Piper sighed as she slowly stood up and made her way out from behind the front counter and towards the restroom in the back.



  “Fifty percent off today! All roses and sunflowers!” Connelly yelled as the door alarm rang. Connelly turned back to the front counter behind her…as she stared back at Rebecca Carlson.

  “Hey, Connelly,” Rebecca smiled as she tossed her long red hair over her shoulder. She knew…she had to know that she was in the house last night. She knew that Connelly heard everything. Why else would she be here?

  “Hi, Rebecca,” Connelly said, trying to control her trembling voice. “What…what can I do for you?”

  “I just swung by to say hello and maybe get a couple of things to brighten the house up a bit. Kendrick’s in a pretty dark place right now and I just want to bring some light in,” Rebecca nodded as she placed her hands onto the counter. Connelly’s eyes darted down to Rebecca’s hands…to see a shiny, golden bracelet dangling from her wrist.

  Her bracelet.

  “That’s…that’s pretty,” Connelly said, motioning towards her wrist.

  “Oh, really? Thanks! Kendrick got it for me; as a thank you for coming down and helping him out. I thought it was cute, too. I mean, it looks a little cheap.”

  “Well, then it suits you,” Connelly blurted out as her heart sped in her chest. Kendrick must have found it after she lost it in his house last night. How could he pawn it off as a gift to Rebecca? Was he not even the least bit curious about where the hell it even came from? Or maybe he sent her inside…to give Connelly a subtle hint that he did in fact know she was in his house. Maybe this was all just one big game…

  “So, I heard you’re having sales; hard times in Flowerville? Revenue not what it used to be?” Rebecca asked, pouting her lip out sarcastically.

  “Not anymore; all the flowers wilted when you walked in,” Connelly shrugged.

  “Now, is that any way to talk to a customer? No wonder the business is struggling,” Rebecca snapped back.

  “Can I help you?” Piper asked as she walked towards the front counter and to Rebecca’s side.

  “It depends; are you more pleasant than this one?” Rebecca growled as she glared towards Connelly.

  “Not really, so you’re pretty much fucked,” Piper nodded as Connelly snorted, struggling to hold back her laughter.

  “God, your mother’s probably turning in her grave right now; seeing what you’ve let this place become,” Rebecca said to Connelly, shaking her head in disgust.

  “Excuse me?” Connelly gasped as her fists clenched at her sides.

  “You heard me,” Rebecca snarled…as Piper stepped towards her, her face inches from Rebecca’s.

  “Yeah, but I didn’t. So, say it again,” Piper snapped, her hot breath plastering against Rebecca’s cheek. “Do it.”

  “Rebecca…just leave,” Connelly ordered. Rebecca slowly turned away from Piper and inched towards the glass entrance door ahead.

  “Enjoy your day, low class trash,” Rebecca spat over her shoulder as she wrapped her polished hand around the door handle and pulled it open. The entrance door slammed shut behind her as Piper looked to Connelly behind the counter.

  “She’s lucky,” Piper nodded, shaking her head to herself.

  “The last thing I need is the cops behind called,” Connelly giggled.

  “We could have taken it outside,” Piper laughed as she circled the front counter and stopped beside Connelly. “You alright?”

  No. She wasn’t alright; first, it was Ally, Kylie was dead…buried in the woods, and now…this. Kendrick had to know it was her. He’s seen that bracelet too many times. He used Rebecca to send a message.

  And the message was received.

  Loud and clear.


  “Alright, well that’s it for today, class. Don’t forget that the report on Hemmingway is due tomorrow; ten pages minimum!” Lillian ordered as she watched the five summer school students head towards the door, dragging their feet beneath them. Lillian plopped down into the roller chair behind her desk as she stared at the quizzes in front of her. All she wanted to do was go home, slip into a hot bath, and sleep till August. With everything going on; the pregnancy, Ally, and Peyton…she just wanted to turn her brain off…rewire herself…and wake up renewed and refreshed. A soft knock rang out along Lillian’s wooden classroom door as her eyes darted to the open doorway…to see Silas Campbell, dressed in his police uniform.


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