Katrina's Sight

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Katrina's Sight Page 20

by Marie Higgins

  “Ah, so I see by the spark in your eyes, that you do remember me,” he said with a smirk.

  “Yes. You were in Mr. Jamison’s office.”

  “How very good of you to remember. I was trying to change his mind about telling you what Henry wanted you to do.” He walked closer and sat beside her on the chair. “Let me introduce myself. My name is Robert Faro. I’m your stepbrother, although I’m not pleased with the idea at all.”

  Seldom did she loathe someone after first meeting them, but this Mr. Faro...Robert...was someone her heart told her not to trust.


  Katrina continued to stare at Robert as she swallowed the mouthful of food she’d been eating. Suddenly, the meal had lost its appeal. Either that or it was the bitterness coating her mouth. He was as rude now as when he had first thrown her that glare back in Mr. Jamison’s office.

  “Then the feeling is mutual.” She arched an eyebrow. “I knew at first glance in Macapá, that you were not someone who was worth my time.”

  Surprise washed over his face and his eyes widened. Within seconds a chuckle shook his chest. “I wasn’t told you had such a viper’s tongue.”

  “How unfortunate for you, then. I’m the kind of woman who says what’s on my mind.”

  “Actually, that’s a good thing. Then maybe our conversation will go smoothly and I won’t have to do much explaining.” He stood and walked back to the door to the dining room, closing it.

  She wasn’t certain she wanted their conversation to be private. Something just didn’t sit right with her as she studied him. Unease rolled through her as the seconds ticked by.

  “You see,” he continued, strolling back toward the table, “I’m having a difficult time trying to share something I feel is solely mine. I am the one who was raised working beside a stepfather from sun up to sun down. I was the one who labored by his side, learning all I could about rubber trees and how to sell them to get the best price.”

  He stopped beside her and slammed his hands on the table. She didn’t jump. She wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction. Although he frightened her, she would not let him see. Instead, she glared into his evil eyes.

  He didn’t move from his position. “Then out of nowhere, Henry claimed he was going to give this plantation to the daughter he never met.” Robert shook his head. “I’m afraid that isn’t going to happen while I’m alive.”

  Laying on the dramatics, she gasped and placed her hand on her throat. “Oh, no! Are you ill and dying, too? How very awful for you, especially since we both know you won’t be going to Heaven.”

  Robert rolled his eyes and moved away from her, walking to the other side of the table as he puffed on his cheroot. Men often pranced back and forth to show her how large they were, hoping to make her feel inferior. Obviously, Robert was no different. She would not cower to him. If she could stay strong in front of drunkards, she could certainly handle Robert.

  “You clearly have no idea what you’re up against.” He scowled.

  “And what exactly would that be?”

  “Did you ever wonder why things were happening in the jungle that weren’t supposed to happen?”

  Fear spread through her like jagged ice. Felix had constantly mentioned that nothing was right. This had to be what Robert was talking about. Her lips dried and she licked them to bring back moisture. “Mr. Knightly did say something to that effect.”

  Laughing, he folded his arms. “The idea actually came from your mother, you know.”

  Tightness consumed her chest, making it difficult to breathe. “My m—mother?”

  “Yes. Are you aware that after your visit with Mr. Jamison, your mother returned to his office to offer him money?”

  Katrina narrowed her gaze. “Why would she do that, especially when she had no funds in which to pay him?”

  “Because, my dear stepsister, she knew Henry was dying and that you would get his money. So, in reality, she did have funds to pay Mr. Jamison.”

  “I still don’t understand what this has to do with anything.”

  “You see, your mother didn’t want you going into the rainforest. Not only did she fear for your safety, but she worried that you would believe what Henry had to tell you about her. Your mother told Mr. Jamison that she wanted something to happen to you that would frighten you enough to return home to London...with her.”

  Katrina laughed uncomfortably and shook her head. “There you are wrong, Mr. Faro. You see, my mother wanted the funds even more than I did.”

  “No, you are wrong.” He moved to the table again and sat on the edge. “As I’d mentioned, your mother thought that Henry was near death. Even if you hadn’t traveled through the jungle, your father would have given you some money. Your mother was aware of that, thanks to Mr. Jamison.”

  “What does Mr. Jamison have to do with any of this?”

  Faro snickered and rubbed his chin. “When your mother returned to his office later that day, she coerced him into hiring someone to try and stop you.” He puffed his chest. “That is where I came in. Mr. Jamison knew I didn’t want you meeting your father, either.”

  The pain that had been throbbing in Katrina’s skull came back full force now. Even her stomach churned so hard she could scarcely breathe. “How did you get all those things to happen in the jungle?”

  Tilting back his head, he laughed victoriously. “Oh, Katrina. You obviously don’t know what I can do out here, and how much power I have in these villages. All I need to do is flash some gold coins, and men will line up to do my bidding.”

  “So you’re saying that one of Mr. Knightly’s men worked for you?”


  “Who?” She narrowed her glare on him.

  He shook his head. “I’m not saying. I might need his help again in the future.”

  “Are you telling me that Carlos is dead because of you?” Anger flared inside her and she bunched her hands into fists.

  He shrugged. “I was actually hoping the croc would have gotten to you first. Carlos just jumped into the water sooner.”

  “What about Paulo? Did you kill him, too?”

  “No. We just snatched him, drugged him, and put him on a raft. I’m sure he’s fine.”

  “But you don’t know?”


  She gritted her teeth and spat, “You are pure evil.”

  “Yes, I am.” He swung his leg, bumping the leg of her chair. “You don’t know the half of it.”

  She swallowed the panic rising in her throat. “Then I suggest you enlighten me.”

  “You and I will make a deal,” he began smugly. “You will sign over the plantation to me when Henry dies so that I will have full control of everything. I shall give you a few thousand dollars, but that’s all.” He reached over and touched her cheek. “After all, you are his only child so you deserve some kind of inheritance.”

  She slapped his hand away. “What if I refuse your offer?”

  “Then I shall see to it that Mr. Knightly dies, as he should have when I shot that poisonous dart in his neck.”

  Her stomach lurched, but nothing came up. Anger ripped through her, and she jumped from her seat. She pummeled her fists against his chest, wanting to beat the life right out of him. When that didn’t work and all she got out of him was a laugh, she scratched at his face. He gripped her wrists to keep her from touching him.

  “You are just like my pet jaguar, sharp claws and all,” he snickered. “Nevertheless, I can handle you.” He released her wrists, shoving her back. “So, Katrina, do we have a deal?”

  “No, we do not. I shall inform Mr. Knightly of your intentions along with Henry. My father will have you removed from the plantation immediately!”

  Robert tsked and shook his head. “Actually, that won’t happen. You see, I have many friends who will help me. If by chance, I’m kicked off this plantation, I will go into hiding. If that happens, you and Knightly will always be in danger. Oh, did I mention your vindictive mother will also be
in danger? Because if you don’t do as I say, I will torture your mother as well. So really, Katrina, you have no other choice but to go along with me. All you have to do is sign a paper which Mr. Jamison has already written up, stating that you forfeit all your inheritance to me.” He shrugged. “Then you and your pathetic mother will return home to London to continue working at the tavern.”

  Although his threat frightened her, she had to believe good would win in the end. Yet, he was making it very difficult for her to keep the faith. “There is one problem,” she said in a tight voice. “Mr. Knightly won’t believe me. He won’t believe I want to give this plantation to you.”

  “Ah, now that is where you will have to start playacting, like you used to do while working in the tavern.”

  She glared at him, hating him that much more. “I don’t understand.”

  “If you want Mr. Knightly to live, you need to convince him that England is where he needs to be. Convince him that you don’t love him, and because of your past, you would never make him a good wife. You would only bring shame to his family. He needs to be home with his family where he can take care of them as the Earl of Blackwood.”

  She wanted to ask how Robert knew all of this, but she didn’t dare. If he had connections in Brazil, she was certain he had them in other countries as well. But just the thought of telling Felix she didn’t love him and didn’t want to share his life with him tore her heart to pieces.

  She didn’t have any other choice. If she wanted Robert to leave Felix and her mother alone, she must do what Robert wanted. After all, the plantation wasn’t worth any of this agony.

  FELIX CLIMBED OUT OF bed and then forced himself to walk back and forth in the room as he tried to regain his strength. He didn’t remember much, not after seeing the panicked look in Katrina’s eyes when he told her he’d been hit with a poisonous dart. But he was informed by Pete that Mr. Landon’s doctor had an antidote. Unfortunately, it would still take a couple of days before Felix was fully recovered. That was too many days, in his opinion.

  Sleeping was essential for his body to heal properly, the doctor had told him. It had been several hours since the doctor told Felix he was out of danger, and he was tired of sleeping. If not for the weakness that hindered his walking abilities, he would have been out of this room and in Katrina’s arms. In his mind, she was the only thing he needed to become well again.

  So, where was she?

  An hour ago, he had the servants prepare him a bath, but the effort of washing himself drained a lot of his strength, which put him right back in bed. Now he was up and didn’t plan on retiring until later tonight.

  Felix scrubbed his hands over his face, breathing deeply to clear his mind. He had so many hallucinations since the poison entered his body, and he couldn’t wait to see Katrina to talk to her about one of them. He didn’t want to believe he’d dreamed up her telling him she loved him, but then he didn’t want to ask her about it if it wasn’t real. One way or another, he wanted to open his heart to her, and have her do the same for him.

  He changed his clothes, knowing that the evening meal would be coming soon since he was too weak to join the others in the dining room. It was nice to be able to wear fancier clothes after their journey through the jungle, and of course he wanted to look his best for Katrina. She would come see him. He knew it like he knew the sun would rise in the morning.

  But what was taking her so long?

  Donning a pair of black trousers, he stopped and relaxed a few minutes before slipping on a white shirt. It irritated him to think he was already exhausted just from this effort. He left the buttons unlatched at his chest, mainly because his arms were already weary, but also because the evening air came through the open window and refreshed him.

  Pete had been to see him a few times, and had informed Felix that Katrina had visited with her father. Although this was something Katrina had to do by herself, Felix wished he could have been with her to give her support, and hold her when she needed comfort.

  Perhaps that was where she was right now. Still, he couldn’t wait to see her. If she wasn’t here in the next ten minutes, he’d leave this room and look for her—even if he had to crawl the whole way.

  He sat on the edge of the bed and raked his fingers through his hair, wishing once again, he could regain his strength quickly. He hated being cooped in here. It made him more anxious.

  A small knock came upon the door, and he swung his head in that direction. The rhythm of his heart quickened in hopes that his Katrina was here to see him. “Enter.”

  Slowly, the door opened and in walked a vision wearing red silk. When he beheld Katrina’s beauty, he blinked a couple more times, praying he wasn’t hallucinating again. This had to be real. When he focused on her once more, she was still standing in the doorway, looking lovelier than he could have ever imagined.

  The gown was unlike anything he’d ever seen before. Red silk with black lace hemming around the neck, sleeves, and the bottom of her dress. Her luscious hair was piled on top of her head in a coil, leaving her slender neck bare. Earrings, long and dangling from her lobes, pulled his attention to that part of her body...the part he had enjoyed kissing while she was asleep.

  He took a deep breath once again, only because he’d somehow lost the air in his lungs while admiring her beauty. “You came,” he said softly.

  A sweet smile graced her face as she stepped into his room and closed the door behind her. “I couldn’t stay away any longer. I had to see how you were faring.”

  He stood even though his legs threatened to wobble. “I’m gradually getting stronger.” He held out his hand and she came forward, taking it in hers. “But all I wanted was to see you again.” He pulled her closer and cupped the side of her face. She stared into his eyes. “Please tell me I’m not dreaming. Tell me you are really here and in my arms.”

  Her smile widened, and moisture coated her eyes. “You’re not dreaming. I’m really here.”

  “True, but all the other times I was hallucinating, you were with me as well.” He chuckled.

  “Do you wish me to pinch you so you’ll know this is real?”

  “Yes, please.”

  She lightly pinched his arm. “Did you feel that?”

  “With all my heart.” He took her hand and placed it on his chest. The warmth from her body merged from her palm into his chest. Sighing, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensations of desire running wild through him.

  “You are still a little feverish,” she said as she moved her fingers in small circles on his skin.

  “Yes, a little.” He met her stare again. “But having you here with me now is what I need. Your touch heals me quicker than any kind of medicine.”

  After a second look at her, it suddenly hit him she was on the verge of tears, and deep inside he felt something was wrong. Yet he dared not ask. He didn’t want to hear anything bad right now. He just wanted to hold her and imagine that everything was perfect in the world. He wanted them to be in the paradise he’d created in his dreams.

  “Felix, you shouldn’t say such things.” Her voice broke and she took a deep breath. “There is no way I could replace a doctor or medicine.”

  “There you are wrong.” He pulled him to the bed and sat, because his legs were losing strength once more. He continued to hold her hand against his chest. “The one thing that could make me a whole man again—a complete man—is for you to tell me you love me. You know I love you, my darling. Now I need to hear it from your lips.”

  Tears filled her eyes quickly, and his heart sank. No! He would not believe she didn’t return his feelings. They had shared too much. She must have the same emotions bouncing around inside of her as he did. He just knew it!

  Taking her head in his hands, he brought his mouth to hers, stopping her from saying anything right now. If his words couldn’t convince her of his love and devotion, then his kiss would.

  At first her body stiffened, but within seconds, she relaxed as a sigh escaped her thr
oat. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer, deepening the kiss. She clung to him as if she didn’t want to let go. He certainly didn’t want her to.

  The kiss was everything he dreamed it would be, even during his hallucinations. Her lips responded perfectly with his demanding ones, and the little gasps and sighs from her throat let him know she felt the passion between them. He now prayed she’d feel his love, and that she would accept it.

  He broke the kiss only to trail his lips down her throat. A soft moan rattled through her as she tilted back her head. He thought he’d heard her whisper his name lovingly. The desirous stirrings inside of him started wanting more of this most passionate woman. Taking a deep breath, he laid his head in the crook of her neck and sighed. “Katrina, I love you so much.”

  What sounded like a tight sob came from Katrina’s throat and she pushed him away and struggled to stand.

  “What’s wrong, my love?” He reached for her, but she scrambled off the bed and stood. Tears filled her eyes and she shook her head.

  “Felix, you will never know how it pleases me to hear you say that, but I cannot...cannot...” She breathed deeply. “This love between us can never be.”

  He sat on the edge of the bed again only because he worried he didn’t have enough strength in his legs to stand. “I don’t understand.”

  Her face expressed indecision as she wrung her hands against her middle. “There is no doubt that I have fallen in love with you Felix, but we cannot be together.”

  “That makes no sense, my darling Katrina. If we love each other, our feelings are all that matters.”

  “But it’s not all that matters. Don’t you see?”

  She walked closer to him and reached for his hand, which he gave gladly.

  “Felix, after you had been hit with that poisonous dart, you said some things that made me start thinking about our future.”


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