Sweet Little Secrets

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Sweet Little Secrets Page 8

by Travis Szablewski

  “Why didn’t you say anything? Why didn’t you just run? Why didn’t you just get out?” Connelly asked softly.

  “He threatened to kill me…and my friends if I ever told anyone. He showed me his gun and he said: “I’m a cop, so I know how to make it look like a suicide,”.

  “Oh, my God,” Connelly said, shaking her head. How could this be true? How could she be so blind? How did she not see this part of Silas before?

  “So, when he asked for a divorce…it was a blessing in disguise. He had a new victim…and it was you,” Fiona cried. “That’s why I kept calling him. That’s why I kept messaging him. I wanted you to question it. I wanted you to grow suspicious…so you would leave him. I had no way to contact you and he was my only way to do that. All I cared about was him never doing that to another woman. All I wanted to do was to keep him as far away from you as possible.”

  “So, that’s why you came here?”

  “Yes. I had to make sure he wasn’t hurting you. I had to be sure that…you weren’t going to end up just like me,” Fiona said, running her hand beneath her snotty nose. “I wanted to protect you from the hell that I went through.”

  “I just can’t believe this,” Connelly cried as she stared down into her lap. She thought she knew Silas better than anyone else. Silas was her lover…her husband…and her best friend. How did he hide the darkness within his soul so well? How did he keep his demons so tightly caged inside of him?

  But what if Fiona was lying? What if this was still some sort of scheme to get Silas back? Fiona didn’t have a good track record…but that was all according to Silas. There was no middle here.

  Either Silas was lying…

  Or Fiona was.

  “Has he hit you?” Fiona asked, breaking Connelly from her trance.

  “No…never. We’ve never even had a real fight. I mean, we get into little bickering sessions here and there; but it never goes passed that.”

  “Has he been working later? Has he been spending more time away from home?” Fiona asked, placing her beer bottle onto the coffee table in front of the sofa.

  “Yeah…he has,” Connelly nodded.

  “That’s how it all started,” Fiona said. Fiona then leaned forward…and wrapped her hands around Connelly’s. Connelly’s eyes lifted, staring into Fiona’s as tears streamed down her cheeks. “I know you have no reason to trust me. I know…I know you think I’m this horrible person. But, please…please, Connelly; get out,” Fiona said, her voice trembling. “You don’t even know the man you married. He’s dangerous…and vile…and cruel. Get out…before it’s too late.”


  Lillian grabbed the paper coffee cup from the end counter inside of The Java House Café as she pried the plastic lid off and brought the latte to her nose, inhaling the sweet smell of vanilla and cinnamon. Lillian moved along the edge of the service bar, staring down at all of the packets of sugar and numerous optional toppings…as she felt a soft tap on her shoulder from behind. Lillian placed her cup down onto the edge of the counter and turned…

  To see Peyton Richmond.

  Not. Again.

  “Peyton,” Lillian said softly, clearing her throat, as her heart raced in her chest.

  “We need to stop meeting like this,” Peyton smiled as she brought a coffee cup to her lips and sipped carefully.

  “Are you following me?” Lillian smirked, struggling to make the statement sound like a joke.

  “No, I just…I was sitting in the corner; soaking in the free Wi-Fi. I saw you waiting in line and it took me a couple minutes to build up the courage to come and talk to you,” Peyton said. Lillian grabbed a packet of sugar, ripped the paper top, and poured it into her latte as she rolled her eyes.

  “I don’t think we have anything else to talk about.”

  “I just…wanted to say I was sorry for…for what I said yesterday. I was way out of line,” Peyton nodded.

  “Yeah, you really were,” Lillian said sternly as she grabbed a wooden stir stick from the counter and swirled it through her latte, the crystal specs of sugar slowly dissolving in the warm, milky espresso.

  “I just didn’t want to have this weight still on my chest before I leave Thursday,” Peyton said as her voice trembled.

  “What do you mean? It’s done and over with. I just think we need to move on and let it go,” Lillian said, barely listening as she poured a second packet of sugar into her cup.

  “I just wanted to explain the reason behind what I said,” Peyton nodded. “I really don’t want to start any drama or make your life harder…”

  “You’ve got a funny way of showing it,” Lillian said as she raised her wrist, checking her watch. She was already late for class. She didn’t have time for Peyton.

  Not now.

  Not ever.

  “If you could just give me one second…”

  “Peyton, listen. If I knew anything about what happened to Kylie, I would tell you. There is nothing left to discuss. So, I just think you need to go home…and forget about all of this. I’m sure Kylie is fine. Now, please…I have to go,” Lillian said as she rushed around Peyton, eying the entrance ahead.

  “Kylie was sleeping with Tatum,” Peyton said sternly…as Lillian stopped in her tracks.


  Lillian struggled to control her breathing as she pushed the front door open…and stepped into the foyer of her home. It had been a day of hell in class. All she kept thinking about…was what Peyton told her this morning. If it was true…there was no turning this marriage around.


  Lillian slammed her purse down onto the table beside the front door as she marched forward, making her way into the living room. Lillian stepped into the living room…and stopped in her tracks…

  To see Tatum…sitting in the recliner…a glass of wine in her hand.

  “Where’s Gordon?” Lillian asked, cutting through the silence.

  “He’s at Connelly’s,” Tatum said sternly.

  “Why?” Lillian asked as she walked towards Tatum, inching towards the recliner. She wanted to go off…right here…right now. But something in Tatum’s eyes…made Lillian hesitate. Something was wrong. Very wrong.

  “I figured he didn’t need to be around for this conversation,” Tatum nodded as she tilted her glass back, swallowing the last of the red wine.

  “I’m sorry?” Lillian asked, confused.

  “I got a call from Dr. Hill last night. She had some…VERY interesting things to say,” Tatum smiled coyly as she stood up, moving towards Lillian.

  “Oh, my God,” Lillian sighed, covering her face with her hands.

  “So, whose is it, huh? Was I not enough for you? Did you miss the cock so much that you just fell onto the first one that pointed in your direction?” Tatum snapped, shrugging.

  “Oh, don’t even give me that shit! YOU were gone! YOU left us…for a month, Tatum!” Lillian snapped, tears running down her cheeks.

  “OH, so that makes it OK? Huh? That makes it alright? That makes it acceptable to cheat on your fucking wife while she is out of town, busting her ass, making a living for us; for our family?” Tatum screamed, her eyes filling with tears.

  “You want to talk about lies? You want to talk about dishonesty? What about you? Huh? What about you?” Lillian growled, slamming her pointer finger into Tatum’s shoulder.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Tatum snapped.

  “Peyton told me about you and Kylie! She told me everything!” Lillian nodded. “So don’t sit here and make me feel like the biggest piece of shit when you did the same fucking thing!”

  “I NEVER touched Kylie, Lillian! EVER! She tired! Oh, boy…did she try! But I didn’t take the bait! I turned her down…because…of…YOU! I love YOU! I only wanted YOU!”

  “I should have trusted my gut. I should have fired her from the beginning,” Lillian said, shaking her head as she paced back and forth.

  “You know damn well Peyton is full of shit! You’re going to believe som
e damn stranger over your own wife?” Tatum asked, disgusted.

  “What am I supposed to believe, Tatum?” Lillian cried out.

  “ME! Your WIFE! Your PARTNER!” Tatum screamed, specs of spit flying from her mouth.

  “I saw the way you looked at her, Tatum! You looked at her…the same damn way you looked at me; the way you used to look at me,” Lillian sobbed.

  “Where did I go wrong? Where did I lose you? What did I do that was so terrible to make you do this to us? What the fuck did I ever do to make you want…a man! To make you do this?” Tatum screamed.

  “Well, it might have had something to do with all the extra attention Kylie was getting! She was placed right up there on the priority list; right above me!” Lillian snapped, holding her hand above her head.

  “God, you are so full of shit right now! Don’t you DARE try to turn this on me! Don’t you dare try and make me out to be the bad guy. I NEVER touched her! EVER! Not once! Did I think about it? Who wouldn’t? I’m sure you did! But, in my heart…I knew…I could never! I knew that I could never break that bond we had; I could never break our vows…the way you did,” Tatum said, her voice trembling.

  “What are we even doing anymore?” Lillian cried out as she sat down onto the couch, burying her face into her hands as the tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “I don’t know. I don’t know what happened but…somewhere along the way I lost you,” Tatum said, shaking her head.

  “No, you didn’t; Tatum, don’t say that! I love you!” Lillian cried out as she darted to her feet, rushing towards Tatum. Tatum quickly stepped back, moving away from her.

  “Don’t,” Tatum cried, shaking her head. “Don’t touch me. Don’t come near me.”

  “Please, Tatum,” Lillian cried, her hands trembling at her sides.

  “I can’t…I can’t do this. I need some time,” Tatum nodded. “I’m going to take Gordon up state; we’re going to stay at my parents for a few days.”

  “What? You can’t…you can’t leave,” Lillian begged.

  “I can…and I will,” Tatum said sternly as she moved around Lillian…storming out of the living room. Lillian slowly sank down onto the sofa as she listened to Tatum’s footsteps thumping up the stairs.

  Everything was now out in the open.

  Every lie.

  Every secret.

  Now, she had to pay the price; and that could mean losing Tatum and Gordon…

  For forever.


  Victoria fiddled with her hands nervously that sat in her lap as she stared back at Derek at the large table in the center of their dining room. She didn’t even know where to start. She didn’t even know where to begin.

  “I really am sorry…for all of this,” Derek said, breaking the silence. Victoria swallowed hard as she crossed her legs beneath the table, struggling to find the words to say.

  “So…can you just explain this to me? Derek…I…I’m just so lost,” Victoria said softly, shaking her head as she rested her elbows onto the glass table. “Have you always been like this? Have you always been…gay?”

  “No, no, no; I’m not gay. If I was gay, I never would have touched you,” Derek nodded. “I’m bi-sexual.”

  “So, why did you never tell me? Why hide it from me…from your wife? You know you can tell me anything,” Victoria said as she grabbed his hand. She wasn’t even angry. The facts were simple; she married Derek for his money. It wasn’t love. And now, she was done pretending that it was.

  “I knew since college. Me and one of my frat brothers got wasted one night and…one thing led to another,” Derek nodded. “I couldn’t tell anyone. You knew my father. You knew how…traditional he was. If I would have come out with all of this, he wouldn’t have left a single cent to me, Victoria. All my hard work with his company…with his brand…would have been for nothing. We’d probably be in a trailer park or something by now if I hadn’t of been included in the will. If he knew, I wouldn’t have the life I have today. We wouldn’t have the life we have today.”

  “I guess I’m just hurt that…that you never trusted me with it; that you never told me,” Victoria shrugged softly. “I mean, it’s not like we’re in nineteen-fifty-three.”

  “Well, tell that to my father. I just…I had to protect myself…my family…and my assets. If he knew, I’d be nothing. I’d be no one,” Derek said sadly. “I am so sorry you had to see this. I am so sorry…from the bottom of my heart…that you had to find out this way.”

  “So, I might regret asking this; but, did you and Tristan know each other…before?”

  “Well, I usually just fiddled around on this dating app. When I went to St. Louis last year for a conference, we matched. We messaged each other back and forth and nothing came of it. Well, when I walked in yesterday morning and saw him…to put it briefly…almost shit my pants,” Derek laughed as Victoria giggled softly. “This wasn’t planned…at all. This was just…fate. It just happened.”

  “I just can’t believe you hid who you were all these years,” Victoria said sadly, staring down at the table.

  “I did it for my family…and for us,” Derek nodded as he tightened his grip on Victoria’s hand. “I love you…with all of my heart. I can’t imagine my life without you by my side. And as much as it hurts to say this, I can’t turn off…who I am.”

  “And I don’t expect you to. I don’t want to keep you caged; I don’t want to keep you locked up,” Victoria said, shaking her head. She was already fucking his son. The least she could do…was cut the leash.

  “What are you saying?” Derek asked, confused.

  “I’m saying…if you ever feel the need to…be with a man, then do it. I’m not going to hold you hostage. As long as you…use protection…and are safe; it’s fine. I’m your wife…I’m not your keeper and I’m not your father. I’ve loved you for years and I’ll love you no matter what; no matter who you are…or who you want,” Victoria smiled.

  “God, you…you are priceless,” Derek smiled as he leaned forward, kissing Victoria’s lips softly. “How did I get this blessed?”

  “Trust me, I’m nothing special,” Victoria smirked. If only he knew her secrets…

  “I just don’t want you to be upset with Tristan. He truly does like you. He was so scared when I showed up to his house. He didn’t want to hurt you in any way,” Derek nodded.

  “At least we have something in common to talk about now,” Victoria joked as Derek smirked, burying his red face in his hands in embarrassment.

  She didn’t care what Derek was.





  Victoria wasn’t in love with him. She was in love with the person he was; kind, compassionate, and understanding. Looking back now, she was relieved that Elle took that drink…and Derek didn’t. As much as she wanted to be with Harlan, she didn’t want to lose Derek. And maybe…with their new openness…in the near future…

  She wouldn’t have to choose.

  She wouldn’t have to sneak around anymore. Maybe someday…

  She could tell him her secret, too.


  Connelly stared back at Lillian who sat at the kitchen table as she placed a mug filled with chamomile tea in front of her. She was too scared to ask too many questions. All that Lillian told her was that Tatum was going to take Gordon to her parents for a couple of days. But the tears that dripped down her cheeks…told Connelly that something was truly wrong. This wasn’t just a little weekend trip. This wasn’t just a visit to her parents.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” Connelly asked softly as she sat down into the chair beside Lillian, her eyes darting to the doorway…making sure Gordon was still asleep soundly on the sofa.

  “I don’t even know where to start,” Lillian said, her voice hoarse from crying, as she cupped the warm mug in her shaking hands.

  “Well, start from the beginning. If you don’t want to tell me, you don’t have to,” Connelly nodded.
  “No, I…I need to talk about it all. If I don’t, then I’ll just lose it; I’ll go crazy,” Lillian sniffed, running her hands under her eyes. “I did something awful; something unforgivable.”

  “Did you…did you cheat on her?” Connelly asked, nearly whispering. She didn’t want Gordon to hear. But she also didn’t want to overstep her boundaries. Yes, Lillian was one of her best friends; but they always kept their relationship issues more private. Clearly…this was a life altering situation.

  “I don’t even know why it happened. She was out of town for a long time and I was just lonely and,” Lillian sniffed. “I started getting really depressed and I’m not trying to blame Tatum for what I did; I’m really not. She was just doing what she had to do.”

  “Who was,” Connelly stopped, swallowing hard. “Who did you…”

  “Robbie,” Lillian said, her voice shaking.

  “Oh, my God,” Connelly nearly gasped, bringing her hands to her mouth. “The…the younger guy at the gate?”

  “Yeah, I know. Pathetic, isn’t it? I risked my entire marriage for a fucking kid whose balls have barely dropped,” Lillian sighed, shaking her head. “It all just happened so fast, and I was…I was drunk and…there’s no good reason for doing what I did. But every single day…I regret it. I wish I could take it back. I wish I could press rewind, but I can’t.”

  “Well, did you try talking to her? Did you try and explain?” Connelly asked.

  “There’s more,” Lillian said as she brought the mug to her lips, sipping the hot tea slowly. Lillian placed the mug onto the table as her teary, red eyes lifted…meeting Connelly’s. “I’m pregnant.”

  “What?” Connelly gasped as her eyes widened. “You’re…oh, my God,” Connelly said, her mind racing. This wasn’t just about their marriage. This was about a baby; a living thing…inside of Lillian. It was a symbol of her betrayal…growing inside of her. “Are you going to keep it?”

  “I don’t know anymore. I mean, before she knew…I wasn’t. I actually had an appointment set for Monday to…get it taken care of. But, now that she knows…I’m lost,” Lillian cried, burying her face into her hands. “You know how much time me and Tatum spent at the fertility clinic and the insemination center. You know how bad I’ve wanted a child of my own. Yes, Gordon is my son…but he…he didn’t grow inside of me, Connelly. He wasn’t with me for nine months; breathing…moving…growing. And all I keep thinking is that this might be my one and only chance.”


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