Rebellious and Reckless: College Sports Romance Stand-Alone (Campus Hotshots Book 1): Campus Hotshots

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Rebellious and Reckless: College Sports Romance Stand-Alone (Campus Hotshots Book 1): Campus Hotshots Page 4

by Michelle A. Valentine

  “You’re a professional fighter?” There’s no mistaking the curiosity in my voice.

  “Boxer.” He lifts his chin. “I’ve been in the gym training since I quit football. It’s been a good way for me to release some built-up aggression I have.”

  That tidbit of information wasn’t anywhere to be found on the internet during my search. While I’m used to being around guys in the ring thanks to growing up with a father who is a professional wrestler, I’ve never been to a boxing match, so I’m curious about the difference in the sports. “Next time you have a match, I want to watch.”

  He grimaces. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Why not?” I challenge.

  “Because the fights I’ve been having lately aren’t exactly sanctioned.”

  “Then what kind of fights are they?”

  “Underground,” he says simply. “The kind that are illegal to be at because people are betting.”

  I blink a few times as I take in what he said. “Then why do you do it? Isn’t it dangerous to fight like that if you want to go pro? Can’t that mess up things for you to be a legit fighter?”

  “It’s definitely not the wisest choice I’ve ever made, but I can’t pass up the opportunity. I need the money. There’s not exactly enough time in the day between training full-time and classes to fit in an actual job. Plus, I like it.”

  “You like getting beat up for money?”

  “Who says I’m losing? If you think this eye is bad, you should see the other guy.” He smiles, and it’s cute, making me laugh.

  “You are too much. I’ve never met anyone so sure of themselves.”

  “Hey, it’s not being cocky if it’s true. Come on. Food’s getting cold. Let’s eat.”

  We fix our plates and sit at the small dining table. Miley is right, having someone else here with me in the apartment is nice. It makes it a little less lonely, and if I’m being honest, Baker is turning out to be a good friend so far.

  “Thank you for cooking.” My mouth waters just before I take a bite. My eyes close on their own accord. “Baker, this is amazing. You’re going to seriously spoil me if you keep cooking for me.”

  “Glad you’re enjoying it.” Across from me, Baker shakes parmesan cheese onto the mound of pasta on his plate. “You have any plans tonight?”

  “Me? No. Why do you ask?”

  “Some of my frat brothers are heading over to Slink’s tonight, and it would be a shame for you to waste that outfit on another night of studying.”

  I grimace. “Isn’t that the college jock bar? I don’t know if that’s my scene.”

  He rolls his eyes. “Of course it is, or it needs to be anyway. If you want to date my brother, then you have to be a part of his crowd.”

  What he’s saying makes perfect sense, but that still doesn’t mean the idea of hanging out with the elite crowd of Columbus University doesn’t scare the pants right off me.

  “Stop overthinking it,” he says. “You’ll be fine, and besides, you have me to protect you.”

  I grin, kind of liking the idea of having a personal bodyguard, not to mention it’s comforting knowing he’ll be with me.

  “You know you want to,” he coaxes. “Call Miley, and invite her to go with us.”

  I nod. “Okay, but let me finish this meal first. No way do I want this to go to waste.”

  That earns me another smile, as he agrees with me, and it’s getting hard to remember why it is I like Luke when I find myself becoming more and more attracted to Baker.



  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in Slink’s bar—more times than I’d like to admit. Things haven’t exactly been great for me the past year since quitting football. Before I started boxing to work out my anger, I spent a lot of nights here, getting wasted and fucking more cleat chasers than I can remember.

  But tonight, I’m not here for any of that. I’m here to help Sky. She’s the most innocent yet painfully sexy girl I’ve ever met. Someone who looks like her shouldn’t be so shy. She has all the right tools to get whatever she wants, whenever she wants, from any man, but she doesn’t know it. Sky caught my eye last year when I went into the library to study while my roommate was busy fucking his girlfriend, making the apartment hella loud. Sky was beautiful and sweet, and more than anything, I just wanted to get to know her, but someone as fucked up as me wasn’t good enough for her, so I never made a move and merely studied her from afar. Now, I’m roped into this deal with her because she’s into my fucking brother. I should’ve said no, but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to be near her—to get to know her—even though I don’t believe my brother is good enough for her either.

  I trail Miley and Sky as we make our way to the front door of the bar, keeping a careful watch on them to ensure their safety.

  Miley loops her arm through Sky’s. “Not that I’m being bitchy, because I’m happy you’re finally out and about, but how come you came out tonight when Baker asked? Every time I’ve mentioned this place in the past, you’ve shut me down quick.”

  Sky shrugs her slender shoulders. “He offered to be our personal bodyguard, so I figured it was pretty safe to come out tonight.”

  Miley turns and gives me a thumbs-up. “Good job, buddy. Maybe now you can help me convince her some college partying will be fun.”

  I chuckle, and before I can answer, Sky fires back. “You guys act like I’m not fun. Am I really that boring?”

  “Boring? No. But you spend way too much time reading and fantasizing about romance instead of actually experiencing the real world and finding your own love story,” Miley answers. “I’m proud you’re finally putting yourself out there.”

  “It’s not like I’ve not wanted to get myself out there before, but you know how my father is, not to mention my brother, Simon. They both scare every guy off who’s ever come within fifty feet of me.”

  “But they’re not here now,” Miley sing-songs. “No one knows them here, so no one is scared off.”

  This piques my interest, and I know discussing parents is a hard no according to our house rules, but I can’t stop myself from asking, “Who in the hell is your dad? A mob boss or something?”

  Sky turns locks her blue eyes with mine. “House rule, remember?”

  My lips pull into a tight line. “Right.”

  She’s got me there. Seems like I’m not the only one who doesn’t like talking about their father. My own rule is coming back to bite me square in the ass because I’m dying to know what’s so scary about Sky’s dad, but obviously, she wants to keep that a secret.

  I keep pace behind them, and can’t help staring at Sky’s ass in those tight jeans. She’s beautiful. I’ve knows that from the first moment I spotted her, but now that I’ve seen her body in this outfit, I can’t unsee it or stop imagining her naked. Her dark hair looks so soft and her tan skin looks like silk and my fingers itch to explore both.

  I take a deep breath, willing the cool night air to zap my mind off how much I want to fuck Sky Cold. I can’t walk into Slink’s with a massive tent pitched in my jeans because I’m picturing Sky bent over the couch in our apartment with me pumping into her from behind.

  I shake my head and recall all my football stats to get my mind on something else, which brings my pulse down a few notches.

  The girls push through the bar's front door, and the familiar sounds of chatter and pop music fill the space. It’s packed as usual even though it’s a Wednesday night. A few nods are thrown in my direction after the eyes of most men in the place scan over the girls in front of me.

  Sky turns toward me. “Should we find a seat?”

  I point toward an open booth in the corner, wanting her hide her away from all the leering guys. I feel highly possessive of Sky and it makes me uncomfortable to know they’re checking her out like I was doing on the way in here. “How about there?”

  She nods and pulls Miley in that direction.

  As they slide in
to the seats, I ask, “What are you drinking?”

  “Beer for me,” Miley answers, and Sky shocks me when she says she’ll have the same.

  I raise my right eyebrow. “Really?”

  “Yes, really. Why?” Sky tilts her head, leveling her blue eyes on me.

  “Just took you for a fruity drink girl.”

  She shakes her head, and her dark curls bounce around her shoulders. “Nope. I like beer.”

  I laugh. “You’re full of surprises. I’ll be back.”

  Weaving through the crowd, I head up to the bar and order the girls’ drinks. While I’m waiting, I feel a clap on the back. I turn to find Brad Hastings, the preppy president of my frat, standing behind me with his arm slung around a redhead I’m pretty sure I bagged once. Brad comes from money, lots of it, and he’s not afraid to show off his wealth, displaying designer clothes and a Rolex watch proudly even in this dive bar.

  “Finnegan, what’s up, man? Haven’t seen you around the house much lately. Where’ve you been?” Brad asks with his chest puffed up a bit.

  “You know how it is. Busy with school and all that shit,” I simply say, taking a second to glance over in Sky’s direction to make sure she’s okay.

  He nods. “I get it, but I wasn’t sure if you’d bailed on the frat or what since you’ve been MIA. You coming to the homecoming party this weekend?”

  My thought races back to Sky wanting to go to the party, and there’s no way I’ll let her go into that snake pit alone. “Yeah, I’ll be there.”

  Brad nods toward where Sky and Miley are sitting. “Make sure to bring the two chicks you came in here with. They’re hot.”

  That comment earns Brad a smack to the gut from the girl under his arm. “Hello. I’m right here. It’s rude to say another girl is hot when your girlfriend is with you.”

  Brad chuckles. “Sorry, baby. I’m just trying to give Baker here the okay to bring his girlfriend and her friend.”

  “She’s not my girlfriend,” I correct him. “She’s my roommate.”

  “That’s cool,” Brad says and then shrugs. “Bring her anyway. Maybe she’ll be a nice little hookup for one of the other guys.”

  My teeth grind together, not liking the idea of Sky being treated like a toy to be shared. “She’s not like that, bro. No one will treat her bad when I’m around. Matter-of-fact, she’s off-fucking-limits.”

  My heart thunders in my chest, ready to rip into Brad for his comment, and I know he can read the anger flashing in my eyes.

  Brad holds up his hands in surrender. “Okay. Damn, dude. I didn’t know it was like that. I’ll make sure the rest of the guys know the girls you bring with you are not to be touched. Last thing I need is drama over chicks in the fucking house.”

  I lift my chin. “Good. As long as they don’t touch her, there won’t be problems.”

  “I’ll put the word out. I got you, man.” His girlfriend pulls on his arm, wanting to go dance. “See you this weekend?”

  I nod. “Yeah.”

  When Brad disappears, I turn back to the bar in time to grab the drinks from the bartender and then head back to the table.

  “No drink for you?” Sky asks as I set a glass of golden liquid in front of her and then one in front of her friend.

  “Nope. Someone has to drive you lightweights home.”

  She stares at me in challenge. “What makes you think I’m a lightweight?”

  “Please. What do you weigh? One hundred pounds? No one that small can hold their alcohol.” I slide into the booth. “I say three of those glasses, and you’ll be buzzing like crazy. Five and you’ll be shit-faced.”

  “We’ll see.” She grins before taking a sip.

  I lick my lips as I watch her drink, wishing I was the glass beneath her lips. I crave to taste her, and I wish I didn’t. It’s torture knowing I’ll never be able to kiss her sweet lips. It’s a sick obsession I need to find a way to let go of because Sky will never want someone as broken as me. And besides, since my last relationship, I have sworn off ever having a girlfriend again. Being tied to one woman isn’t worth the fucking trouble. Sex with no strings attached is where it’s at.


  “Are we dancing or what?” Miley slurs a bit while I finish my sixth beer.

  “We just finished dancing. Don’t you want a break?” I ask as I lay my head back against the booth. “I’m so tired.”

  Baker’s strong arm moves against mine as he chuckles while sitting next to me.

  My brows furrow together. “What’s funny?”

  His beautiful face twists in amusement. “I think you both are already tapped out, and I was pretty close on my guess. Six beers in and you two are drunk.”

  “No, we aren’t,” I argue, but then turn to Miley with a confused expression. “Are we?”

  Miley squints to study the empty glass in front of her. “I don’t know…Maybe?”

  “That doesn’t sound too reassuring,” I say before a hiccup escapes me. I quickly cover my mouth. “Oh, no.”

  “What?” Baker asks, and straightens his back like he’s ready to bolt out of his seat. “Going to be sick?”

  I shake my head as embarrassment hits me. Dammit. He’s right. I am drunk.

  I take a deep breath and then shrug. “I’m drunk. I always hiccup when I’m drunk.”

  A deep rumble rolls out of Baker’s chest as he laughs. “All right, lightweight, let’s get going then while you two can walk out of here on your own two feet. I’m strong, but I’d rather not carry both of you out of here, and I definitely don’t want to take a chance of getting vomit in my car.”

  “No worries there, hot stuff,” Miley says. “I’m not a puker, and Sky isn’t either as long as you don’t feed her liquor.” She turns to me with a smile on her face. “Remember the unfortunate freshman event? I haven’t touched a mixed drink since that night.”

  “Yes, I remember,” I scold her. “I also remember we swore we’d never speak of what happened that night ever again.”

  Baker’s eyes are alive with curiosity. “This sounds like a great story.”

  “Forget it,” I tell him. “House rule. The Unfortunate Freshmen Event is off-limits.”

  “These house rules are starting to become a downer,” he grumbles.

  I shrug. “You’re the one who thought of putting them in place.”

  “Don’t remind me,” he mutters, sending me into hysterical laughter.

  He raises one eyebrow as he stares at me like I’ve lost my mind, which only causes me to laugh harder.

  Baker glances across the table over at Miley, but she’s no help to him either because she’s joined in on my laughter. Soon neither of us is sure what we’re laughing at, but we can’t stop.

  “On that note, it’s definitely time to go.” Baker slides out of the booth, extending a hand to help my friend out first, and then comes back to help me up. I take his hand, but as soon as I stand, I stumble into the wall of muscle that is Baker’s chiseled body. He catches me easily and studies me while holding me in his arms. He stares down at me with those big brown eyes full of concern, and I sigh. “You okay, there?”

  “Mmm,” I reply as I continue to look up at him, studying his features. “You’re beautiful.”

  His chest shakes against mine, and one corner of his mouth lifts up into a smirk. “You’ve definitely hit your limit. Come on.”

  He guides Miley and me out of the bar to his Mustang sitting in the parking lot. Miley climbs in the back seat, and I hop into the passenger seat. I fumble with the seat belt, and Baker’s strong hands click the latch for me. When he’s leaning across me, I inhale deeply, taking in the scent that’s a mixture of spicy cologne, soap, and something that’s distinctly Baker, and my mouth waters. He smells phenomenal, and thinking about ripping off his shirt to smell the rest of his skin crosses my mind, but I resist. Even drunk, I know I wouldn’t be able to stop myself after removing his shirt. I want to see all of him. And I would want every inch of him on every inch of me.

  He looks over at me, and all I would have to do is lean forward a couple of inches and press my lips to his. I could ask him to take me home, carry me to my bedroom, and have his way with me, but if I cross that line, any future of getting to know Luke would be flushed down the toilet. Besides, my current drunken state isn’t the time to make rash decisions.

  “You good?” he asks as he inspects my face.

  My heart thunders in my chest, and I am far from good with all these thoughts racing in my head, but I nod, lifting my chin. “Yeah, I’m okay.”

  He pulls back and shuts me inside the car before heading over to the driver’s seat. The engine rumbles to life as he turns the key and heads out of the parking lot.

  Sunlight streams through the crack in my curtains and shines right in my eyes. I squeeze my eyes shut before I peel one open to peek at the clock on my phone.

  “How in the hell is it noon already?” I grumble before I set my phone back on the nightstand beside my bed.

  It’s then I notice a bottle of water and a bottle of ibuprofen next to my phone. A little piece of paper pokes out between the two bottles, so I pluck it out and see a note written in a masculine script.

  Thought you could use these.

  It brings a smile to my face, knowing Baker cares enough to leave me a mini hang-over repair kit. He’s sweet.

  I sit up, pop two pills and then chug the water before heading off to shower. The water feels heavenly, washing away the remnants of last night. It was good to get out. I haven’t done that in a long time, and it was actually pretty fun. It was easy to let my hair down and drink last night with my best friend because I felt protected. I knew Baker wouldn’t let anything happen to us. I trust him.

  I turn the water off, then reach for a towel. Once I’m dry, I open the door to head to my room to get dressed.

  Baker’s door opens at the same time, and his eyes drop down and then rake up my body, appraising me before his eyes meet mine. “How’re you feeling?”

  “Not too bad, actually. Thank you for the water and stuff this morning—it was nice of you to do that.”


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