Meeting in the Stars (Marston Chronicles Book 3)

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Meeting in the Stars (Marston Chronicles Book 3) Page 5

by D Patrick Wagner

  The question surprised the Senior Roth. After some thinking, he answered, “Yup. With the right materials. And with the right know how, we could.”

  “There you have it, Admiral. We can make Odin right.”

  “Right. Out of the goodness of your heart.”

  “No. out of mutual need. Board, Governor Kaufman, what do you think?”

  “If he’s just going to skedaddle, I don’t see any need to fix him up.”

  “True, Mr. Roth.”

  “It would be a waste of resources.”

  “That is also true, Governor.”

  “I’ve been thinking.”

  “Yes, Mrs. Brandt?”

  “Admiral Weiskoff, you and your ship are here. The aliens are swarming all over Bridgelen. I don’t think you have a hope in Hell of getting across to Cencore. Let me ask you this. Is the Federacy coming for you? Will it fight across Bridgelen just to get linked up with you? I don’t think so. I think you’re stuck here. And, where in damnation is the rest of your fleet? We heard you took a healthy bunch of ships to Dorogon.”

  “Admiral Weiskoff. I am asking you directly. What are your plans? Will you support us if we help you repair and re-arm your ship?”

  “This is a time of war, Governor. It is your duty to support my efforts. No, under the laws of emergency and rebellion, it is the law that you support me, my efforts and my ship. I could declare martial law and demand that you support my ship.”

  “See where that gets you, Admiral. What are you going to do? Send your three thousand marines down? Hold guns to our heads to make us work? How about, you sit in space and bomb our cities? Is that your plan?”

  “You wouldn’t follow the law, Mr. Roth?”

  “Not if it means putting me and mine at risk, not protecting them from the aliens, Admiral. No, sir. You couldn’t, anyway. Use up what little munitions you have left to bully little old Tolimar? Besides, it would take about half a day to put a hundred thousand good old country boys with guns on your doorstep. I can put out the call right now.” Roth Senior tapped his head, indicating his communications implant. He didn’t bother to tell the Vice-Admiral that those one hundred thousand, plus many more, would soon be as fully enhanced as the three thousand marines.

  Gregor stepped back in. “Let’s back up a step, people. Let’s work the problem. Think about it. There’s Corrinar then Arium then Tolimar. Three systems, one set of gates. Everyone is fleeing Corrinar, coming this way. They’re bringing everything they’ve got. This means that we have everything we need to come up with a way to fend off the aliens.”

  “So, you do have a plan, Lawrence.”

  “Yes, I do, Garman. We make them bleed. We build and arm like crazy. We stick every gun we’ve got on every ship sailing. Corrinar becomes the stopping ground. We load it up with automated weapons platforms, bombs, everything that fires or goes boom.”

  “When the bugs get through Corrinar?”

  “We do it again in Arium. This time we ambush them. Arium is loaded with multiple asteroid belts. That’s why it’s the mining hub of our entire system. We attack from the rocks. Maybe throw asteroids at them. See if they can dodge. Intel says they hit point eight the speed of light. That’s awful fast to dodge something that jumps into their path.”

  Weiskoff finally quieted and listened. And he started to shed his slow burn.


  “Last stand. We harden this place, make it to costly to land. Keep bleeding them until they go away.”

  “You’re not naming your new town Alamo, are you?”

  Gregor laughed. “No, Kevin. Not Alamo. Don’t know yet. That son of yours and my daughter are tasked with the naming.”

  “Great. Leave it to the young’uns.”

  “So, Admiral Weiskoff. You heard Lawrence’s plan. Are you going to support us in our defense against the aliens?”

  “You’re right, Mrs. Brandt. Odin is the last of the Dorogon fleet. The aliens destroyed the rest. And you are also right about the aliens in Bridgelen driving me away from Cencore. I’m not sure what H.Q.’s plans are.”

  “Then help us. You can support the war by helping to build a stronghold here.”

  “A pincer movement. It might work. I don’t know. If we had the forces, we could attack from the rear while Cencore attacked from the front.”

  Gregor saw that Weiskoff showed signs of wavering. And he knew how big an ego the Vice-Admiral carried. “Members of the board, I have a recommendation.”

  “Yes, Mr. Gregor?”

  “Chairman. We don’t have the expertise required to advance a military campaign. May I recommend that Vice-Admiral Weiskoff be placed in charge of our budding space fleet? Organize our defenses?”

  “Not if he is going to take our protection away from us.”

  “What if we postpone that, until everyone feels secure that our defenses are in place?”

  “Maybe. Board? Discussion?”

  “Well, we could use the Admiral’s big ship. But only if it were here.”

  “I have a different thought.”

  “Yes, Mrs. Grey?”

  “Maybe we could work in repairing Odin, no strings attached. Even if the Admiral takes his ship back into battle. It still helps us. The longer it takes for the aliens to invade Corrinar, the more time we have to prepare.”

  “People? Mr. Gregor?”

  “Loath to mention his shipyard, he hedged, ”I could use one of my repair ships to work on Odin. Mr. McCauley could run the team.”

  Catching on, Mrs. Brandt added, “Some of my people have experience mining in space. They could help with the repairs.”

  “What about munitions?”

  “We don’t have a lot of knowledge about military weaponry. You would need to give us the specs. And help us set up our gauntlet to whup those monsters.”

  “If I do that, Mr. Roth, you are confident you can re-supply my ship?”

  “Yup. We’ve got a lot of smart people on this hunk of rock.”

  “There is something else.”

  “What, Admiral?”

  “Our standard weaponry proved to be only negligibly effective against the alien ships. But I had an experimental weapon. I was able to hit the bugs hard. Destroyed a lot of ships.”

  “You say you had this weapon? What happened to it?”

  “Turned it into a bomb. Blew up more ships.”

  “So, what’s this weapon?”

  “We called it an X-cannon. It fired a combination X-ray, EMP beam.”

  “And you say this thing works.”


  “And you’ve got the specs.”


  “Then, that’s it,” Roth Senior announced. “We get your ship back to new. You give us the specs and know-how on building this X-cannon. And how you made it into a bomb. What do ya’all think?”

  “Hank needs to see the specs.”


  “Vote? We fix Odin. The Vice-Admiral helps us set up our defenses. If Mr. Gregor’s man approves, we get this X-cannon as payment. Hands?”

  All right hands of the board raised.

  “Oh, almost forgot. Mr. Gregor’s defense plan? Hands?”

  Again, everyone on the board approved.

  “It’s on. Let’s bleed ‘um dry.” Roth Senior emphasized his proclamation with a slap on the table.


  Cold. Just below freezing. The landing pad, itself, wore a covering of ice and snow. A tower, five stories high and a city block square, squatted at the edge of the landing port. Metal antenna, glistening from their shells of ice crystals, spiked its dome. Lights flashed and swirled, denoting its location.

  Wisdom Seeker’s royal shuttle descended, blasting rockets of hot air, melting and breaking the sheath of ice covering its assigned landing pad. Frozen remnants and water vapor clouded into the freezing air, partially hiding the landing. Eventually the constantly blowing, biting Elonian winds dispersed the artificial cloud, revealing the now-grounded space

  The runners on the armed escort vehicles cut through the ground ice as the five heavily-armored vehicles skated towards the landed shuttle. Bracketed by this defensive encompassment, the royal limousine carried the King, Queen and brother to meet their daughter and sister. Another, less ostentatious limousine followed. Ice bolts extended from the undercarriages of all six vehicles, at first scraping, then gouging into the ice, bringing the royal procession to a stop, well short of the space craft.

  Forty Royal Guardsmen leaped from the five armored vehicles, finding purchase with their foot claws digging into the ice. Holding the same strange weapons which first appeared on Wisdom Seeker, the elite Royal Guardsmen formed a double line leading from the shuttle to the royal limo.

  “Sorry about all this,” Princess Analyn mindspoke to all as she and her own entourage waited for the shuttle’s ramp to lower. Buster passed the telepathic message to Keiko, Mack and Sue, via their personal coms.

  “Not a problem, Your Highness. We go through the same pomp with our royalty and dignitaries on all of our planets.”

  “Thank you, Ambassador Suzume.”

  “Just speaking the truth, Your Highness.”

  The shuttle ramp dropped. The shuttle’s occupants waited. The royal footman jumped out of his side of the limo, raced around its trunk and opened the double doors leading to the royal personage’s compartment.

  King Kaporine exited first. As he had done a million times before, the King reached, flicked and rotated the palla of his toga so that it draped elegantly over his furred arm. Turning, the King extended his paw to his queen, his wife. Taking her husband’s paw, she elegantly rose. Prince Daruke followed. The three formed a triangle with the King leading. After majestically walking to the midpoint, the three stopped.

  The Royal Family’s stopping gave the signal.

  Princess Analyn walked down the ramp first, accompanied by Honorable Vidhee. Wisdom Seeker’s Captain Kakkarna and Griffin’s Captain Marston came next. Gopai followed one step back and one step to Krag’s right, placing the young Elonian equidistant between the two captains. The Wisdom Seeker’s own enterage finished with Mack and Sue bookending Buster.

  The leader of the Royal Guardsmen stepped out of line and addressed his princess.

  “I am sorry, My Princess. But the human synthetic, Buster, is not allowed to approach His Majesty.”

  That brought Princess Analyn’s procession to a stop. “That is absurd. Buster is a cherished member of Griffin’s crew. And my friend. Honorable Vidhee’s friend.”

  The flustered commandant, replied, “Yes, My Princess. I understand, My Princess. But Prince Daruke has ordered this.”

  “We’ll see about this!” Princess Analyn’s bull-headedness came out, full force. Before she could take a step, Vidhee placed an artificial paw on her arm.

  “Prince Daruke is just being cautious, My Princess.” As Vidhee spoke, Princess Analyn flashed daggers at her brother. “Buster is a very different being. A synthetic with battle algorithms. There will be fear. I will remain with Buster. I will insure that nothing happens to my friend.”

  Only slightly mollified, Princess Analyn acquiesced. “I’m going to have a word with father.”

  Vidhee moved back to stand at Buster’s side. The two stopped. The rest continued. They reached the proper distance and held. Princess Analyn bowed deeply.

  “Your Grace.”

  King Kaporine only slightly bowed.

  “Princess Analyn.”

  They both straightened.

  “Now that that’s over with, come here, Little Fire.”

  Analyn rushed into her father’s arms and received her first loving hug in a long time. Queen Naliana’s hug came next.

  Turning to the Prince, still with anger in her eyes, the Princess acknowledged, “Brother.”

  “Sister.” He hid his disdain and haughtiness very well.

  “Well, daughter, bring on your Humans.”

  Princess Analyn sent a telepathic command to her ship’s captain. The Elonian led the humans and Gopai up to his Princess. They all went through the same presentation ritual as they previously did. But this time, in person and without the banter. At the end of the re-introductions, King Kaporine gave a long look at Gopai.

  “I am really glad these heater shields work, Cap,” Mack whispered as they all were led to the royal limo.

  “You and me both,” Krag responded as he noticed the guard formation separating him and his people from Buster and Vidhee.

  “Buster, be ready. I don’t know what’s going on here.”

  “I was born ready, Cap.”

  “More Mack. Great.”

  “Vidhee and I have had a good conversation. They won’t do anything with you. It turns out that the Honorable Vidhee, one of only eleven level one synthetics on the entire planet, and a judge on the Monarchal Legal court is now my willing hostage. She will remain aboard Griffin until all of you return. In good health, I might add.”

  “Good to know, old friend. I’ll pass that on.”

  “See you when I see you.”

  Again, Krag just shook his head in resignation. Dropping back from Captain Kakkarna, he aligned himself with Keiko.

  “We’re all good, Keiko. It seems Vidhee made a play. Her staying with Buster insured that nothing bad is going to happen to us. So, you’re free to do your thing.”

  “That’s a relief. A little worried there.”

  “Nope. Let’s just play this out. Get home.”

  By this time the troupe arrived at the limos. Buster and Vidhee stood at the base of the shuttle’s ramp, watching the royal footman help the royal family, including Princess Analyn into the royal limousine. The two synthetics watched four of the Royal guardsmen help Krag, Keiko Mack, Sue and Krag’s vassal into the second one. Then they saw the four Elonian guards follow their charges in, take up their seats and insure that nothing happened during the ride to the palace.

  Elonian Government House

  Senator Sanjinan stood on the balcony of the Government House. His foot claws dug into the deck while his hand claws gouged the railing’s icy covering. He loved this view, high up, overlooking Elonia’s capitol, watching Elonia’s sun reflect from the Royal Palace and the city’s gleaming roof tops. Practicing his personal mantra to ward off his beastly side, he had watched the royal shuttle land on the Royal Tarmac and disgorge the alien contingent.

  Now he just stood, staring at the vacant landing pad, lost in wonderment and thought. Time passed as the Senior Senator stood and thought about what was to come. He startled at the intrusion of the Royal Heir Apparent.

  Prince Daruke haughtily strode into the senator’s space.

  “My Prince,” the Senator acknowledged as he turned and performed a deep bow.

  “Senator. Bashia has blessed us with a beautiful day.”

  “Yes, she has. May her Heavenly reign forever bring peace and light.“

  “How is Clan Chikuno?”

  Doing very well. Our birth year has brought many strong child bearers and future warriors.”

  “I am very glad to hear this. We may need them in the future.”

  “That sounds ominous. How may I serve the throne?”

  “You know of the Humans? Their arrival?”

  “Yes, My Prince. I watched the landing and reception. The Senate has been informed.”

  “Did you learn of the Human jump drive? A machine which allows the Humans to jump between stars?”

  “No, My Prince.” From his tone, it became apparent that the Senator was not pleased with this omission.

  “And, were you apprised that the Humans have a synthetic? One which is weaponized?”

  “Again, no, My Prince.” Senator Sanjinan’s ire grew.

  Prince Daruke saw this rise and knew that he could now manipulate this senator who hated the Crown.

  “There is both opportunity and danger in contact with these Humans.”

  “I can immediately see that, My Prince. The jump drive would
bring untold wealth and position to any clan that possessed it. The weaponized synthetic is a threat to all clans. Why has it not been expunged and reprogrammed?”

  “According to the Royal Legal Court, specifically, Vidhee, this synthetic is not a citizen of Elonia. Therefore it is not subject to Elonian law. Further, it is a citizen of the Human species, more specifically, a citizen of the Clan Gregor.”

  “Will the King impound the ship? Seize the jump drive?”

  “Again, no, Senator. I asked him to declare Extreme Circumstances to authorize its seizure and the removal of the synthetic as a threat. But he refused.”

  “Ah. Now I see why we are having this conversation. You want the Senate to declare Extreme Circumstances, with a resolution to impound the human ship and expunge the synthetic.”

  “Yes, Senator. I know that you believe in a strong army, a strong arm to insure that all of the clans stay unified. I believe the contact with these humans and their obviously war-like nature will help you, will help us all, achieve this goal.”

  “It will be done, My Prince. It will take some time, but it will be done.”

  Chapter 03

  Elonia Royal Grounds

  “A fantasy-land ice castle.” Keiko whispered to Krag as the limo approached the royal enclave.

  “I hope we aren’t meeting the wicked witch, or warlock, of the north.”

  “Don’t see any flying monkeys.”

  “There is that.”

  “And, I’m not wearing my ruby-red slippers.”

  All four of Griffin’s human crew members stared out their windows, craning to get better views of the Royal Palace, the home of King Kaporine and his family. They saw a huge, spired, cathedral-like building with massive doors and giant windows. Multiple balconies extended from the sheer, ice-covered walls, seeming ready to break off and fall at any moment. Elonians leaned on the railings, pointing their paws, flicking their tails, angling their ears towards every sound. External stairways led to low-level roof decks, all holding more Elonians eager to see the return of their King and these strange Humans.

  Everything shimmered with the deep coating of ice. Everything shined silvery and sharply from Elonia’s star casting its rays on the Royal Residence.


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