Vengeful Hearts (Fate of the Witch Book 2)

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Vengeful Hearts (Fate of the Witch Book 2) Page 11

by Raven Moon

  The same familiar voice called. Looking around on the ground on all fours, I found a small worn brown leather satchel. I cupped my hands and thought Fire. Flames danced and flickered along my flesh.

  “Burn the sickness in your flame burn the illness that would maim. Burn the illness by thy might burn the disease in your light. Heal Lucian of sickness and pain heal him of all that is bane. Heal Lucian and set him free with my will!”

  I rested by his head for a moment then raised my hands up and looked skyward.

  “I charge you by the powers of fire, east, south, west, and north; I charge you by the powers of the earth, air, fire, and water. I charge you by the powers of the sun, the moon, and the stars to heal Lucian of broken bones the causes and manifestations.”

  The incantation left me exhausted. With my energy drained, I rested my head on Lucian’s chest. I listened to the musical flutes reverberating the vastness of the cavern in which we lay and succumbed.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I woke on the hard ground. I reached for Lucian then check for a pulse. It was there, he had one, a strong one.

  “Why hasn’t he awakened?” I tried to remember the last few days. My mind void of memories. I cast an unblocking spell, but my memories drew a blank. I leaned back. I practiced my breathing to relax my mind, body, and soul. Then willed all negativity away that I held. My shoulders gradually slumped letting my head fall forward. I stood outside my body and watched my hands drop the ground. I surrounded by white noise that tethered a connection with the earth’s energy

  ‘Heed my warning Rainelle; the beasts are close. We have kept the werewolves at bay, but they are heading your way. The protection spell will only last a few hours. Follow the glow to the North. It will lead you out to where you need to be. Yona and Pearl are waiting. Go now, child. I shall see you again. Call upon me when in despair, for I am Moon Wolf. Your great-great-grandfather.’

  Bits and pieces of the past few days ripped across my thoughts. I watched in horror; at the things, I have done. Disbelieving everything that happened. Moon Wolf stood in front of me.

  ‘You must go now.’

  I floated back into myself and woke. Still, in disbelief, I looked at Lucian with questions. I can’t and won’t leave him alone in this state. I knew that if he didn’t wake soon, we would need to stay, and I would fight for our lives.

  Without hesitation, I jolted to my feet and gathered objects I could make into weapons. Flint and chert laid everywhere. Picking up two small round rocks, I chipped away at the flint. Taking care not to cut my hands and fingers on the sharp shards. Nicking away at the edges into a triangle with a point as sharp as a knife. I began the search for any wood then searched for rope, thread, anything that would secure the deadly points.

  Images of a wolf rushed my thoughts. I stumbled back. Illusions played like a movie reel showing me things I’ve never seen before, or I had and just don’t remember.

  Samuel’s heat signature burned in my thoughts. Memories flashed of Trevor, Dante and then the name Jeb right before a vision of me killing a werewolf, “I killed a fucking werewolf!” I fell against a table.

  I swiftly turned from the awareness of eyes boring into my skull. Lucian stared with a hardened look. The entire room rumbled under our feet. Boulders fell from overhead while gaps formed underfoot.

  Lucian shouted, “Rainelle, stop this. What are you doing?” My stare fixed on his flat face. I grabbed ahold of a giant pillar, just as a crack broke beneath my feet.

  “I’m not doing this!” I bellowed back. He leaped over a small rift and reached for my hand. I grabbed hold while he stretched out with his free arm and tightly held the formation next to me, “I don’t know why this is happening. Yes, my body tensed, but this isn’t me.” Flames shot out of the clefts from deep within the earth’s core.

  “Moon Wolf, your guidance is sought!” I shouted.

  Suddenly, Stalactites crashed down like spears. We leaped over the fissure and flames, dodging, and swerving to get away. Stalagmites exploded on the ground in front of us. Shards of white calcite launched in the air. A sliver of a crushed stalagmite protruded out of my arm.

  “Mother of all Gods, get it out, dammit, get it out, Lucian.” Pain shot along my arm with a feeling of a thousand hornet stings. Lucian pulled the rock out. My vision blurred.

  ‘Wake child. I have done all I can do for you.’

  My eyes fluttered open, “Rainelle can you stand?” Lucian grabbed ahold of my upper arm as I tried to focus on the damage of the quake.

  “Let go of me. We need to find Samuel. Where the fuck is, he? Where is Eve?” I demanded.

  “Yep, you are back.” Lucian bantered letting me fall against the wall.

  “Dammit Lucian, that hurt.” I glowered, shooting invisible laser beams at his chiseled face. His brows raised. I wasn’t in the mood to play games.

  “Lucian seriously, where are they?” I asked again. More memories seized me, “When were you going to tell me my magic was bound? Or how about the need to change into something?” I took his hand in mine and jerked him to my level crushing his fingers together in a see-saw motion.

  “Okay, damn. Your grandmother took Samuel. I assume she made it out with him. Your mother thought it be best to bind you because you caused hell under the earth.” He said straight-faced.

  “If I’m bound, why was I able to do complete spells on you?”

  “Moon Wolf helped you. Your Mother is in danger. I don’t know about Sage.” Drew in a long breath.

  “Well then let’s do this the old fashion way. I know we are under Mount Le Conte. I know how to get out. We need to head north.” I said.

  “Well then, what are you waiting for?” He waved his arm out in front. I sauntered pass me swinging my hips.

  As we made our way north, we came to a steep cliff, “Welcome to the club, Eve lied to you. This isn’t the vampire’s lair. Are you sure it was her Lucian?” Panic twisted my gut.

  As I firmly placed one hand over the other holding on to the rock face. My grip loosened with flashbacks of Samuel and Sage locked in a torture room. The screams rattled my brain, the pain inflicted on them by the guardian, Apollyon. I lost my hold and slipped backward; Lucian caught me before tumbled to my death.

  “Thanks,” I said grasping ahold of the rock face again, this time tightening my fingers around the rocks.

  “What happened? Can you make it without killing yourself?”

  My head snapped around, “Sorry.” He said. I grabbed the ledge with my right hand then placed my left foot on a small rock. I gently pulled myself over a smooth landing and quickly scooted away from the edge. Lucian crawled beside me.

  “What happened back there? If I hadn’t been there, you wouldn’t be …” Really did he just state the obvious to me? Like I didn’t know that already.

  “What a fucktard. Thank you, Mr. Obvious for pointing that out to me.” I sneered, “Maybe I should start calling you, No Shit Sher Lock.” I shook my head. I rolled to my knees grasping a boulder then pulled myself to my feet. Lucian tugged on my pants as he pulled me into his lap.

  “I’m sorry. I know you are smarter than that. That was stupid of me.” He apologized. Then laid a kiss on my forehead. He pushed me up one-handed. He stood next to me.


  “Thanks.” His lips smiled faintly.

  “Look I’m sorry. I’m hungry, my ovaries hurt, and I just want to sleep in my own bed. Something that should’ve only taken a few days has taken a hundred years it seems.” I grimaced, “ I trusted everyone. Now I wonder if I stood a better chance in Nashville with Ben then I do with the werewolves. At least I knew how to survive the hell I lived in Nashville, but here I’m fighting to survive. No time to reflect on the past or play the blame game.

  I want to go home, whether that is in Gatlinburg, Catlettsburg or back to Nashville.” I voiced then walked away. I continued north. If I couldn’t trust the people I loved, then I hoped I could b
elieve the voices that spoke.

  After I entered a wide corridor, I took in the sight blueish-green fluorescent fibers that dangled from the ceiling. I stopped and reached up; the strands wrapped around my fingers. The threads came alive. I let out a squeal and took off in a dead run. I chanced upon steps. Winded, I took a seat and waited on Lucian. In bewilderment, I watched the fibers sway back and forth. At a closer look, I noticed worms wrapped my hand.

  “Thank for waiting up, I appreciate it.” Lucian belted out as he stopped to breathe.

  “WORMS!” I flung the wiggly glowing boneless creatures on Lucian’s face. His hands swatted his face until the worms were dead on the floor, “What the actual fuck Rainelle!”

  “You need to put a pep in your step. I told you a thousand times, I no longer want to be in this place.” I declared pinning him in my sights.

  He wiped his hands down his pants then turned to look at the ceiling, “What the fuck are those things?”

  “Some sort of fluorescent worms that are now making your face glow a putrid green.” I laughed resuming my ascent up the steep rocks taking two steps at once.

  “That isn’t a bit funny Rainelle.”

  “Stop talking.” I marched up with a fast pace. I had to stop mid-point to rest. My pulse throbbed against my neck, “It didn’t seem this steep of an incline. At this rate, I’ll never make it out.” I said gasping for air. Pain struck me. My knees hit the rock.

  “Do I need to carry you?” Lucian boasted. I lifted my gaze to meet his. A thought of pushing him backward to watch him plunge to his death plagued my mind.

  My lips puckered as I tried to hold in my laughter, “No, you don’t need to carry me.” A small chuckle escaped my throat.

  “What was that about?”

  “Nothing,” I said my left brow raised. I wiped my ass off and spun around with visualizations of Lucian plunging to his death.

  Chapter Nineteen


  After I reached the top of the long man-made stairway, I stood in front of the wooden door. My memories rushed back. I remembered entering the room behind the door, I remembered Dante, then how Lucian ripped his heart out of his chest. My skin prickled. I sat down; Lucian stood behind me. Sweat dripped from his brow. His face beet red. He placed his hands on his knees and bent forward coughing. He huffed, puffed, and gasped for air.

  “What’s wrong with you? That wasn’t a bad climb.”

  “Let me ask you that question when you are fighting for our lives.” He scoffed bending over taking in a deep breath. He wiped the drips off his forehead.

  “Pfft.” I rolled my eyes. I rubbed my neck to ease the tension.

  “Well unless you get your ass off that stoop and push open the door, you are never going to get home.” I stood to my feet and wiped the seat of my pant. I squared up with him, my arms folded over my chest. He held back. My annoyance with him rode off in waves. My mouth twisted, I opened it but thought better of it and turned away.

  I glare over my shoulder, “Stay behind me asswipe.” I brought my arms out in front of me, positioning my hands forward as I push all my magick to merge as one. With my hands about six inches apart I rotated counterclockwise. Friction built, static charges jumped from my fingers, “Brace yourself. Oh yeah, cover your eyes. Whatever happens, do not let go of the railing. Keep me steady, or we will both be dust.” I warned. The energy formed into a white light between my palms. I twirled the ball in front of me. As I concentrated, I drew a bullseye on the door in my mind’s eye, then pushed all that energy outward, “Bullseye.” I said before I fell backward against Lucian. My heartbeat fast, my breastbone and eardrums throbbed with each hammering pulse. Nausea brought bile from my empty stomach. I chucked from the burning. I did one last hurl spewing what liquid I had in my gut all over the limestone wall.

  I wiped the driblets away, “Well, they can blame my stomach acid for eating away the centuries-old cave. Nice going dumb ass!”

  “Yes, it is all your fault.” Snickered Lucian.

  “Stop. Nobody asked you asshole.” I snapped. I raised a finger and wagged it in his face, “I don’t think it’s funny.” Why suddenly, am I getting so sick. I never get sick like this.

  “UGH! OH.MY.GOD. Could I possibly be pregnant?” I blurted. Lucian’s mouth gaped; his eyes widened showing the whites like a scared horse spooked.

  “I’M NOT!” I shouted, “It’s the mold in the cave. And I require sunlight. It’s just my body letting me know what I lack.” I don’t know who I tried to convince, him or me. He nodded as I turned and stepped over the door jamb.

  “I sure hope whoever built that door doesn’t come back and haunt me for destroying it.”

  “I think you are fine Rainelle.” Lucian laughed.

  The dark corridor smelled of freshly made mud. I cautiously followed the splash of cascading water told me we were close to exiting this hell hole.

  Without looking back for Lucian, I continued, “We’re close, I hear the waterfall up ahead. Hurry up.” I could taste freedom, but apprehension clung with not knowing what waited. A feeling of sorrow washed over me.

  Manifestations of betrayal and heartache etched my thoughts and brought tears. I grabbed ahold of the wall to steady myself when weakness hit me. The room swam in a circle and waves. Sweat beaded my forehead. Heat flushed my entire body. I squatted slowly and rested my head between my legs. Lucian placed his hand between my shoulder blades, my temperature cooled from his touch.

  I forced sourness back down my already scorched throat as it tried to spurt out. Using the wall to cling too as I straightened up, I rested my head against a cold, smooth rock.

  Concern welled in Lucian’s eyes, “Do you need me to carry you?” he asked.

  “No, I’m alright,” I told him and remained steadfast to the direction I sought. Finally, we made it to the waterway that ran continuously under the mountain.

  “Let’s rest,” Lucian suggested. We stopped to rest for a moment. I leaned down and cupped my hand and drank from a small basin of the waterfall. Lucian found a small wooden bridge. I let my imagination take over how it got here. I assumed the dwellers from long ago placed it here. We watched as the water cascaded off the giant columns all around us. The mist hit my face cooling my body, revitalizing my soul, my energy and my magick within.

  I visualized myself as one with the thunderous rumble of power that echoed from the waterfall. I planned my escape as I sat there on the bridge. I leaned over the wooden rail, my feet dangled inches above the water.

  Feeling vigorous I turned to Lucian with a smile, “Are you ready?” He nodded, and we followed the river upstream. I wondered what lain in wait in the icy ravine, quick as lightning a broad ripple splashed against the bank. I slipped down the muddy embankment; my foot landed into the water. I quickly skedaddled in reverse; Lucian fell on his ass.

  Although I tried not to laugh and keep a straight face, I failed miserably, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were behind me.” I laughed aloud.

  He chuckled, “Yes. What spooked you to make you move that fast? I’ve never seen anyone move so fast.” His brows raised in surprise, “You looked like something from a horror film.” He busted out laughing. I shrugged and laughed with him.

  “Alright, laugh all you want. I must admit, that was kinda funny. But seriously, something made a huge splash in the water. I assume it was not so tiny cavefish by those ripples. Lord help us if it was the creature that took a chunk from me. That damn thing was out for flesh and bone.”

  “What bit you?”

  “If I knew that, then I’d known what splashed.” With that excitement out of the way, we cleaned asses off and commenced back down the treacherous trail.

  “Hey look.” He pointed to a canoe.

  “No, I’m not getting in the water. Forget it.” We climbed higher. Pain struck me down to my knees. Agony twisted my innards. Lucian grabbed me from the edge as I squirmed.

  “Are you alright Rainelle?” Worry lines creased his forehea
d. I nodded holding a breath, “Breathe in your nose, out your mouth.” He ordered. I did, slow, easy bursts until I hyperventilated. I woke with my head in Lucian’s lap, he smiled, his happiness grew under my head. I tried to sit up but rolled over gagging.

  “Don’t move.” Lucian held my hair up and rubbed my back. A rock jabbed my side, rendering me motionless. The slightest move made my head swim.

  “I’m heading straight to the doctor to find out what the hell is wrong with me,” I confirmed. “Could it be the vampire blood affecting me, or the Therianthropy in my blood? Either way, how in the hell will I explain that to a doctor.” I asked Lucian like he would know the answer.

  “Can you try your magick to heal yourself?” Lucian asked.

  “If only it were that simple to do.” My eyes shut; the ground moved slightly under me, “I just need to rest then we will continue north.”

  Lucian sang.

  ‘My sweet child. You need to wake. You are in grave danger. Werewolves are waiting. There is another way out, you must enter the water. You will come to three tunnels, take the one to the West. Follow that for about a mile and then take the passage to the East. Keep going until you come to a waterfall. Hide the canoe in the grotto. From there you must continue foot. There will be several paths to take. Use your instinct to lead the way. Wake now!’

  I scurried to get Lucian’s attention, “Lucian, the Klyde is waiting. Gah, we must travel in the water. Where did you see that fucking canoe?” He hesitated; his face scrunched.

  “Moon Wolf again?” I nodded, “It is right there like it has been traveling with us.” I shrugged and started down the slippery bank. Once in the canoe, Lucian paddled upstream.

  “We will come to three passageways. Take the one to the West.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Don’t question me, Lucian, just take the directions I give you.”

  “Okay. You know more than me my Lil Faelan” I glare over my shoulder shaking my head, No. The tunnels came in sight. He took the one heading West.


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