Sweet Little Secrets

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Sweet Little Secrets Page 6

by Travis Szablewski

  That was the thought that terrified Connelly the most; anyone could have killed Ally.




  The list of people Connelly trusted was getting smaller and smaller every day; and with that, her own personal suspect list grew. And now, it was harder than ever to decide which list her two best friends were on…


  Lillian pulled the plaid blue and white comforter of Gordon’s bed up, placing it gently over Gordon’s tiny legs and body as his blue eyes stared up at her. Lillian sat down onto the edge of the bed beside Gordon, combing the curly red strands from his forehead as he crossed his arms over his rocket ship pajama top.

  “You know how much I love you, right?” Lillian said as she smiled down at Gordon.

  “This much?” Gordon teased as he raised his hand, his thumb and pointer finger presenting a tiny space between the tips, only an inch.

  “No!” Lillian smirked as she tickled Gordon’s sides through the thick comforter.

  “This much!” Gordon grinned as he opened his arms widely, struggling to breath as the soft giggles escaped through his lips; Lillian’s fingers ticking his ribs.

  “Nope! Much bigger than that!” Lillian laughed as she pulled her hands from his sides and leaned forward, kissing his forehead.

  “Where’s Kylie?” Gordon asked as his smile slowly faded.

  She knew he was going to ask at some point. Lillian sighed as she looked away from Gordon’s sweet gaze and down to her lap. It chipped away at her soul every single time she lied to him. He had questions…and he wanted answers. But what hurt Lillian the most was that couldn’t give him the answers; not the honest answer, anyway.

  “I told you that she just…didn’t want to work for us anymore,” Lillian said sadly as she patted his stomach gently.

  “Was it because I was bad? Did she not want to watch me anymore?” Gordon asked sadly.

  “No, honey; it was nothing you did,” Lillian said, shaking her head, as she felt the tears creeping in along her eyelids. She had to be strong. She had to keep it together…for him. “Sometimes, adults want to move on. Sometimes, adults need a change. Kylie was just ready for…a new beginning. But don’t sit there and think that it was something you did…because it wasn’t.”

  “I guess I just miss her,” Gordon said as he slowly turned onto his side, turning away from Lillian. Lillian placed her hand onto his shoulder as she laid down beside him, facing his back.

  “I’m sure she misses you too. Who wouldn’t miss a little boy like you,” Lillian said as Gordon turned back towards her, their face inches apart.

  “Would you or mommy ever leave? Even if I was really bad?” Gordon asked as he poked at Lillian’s chin softly with his pinky.

  “Are you kidding?” Lillian smiled, draping her arm along his side. “You’re stuck with me and mommy for life!” Lillian giggled as Gordon grinned, two dimples forming on his pale cheeks. “I don’t want you to ever worry about that, alright? Me and mommy will always be here for you. We will always love you…we will always cherish you.”

  “Pinky promise?” Gordon smiled as he held up his pinky. Lillian smiled softly as she rose her hand and wrapped her pinky finger around Gordon’s.

  “Promise,” Lillian said as she kissed the tip of Gordon’s nose and sat up on the edge of the bed. “I love you, Gordon.”

  “I love you too, mommy,” Gordon yawned as Lillian stood up, making her way towards his bedroom door. She prayed that someday…he’d stop asking about her. She prayed that someday…he’d forget Kylie ever existed.

  But for now, those questions were all that was circling in his little brain. Lillian stepped out into the hallway as she gently closed Gordon’s bedroom door, the wooden floorboards sounding off beneath her bare feet.

  “Is he out?” a soft voice asked as Lillian turned in the hallway…to see Tatum standing in their bedroom doorway a few feet away.

  “Like a light,” Lillian nodded as she walked forward, moving around Tatum, and into their bedroom.

  “I hate seeing him like this; he’s so confused and…hurt,” Tatum sighed as she watched Lillian peel back the covers on their bed and crawl beneath them.

  “I wish I could just take it all away. I wish I could take his pain…and absorb it; feel it for myself so he didn’t have to,” Lillian said as she pulled the covers to her chest, staring up at the twirling ceiling fan above.

  “So, when Kylie left that night…she didn’t tell you anything?” Tatum asked inquisitively as she walked to the bed and sat down onto the opposite side, her back to Lillian.

  “No, I thought we already talked about this a dozen times? She said goodnight and was out the door,” Lillian lied as she sat up, resting her back against the pillows stacked along the headboard.

  “I just find it hard to believe that she would just quit us like this. I mean, even her sister thinks it’s odd. Does it not bother you? Does not knowing what happened to her not eat away at you?” Tatum asked as she turned on the bed, her eyes locked on Lillian.

  “Kylie’s a big girl and she made a decision. It’s not our place to try and find out what made her come to that decision,” Lillian said as she shook her head.

  “I just think it’s weird how…numb you are to it. I mean, she worked for us for a long time. I know you two didn’t get along, but…she’s missing. She could…she could be dead, Lillian,” Tatum said, swallowing hard, as she stared down at the comforter, picking at its seams nervously.

  “I guess I’m just trying to keep it together…for Gordon. If we act like something is wrong, he’s going to know and…I don’t want him in any more pain. I don’t want him feeling any worse than what he does right now,” Lillian nodded.

  “I guess,” Tatum sighed as she shrugged softly, standing up from the bed. Tatum walked towards the bedroom doorway…and stopped; Tatum slowly turned, her eyes glued to Lillian. “You didn’t…you didn’t do anything to her, did you?”

  Lillian shook her head to herself as she leaned forward, staring across the bedroom to Tatum. She wanted to tell her the truth. She wanted to tell her about Kylie’s wicked plan to take Gordon away from them. But she couldn’t. If she did, then she’d have to tell the whole story; about the gun, about the body, about the woods; every single detail…and every single lie.

  “I would never…”


  Victoria’s Louis Vuitton heels clicked along the marble floor of the foyer as the doorbell chimed, echoing through the entire house. She barely slept at all last night after that little reunion with Kendrick. She had convinced herself for so long that he was the one that killed Ally…and now…she didn’t know what to believe. Victoria turned the golden handle of the front door and pulled it open…to see a tall, dark young man…a pie in his hands.

  “Hi, I’m Tristan Thompson. I just moved in across the street and I figured I’d come over and introduce myself,” the man said as he flashed a bright white smile. Victoria’s eyes traveled up his tight khaki pants and up to the plaid blue and red shirt that was buttoned tightly around his muscular physique. His black hair was shaved into a short fade and a soft stubble beard covered his strong jawline. A mixed man…with pale blue eyes.

  Fresh meat.

  “Hi,” Victoria finally said, breaking out of the dirty fantasies that played out in her head as she leaned against the open door. “I thought I saw a moving truck there earlier this morning.”

  “Yeah, I finally got everything inside. Now the real struggle is unpacking it all,” Tristan laughed as he motioned the pie towards Victoria.

  “Wouldn’t it be my job to bring you something instead?” Victoria giggled as she took the apple pie from Tristan, eying the perfectly cooked brown crust on top.

  “I figured I’d beat you to the punch,” Tristian said.

  “Would you like to come in?” Victoria asked as she stepped back, clearing the doorway.

  “Sure, that would be nice. I could use a brea
k from the moving hell that I’ve been trapped in,” Tristan smiled as he stepped inside. Victoria gently kicked the bottom of the front door, swinging it shut, as she walked through the foyer and towards the kitchen ahead.

  “So, did you just get here today?” Victoria asked as Tristan followed her into the large kitchen.

  “Last night, actually. You’ve got a beautiful home. I love the color scheme,” Tristan said. Victoria’s smile faded…as she stepped up to the center island.



  Victoria sighed as she dropped the pie down onto the countertop, the crust jiggling softly as she turned around, facing Tristan.

  “So, where did you move from?” Victoria asked as she walked to the fridge and pulled the door open, reaching inside for a bottle of red wine.

  “St. Louis,” Tristan nodded.

  “Oh, so you’re far from home,” Victoria said as she grabbed two wine glasses from the drying rack beside the sink and placed them onto the center island.

  “Yeah, well I got transferred here. I work for SteelCorp and they had an opening here for a management position so I scooped it up while I could,” Tristan said as Victoria twisted the cap off of the wine and filled the two classes. “Isn’t it a little early for wine?” Tristan smirked.

  “Was that a serious question?” Victoria smiled as she motioned one of the glasses to Tristan.

  “I guess not,” Tristan smiled as he took the glass and sipped softly.

  “So, any wife or kids?” Victoria asked as she sipped from her own glass, pretending like she didn’t know he enjoyed a good dicking as much as she did.

  “Oh, uh…no; no wife and no kids,” Tristan said, bringing his glass quickly to his full lips.

  “So, a bachelor? I bet the girls are all over a tall, dark, and handsome thing like you,” Victoria said. Just take the bait…come on.

  “Well, actually…I…I’m gay,” Tristan nodded.

  “What? No way!” Victoria gasped, struggling to act surprised as she gently tapped his shoulder.

  “Yeah, I was kind of hesitant about telling anyone. I know this town is…quite conservative so I wasn’t sure if I should even tell anyone,” Tristan nodded.

  “My best friend Lillian is a lesbian. Her and her wife actually live a few houses down. Trust me, you’re in good company,” Victoria winked softly.

  “That’s nice to know I’m not the black sheep of the neighborhood,” Tristan laughed as Victoria sat down onto the barstool at the island.

  “So, is there a special man in your life?” Victoria asked coyly, running her finger along the rim of her glass.

  “No, but I am open and looking. It’s so hard being gay in this day and age; all guys want is sex. It isn’t about a connection anymore. It’s about who has the hottest Tinder picture. If you think straight guys are bad…” Tristan groaned, sitting down onto the stool next to Victoria.

  “Well, I’m lucky I found a good one,” Victoria nodded…as she heard a set of footsteps rushing down the stairs above. “Speaking of which…”

  “Honey, have you seen my briefcase?” Derek Hampton asked as he rushed into the kitchen, adjusting the blue tie around his neck.

  “Honey, we have a guest,” Victoria smiled, motioning to Tristan beside her.

  “Oh, I’m sorry! Hello, I’m Derek,” Derek smiled as he reached his hand out, shaking Tristan’s across the island.

  “Hi, I’m Tristan,” Tristan said softly, biting his bottom lip, tightening his grip of Derek’s hand.

  “I thought I saw a couple of guys moving boxes into the old Robinson house yesterday,” Derek nodded, releasing Tristan’s hand.

  “Yeah, it’s been quite an adventure. Half of my stuff is either missing or broken,” Tristan sighed as Derek walked to the fridge.

  “Well, welcome to the neighborhood. I hope we’ll be seeing more of you,” Derek smiled as he grabbed his briefcase from the counter.

  “That would be great,” Tristan grinned as Derek walked around the island and kissed Victoria’s cheek.

  “I’ll see you later,” Derek said as he grabbed his keys from the island and rushed towards the doorway.

  “Have a good day,” Victoria smiled as she took a sip from her glass.

  “Look at you, Mrs. Gold-digger,” Tristan laughed as he gently nudged Victoria beside him. Victoria covered her mouth, nearly spitting out her wine, as she chuckled loudly.

  “I resent that!” Victoria giggled.

  “No, I get it. Most men now just act like little boys. I’m all for older men. They know what they want.”

  “Yeah, I instantly fell in love with him when I saw his big, fat, thick…wallet,” Victoria giggled as Tristan erupted into laughter, both of them cackling loudly.

  “Are you both happy?” Tristan asked as Victoria reached forward, grabbing the bottle of wine.

  “For the most part. But, being his wife comes with a lot of perks,” Victoria smiled.

  “I bet. I’d kill to get a man like that. Someone who would take care of me…treat me like a human. It’s just so hard to find,” Tristan said softly, staring down at his glass.

  “You just have to be patient. I know that’s easier said than done, but you can’t rush it. It has to be organic. I mean, you’re a good-looking guy and someone would be crazy not to want you. You seem super smart and funny; what’s not to love? I mean, what’s your type?”

  “Well,” Tristan sighed…as Victoria heard the patio door open behind them. Tristan and Victoria turned…as Harlan shuffled into the kitchen, his wet swimming trunks plastered to his muscular thighs and bulge. Water beaded down his muscular chest as he ran his hands through his long, blonde hair…slicking his drenched hair back. Tristan’s eyes latched onto Harlan’s tight buttocks as he walked through the kitchen doorway…and out of sight…only leaving the wet footprints on the tile floor behind. “That is,” Tristan smirked as Victoria sighed.

  “That one…is off limits,” Victoria smiled wickedly as she winked at Tristan beside her.

  “Oh, so there are many perks to your marriage?” Tristan giggled.

  “Trust me…you have no idea,” Victoria grinned as she tilted the wine glass back, sucking down every last drop…


  Connelly glanced up from the plate of chicken alfredo in front of her and looked to Silas who sat across from her inside of Gino’s Ristorante; the most upscale Italian restaurant in Harmony. It had been a night full of surprises; from the roses he brought home from work, to the random stop at Dolce & Gabbana to get her a dress for the upcoming Magnolia Cove banquet, and finally to dinner at her favorite place. He hadn’t treated her to a night out in forever, so Connelly felt oddly suspicious that something…was wrong.

  “You really didn’t have to get me that dress,” Connelly smiled softly as she twirled her fork through the pile of noodles on her plate.

  “No, you deserve the best. I know I’ve been working a lot lately so I just…I wanted to get you out of the house; treat you right…the way I should,” Silas smiled as he sliced the steak knife in his hand through a T-bone on his plate.

  “Has there been any development on…on Ally’s case?” Connelly asked softly as she stared into Silas’ eyes; the candlelight flickered across his strong cheekbones and chiseled jaw.

  “I really don’t want you worrying about that anymore; especially not tonight, babe,” Silas said, shaking his head as his smile faded.

  “I can’t just turn it off. She was my best friend, Silas,” Connelly smirked, confused by the sudden shift of his tone.

  “There’s nothing new. The case is pretty much going cold,” Silas sighed as he dropped his knife onto the table. Silas reached forward and wrapped his hand around the small glass in front of him. Silas tilted the glass back, finishing the last bit of scotch remaining.

  “So, you don’t even have any suspects?” Connelly asked. What the hell was he working so much for then? Harmony was a small town with a low crime rate. She thought he had been working on her ca

  “No. We don’t have anything…not even on Kendrick,” Silas said, placing the glass back onto the table as he picked up his knife and fork.

  “Kendrick didn’t kill her,” Connelly shook her head as she shoved her fork into her mouth, taking a big bite of the pasta.

  “How would you know?” Silas asked as he cut his steak, his eyes darting up…locking onto Connelly as she chewed.

  “I talked to him and we cleared the air a little bit. If you could have seen his face and his tears, you’d feel the same way. He isn’t lying…not about Ally,” Connelly said as she grabbed the wine glass in front of her.

  “You talked to him? Why would you talk to him?” Silas asked, dropping his fork and knife onto the table.

  “I’m…I’m sorry, is that a problem?” Connelly smirked as she placed her fork onto her plate.

  “Yeah, it is a damn problem. He is a dangerous guy, Connelly. I don’t want you going anywhere near that guy; not with all of this going on,” Silas demanded.

  “You legit just said you didn’t have anything on him? You just said you didn’t have any suspects, so why the hell would it matter?” Connelly snapped, crossing her arms over the front of her dress.

  “Because I don’t want you ending up like Ally. Kendrick is a dangerous guy, Connelly. I don’t want you to talk to him. I don’t want you to look at him. I don’t want you to go anywhere near him. Am I clear?” Silas ordered as he leaned forward, resting his elbows on the edge of the table.

  “Why are you being like this?” Connelly asked, swallowing hard, as she watched the vein in the corner of Silas’ forehead pulsate beneath his skin, rising to the surface.

  “Because we don’t know what he is capable of. Yes, we don’t have anything on him; but he is still our prime suspect. You need to stay away from him and let the department do its job. I don’t need you going around playing detective,” Silas growled as he slammed his cloth napkin down onto his plate and darted to his feet. Connelly’s eyes widened as she watched Silas turn from the table and push passed a waiter, making his way towards the restrooms in the corner. She had never seen him like this; so…territorial and so…scary. She had never seen that look in his eyes. She had never seen this part of Silas before.


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