Shattered Chaos (Steel Roses Book 1)

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Shattered Chaos (Steel Roses Book 1) Page 1

by Samantha Bee

  Shattered Chaos

  Steel Roses Book One A World of Chaos Series

  Samantha Bee

  Copyright © 2021 Samantha Bee

  All rights reserved

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover design by: Outlined With Love Designs

  Published by: Samantha Bee via Amazon KDP


  Title Page






  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One


  Note From Author

  Stalk Me


  Shattered Chaos is the first book in the contemporary new adult series, Steel Roses. It is a reverse harem, meaning the female protagonist has three or more love interests and will not be forced to choose. It is intended for mature audiences and contains themes of violence and revenge, high steam, and foul language. If the word "fuck" offends you, go ahead and just close this book, yeah?

  In addition, this series is the first in a saga titled A World of Chaos. There will be character and plot crossover but each can be read on their own. The saga will include a variety of RH, MF, and other types of relationships.

  Trigger Warnings: this book contains material that may be triggering for some, including violence, assault, sexual abuse, mentions of the abuse of children and/or minors and suicidal thoughts. This book is labeled as dark romance for a reason, please take this into consideration before reading.



  This book goes out to 2020.

  You fucked me six ways to Sunday

  but at least I got a beautiful book baby out of it.

  Let’s all hope 2021 goes a little smoother.


  8 Years Ago

  Forbidden acts. Evil intents. Depraved souls. Perverse pleasure.

  Pure chaos reigns in my father’s office.

  I didn’t mean to see it.

  I wasn’t trying to find anything.

  I didn’t want to have those photos burned into my memory.

  I wish I had never read those emails.

  I just wanted to check my father’s schedule.

  Just wanted to see if I would be able to sneak away to the party this weekend.

  That was all I cared about. A high school party. A stupid, insignificant high school party.

  I can't unsee the blood.

  I can’t forget the images of broken girls, of men, men I know, breaking those poor girls.

  I can’t unread the messages of those men expressing their delight over the pain they caused.

  I wish I could. I so, so wish I could. I wish I still cared about just a high school party.

  My vision starts to blur again. My head spins. My stomach roils. I feel something warm trickle down my cheek. I lick my lips and taste the tangy bite of copper. Blood.

  The only sound filling my ears is someone’s screams. Tortured, heart wrenching screams, until even that fades to black.

  I didn't realize it was my own screams.

  My eyelids flutter open at the sound of a familiar sigh. I look up to see my father looking down at me as if this whole situation is very tedious for him, “I think you’ve learned your lesson about snooping in my office, haven't you?” he scolds as if I’m an unruly child that’s being put in timeout.

  I slowly nod and the pressure in my head causes my stomach to turn. I ty to focus but my vision is hazy. His form above me, blurring in and out of focus.

  He nods as he kneels next to me, caressing a knife in his hand. He slowly slides it into my torso, and I choke and sputter at the pain wracking my body. He leans over and whispers, “Now just remember that if you breathe a word about what you saw or of your punishment, your baby sisters will be given the same treatment. Do you understand?”

  I can’t make myself nod again so I force my acknowledgement through my dry, cracked lips, “Yes,” I would do anything to protect my sisters and the bastard knows it.

  My father gives me an evil smile that I don’t recognize, “Good,” he murmurs as he pushes the knife deeper into my flesh. More than just physical pain sears through me, almost consuming me whole.

  A gasp draws my eyes upward. My perfect, always put together mother stands in the doorway, shocked at the scene of horror in front of her.

  I watch her as she observes the scene, the blood, the knife in my gut, her eyes dip to the evidence of my innocence smeared between my thighs and she swings her eyes up to my father with a look of disgust.

  Before either of us have a chance to react to her presence, she pulls a small handgun out of her purse and points it at my father. She doesn’t hesitate for a second before shooting him. His body collapses next to me.

  “Mom,” I cry.

  She freezes in the doorframe, her hand shaking as she lowers it back to her side. Her eyes wide as they run over my crumpled form. Her eyes linger on my ripped uniform, the evidence of all the abuse my body has been put through, the sticky residue coating my inner thighs. “Oh god,” she groans, “the shame.”

  “Mom,” I cry out to her, desperate for comfort. For love. For her to pull the knife out of my flesh. For her to be the calm in the storm that is tearing me apart.

  “Shh, sweetheart,” she hushes me as she pushes the hair back from my face. She can’t look me in the eyes. Her eyes wildly dancing around the room as she refuses to look at what has been done to me. “I’m so sorry but Mommy is going to make this right. Okay? I promise to take all the pain away.” Her words don’t bring me the comfort they should. They fill me with a sense of dread. Everything about her behavior is just wrong. Erratic, uncontrolled, not soothing in the slightest.

  She pulls away from me and I watch her deteriorate in front of my eyes. The posh, collected and often cold woman I know as my mother is nowhere in sight. She frantically talks to herself, pulling at her fingers, her hair, her clothes, murmuring random phrases to herself. I finally see the cracks in the perfect façade she puts on for the world. My mother is broken, and this has finally shattered her beyond repair.

  The pain is overwhelming. I try to hold on to calm her down, to get help but I can’t penetrate through the random musings of an insa
ne woman. I realize she has finally lost it when I hear her murmur to herself about fire cleansing sins and destroying the evidence of my shame.

  My shame.

  The words ring through my ears like a persisting buzz that won’t go away. They bounce around my head until they settle deep in my psyche. The shame. This is my shame.

  She doesn’t want to save me, she wants to bury me.

  It really is the perfect storm, slamming into me from every side, giving me hope just to snatch away another piece of my soul.

  I push myself backwards towards my father’s desk, pushing through the pain, inching myself back until I can work my body up into a sitting position. It sounds like my mom plans on setting the house on fire. I can’t let her. My baby sisters are somewhere upstairs in their wing of the house with no idea of the hurricane that has been brewing in this house and is now crashing through our lives, uprooting everything in its path.

  My mother is walking towards the door with an eerily serene expression on her face, as she stands in the doorway looking back at me and my unmoving father. “It's all going to be okay now,” she smiles at me before lifting the gun up and pulling the trigger.

  Pain explodes throughout my chest and I choke on the blood flooding my mouth. My eyes drift closed against my will.

  Smoke burns in my lungs. Every inhale is more excruciating than the last.

  Don’t they say that when your body goes into shock, you stop feeling pain? I wonder how much damage must be done to a body for it to go numb. I wish I would go numb. I wish the storm that sent my life into chaos would take me. I wish for the world to fade to black one more time. Permanently.

  My dad stabbed me.

  My mom shot me.

  My sisters need me.

  My sisters. I can’t give up.

  I lay slumped against the desk still broken and bleeding. Excruciating pain washes over my body in a never-ending cycle of waves. Everyone bigger and more violent than the last. I have to move. I need to get to the twins. Get them out of this burning house, away from this toxic mess of a home.

  With every move, lightning courses through my veins, causing my body to jerk and convulse. Thunder pounds in my ears as I force myself to move through the pain. I turn to the side and vomit, not able to hold back any longer.

  I hear the screaming of the twins, their normally dulcet tones turned high pitched in their fear. My blood runs cold as I hear their panic and Marnye’s desperate screams calling my name before two rapid gunshots and the eerie quiet that follows.

  The silence weighs on my soul. I wait, praying to hear any more sounds. Anything to know that Marnye and Harlee’s beautiful little hearts are still beating but there’s nothing but silence for long moments.

  It’s a final gunshot that breaks the silence and I just know.

  My mother is dead.

  My father is dead.

  My sisters are dead.

  The final piece of my soul shatters and withers away to nothing as I lay in a pool of my own blood, unable to save my sisters, unwilling to save myself. I focus on the streams of blood flowing out from under my body, taking everything good about me with it. I’m infused with the negative energy swirling mercilessly around me until everything else has been drained out of me and it’s all that is left. An endless torrent of winds, a restless downpour of rain, violent currents thrashing in my veins, and waves crashing against the battered shell of my body.

  I didn’t get lost in the storm. I became the storm.

  Chapter One

  8 Months Ago

  I like attention.

  I’m not ashamed to admit that. I thrive on compliments and preen at the double takes I get when I go out. I love being hit on by men or women, even when I’m not interested. Attention, in any form, is never and can never be an inconvenience for me. It’s one of the reasons I thrive being here at Steel Roses, the most popular nightclub in downtown.

  My best friend, Josie, bailed on coming out tonight but that wasn’t going to stop me. It never has before. I almost prefer to go out by myself because then I don’t feel the need to keep an eye on anyone else and I can flirt and party to my heart's content. I also have to be here tonight, so even if I had wanted to stay home, I couldn’t.

  I lean back against the brick wall as I wrap my cherry red lips around my cigarette and take a drag. The cool night air feels good on my skin, damp with sweat from dancing. The smoke burning in my lungs is one of my favorite sensations as I hold it in before slowly exhaling and watching the smoke as it floats away. You’d think I’d be averse to smoke since I almost died in a fire but it’s the opposite. I relish in my power of withstanding the poison I purposely consume. I crave the control of being the one who fills my lungs with smoke until it burns, and I allow myself to exhale.

  I smile to myself as I pull my phone out of the pocket of my torn up black jeans. Another text from Zac. I pause and tilt my head to the side before opening it. It’s been a good night, I have my choice of who I want to bring home. Do I want to take Zac up on what he’s offering or bring home someone new? Decisions, decisions.

  I inhale on my cigarette again while I open his text and smirk when I exhale. Even though I’m getting a little bored with him, I still find myself enjoying the picture he sent me and the description of just how much he’s thinking about me. I can’t say I’m exactly turned on though. It might be time to cut him loose after all, find a new warm body for the night.

  “Mind if I get a light?” A deep voice interrupts my pondering. I look up and find a tall, extremely attractive guy staring at me.

  “Sorry?” I ask as I look him up and down. He’s at least a foot taller than my 5’3 height, well built, wide shoulders, muscled arms. Obviously strong and in shape. I feel safe betting on washboard abs and that oh so sexy V men have. He looks exactly like the type of guy I like to avoid. The all American, blonde haired, blue eyed, sexy quarterback type.

  He notices me checking him out and smirks, “Can I get a light?” he repeats, “My lighter died on me.”

  I just nod as I stick my cigarette into my mouth so I can reach into my back pocket and grab my lucky pink lighter without putting my phone away. I hold it out to the stranger but instead of grabbing it, he steps into my personal space and leans down with his cigarette in his mouth so I can light it for him.

  I raise my lighter as I raise my eyebrows at him, but he just smiles before inhaling. The closeness allows me to observe his face in much better detail. His hair is dirty blonde, curly and messy as if he runs his hand through it frequently. His eyes framed by long thick lashes, the asshole, but they look more green than blue like I had guessed. Damn. Can’t always be right.

  He’s fucking handsome though. Strong jawline, slightly crooked nose, like it’s been broken before, and ah fuck. He has the cutest little dimple on the right side. He has that perfect golden boy look but there’s something more to him that has me studying his face again. A slight edge hardening his perfect features. There, lurking in his less than perfect nose, the way his hair brushes his shoulders, the thin faded scar that runs down his left cheek and stops just above his lip, and a hidden something in those green eyes that hints at danger. This fucker is too good looking for his own good and he damn well knows it.

  His eyes flick down to my still unlocked phone as he straightens back up and leans against the wall beside me.

  “Boyfriend?” he asks as he exhales and a huge cloud of smoke floats upwards, becoming smaller tendrils as it dissipates above us. I’ve always been fascinated with smoke and watching it dance in the air.

  “Nope,” I answer, popping the p, obnoxiously. I haven’t decided yet if I’m interested or not. He’s all types of hot, but I avoid his type for a reason. He reminds me too much of my past. Too much of him. Too much of who I used to be. Too much of everything I lost.

  I start to flick my lighter on and off.





  I stare at the flame trying
to calm my racing heart.





  I’m in control now. I stuff my lighter back into my pocket before grabbing the cigarette out of my mouth. Maybe it's time I stop avoiding triggers of my past and learn to deal with them.

  At least this guy would be a fun way to force the broken pieces of my soul back together.

  “Does he know that?”

  It takes me a moment to understand what he's talking about but then I realize he's still staring at the shirtless photo on my screen accompanied by a ton of heart emojis and winky faces. I laugh, Zac has always been overly fond of emojis.

  I nod, “They all know the score.”

  I watch out of the corner of my eye as his eyes snap up to my face, “They?”

  I slowly exhale and put my cigarette out before turning to look him in his eyes, “Any guy that gets involved with me.”

  He chuckles, “And just how many guys are you currently involved with?”

  I casually shrug and look up at him from underneath my eyelashes, “A lady never kisses and tells.”

  His eyes peruse me from my red heels, up my torn black jeans, the black lacy tank that shows glimpses of the red bra underneath, all the way to the black waves of my hair before slowly drawling, “Somehow I doubt you’re much of a lady.” Hmm is that just a hint of an accent I hear?


  I just chuckle and shrug as I turn to walk back into the pounding music and sweaty bodies that I can lose myself in. Just as I reach the door back to the club, he calls out, “So what does a guy have to do to get on your roster?”

  I smirk at how he phrased it. Hook, line, and sinker. Confidence swells through me, calming the restless energy always churning just underneath my skin. His attention distracts the beasts in my soul. I look over my shoulder and call out to him, “Impress me,” before walking through the door and letting it slam behind me.


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