Marcus (Signature Sweethearts Book 6)

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Marcus (Signature Sweethearts Book 6) Page 10

by Kelsie Rae

  “Oh…” I drag out the word, searching for a lie that isn’t technically a lie. “Umm…I guess I have? Why?”

  There. That sounded legit.

  “Because he’s been acting weird lately.”

  Aaand the guilt hits me full force. Marcus wants to tell Sophie. Bad. It’s because anytime we’re all in the same room, things get awkward. Quickly. I act awkward. Marcus acts awkward. Sophie looks at us like we’re weird…it’s a mess.

  “Hmmm…” I hum, punching the bread dough like my life depends on it. “I haven’t noticed. Maybe he’s PMSing?”

  Smooth, Nat. Real smooth.

  Her eyes narrow, not bothering to laugh at my stupid joke as she assesses me. “You’re hiding something.”

  I scoff before saying a silent prayer in thanks to the deodorant gods for being reliable in stressful situations. “Me? Hiding something? Why would you think that?”

  “Because I can read you like a book. And because you’re rambling. And you rarely ramble. You leave the rambling to me. Something is up. I can smell it.”

  See? Bloodhound!

  I’m about to crack under the pressure before she continues, saving me from having an aneurysm right here, right now. “But I don’t have time to sniff it out.” Phew. “I’ll just have to corner him at the gender reveal party on Saturday to figure out why he’s acting weird. You’re coming, right?”

  My shoulders nearly sag in relief before barely catching myself. I keep my posture straight as I reply, “Yup! Wouldn’t miss it for the world! Are you excited to find out?”

  This time, I really am genuine. This is such an exciting experience for her and Nathan, I really couldn’t be more thrilled. Especially with how everything worked out for them.

  “I’m dying!” she gushes. “Seriously, Saturday can’t come fast enough. Nathan won’t let me find out before the party, so it’ll be a surprise for us too.”

  My brows furrow as I take my hands out of the sticky dough and place some plastic wrap over the mixing bowl before putting it back in the fridge to rise. “How are you going to pull that off?”

  “Well…the trick is to have the ultrasound technician write the results on a piece of paper, and then we have the self-discipline not to look.” She crosses her arms in mock frustration as a dry laugh escapes me. There’s no way Sophie has the self-discipline not to look at the results before she leaves the doctor’s office.

  “You sure you’ll be able to handle that?”

  “No,” she pouts, sticking out her bottom lip. “Which is why Nathan insists that he gets to carry the damn envelope. Weiner.”

  I giggle at her sassiness as she continues. “Anyway, we were going to have a baker see the results and then bake a cake with either pink, blue, or swirling food coloring, but we decided that there’s no way Indie can find out the gender of the kids before we do, and she’d be offended if we asked someone else to bake it, so we’re going to give the envelope to a balloon guy who will fill up pink or blue balloons, or both,” she crosses her fingers, “and then puts them in a giant cardboard box. Then at the party, we’ll open the box and let the balloons fly! Eek!” she squeals. “I’m so excited, I can barely stand it!” She bounces up and down as her voice reaches an octave that could battle an off-key songbird before she pulls me into a giant bear hug.

  I join in, bouncing up and down right along with her as she starts spewing name possibilities, party decorations, and balloon companies that she found on Yelp.

  A few minutes later, Indie’s head pops around from the front of the shop. “All right you two, enough giggling! I have some cronuts to make, so, Sophie, get your butt back up here!”

  Sophie rolls her eyes. “Yes, Mom! Be right up!” She turns to me. “Anyway, make sure Marcus comes, okay? And that he doesn’t plan a game in the afternoon.”

  I give her a big thumbs up before quoting her favorite television show, Full House. “You got it, dude!”

  She grins then turns on her heel and skips up to the front, ready for another round of Sugar Addicts Anonymous. Chuckling under my breath, I head toward the sink and start washing my hands as I get ready for another round of baking.

  Best. Job. Ever.

  And I’m going to miss it so much.

  Chapter Nineteen


  My hair is piled on top of my head as I chop some vegetables for dinner. Marcus is finishing up his last game for the night, then we’ll eat some beef stew and homemade rolls. As I finish slicing the last potato, a strong set of arms wraps around my waist before pulling me into a warm, muscular chest that’s starting to feel like home.

  “Hey, have I mentioned that you’re the most patient girlfriend ever?” he asks before planting a quick kiss against my temple. He rests his chin against my shoulder as he assesses my chopping skills.

  “It smells amazing.”

  A soft smile pulls at the corners of my face. “It’s the braised beef. I added a splash of red wine to the sauce. I’m really excited to see how it turns out.” He leans a little more forward so he can see my face, dwarfing me with his massive height.

  “I have no doubt in my mind that it’s going to taste incredible.”

  I grin at his confidence as a soft blush brushes against my cheeks. “I guess we’ll find out in a few minutes. Now, move aside. I need to get these potatoes in the gravy, or the carrots will be too soft.”

  He plants another kiss on the crown of my head before doing as he’s told and taking a seat on the counter. “Can I help with anything?”

  “Want to set the table and grab the wine from the fridge?”

  Nodding, he heads toward the cabinets and starts grabbing the dishes.

  “So, where’d you learn to cook like this? I don’t remember you really having an interest in it back home.”

  I shrug before taking a spoon and dipping it into the gravy. “Umm…I didn’t really know I had an interest in it before I started working at Get Baked, either.” Bringing the spoon to my mouth, I slowly blow on the simmering sauce to cool it before slipping it into my mouth.


  “So you learned how to make other stuff besides pastries at Get Baked?” Marcus continues his probing as he opens the fridge and takes the bottle of wine out.

  I know he isn’t searching for any hidden answers or anything, and that he’s just making conversation, trying to get to know me better. But I also know he’s getting a little too close to a very sensitive topic that I have no intention of discussing with him. Not right now, anyway.

  “I’ve, uh…I’ve been taking classes with Chef Thomas after work.”

  His head tilts to the side as I divulge this little tidbit, assessing me like a curious little puppy.


  I nod.

  His quizzical expression transforms to unrestrained elation in the blink of an eye. “That’s awesome, Nat! How did I not know that?”

  Still, my tongue remains tied, so I just shrug one shoulder while stirring the stew and trying to act nonchalant.

  His warm gaze continues staring at me from across the room as I stab one of the vegetables with a fork. I can tell by how smoothly the utensil glides into the carrot, then the potato, that they’re nice and tender, without being overdone.

  “Dinner’s ready,” I call, clinging to the topic change like it’s my dying breath. “Want to bring the bowls over here, and I’ll dish up?”

  He takes them from the table and saunters toward me with a swagger that’s deadlier than sin. Handing them over to me, I use a ladle to fill the bowls to the brim. Marcus picks up a basket full of warm rolls and follows me to the dining table where we both take a seat.

  His eyes stay glued to mine as he rips off a piece of roll and dunks it into his bowl, letting the gravy soak into the bread like a sponge. With a crooked smirk, he brings it to his lips and takes a giant bite.

  Within seconds, his eyes roll back into his head. A low groan escapes his mouth.

  “Shit, Natalie. This is phenomen
al! Tell me that Chef Thomas can see the same potential in you that I do.” He takes another bite of stew.

  When I don’t answer right away, he stops chewing and looks straight at me. His gaze is as sharp as a tack.

  “You only say that because I’m your girlfriend….”

  He lifts his finger, silently telling me to wait a second. After he swallows his bite, he proceeds. “Not true. We both know I’m many things, Natalie, but a liar isn’t one of them. So let me ask you again...does Chef Thomas think you have raw talent?”

  Subtly, I squirm in my seat before shoving a giant piece of roll into my mouth.

  With a teasing grin, he leans against the back of his chair and folds his arms. Apparently, he’s not going to let me off the hook from answering.

  Damn, he’s bossy.


  I’ve never been one to bask in the limelight. I’ve always been the sidekick in every aspect of my life, so his undivided attention makes me a little…squeamish.

  I reach for my glass of wine that Marcus so graciously poured a few minutes before and bring it to my mouth, swallowing the whole damn thing.

  When I look back at him, he still hasn’t moved a muscle.

  “Answer the question, Natalie. Does Chef Thomas know you’re a badass?”

  Oh boy, does he, I think to myself.

  He quirks his brow.

  “He may have said I’m a quick learner,” I mumble under my breath.

  Marcus leans forward, placing his elbows on the table. “And?”

  And I hate being the center of attention, dumbass.

  I clear my throat. “And that I have a lot of potential.”


  “And that I have the most raw talent that he’s ever seen in a student.” I rush the last bit, my hands trembling as I reach for the bottle of wine at the center of the table.

  Marcus beats me to it, standing from his seat and pouring the dark, smooth liquid into my glass before striding around the table and squatting near my feet until we’re almost eye to eye.

  Softly, he grips my chin between his thumb and forefinger, tilting my head down an inch, making sure he has my full attention.

  Little does he know, he could scratch his forehead, and I’d still be aware of every tiny movement.

  “Natalie.” I close my eyes as I savor the way he says my name. Those same three syllables still seem to hold some magical power as soon as they roll off his tongue, leaving a swarm of butterflies in their wake. “I think you’re so used to living in someone else’s shadow that you don’t know what to do with the talent you’ve been given, nor the attention you’ll receive by letting others see it. And because you’re so terrified of being in the spotlight, I think you hide your awesomeness on purpose. I’ve always known you were the most special woman I’d ever meet, and I love hearing how someone else has been given a glimpse of that too.”

  I squeeze my eyes shut, my heart picking up speed with every word.

  When I open them again, he continues. “Never be afraid to stand on your own, Natalie. To let people see what I see when I look at you. Because it’s beautiful.” He brushes a strand of my hair behind my ear. “Hell, it’s damn near perfect.”

  Leaning in, he presses a gentle kiss against my stunned lips before he stands and walks back to his seat like he didn’t just rock my world. We sit in a comfortable silence as I mull over his declaration. And all the while, he nibbles on his homemade rolls and stew like he couldn’t be happier.

  After dinner is cleaned up and the dishes are put away, I decide it’s cuddle time. And because Marcus seems to grant my every wish, I find myself on the couch, snuggled under a thick blanket with my head pressed against his chest minutes later. As I listen to his rhythmic heartbeat, I remember my conversation with Sophie and do my duty as best friend to relay the message.

  “By the way, Sophie wanted me to remind you about the gender reveal party.”

  His arms squeeze around my shoulder as I continue to rest my head against his pec. “Yeah, I remember. But…why did she want you to tell me? Did you finally tell her the news?” I look up at him to see his eyes glowing at the prospect, and I feel guilty for being the one to extinguish it.

  “Umm…no. I didn’t tell her about,” I wave my finger between the two of us, “this.”

  His shoulders deflate, so I press my hand against his chest to sit up more fully.

  “We’ve been good for two weeks, Nat. I hate lying to my sister, and I know you hate lying to your friend. Can we tell her? Please?”

  My teeth dig into my lower lip.

  “Why don’t you want to? What are you so scared of?” There’s no accusation in his voice, just a need to understand where I’m coming from. I can see the hurt written across his face, and it breaks me.

  “This is new, Marcus. So new. I just…I don’t want to admit it’s real, only for it to crumble.”

  “What I feel for you? It’s not going away, Natalie. It’s never gone away, no matter how hard I tried, so you need to stop pushing me away too. You need to open up to me, tell me your secrets. Your hopes. Your dreams. I want it all, Natalie. And I want it with you. You need to give me a chance.”

  My brows furrow as I consider his words. “What do you mean? I have given you a chance. I’m giving you a chance right now.”

  “You sure about that?” Again, there’s no accusation, just an open vulnerability that makes me fall a little more.

  “Of course, I’m sure!” I argue, though a seed of doubt creeps into the back of my mind. He’s right. I am holding back. Not everything. Just a tiny piece. A little morsel of crap that I’m terrified to tell him. To tell anyone. Because the truth is, as soon as I do, it’ll be the end of us, and I’m not ready.

  I’m not ready to let him go.

  His large hands grab each side of my face, his gaze penetrating me as he searches for the truth. He thinks he finds it as I see a soft smile touch the side of his face. “You’re right. Everything’s fine. We’ll tell her when you’re ready, okay?”

  Nodding, I lay my head back against his chest and snuggle in, making sure to hide my face as my eyes turn glassy. I feel like I just got away with something when I definitely shouldn’t have. But I don’t have the courage to fix it. The problem? I’m not sure if I ever will.

  Chapter Twenty


  Relationships are built on trust. And if Natalie insists that everything’s fine, and she isn’t holding back, then I’m going to trust her. Even if not telling my sister does kind of suck. Natalie insisted we arrive separately to Sophie and Nathan’s gender reveal party, even though it would make sense that we travel together, but there’s no arguing with her when she’s made up her mind. I chuckle under my breath at the memory of us discussing it before lifting my hand and rapping my knuckles against the front door of Nathan and Sophie’s apartment.

  Tap. Tap. Tap.

  Seconds later, Sophie opens the door in a soft pink dress that is probably meant to hide her baby bump but only seems to accentuate it.

  “Hey, you!” She pulls me into a big hug, channeling the strength of a bodybuilder as she squeezes tight. “You’re late! Everyone has already eaten, and we’re about to announce!”

  “Why, hello to you too, Tink. And I’m sorry I’m late. The game went longer than I expected. Everyone else make it okay?”

  Yeah, that was my attempt at subtlety.

  She leans back, grinning widely. “Why, yes, Marcus. Everyone has arrived safe and sound. Why didn’t you guys come together, anyway?”

  A breath of laughter escapes me before I can stop it. “Good question.”

  She leads me into the large, open apartment decorated in whites, blues, and yellows. It’s bright and cheerful, just like my sister. The decor eases the tension in my chest as I’m able to see firsthand how Nathan treats her when I’m not inspecting him beneath a microscope. And if this place is anything to go by, then I’m going to say he’s treating her pretty damn great.

�Speak of the devil,” I mumble under my breath as I see Nathan standing next to an older couple that I assume are his parents. Subtly, I lift my chin in his direction as a silent approval, and because he’s a badass, he understands my meaning and returns it with one of his own.

  After our silent exchange, I continue my perusal of the apartment before my gaze lands on Natalie. Natalie, who’s in an off-white dress that somehow balances innocence and sexiness like a pro. Her pearly white teeth dig into her lower lip as soon as she sees the appreciation written on my face. A light blush touches her cheeks, which is a miracle in itself. Her olive skin is usually a master at concealing her embarrassment.

  Unfortunately, Sophie interrupts our innocent flirting. “Subtle, Marcus,” she notes with a quirked brow. “When are you going to get your head out of your ass and finally make a move?”

  A wicked smirk threatens to make an appearance before I slide on my poker face.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  She shoves me playfully. “Whatever. Go grab a tie pin, ballerina pin, or both to show your guess for the genders. You’re going to have to wait until after we announce to get some food. Sorry, brother.” She pats my stomach. “Maybe next time you’ll show up when the party starts, instead of halfway through.”

  I can barely contain myself from rolling my eyes. I would’ve arrived on time if a certain someone wasn’t so adamant we arrive separately.

  “Halfway through? A little dramatic, are we?”

  She pinches my arm. “Shut up. I’m pregnant. Now go!”

  Chuckling, I hold my arms up in surrender. “Fine…but where are these pins?”

  She points to a table a few feet away before clapping her hands. “Chop, chop, Marcus. I’m dying to find out what we’re having!”

  And with that, she saunters away, greeting another friend with a dramatic hug and an affectionate belly rub. Her belly. Not her friend’s. Because that would be weird. I shake my head, laughing as I watch the interaction before remembering that my sister’s thoroughly distracted, which gives me the perfect opportunity to go see my girlfriend––who I’m pretending is not my girlfriend. This is ridiculous. With a shake of my head, I start searching for Natalie in the crowd, only to find her chatting with Indie and Rhett, foiling my plans to get her alone for a minute. I guess I’ll have to practice some patience until after the big reveal.


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