Elsie's children

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Elsie's children Page 24

by Martha Finley


  "There's many a slip Twixt the cup and the lip."

  The Travillas were all invited to Gertrude's wedding; but as it was to bea very grand affair, the invitation was declined because of their recentbereavement.

  Mr. Ross had not seen his intended son-in-law, nor did he know howmercenary were Gertrude's motives. He took it for granted that she wouldnot, of her own free will, consent to marry a man who was not at leastagreeable to her, though he certainly thought it odd that she should fancyone over forty years older than herself.

  He made some inquiries relative to the man's character and circumstances,and learning that he was really very wealthy, and bore a respectablereputation, as the world goes, gave his consent to the match.

  The preparations went on; dresses and jewels were ordered from Paris,invitations issued to several hundred guests, and the reception rooms oftheir city residence refurnished for the occasion; money was poured outwithout stint to provide the wedding feasts and flowers, rich and rare,for the adornment of the house, and the persons of the girls.

  Gertrude did not seem unhappy, but was in a constant state of excitement,and would not allow herself a moment to think.

  Ten days before that appointed for the ceremony, the bridegroom arrived inthe city, and called upon the family.

  Mr. Ross did not like his countenance, and wondered more than ever at hisdaughter's choice.

  He waited till Mr. Larrabee was gone, then sent for her to come to him inthe library.

  She came, looking surprised and annoyed. "What is it, papa?" she saidimpatiently. "Please be as brief as you can; because I've a world ofthings to attend to."

  "So many that you have not a moment to spare for the father you are goingto leave so soon?" he said a little sadly.

  "Oh, don't remind me of that!" she cried, a sudden change coming over hermanner. "I can't bear to think of it!" and creeping up to him, she put herarms around his neck, while a tear trembled in her eye.

  "Nor I," he said, caressing her; "not even if I knew you were going to bevery happy so far away from me; and I fear you are not. Gertrude, do youlove that man?"

  "Why what a question coming from my practical father!" she said, forcing alaugh. "I am choosing for myself, marrying of my own free will; is notthat sufficient?"

  "I tell you candidly, Gertrude," he answered, "I do not like Mr.Larrabee's looks. I cannot think it possible that you can love him, and Ibeg of you if you do not, to draw back even now at this late hour."

  "It is too late, papa," she returned, growing cold and hard; "and I do notwish it. Is this all you wanted to say to me?"

  "Yes," he said, releasing her with a sigh.

  She glided from the room and he spent the next half hour in pacing slowlyback and forth with his head bowed upon his breast.

  The door bell rang and the servant came in with a card.

  Mr. Ross glanced at it, read the name with a look of pleased surprise, andsaid, "Show the gentleman in here."

  The next moment the two were shaking hands and greeting each other as oldand valued friends.

  "I'm very glad to see you, Gordon!" exclaimed Mr. Ross; "but what happychance brought you here? Are you not residing somewhere in the West?"

  "Yes; in St. Louis; and it is not a happy chance, but a painful duty thathas brought me to you to-night."

  He spoke hurriedly, as if to be done with an unpleasant task, and Mr.Ross's pulses throbbed at the sudden recollection that Larrabee also wasa resident of St. Louis.

  He turned a quick, inquiring look upon his friend. "Out with it, man! I'min no mood to wait, whether it be good news or ill."

  Gordon glanced toward the door.

  Mr. Ross stepped to it and turned the key; then coming back, seatedhimself close to his friend with the air of one who is ready for anything.

  "Phil, my old chum," said Gordon, clapping him affectionately on theshoulder, "I heard the other day in St. Louis, that Larrabee was about tomarry a daughter of yours, and I took the first eastern bound train andtraveled night and day to get here in time to put a stop to the thing. Ihope I'm not too late."

  "What do you know of the man?" asked Mr. Ross steadily and looking Gordonfull in the eye, but with a paling cheek.

  "Know of him? that he made all his money by gambling; that he is amurderer."

  The last word was spoken low and close to the listener's ear.

  Mr. Ross started back--horrified--deadly pale.

  "Gordon! do you know whereof you affirm?" he asked low and huskily.

  "I do; I had the account from one who was an eye-witness of the affair. Heis dead now, and I do not suppose it would be possible to prove the thingin a court of justice; but nevertheless I assure you it is true.

  "It was thirty years ago, on a Mississippi steamer, running between St.Louis and New Orleans, that the deed was done.

  "Larrabee, then a professional black-leg, was aboard, plying his trade. Myinformant, a man whose veracity I could not doubt, was one of a group ofbystanders, who saw him (Larrabee) fleece a young man out of severalthousand dollars--all he had in the world--then, enraged by some tauntingwords from his victim, pull out a pistol and shoot him through the heart,just as they sat there on opposite sides of the gaming table; then withhis revolver still in his hand, threatening with terrible oaths andcurses, to shoot down any man who should attempt to stop him, he rushed ondeck, jumped into the river, swam ashore and disappeared in the woods."

  "Horrible, horrible!" groaned Mr. Ross, hiding his face in his hands. "Andthis murderer, this fiend in human form, would have married my daughter!"he cried, starting up in strong excitement. "Why was he suffered toescape? Where is he now?"

  "The whole thing passed so quickly, my informant said, that every oneseemed stunned, paralyzed with horror and fright till the scoundrel hadmade good his escape; beside there were several others of the same stampon board--desperate fellows, probably belonging to the same gang--whowere evidently ready to make common cause with the ruffian.

  "That part of our country was, you know, in those days, infested withdesperadoes and outlaws."

  "Yes, yes; but what is to be done now? I shall of course send a note toLarrabee, at his hotel, telling him that all is at an end between him andGertrude, forbidding him the house, and intimating that the sooner heleaves the vicinity the better. But--Gordon, I can never thank yousufficiently for this kindness; will you add to it by keeping the thing toyourself for the present? I wouldn't for the world have the story get intothe papers."

  "Certainly, Ross!" returned his friend, grasping his hand in adieu. "Iunderstand how you feel. There is but one person beside ourselves, whoknows my errand here, and I can answer for his silence."

  "Who is it?"

  "Mr. Hogg, a friend of your wife and daughters."

  The news brought by Mr. Gordon sent both Gertrude and her mother intoviolent hysterics, and Mr. Ross and an old nurse who had been in thefamily for years, had their hands full for the rest of the night. It was asore wound to the pride of both mother and daughter.

  "The scoundrel! the wretch! the villain!" cried Gertrude. "I can neverhold up my head again; everybody will be talking about me, and thoseenvious Miss Petitts and their mother will say, 'It's just good enough forher; serves her right for being so proud of the grand match she was goingto make.' Oh dear, oh dear! why couldn't that Gordon have staid away andheld his tongue!"

  "Gertrude!" exclaimed her father, in anger and astonishment, "is this yourgratitude to him for saving you from being the wife of a gambler andmurderer? You might well be thankful to him and to a Higher Power, foryour happy escape."

  "Yes, of course," said Lucy. "But what are we to do? the invitations areall out. Oh dear, dear, was there ever such a wretched piece of business!Phil, it's real good in you not to reproach me."

  "'Twould be useless now," he sighed, "and I think the reproaches of yourown conscience must be sufficient. Not that I would put all the blame onyou, though. A full share of it belongs to me."

  By morning both ladies had recovered some degree of calmness, but Gertrudeobstinately refused to leave her room, or to see any one who might call,even her most intimate friend.

  "Tell them I'm sick," she said, "it'll be true enough, for I have an awfulheadache."

  It was to her mother who had been urging her to come down to breakfast,that she was speaking.

  "Well, I shall send up a cup of tea," said Mrs. Ross. "But, what is this?"as the maid entered with a note. "It's directed to you, Gertrude."

  "From him, I presume," Gertrude said, as the girl went out and closed thedoor. "Throw it into the fire, mother, or no; I'll send it back unopened."

  "It is not his hand," said Mrs. Ross, closely scrutinizing the address.

  "Then give it to me, please;" and almost snatching it from her mother'shand, Gertrude tore it open, and glanced hastily over its contents.

  "Yes, I'll see him! he'll be here directly; and I must look my best!" sheexclaimed, jumping up and beginning to take down her crimps.

  "See him? Gertrude, are you mad? Your father will never allow it."

  "Mr. Hogg, mother."


  They exchanged glances and smiles. Mrs. Ross hurried down to breakfast,not to keep her husband waiting, and Gertrude presently followed inhandsome morning toilet, and in apparently quite gay spirits; a triflepale, but only enough so to make her interesting, her mother said.

  Mr. Ross and Philip, Jr., had already gone away to their place ofbusiness, Sophie and the younger boys to school, and only Mrs. Ross andKate were left, the latter of whom had little to say, but regarded hersister with a sort of contemptuous pity.

  Gertrude had scarcely finished her meal, when the door-bell rang, and shewas summoned to the drawing-room to receive her visitor.

  The wedding came off at the appointed time. There was a change ofbridegrooms, that was all; and few could decide whether the invitationshad been a ruse, so far as he was concerned--or if that were not so, howthe change had been brought about.

  In a long letter to Violet Travilla, Kate Ross gave the details of thewhole affair.

  A strange, sad story it seemed to Vi and her sister. They could not in theleast understand how Gertrude could feel or act as she had done, andfeared she would find, as Kate expressed it, "even a gold lined sty, but ahard bed to lie in, with no love to soften it."

  "Still," they said to each other, "it was better, a thousand times better,than marrying that dreadful Mr. Larrabee."

  For Kate had assured them Mr. Hogg was "an honest, honorable man, and notill-tempered; only an intolerable bore--so stupid and uninteresting."


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