Furious (Nomad Outlaws Trilogy Book 3)

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Furious (Nomad Outlaws Trilogy Book 3) Page 15

by Tory Richards

  "What about his officers?"

  Killer turned his attention to Cole. "Casualties of war. They've been corrupted by Tolbert."

  That meant they'd be stripped of their colors and run out of the area. I'd known Killer for a long time, and he wasn't a cold blooded killer, he was a fair man. Where some presidents grew rigid and power-hungry with experience and age, he'd mellowed out, but that hadn't made him weak. He made most of his decisions through wisdom instead of war. His men respected him for that, and followed him without question.

  "You want to join us?"

  I shook my head. "Not this time, I got my own shit to deal with. Going to head out." I met Killer's eyes. "It okay if the woman, Holly, stays here for a while?"

  "Sure. I think Sax has an interest in her."

  Yeah, I'd already guessed that.

  I swung away from the bar to go get Bailey.

  Chapter 19


  There was something free and invigorating about being on the back of Moody's bike. He had total control of the huge machine, and he handled it with the ease and confidence of his years of experience. All I had to do was hold on and enjoy the throbbing vibration beneath me and the solid protection of his massive body in front of me. Both sensations caused arousal to become a constant buzzing between my legs. I knew by the time we reached his home that my sex would be soaked from the merciless stimulation.

  If I didn't come, it would be a miracle.

  I tried to remove the image of the last time he'd fucked me from my mind. It had been brutal, and strangely satisfying. Most of the men I'd been with had been strictly vanilla, but Moody was a new experience that I'd never dreamed of having. It was more than sex, but I wasn't delusional--there were no emotions other than his anger involved. No, sex with Moody was raw, and what I imagined to be on a primal level, an alpha of the species taking his mate in the most barbaric way.

  Okay, trying to erase it from my mind wasn't working, especially when the throbbing bike was relentless against my still sensitive clit. I'd noticed the stimulation the other times that I'd ridden with Moody, but for some reason it seemed more pronounced right now. I began to squirm in search of a more comfortable position, because I swear I was growing numb from the waist down. Not numb enough, because I felt my orgasm climbing, and I knew that with little effort I could push it over the line. I thanked God when Moody's house came into view.

  There was no way I was going to climax on his damned bike.

  Fuck, I was climaxing on his damned bike!

  It hit me like a speeding freight train. Once it peaked, I knew that there was no way to stop the rush, nor did I really want to. Coming felt too damned good, no matter what the circumstances. It was an indescribable feeling that exploded through my body in waves of intense pleasure that took control with merciless results. Everything inside me clenched tightly before releasing in convulsions that I couldn't begin to control.

  My arms tightened around Moody in a jerky movement. My thighs tightened around his hips as my pussy literally throbbed against him. I cried out without meaning to, dropping my face to his shoulder and panting through a powerful orgasm. Oh, God, as it ran its course, we pulled around to the back of his house where the garage was located. He turned his bike off, and it was then that I realized that my mouth was facing his ear and I was panting hot breath into it.

  I figured that he had to know what had happened, because once the bike was off, he continued to sit there, as if giving me time to pull myself together. I took the time to draw in his masculine scent of leather, tobacco, and warm spice. I had the sudden urge to bite his ear, blaming him for what had happened. He'd done something to me. That was the only thing that made any sense. I'd always enjoyed sex, but now I loved it, and my body seemed to be sensitive to the slightest stimulation.

  The more I thought about it, the more it annoyed me.

  I bit his ear, gaining little pleasure at the sound of his hiss.

  "This is your fault," I whispered angrily. "If you hadn't fucked me back at the Desert Rebels' clubhouse, my pussy wouldn't have been so sensitive."

  Moody turned his head to the side so I could see his profile. "If I hadn't fucked you I would have fucked one of the club bitches."

  That was his response? Way to make a girl feel special. I huffed. "Which you'd already done earlier." Was that bitterness in my tone?

  "I fuck when I want," he grumbled indifferently. "You just happened to be closest."

  Oh! Asshole! I clenched my teeth, pissed off at his remark. He sounded so detached, emotionless when it came to sex. I'd never been with a man who never revealed any sort of emotion when he was fucking. At the very least the men and I liked each other, but I got the feeling that Moody didn't even like me. The thought of this made me angry at myself for letting him do what he was doing to me. I wasn't some young innocent who didn't know what she wanted. Who let a man just take over? I had, with Moody.

  What was wrong with me? It had been easy in the beginning because of the situation that I'd found myself in, but that was then and this was now. I refused to let him use me as his sexual outlet just because I was convenient.

  Suddenly I had to know. "Do you even like me?" I asked him as I used his shoulder for balance as I got off his bike.

  He remained on his bike, his eyes meeting mine. It was hard to tell what he was thinking because, as usual, Moody's expression was hard and closed off.

  "Not necessarily." He didn't blink.

  "Then why are you fucking me if you don't like me?"

  "I fuck you when I'm in the mood and you happen to be around," he said coldly. "I don't have to like a woman to get a hard-on." He made a move to dismount the bike, and I backed up. "Pussy is pussy."

  I shook my head disbelievingly. "That's just sad, Moody. And you're wrong. It feels so much better when feelings are involved. Have you ever had that with anyone?" I thought about his wife. He must have once.

  There was the briefest flicker in his eyes, which quickly burned out. "None of your fucking business," he grumbled, walking around me.

  "Well, you know what is my business?" I said irritably, marching behind him as we entered the house through the back door. "My body and who I give it to. Count it as off limits from here on out. If any woman will satisfy your dick, than grab someone else to fuck." By the time I was done, I'd worked myself up into a tizzy.

  Moody acted as if he could care less, continuing through the house to his bedroom without a word. I stopped in the doorway, watching as he pulled a duffle bag from the closet and began filling it. "Did you hear me?" I wanted to make sure there were no misunderstandings.

  He stopped in the middle of putting some jeans into his bag. "This is what I fucking hate about women, the games they play."

  "I don't play games!"

  "You didn't say no."

  I slapped my hands onto my hips. "You're right, I didn't. I'm just not willing to continue letting a man fuck me who thinks so little of me. So find yourself another playmate."

  He didn't hesitate. "Done."

  I watched him go back to what he'd been doing for a minute before turning and leaving. Why had his response disappointed me? It's what I wanted, right? I mean, who wants to be used? The sex was out of this world good, but that's all it was. Sex. It kind of hurt that he didn't like me, though. I mean, I didn't like him either, but still…

  I found myself out on the porch in one of the chairs. I needed to take control of my life again. As soon as Martin was no longer a threat, I intended to do just that. At least I'd still have my job. I'd have to think of the possibility of Holly not being there, though. If anything serious developed between her and Sax, would she even come back? Surely that was a long way off. Although, from the looks of things back at the clubhouse, whatever was between them seemed to be moving fast.

  As long as Holly was happy and she didn't get hurt, I was good with whatever she did. It wouldn't change the friendship that we had. We were tighter than sisters. She'd waited a long time t
o lose her virginity, so I knew that Sax must be special to her. I'd given mine up to my high school boyfriend, Jack. We'd been together for two years, and at the time I was convinced that we would eventually marry and spend our lives together. Yeah, no, we broke up six months later. We'd parted as friends, and after graduation I never saw him again.

  I pushed the memories away, watching the tumbleweeds roll by. It was hotter than hell, and I didn't feel a breeze, but I guessed it didn't take much to move them. They were just big, dried out weeds anyway. It was sort of disturbing the way they moved as if they had a life all their own. I remembered having watched a Twilight Zone episode once where tumbleweeds had just taken over and attacked a couple who were lost in the desert. I loved watching the Twilight Zone New Year's marathon every year.

  The door opened, and Moody stepped out. He tossed me my phone. "You want a drink? Do you need to do anything before we take off?"

  I shook my head and turned back to the view in front of me.

  He shut the door, locked it, and then a few minutes later I heard the sound of his motorcycle coming to life. Seconds later, he came around the corner of the house and pulled up in front of me. He didn't look at me, he didn't say anything, but I knew that he was waiting for me to get on. So, releasing a deep breath, I climbed on behind him, praying that I could make it home without suffering through the humiliation of another orgasm.

  "Hey," I said before he could take off. He turned his head sideways. "What about my car?"

  "Later," was all he said, and then we were taking off.



  I didn't want to spend any more time than I had to with Bailey. It was going to be hard to keep my hands off her, but if that's the way she wanted it, then that's the way it would be. I didn't force myself on unwanted women. I didn't have to. The women who weren't afraid of me gave me their bodies willingly, and there'd be plenty of pussy in town. If not at the Naked Lady, than I could hit up one of the other bars or clubs if I had to. As I'd so crudely put it to Bailey, pussy was pussy.

  But a tiny annoying thought at the back of my mind kept nagging me that I was lying to myself. I'd had plenty of pussy over the years, and there was something about fucking Bailey that made me want to go back for more.

  I didn't want to admit it, but something about Bailey was starting to get to me, and I didn't like it one fucking bit. So when we reached her apartment, I checked it over to make sure that no one was there or had been there, and left her to go to the bar for a few hours. I pulled my bike in my regular spot and walked in to the usual scene. Tommy was alone behind the counter and glanced up when I came in.

  "Hey, boss!" he said as I was walking toward him. "The usual?"

  I gave him a nod. "What's been going on?" I leaned against the end of the bar where it was more private. Every stool was full. Several chins lifted to greet me, and I acknowledged them with the same. I took in the cuts of at least two different biker clubs, but they were low key and playing nice.

  Tommy set a whiskey down in front of me. "Been quiet lately. Haven't seen a sign of Martin."

  "I don't expect him to show his face around here again." I took a drink, closing my eyes to the feel of the strong alcohol running down my throat. "I'm going to be staying in town for a while. Got my feelers out for Martin, and I want to be close when he comes calling. Bailey will be in tomorrow night."

  Surprise crossed Tommy’s face.

  "I gave her back her job. I want her scheduled till closing five nights a week." I figured if Martin was stupid enough to come back to the bar, it would be after dark.

  Tommy smiled. "Is this a temporary thing?"

  I shook my head. "Told her she could keep it as long as she did what she was supposed to."

  "You won't have to worry about that, boss. Bailey knows what she's doing, and the men like her."

  "Yeah, well, the only man I'm interested in now is Martin. I'm hoping that if he hears that she's back, he'll come looking for her."

  Tommy's face sobered. "You're going to use her, after what he did to her?"

  I could tell that he wasn't cool with that, and I couldn't blame him. "She's going to be watched." I rarely explained myself to anyone, but I didn't want Tommy neglecting his job when Bailey was around because he was worried about her. "I'll be staying with her at her place." He already knew that Holly had been rescued and was at the Desert Rebels' clubhouse. "Listen, we have another problem. I need to know who really took that SD card from my office. You have any ideas?"

  Tommy shook his head, and I could tell by his expression that he was thinking it over. "I have no idea, boss, and I've been racking my brain, running through people in my head, new customers, someone acting a little strange, but no one stands out. Seems like a big coincidence that all of a sudden everyone wants it, though."

  He wasn't saying anything I hadn't already said to myself.

  "Oh, oh! Trouble, boss," Tommy said, seeing someone come into the bar that I hadn't. "Forgot to tell you, but she's been in looking for you." He stepped away from the bar.

  He didn't have to tell me who was moving up behind me. I could see her reflection in the mirror. Cindy Baxter. I was surprised that she’d come back, considering she'd finally gotten what she’d wanted from me. The look on her face warned me that she was there for seconds, and she was dressed to show off her assets and remind me of what she had to offer. She moved around me, running her hands along the back of my neck and shoulders with a familiarity that I didn't appreciate.

  "Hi, honey. When did you get back?"

  Her perfume enveloped me like a toxic cloud, it was so fucking strong. "Now."

  I ran my eyes over her low-cut, tight little dress and the come-fuck-me heels on her feet. If I thought that she wouldn't turn into a problem, I might have taken her back to my office for another round, but I knew women like her--show them a little attention, and they were hard to get rid of. "Not interested."

  Her pretty face fell, a light in her eyes hardening. "I'm still separated from my husband," she said, showing me her ringless hand. "And you were interested enough the other day."

  Fuck, I hoped this didn't get messy. Cindy looked determined and ready to cause a scene. "One fuck is all you get. Women like you get possessive and clingy."

  "One fuck? That wasn't a fuck. It was more like wham, bam, thank you, ma'am, without the ‘thank you!’" she huffed. "I didn't even get to come!" Her face was turning red.

  I saw several smirks being directed our way from the occupants at the bar. I grabbed Cindy and turned her toward the men who were listening to our conversation. "Any of you assholes interested in giving this woman an orgasm?"

  Several hands went up enthusiastically, revealing that they were more than eager to oblige. Two men actually left their stools to come our way.

  Cindy pulled away from me with a scowl. "You're a prick!" she hissed. "You can't treat me like this! I'm not some whore off the street!"

  I glared at her, ready for the situation to be over with so I could get on with my drinking. "Look, you've been after my dick for months. As soon as you dumped your husband, you got it. I can't help it if you didn't come." She was breathing so hard that her tits were moving up and down as if she'd run a marathon. "Once is all you'll get from me."

  She stood there for a minute, as if undecided what to do. Her gaze locked on me as if she had the power to set me on fire. "Fine," she said between her teeth. "But you'll be sorry for this." She turned and stomped off.

  Her hollow threat didn't faze me. I watched her for a minute before turning back to my whiskey. Why hadn't I fucked her again?

  My thoughts drifted to Bailey's tight little pussy.

  Yeah, that's why.

  Chapter 20


  I climbed off Moody's bike and went inside the bar without saying a word to him. The man was impossible. Impossible to like, impossible to ignore, and it was an impossible combination, because we were living under the same roof for the time being. The apartment
that I shared with Holly wasn't all that big, and he wasn't making things easy for me. When he'd come home the night before, I hadn't been sure whether to put him in Holly's room or mine, but he'd taken the decision out of my hands and chosen the couch. That had created a whole other problem when I’d gotten up that morning and had walked to the kitchen wearing hardly anything, forgetting that he was there.

  I can't say that the way his dark eyes had looked me over hadn't done something meaningful to my libido. Everything about Moody was intense, and knowing that his eyes were following me kept me in a state of arousal. Knowing what he was capable of making me feel when he touched me in that rough, possessive way that he had wouldn't leave my thoughts. It was as if he'd given me a taste of an addictive drug, and now I was having withdrawals.

  He was like no other man I'd ever known before.

  I walked straight into the bar, knowing that Moody was right behind me, probably watching my ass. Since I was forced to ride behind him on his bike, any kind of skirt or dress had been out of the question, so I'd shimmied my way into my tightest skinny jeans and a white, eyelet blouse with a scooped neckline that buttoned down the front. It was sexy and one of my favorites, and I knew it drew the eye to the exposed curve of my collarbone. I'd pulled my hair up into a messy bun, made messier by the ride there, and adorned my ears with feathered earrings that dangled.

  The bar was already busy, and I acknowledged the whistles and cat calls with a smile of tolerance, accepting it for what it was. It was a biker bar after all, and I'd learned early on that most of the men were just harmless flirts. Tommy had warned me which ones to avoid in the beginning. I wished he'd been able to warn me about Martin. I couldn't help but look for him once I settled behind the bar, wondering if he was there, and hiding in the crowd or tucked away in a dark corner.


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