Vengeful Hearts (Fate of the Witch Book 2)

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Vengeful Hearts (Fate of the Witch Book 2) Page 13

by Raven Moon

  “Come on. Evil is near.” I stated. My gut wrenched in pain. What the hell is wrong with me? Wrapping my arms around my midsection, my body bent forward taking me to my knees.

  “I can’t walk Lucian.” I cried, “Call me a baby, but the intensity of the pain feels like a dull knife being inserted repeatedly and twisted. I can’t handle it.” I gave in to the pain. Lucian scooped me up and carried me.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  “Where do you think you two are going? Did you honestly think you were going to waltz out that easy? Do you think that werewolves are your only problem?” A gruff voice rumbled the shaft. Lucian stopped dead in his tracks and lowered me down. Riddled in pain, I collapsed on the hard cold ground.

  Not knowing what we were up against, I grabbed a hand full of mud, spearing it on my abdomen and hurriedly cast a healing spell. The pain eased. I grabbed Lucian’s arm for leverage nearly toppling him to his knees.

  “Show yourself, you coward. You think hiding in the shadows will help save you? You’re dead wrong.” I baited. In the distance, a large mass swiftly hurled toward us. Lucian pushed me out of the way knocking me up against the solid wall right before he went flying landing like a pancake on the ground. “Oomph” is all I heard; silence quickly followed. FUCK, DOUBLE FUCK!

  “Now you are alone. I’m glad your boy toy was easy to take care of. It would have been better if I’d killed him when I had the chance Like I killed your little girlfriend. They sounded sweet screaming in agony, pleading for their life, even tried to bargain for their lives.” He belly laughed, the sound went on for miles, “Then you just had to show up and ruin all the fun. Why couldn’t you leave well enough alone little witch?” He hissed. Who the hell did this beast think he was talking to? Well, if he wants a fight, I shall give him one.

  “I’m the destroyer, the guardian of the pit, I am Apollyon. Lest you forget little witch.”

  “Look, go back where you come from and take your little minions with you. I know you have brought a few up with you because I can smell their stench. You are a coward hiding in the dark behind the shadows. Come out to the light and fight like a man.” I demanded. Suddenly I second guess answer after the fact, but too late now. I’m trapped with no place to go and no choice but to fight or die.

  “Spirits of the seven winds, keepers of the powers, transporters of knowledge, wisdom, and truth. Guardians of the earth, sea, and sky hear this pleading of a wayward traveler. Grant me audience before thine eyes and ears that thus this may be heard, and my needs are seen. Those who fear thee seek me, those who thou dost loathe me. In thy path, I wish to walk, and with thy voice, I desire to talk. Clothe my bones with the strength of thy strengths fortify my mind with thine solid foundation gathered from the expanse of the universe and carried by thine able hands that in thy wisdom and truth and the purity of your spirit these things may be imparted unto me. Spirits of the Seven Winds hear my cry and let this be so.”

  Power filled every inch of my being. Light beamed from the slightest of cracks in the rock letting me see the creature hiding in the shadows of the darkness. My eyes couldn’t make sense of the hideous beast before me. I blinked several times, but the thing remained the same. Standing eight foot, at least. He shielded hollow eye sockets from the light. Small beings quickly backed away from the fire, scattering back into the darkness screeching like a banshee. The creature before me layered in scales. Horns stuck out the side of its head. It snarled revealing pointy fangs glistering in the light. Its body was that of a half-man, half beast. Lucian moved with a moan. I slowly backed up to where Lucian laid blocking the creature. My life seemed like one big horror flick, but this is my reality as I know it to be. If I could have run, this place would have been torn up getting the fuck out of here.

  “Oh, little witch, queen of your clan and coven. Do you really think that you can protect him? Do you really think that this light is hindering me?” He scoffed loudly, still shielding his eyes. His hands lowered; blood poured from the sockets.

  “What the fuck!” He twisted his head the vertebra popped in unison, his brows merged into a savage line, “Don’t come any closer Apollyon. I warn you.”

  “What are you going to do to me little witchling? I have been here for eternity. Do you really think you can do anything to me that hasn’t already been done?” He mocked.

  “Run Rainelle.” Lucian barked, “I will hold him off as long as I can, go now!” Lucian howled.

  “I won’t leave you, Lucian. You are broken, so unless you can magically heal yourself right now, we only have me to win this battle.” I said reaching a hand down to him while watching Apollyon.

  “Awe how sweet. I sense every move you make before you make it. Who has the upper hand, you or me? If you both come with me now, I will spare your lives. Nobody leaves the Forbidden Caverns, ever. The sooner you accept your Fate, this game will end.” He laughed hysterically.

  This sucks balls, he knew what I planned to do. I was never good at planning, anyway. Moon Wolf’s apparition appeared before me. Apollyon swiped at him only to tumble forward.

  ‘Rainelle, you can do this., This fight was foretold centuries ago. Trust yourself, trust your power. Whatever you may need, you shall have, just concentrate and visualize it in your hand.’

  My eyes closed as I sucked air deep into my lungs, letting the breath out slowly, I imagined a double-edged sword in my hand. Metal clanked on a rock when my hand dropped. My eyes shot open to find a silver blade reflecting light back at me. As I grasped the handle, it lifted swinging around my head. It swished in front Apollyon barely missing him. My mouth creased upward.

  “Fuck you witch. Do you think that a sword can kill me, really?” He growled showing teeth. Without warning, a giant claw swiped my arm blood spewed out. The sword hit the ground in a clunk. I grabbed my arm trying to stop the bleeding. Apollyon cackled like a Hyena stalking their prey. I fell where Lucian laid, Apollyon reached down wrenching my shirt tight around my neck then spun me into the wall. My battered and bruised body laid there. Liquid clouded my vision. A metallic taste filled my mouth.

  “This is not a treat; I shall not get beat. I will use my hands, and thy enemy I shall defeat.”

  I used the wall as leverage to help me stand. I charged Apollyon. My hands doubled in a fist before the punch connected with his jaw. He went down hard but didn’t stay.

  “Damn!” I said shaking the pain from my bloodied knuckles. I placed my back against the wall and took a stance against this monster standing before me.

  Taking in a deep breath letting it out slowly I summoned Fire and Air. My hands rotate, friction turns into heat spreading my palms apart as the fire grows. The wind speeds up, given the strength of a hurricane. I took aim at Apollyon, focusing on his midsection then jolted my hands forward striking him bullseye center. The Air twisted and turned, whipping all around giving strength to the bluish orange flames engulfed him. The man-beast let out a shriek, sounding like a Howler Monkey warning other of a threat.

  I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath, Double-edged sword. I reopen my eyes to find a Scythe in my hand. The smell of burning flesh and hair filled the space, but I wanted this being to suffer. He collapsed onto the ground as sparks flickered and danced along his burning flesh. I wanted Apollyon to endure the same torture and hell my friends suffered.

  “Fire, fire do my bidding, do not just stay there sitting.

  Fire, fire make my will, do not just stay still.”

  His cries grew while the fire swallowed its prize. Shrieks from his minions carried on for miles. One by one the bleakness lit up with the flames glow.

  Lucian eased over to me stepping over the damn colossal beast that laid at my feet. Apollyon’s hand swiped up one last time taking Lucian down. Lucian wailed as he fell on the creature and withered in pain as the reddish hues consumed him.

  “You will never survive my inferno. I was born in the depths of Hell. Your Fire can’t consume me, little witch.” I ad
ded fuel to the sea of flames. Apollyon let out one last yelp as he succumbed to the scorching heat. Lucian emerged out of the charred remains of the monstrosity heap of burned bones.

  I darted to his side my mouth gaped at the carnage before me. Lucian hung onto his life’s cycle by a thread. Blisters and raw pink flesh covered ninety-five percent of his torso. He withered in pain. His body convulsed. Fingers grew into claws, his square jaw rounded into a snout. His raw, burned flesh gave way to fur. Honey eyes looked up at me as he rolled over to stand in front of me.

  My eyes lowered to meet his, “Lucian, I’m so sorry.” I said as a tear escaped my eye. Lucian growled. Apollyon seized my leg squeezing his large hand around my bone, his grip tightened fracturing the bone. Luciana powerful jaw clamped on his arm as he shook with fury. Blood splattered the walls and my clothes. Apollyon’s temple met the wrath of my boot taking him down. Lucian’s powerful jaws clenched tight. Apollyon scurried to stand, stretching his scaled arm knocking me on my ass. He leaped to his feet taking me along for the ride.

  “I told you can’t kill me. I am Fire.” He augured. I punched him with force. He lost his hold dropping me to the ground but quickly poured over me gaining control once again lifting me into the air by my throat choking the very life out of me. My feet kicked as I held onto his massive arms. My life flashed in the back of my eyes. One vision stuck in my mind, and I knew how to tame this beast. My knees were in the perfect alliance with his groin. I brought both knees up quickly to his gonads. He dropped like a rock onto his knees letting out a grunt before falling over. Thinking fast, I scissor-kicked his head.

  “Apollyon you are about to meet your maker. I cast you back down into the pits of Hell into the fiery abyss to which you came to never to return.” He lifted his gaze. He looked like he saw a ghost. The black magick within me yielded what I needed against him, casting him back to hell, “Lucifer is waiting for you Apollyon. May the rest of your days be in the light. May you never escape your torturous ways. May you burn in Hell’s flame for all Eternity. Gazing into his blood-stained sockets, I cast his ass back to hell.

  “You, who have shunned me. You, who have pained me. May your soul always burn in fiery flame becoming ash. Apollyon, I banish you back to Hell where you may experience agonizing pain. The death you deserve now, you will go to hell, the devil shall be waiting.”

  The ground rumbled crashing me against the wall. Fissures opened swallowing Apollyon in a blazing inferno. Screams echoed in the chambers. I watched him slowly slide downward thrashing and clawing at the air trying to escape the pits of the lava flowing on the underside. I roared as hell devoured its gift.

  My attention went to Lucian. He laid in human form, “Let me take care of you. Don’t waste what energy you have. Just remain still.”

  “I’m sorry,” He whimpered.

  “Shhh, don’t speak. Rest.” I placed my left-hand inches from his head and my right over his stomach. Making small circles counter close wise above his parched skin whispering,

  “It is with love in my heart, that I call upon every force I’ve come to know. I summon the high power of the God, and Goddess, the elementally powers given. Heal Lucian, make him stronger than he’s ever been, heal his mind, body, and soul, this is my will…”

  Leaning back on my feet kneeling beside him. It mystified me to see his flesh and bones mending before my eyes. A white flash appeared from the corner of my eye startling me. I jumped sideways falling to my ass.

  ‘You did well my Queen. For that, you have free passage. You have twenty-four hours to vacate the cavern. If you stay any longer, you will forever be encased in here for all Eternity.’

  A young woman appeared in the light. Her black hair hung past her knees in two long braids, her caramel eyes matched her skin. I knew this woman even though I’ve never met her.

  “What is your name? How do I get out of here?”

  She smiled and with a small nod of her head, pointed to the East. Then vanished as quickly as she appeared. The area turned light and airy filling my lungs with lavender, jasmine, and rose. The sweet smell energized my being. Power vibrated deep in my core. Lucian made small moans as he rolled to his side.

  “Look we need to go, now. A warning was sent; we only have 24 hours. If not ….”

  “You lead, I’ll follow.” he scrunched up his eyebrows thoughtfully, “Thank you, Rainelle. Thank you for saving me, for healing me.” His Aura brightly shined around him. My heart fluttered at his smile. I leaned over and gently kissed his chapped lips.

  “I’m going be fine, thanks to you. You can’t get rid of me that easily. Do you know how much I love you?” My smiled faltered.

  Even though I destroyed Apollyon, danger still lurked in shadows. My intuition told me we needed to leave.

  Shadows crept in the far corner of the subterranean cavern. Nudging Lucian with my foot, he glared up at me.

  “We have company,” I whispered. Lucian stood slowly then morphed into his wolf. Whatever lay in wait didn’t know I could see them, well their energy. This gift gave us the advantage. But if Klyde formed another pack, then who would have the power? They’re like rabid dogs waiting for a feast, but I’m like a jaguar, waiting to pounce my prey.

  ‘Douse the flame.’ A deep voice rumbled in my head.

  ‘Why? These things don’t like fire.’ Lucian snarled, his eyes narrowed, and I knew what he wanted me to do, but I knew best. I bent down looking deep in his golden eyes and bared teeth. He whimpered and backed away, “No, we need the fire.”

  This time, I didn’t hide my thoughts, and I let my irritation of him be known. He moved closer turning his butt against my leg.

  Without warning, a petite figure charged at us from the pitch-black of the den. Ear-piercing squawking recoiled everywhere. I fell to my knees covering my ears from the damaging sound. Lucian lunged into nothingness landing next to me. Silence fell around us.

  “What the fuck was that?” I petted his head then stood. It was quiet, eerily quiet. I trudged forward and went into another room of the cave. Lucian found a slab of bedrock and sat on it watching intently in the dark.

  A shattering bang rang from a nearby passage. My feet froze where I stood. The blast ricocheted off the rock walls. The water rippled in the crystal-clear stream. My head turned when I heard voices getting closer. Lucian stood beside me in his human form. As he reached his arms in the air stretching, I couldn’t help but watch as his muscles tightened.

  “What the hell was that sound?” surprise lifted his black brows.

  “I don’t know. It sounded like a shotgun, if not then the passageway collapsed, trapping us.” Unsure of what it was, but hoping it was someone down here and not the latter.

  “You stay, and I’ll go look.”

  “Hell no. We both go.” I scowled.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I felt like a tiny fly trapped in a giant spider web, with invisible threads sticking to the back of my neck. I wiped my fingers across my shoulders as to drag and flick the sticking substance off.

  The air turned brisk turning my skin into that of gooseflesh. I searched the darkness and observed eyes peering back at me from a distance. The white glow sparkled like stars against the blackened night sky. I stood motionless unable to look away from the light drawing near. Suddenly an eerie mist-shrouded me. A sinister sensation swaddled me in an embrace squeezing the air from my lungs. My pulse raced adrenaline pumping into my veins.

  Fear gripped my reserve leaving me frozen. A morbid curiosity paralyzed my body. As my heart hammered against my ribs. The creature approached swiftly upon me. I imagined a fireball in my hand and aimed at the radiance that shone before me.

  “Don’t shoot Queen.” A recognizable voice petitioned. Yona strode forward.

  “Yona!” I yelled. She moved forward with open arms.

  “I’m happy to see your smiling face.” She said tightening her squeeze.

  The air pushed from my lungs, “Yona I can’t breat
he.” I gasped.

  “Does it hurt?” I looked in the eyes of the creature holding me. It placed its mouth inches from mine sucking the life out of me. I could feel Lucian’s energy bounce off him in waves. His growl intensified. I struggled to get out of the grasp of unknown hands. Lucian crouched down. My legs kicked forward with a stunning blow to the skin taking the thing to its knees, “Who the fuck are you?” I fell back simultaneously as Lucian ripped the backbone clean from the beast, its blood covering everything in its path including me.

  “What the holy living fuck?” I croaked, “What kind of shifter is that?”

  “I don’t know.”

  I leaned against the wall. The shine of a coin next to the bloodied heap caught my attention., “What is this?” I picked it to examine it. I traced the engraving on the foreign piece. Squinting tightly, I imagined the image stand in front of me. I didn’t want to believe the entity my mind perceived. With my focus maintained, I touched the imprinting ridges allowing my fingertips to sketch an image in my mind as I held the talisman tightly in my clutch.

  Like binoculars, I zoomed in for a closer look. Fixating my vision on the target towering over me. My breathing calmed. I blocked out all sounds, my mindset engrossed with the illustration before me. Raised wings spread out on each side of the flying creature. Memories played with each trace. Whatever the creature was, it had powerful magick trapped its soul.

  Hooved feet clomped leaving me enthralled at the Magnificat beast, not out of fear, but curiosity. I just hope that my curiosity doesn’t kill me. My eyes locked on its icy glare. I watched as fire consumed eyes staring back at me. I homed in on the creature as I cupped the article firmer, water flowed from the head like wavy hair. I pressed harder on the indention, sensing coolness of wind. The mental picture enhanced.


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