Katrina's Sight

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Katrina's Sight Page 22

by Marie Higgins

  His eyes filled with liquid as a forlorn expression clouded his face. “I should have known.” He shook his head. “Why didn’t I see that?”

  She touched his cold cheek. “Father? Do you think your doctor can stop the poison from killing you?” Her voice shook. “Do you think he has an antidote like the one he gave Mr. Knightly?”

  Lowering his head, he inhaled a ragged breath. “I’ve been drinking a cup or two of this tea for several months now. I’m surprised it hasn’t killed me yet.”

  “Oh, Father.” A sob clogged her throat as she sobbed, leaning her head gently against his shoulder. “There must be a way to keep you alive.”

  “Now I’m wondering who in my house I can trust at all. Can my doctor save me, or has he been working with Robert all this time?”

  She lifted her head and looked into his tired, sickly eyes. “Is there anyone you can trust who is on this plantation?”

  His gaze held a faraway look as if he was trying desperately to think. Her chest clenched with agony. She silently prayed he could think of someone who lived on the plantation that could help them.

  He blinked a few times before his gaze came back into focus and he met her eyes. “Yes. Davi and Felipe. They work in the fields. They live in the cabins just south of the plantation.”

  Hope bubbled inside of her and she sat up straighter. “I saw the cabins out the window earlier. I can go there and find them.”

  His gaze skimmed over her gown and he shook his head. “Not dressed like a lady. The rain will soak your clothes and ruin your shoes and you won’t be able to walk.”

  “Ah, you forget, Father, Felix had me dress like a man before he took me through the jungle. I still have those clothes.”

  “Go, quickly and change. We have not a moment to lose.”

  She stood, but before leaving his side, she kissed his cheek. “Father, I promise I’ll do all I can to help you.”

  Tears leaked from his eyes. “You are a good daughter. Please forgive me for not trying to get to know you sooner. You are such a delight. I have been blessed just to spend these few weeks with you.”

  Emotion choked her throat and she nodded. “I have enjoyed getting to know you, as well.”

  Before she could cry in front of him again, she hurried out the bedroom and to her own room to change. Right now she needed to think of her father and helping him to recover. Robert would just have to wait. He would not command her any longer, because she refused to do his bidding.

  If the only way to stop this man from harming another person was to kill him herself, then so be it.


  The second Katrina entered her room, her mind opened. She saw Robert. He stood in front of her with his strong hands around her neck, choking her as she gasped for breath. Although it was just a vision, she could feel the bones in her neck breaking, and her lungs burning as they fought for air. The hatred in his expression frightened her, as did knowing he wanted her dead.

  Groaning, she rubbed her forehead as the forewarning left her. Apparently, Robert would stop her from getting to those two field men her father mentioned. Was it worth risking her life? Then again, life without Felix would be miserable and unbearable, anyway. She must do this. She must die heroically instead of taking the coward’s way out.

  She shut her door and hurried to change her clothes. One would think it was late at night instead of early afternoon due to the dark clouds hovering over the plantation. Katrina hoped the rain and shadows would help her stay hidden from Robert. She knew he was lurking somewhere, and she needed to look like the other field men and try to blend in.

  Her long hair was a problem. Thankfully, she had a hat from her supplies and was able to coil her hair and stuff it inside the covering. After she had changed into her shirt, trousers, and boots, as she left her room, shrugging into the raincoat.

  Taking careful steps, she crept down the servants’ stairs to the back door. She found it strange that she hadn’t yet encountered one person who worked for her father. It was as if everyone was in hiding.

  She pulled the raincoat tighter around her throat and hastened into the rain. The pellets of water slashed from the sky and hit her hard. She cringed. At least when it had rained on them during the trek, they’d had the canopy of trees helping to protect them. But she was tough and knew how to handle a little stinging.

  Her vision wasn’t very clear out here in the storm, but she pushed forward toward the servants’ cabins. The thick mud clung to her boots and nearly pulled them off when she walked. Even though she was moving as fast as she could, the mud made it so she couldn’t go fast enough. The quicker she tried to walk, the slower she moved. A scream of frustration rose in her throat, but she didn’t want to release it and draw undue attention to herself.

  Finally, she spotted the cabins up ahead. Her legs were tired from the strain of running, but seeing that she was almost there, she pushed herself faster. Katrina knocked on the door to the first cabin she came to. Within seconds, a middle-aged man with a scar on his cheek opened it.

  “I’m looking for Davi or Felipe. Can you help me?”

  He nodded, stepped outside and pointed. “See down the lane? Davi and Felipe live there.”

  “Which one?” she asked in a raised voice, hoping he could hear her over the loud rain hitting the metal roof.

  “Last cabin on the right.”

  “Oh, thank you!” Knowing she was close, she dashed toward her destination with more energy now. Not only that, but these paths didn’t seem as muddy.

  When she reached the cabin, she was out of breath, but she knocked furiously. “Davi? Felipe? Are you there?”

  From inside, she heard many deep voices. Some were raised in anger. Her heart thudded faster, and she pounded on the door harder, hoping they’d hear her. “Davi? Felipe? Please, I need your help!”

  Suddenly, the voices stopped and footsteps stomped frantically on the floor. While she waited for someone to answer the door, she wondered what they could be doing inside that took so long.

  When the door cracked open, it was only enough for someone to peek through. She could hardly see the man’s dark eyes because of the shadows behind him. “Are you Davi or Felipe?”

  “I am Felipe.”

  “I need your help. I’m Katrina Landon. Henry is my father. Something terrible has happened, and he sent me here to get your help.”

  The man’s eyes widened, and his mouth hung agape. Nodding, he stepped back and opened the door, motioning his hand for her to enter. When she came inside, she immediately noticed the other men in the room—all wearing the same attire as the field workers. All of them gave her the same curious stare.

  Uncomfortable, and knowing she looked horrendous in her drenched raincoat and hat, she gulped hard before turning back to Felipe. He wasn’t much taller than her, but his mid-section was thick and bulky. His black hair was longer than that of the other men in the room. Thankfully, he had kind eyes, and she hoped she could trust him since her father had.

  “Can we speak in private?” she asked.

  Felipe said something to the others in the their language, and they grouped together in the corner. Felipe then led her to another part of the room.

  “What has happened?” he implored softly.

  “I discovered that Robert has been poisoning my father.” As she explained what she’d found in Robert’s hidden room, Felipe’s eyes grew misty and his frown deepened. She continued, “I don’t know if we can save my father from dying, but we must try. That’s why he sent me to find you and Davi. You are the only men he can trust right now.”

  “I worry it might be too late to save Henry, but this cannot continue. Robert must be stopped.”

  Sadness filled her, and her heart grew heavy again. “I agree. He had the maid try to give me the poisonous tea, but thankfully,” she wiped a tear off her cheek, “I refused.”

  “These men,” he pointed to the others, “are men we can trust. That is why they are here in my cabin today. W
e want to stop Robert. We did not know he was killing Henry. Now we must move quickly.”

  “I want to help.”

  “Come. Let me make the introductions.”

  After Felipe had introduced each man, she shook their hands, greeting them by name. In the depths of their eyes, she could see the love and devotion they held for her father. They were also hurt knowing Robert had been slowly killing Henry. Soon their expressions were replaced with determination. She knew these men would do anything to stop Robert.

  She met Davi who was slightly taller than Felipe, but just as wide. He also had caring eyes. He took her wet raincoat and hat, placing them by the small fire to dry. He led her to a cushioned chair and urged her to sit. It felt nice to get off her feet, but she was still eager to start helping the others plan Robert’s capture.

  Most of the time the men spoke in their language, which aggravated her because she couldn’t join in the conversation. Thankfully, Felipe tried to translate for her, but sometimes he would forget. During these times, exhaustion wanted to take over her mind and put her to sleep. The steady rhythm of the pounding rain on the roof and the warm fire was definitely making matters worse.

  Suddenly, a pounding came upon the door, and she jumped in her chair. She clutched the armrests and stared at the entrance—expecting Robert to come crashing through at any moment. After all, her vision forewarned her that Robert would discover what she’d done and he would try to kill her.

  Felipe stood. His worried gaze moved from one person to another in hesitation. “Miss Landon,” he said in a quiet voice, “perhaps you should go in the back room...just as a precaution.”

  Felipe didn’t need to say the words for Katrina to know what he was thinking. He must think it was Robert, as well. It comforted her to know that these men would protect her.

  Nodding, she rose from her chair. Felipe pointed in the direction he wanted her to go, and she hurried into the room. She closed the door behind her. Pressing her back against the wall, her body shook as worry flowed through her. She wrapped her arms around her middle, mainly to hold herself together. Was this where Robert would try to kill her? But as she recalled the vision, she didn’t remember being wet.

  Male voices came through the other room, and she strained to listen closer. She’d know Robert’s irritating, commanding voice anywhere. But so far, she hadn’t detected it. Instead, the words being spoken didn’t make sense...as if it was another language entirely.

  One of the deep voices speaking this odd language lifted in eagerness. Footsteps boomed on the wooden floor, getting closer to the room where she hid. Her heartbeat knocked frantically. She held her breath, afraid of who might be coming.

  The door cracked open and a head poked in. She saw black, wavy hair first, then a freshly shaven face, until finally she could look into the most amazing pair of blue eyes she’d ever beheld. Not believing who was before her, she closed her eyes and shook her head. It can’t be... Only in her dreams had she seen Felix lately. He was on his way to England, so why would he be here?

  Hesitantly she opened her eyes, afraid that the dream would be gone. Instead, Felix stood in front of her, a smile stretched across his face from ear to ear.

  “Good afternoon, my lovely Katrina.”

  A shriek of joy escaped her throat as tears filled her eyes. “Felix?”

  He held out his arm, inviting her to come. “Who else would it be?”

  Sobbing with happiness, she jumped into his embrace and threw her arms around his neck. He hugged her tightly around the waist before lifting her off the floor.

  “What...how...when?” Her mind searched frantically for words, but really, what she wanted to tell him didn’t require words. She pressed her mouth to his and kissed him. Immediately, his mouth melded with hers and the kiss turned passionate, and welcoming.

  He pressed her back against the wall, as he continued to rain kisses all over her face and mouth. He stroked her arms, before moving his free hand to her throat, and then to her face and hair. She burned with excitement. Happiness spread over her, making her warm and giddy.

  His mouth moved away from hers and traveled down her neck. “Oh, Katrina, I love you so much, and I have missed you terribly.”

  She cupped his face and lifted it up as she stared into his dreamy eyes. “Why didn’t you go to England?”

  “I couldn’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “You told me once to think with my heart.” He shrugged. “That’s what I did this time, and my heart told me to stay here with you.”

  “What about your family? What about your title?”

  His smile relaxed. “I wrote a letter to my grandmother and explained that I was in love with a woman and couldn’t leave her. My heart will always be with you, so I must be as well. I told my grandmother how uncomfortable you would have been living in England with me, and I couldn’t force you to do that. Instead, I shall stay here with you. I’ll go wherever you want. As long as we are together, we shall be happy.”

  Tears clogged her eyes again and she nodded. “I love you so much, Felix Knightly. I didn’t want you to leave, but Robert made me tell you to go.”

  Felix’s expression turned hard. “Yes, I realized that when I was in Macapá packing for my return home. I saw Faro at Mr. Jamison’s office, and after Robert left, I questioned Mr. Jamison. That is when I put the puzzle pieces together. Robert wants your father’s plantation, which was why he told me those things about the jungle being magical. He was trying to get me to take you back.”

  “Yes, he was.” She stroked the side of his face. “He threatened me that if I didn’t get rid of you, he would kill you. That’s why I told you I couldn’t marry you.”

  Once again, his face relaxed. “What about now? Will you marry me now?”

  “Is this the proposal, then?” She chuckled.

  “I would get down on one knee and propose to you the proper way, but I don’t want to leave the comfortable nest we’ve made up against the wall. I hope you’ll forgive me.”

  She nodded. “Always.”

  “So...will you marry me?”

  “Of course!” She kissed him, but only briefly before pulling away. “However, I think we need to work with your friends in the other room to devise a plan that will get rid of Robert. He says he’s powerful and has many men working for him.” Happiness slipped out of her heart slowly when she thought about her father. “Felix, Robert was poisoning my father. He even tried to get me to drink the vile tea.”

  His jaw grew hard and he set her back on her feet before stepping away. Blowing out a frustrated breath, he raked his fingers through his hair. “Indeed, Robert has connections, but then so do I, as well as my friends.”

  “I also found out,” she continued, “that one of your men is working for Robert.”

  “I know. I discovered it was Paulo.”

  Her heart clenched. “I’m so sorry he betrayed you.”

  “Not to worry, my dear. I know who my true friends are now.”

  She smiled, but then a thought struck her. “Felix, do you think Robert knows you didn’t go to England?”

  “No, I’m quite certain he thinks I left. I saw him spying on me, so he saw me board the ship. Although, I highly doubt he saw me leave the ship before it sailed.”

  She breathed a relieved sigh. “I’m glad.” She moistened her throat, remembering one last thing she should tell him. “Felix, there is something else you should know.”

  “What is it, my love?”

  Her heart skipped from his endearment. “I had another premonition. Robert is going to try and kill me.”

  Felix’s expression hardened as he gathered her in his arms. “I will not let that happen.”

  “Now that I’m aware of it, I’ll not allow him to hurt me. However, Robert must be stopped immediately.”

  “I agree, my love.” He kissed her on the forehead. “We won’t let him win. I promise.”

  FELIX REMAINED WITH his friends inside Felipe’s cabin as
they tried to sort out some kind of plan. They discussed different ideas, argued about them, and then began anew. Felix was tired of all of this and just wanted to sneak to the main house and flush Robert out. Then Felix and his men could tie a rope around the evil man’s neck and hang him. But that sort of death would be too kind for a man like Robert. Felix wanted harsher punishment for Faro. He’d killed Carlos, and Paulo was still missing.

  During the discussions, his gaze wandered to Katrina. She sat in the cushioned chair with her hand bracketing her chin, trying to keep her head held up. Her eyelids drooped, but not once did her eyes close. Her stare remained on him as well as her beautiful smile.

  His heart softened every time he looked at her—which was quite often. When she tried to convince him to leave for England, there was something in her rejection that didn’t sit well with him. It had taken him a few days to realize what it was. He could see she loved him, but her excuse for him to leave wasn’t in her expression as much as it was in her words. He could read her well. Never had he felt such fluttery emotions inside his chest, and his mind was always occupied with memories of her. Truly, she was the woman he wanted to be with. Forever.

  He prayed that his grandmother—as well as the Prince Regent—would understand. It was nearly unheard of for a Lord to abdicate his title, but Felix knew in his heart that Stanley would make a far better Earl of Blackwood than he. Adventure lived in Felix’s heart. He simply didn’t have his cousin’s mind for business and matters of state.

  When the men began discussing Felix’s plan again, he pulled his thoughts away and focused on the discussion. Finally, the plan was set. Felipe divided the men, giving them assignments on where to go and wait.

  “What about me?” Katrina asked in a small voice as she sat up in the chair.

  Felix moved and knelt in front of her, taking her hands in his. “My love, you are going to stay here where it’s safe.”

  “Oh no, I’m not.” She frowned, and her eyes dulled with sadness. “I want to help. I want to stay with my father and help protect him. He is too frail and won’t be able to defend himself.” She took a deep breath. “And I can use a dagger.” A smile tugged on her mouth. “You didn’t believe me, but I was telling the truth. I can also shoot a pistol.”


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