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Acer Page 2

by Kelsey Nicole Price

  I don’t think 762 983 got it until the day they showed it to him, forcing him to watch.

  An hour later, I got a call. They needed me to come in for emergency repairs on a cyborg. 762 983 had tried removing his eyes, gouging them from their sockets, severing most of the wires by the time I reached him. It was only the sound of my humming when I walked into the room that stopped his self-inflicted, brutal assault on his poor eyes.

  My hum died on my lips at the sight of what he had done. His beautiful, golden eyes dangled like puppets on a string. They brushed the tops of his cheeks—a display of broken wires and sparking connectors. Anyone else but me, and I am sure he would have continued, permanently blinding himself in the process.

  I ignored the order to do repairs without using numbing injections that day. I couldn’t return his eyes to their sockets without causing excruciating pain. I pumped his system full of the numbing agent, adding a generous dose of synthetic painkillers. The camera in the room had an ‘unfortunate accident’ and didn’t record the fact I had effectively gotten 762 983 high as a kite. The drugs turned him into a talker, and he babbled about how he stopped hurting himself because he’d miss seeing my face.

  I worked for hours, delicately reattaching every wire, fitting them back into place, and I couldn’t resist giving him a small upgrade. If he wanted to see my face, I would make sure his visual systems would carry out the task better than they had before.

  Suddenly, 762 983 let out a low growl.

  Someone else huffed. “My formula isn’t the issue. Her body was beyond damaged. Her mind could have been as well. I told you it wasn’t safe. You ignored me, giving it to her anyway. This is your fault!”

  The voice was one I recognized. I raised my head and turned to find a familiar, green face standing there. “Dax?” I whispered.

  The green cyborg jerked his head, his eyes flashing bright emerald.

  “Miss. Marley is that you?” Shock filled his voice. “I didn’t realize...Acer didn’t tell me...You look different.” Shame burned in his gaze. “I apologize,” he said quietly.

  I gave a weak smile. “Being tortured for years will do that to a girl.” My eyes scanned the room. There wasn’t much I could see from the safety of Sunshine’s arms. Exam tables lined the room. Utility tables held equipment, and I could make out a few scanners tossed here and there. The wall I could see, a pretty, light-green. It was a shade lighter than the shocked Science Model standing before me.

  I took a tiny sniff. The air was fresh and clean. “I am not in one of my hallucinations, am I?”

  “No, Miss. Marley. This is my lab.” Dax waved a green hand. “You are safe now.” A green finger brushed a strand of damp hair off my forehead.

  Sunshine’s hold on me tightened even further. “Don’t touch.” The words came out with a snarl.

  Dax rolled his eyes. “I simply meant to comfort her, Acer. A kind touch offers reassurance that she is safe.”

  My cyborg went to snarl a response, but I pressed my hand to his chest, feeling the thump of his heart. His gold eyes fell to mine, his mouth snapping closed. “Acer. That is your name?” I smiled at him. “I like it.”

  His gold eyes flashed, his heartbeat picking up speed under my palm.

  My smile widened but then fell. “I thought you were dead,” I whispered it, not wanting to say it any louder, afraid somehow, he would vanish, and it would be true.

  A tremor went through his frame. “I thought the same thing about you.” His eyes narrowed. “I made them pay with my bare hands. I ripped every MechTech I found apart limb-by-limb. And I did it slowly.”

  “Good.” His gold eyes widened in shock. “They got what they deserved.” A ghost of a smile graced his yellow lips.

  I finally allowed myself to relax in his arms. The ones who robbed us of all the years we could have spent together didn’t deserve to have another moment of our time. I refused to let them steal my second chance, or Acer’s.

  Acer. I rolled the name around my brain. It fit. I liked Sunshine better, but I doubted he wanted me to call him that in front of his cyborg friends.

  Or one cyborg friend to be exact.

  I wasn’t sure any more survived beyond the two in the room with me. My heart broke with the thought. None of the cyborgs ever deserved what the Global Allegiance did to them.

  They were special.


  The first time I met one, I had to force myself to not fawn all over him. When I had sent my application to be a MechTech for the cyborg project, I never believed I would get the job. My qualifications exceeded the requirements, but I had no connections. I grew up in district five, one of the low-income districts that barely functioned enough to keep its residents alive.

  Before Global Allegiance, I made money by fixing old tech others stole. It wasn’t legal, but it kept food in my belly and provided me with warm place to sleep. Eventually, my skills allowed me to move up in districts until the day I took a chance and applied for the cyborg project. When they called me saying they wanted me to work with them, I nearly passed out. Not only would I be making enough money that I no longer had to worry about food or a place to sleep, I would also be working with the beings who fascinated me.

  Cyborgs were like my Holy Grail. The most advanced technology combined with brilliant design. Then, I discovered how human they really were. The lie that cyborgs were only machines made me sick, and for a second, I thought about quitting, but I couldn’t leave them.

  I couldn’t leave him.

  I vowed I would find a way to free 762 983—to free them all. It was a vow I couldn’t fulfill.

  Acer stared at me with worry flashing in his eyes. “Are you okay?”

  I stroked his cheek tenderly. “I am now.”

  Acer turned his attention back to Dax. “I’m taking her to my quarters.” He poked a finger into Dax’s chest. The green cyborg stumbled backward. “I expect you to come if I call, Science Model. She is now your top priority. Got it?”

  Dax gulped then nodded. My Sunshine had never been friendly, but I was shocked by his tone. Maybe he was overwhelmed by everything. I knew I was. Still, going with him to his quarters was a dream come true.

  All I wanted was to be with my cyborg. “Let’s go.”

  I didn’t need to ask my cyborg twice. He marched out, taking me with him, cradled in his arms.

  I snuggled against his warm frame and sighed happily. I was finally where I belonged.

  Chapter Three


  My processors spun as I carried Marley to my quarters. My metal joints ached with the need to touch her, to confirm she was truly in my arms after so many years of searching. I should have given up. Always the pessimist, there was no reason to believe my human survived. I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Instead, I had waged war on the logical side of my brain, ordering it to stop filling my circuits with every piece of evidence Marley had expired, and kept searching as if my very life depended on it.

  Maybe it had. On my good days, I could almost be described as sane. On my bad days, I was a monster teetering on the brink of madness. It wasn’t only parts of my frame left unfinished. Chunks of my core programming had never been completed, leaving me unstable and without purpose.

  I learned how to be a master at hiding it, using anger to keep everyone at bay. No one could discover my secret. If Reaper learned the truth, he would not have hesitated to put me down. Nothing threatened his precious cyborgs. I was a walking time-bomb, and it was only a matter of time before I would explode.

  I knew I couldn’t keep my human. The risk was too great. Still, I held her to my frame as I savored every detail, including the fact that she smelled—and not pleasantly. If I had nostrils, they would have recoiled by now.

  My MechTech needed a bath.

  And clothes.

  And food.

  Caring for a human seemed to require a lot of work. I hadn’t really thought this through. Then, if Reaper and Dash could do it, I was sure I could m
anage. Besides, it wasn’t for forever. Once I got her out of my system, I would be free of this obsession. But not today. Today, I needed to figure out how to bathe a human.


  “I SAID NO. NOT UNTIL you leave.” I pointed at the door while Acer stood across from me, arms crossed over his chest. I knew I smelled, but I had gotten so used to it, the odor barely registered. Cyborgs’ sense of smell was heightened. I didn’t plan on going around offending everyone I met with my funk. That didn’t mean I would get naked while Acer remained in the bathroom, glaring at me because I refused to follow his order to disrobe.

  I needed that shower. I could practically feel the hot water sliding down my skin, but I was being shower-blocked by a stubborn cyborg.

  “Please, Sunshine. I really want that shower. Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve had a real one?” I would plead if I had to. That shower was calling my name. “Besides whatever Dax gave me made me feel incredible. I think I can manage a shower alone.”

  “The formula Dax created makes you stronger, but you almost died in my arms. I would feel better if I was in there with you.”

  A laugh broke free. “I’m pretty sure the shower isn’t planning a surprise attack.”

  The intensity in his golden eyes softened as he let out a sigh, “It will face my wrath if it does. Take your shower. Know that I will wait right outside the door to provide aid in case you require it.”

  He let out a huff and walked from the bathroom, allowing me some privacy.

  I shook my head at his retreating back, certain he would follow through with his threat if the shower did anything to harm me.

  Now alone, I tore the disgusting thing that once was a dress from my body and flung it on the floor. I vowed to burn it when I had the chance. I couldn’t stand the reminder of my years in captivity, all the abuse and humiliation I had suffered. That was no longer my reality. I was free and about to take the best shower I’d ever had in my whole, entire life.

  I pressed the activation button and glorious water rained down, splashing the tiles below. I wasted no time, jumping under the spray, releasing a deep, satisfying groan. Hot water cascaded down my back, and for a moment, I allowed myself to simply enjoy the feeling. Then, I grabbed a handful of foam cleanser and started to scrub away the layers of dirt covering my skin, working the soap deep into my flesh, trying to remove every bit of filth.

  Rivulets of brown water ran down my body, years of neglect and subhuman treatment slid down the drain until, at last, the water ran clear. Satisfied my skin was finally clean, I poured more cleanser into my hands and tried to work it into the tangled mess that had once been my hair. The tangles were so bad, my fingers caught at once, refusing to budge.

  “Ow!” I gave a yelp, tugging my fingers from my hair, staring at the strands I yanked out in my attempt to free my fingers.

  The door to the bathroom suddenly burst open, the shower curtain violently ripped away revealing a panicked Sunshine.

  His gold eyes roamed over my naked, wet body. Frantically, I slapped an arm over my breasts and crossed my legs trying to cover the most important bits. “Get out!” I screamed.

  He didn’t budge. “Are you harmed?” Reaching through the spray he caught my shoulders, spinning me around to inspect my backside.


  Holy hell! My cyborg was now getting a prime view of my ass.

  “My visual inspection doesn’t reveal any injuries.” Warm breath ghosted over my neck, and I shivered. I could feel his frame’s heat along my back. The shower heat was nothing compared to him. I forgot all about the shower and the fact I was naked.

  His hands settled on my waist as his lips found the shell of my ear. “Why did you yell? Do I need to call for Dax?”

  The mention of Dax snapped me back to reality. One cyborg seeing me naked today was enough. “I’m fine,” I hissed, looking over my shoulder, pinning him with my gaze. “If you must know, I yelled because I got my fingers caught in my hair,” I said with a sigh. Admitting it out loud made me feel a bit foolish. I hung my head. “I think I’ll have to cut it. The tangles are more like knots. I’m not sure it can be salvaged.”

  “Will you let me try?” he asked softly.

  I shrugged. “Sure. I mean if you want to.”

  “I want to,” he declared while his hands guided me to step deeper into the shower stall. Maybe he wanted me to wash the cleanser out first? I gave a little yelp when his fingers found my hair. I twisted my head around to see him standing in the shower with me. “What are doing?” I gasped.

  “I told you I wanted to try.” His fingers began to gently work their way into my hair. The metal fingertips navigated the tangled mess far easier than my human hands had been able to.

  “But you’re getting all wet,” I stuttered. The water slid down his frame, soaking his pants and plastering the hoodie he wore to his body. Drops of water clung to the metallic surfaces on his face and arms, making him appear to shine under the spray. I watched a drop roll down his cheek and my tongue pressed against the back of my teeth. I desperately wanted to lick that drop from his cheek. I didn’t even mind that I might taste a hint of the of the dark mechanical fluid that circulated beneath his metal frame. I became so accustomed to the sight and smell of it while working on the cyborgs, it no longer bothered me.

  Some days I would return to my room covered in it. I would be spattered with dark spots on my hands, arms, and face. The other MechTechs always thought it their place to make rude comments when it happened. I learned it was best to simply ignore them. Defending myself only made it worse. Thank God they never knew the thoughts I had about my Sunshine.

  My yellow cyborg held the starring role in all my fantasies. Now he was in the shower with me, his fingers in my hair, a look of pure determination on his face as he carefully worked the knots from my hair. There wasn’t a trace of desire in his eyes; his sole focus on my snarled locks of hair. I took a breath and let my body relax into his touch. This is my cyborg. My Sunshine. My Acer. I love the name he chose. I love that he got to pick one instead of being known only by a cruel set of numbers.

  I turned until I faced the wall and dropped my chin, granting him full access to the top of my head.

  “Wait, you can get wet, right?” I assumed it was fine. He sure didn’t hesitate to climb in the shower with me. I knew other cyborgs were fine with water, but Acer was different. He didn’t have the protection of a complete frame. “I mean, I know the other cyborgs are fine, but you,” I hesitated. I didn’t want to bring up the fact he was unfinished. I knew it. He knew it. We had always avoided it. I never saw him as anything but spectacular. “are unique,” I finished.

  The fingers stilled in my hair. “Despite my lack of completion, water will not harm me.” There was a trace of something behind his words. Hurt. Anger. Maybe a mix of both.

  I lifted my head and slid my hands upward to place my fingers over his. I grasp them tightly, loving the smooth feel. “Acer,” I breathed, using his name for the second time, enjoying the way his fingertips flexed under mine. “I want to look at you.” I dropped my hands and he let go, allowing me to turn around.

  It’s a tight fit in the shower stall with both of us; my body brushed against his when I twisted to face him. I felt a slight tremor run through him when we briefly touched. I filed that discovery away for later. I truly liked the thought of him being affected by the feel of my body brushing against his.

  I placed my hands on his chest and pushed, forcing his frame back until he hit the wall. I reached for the zipper on his hoodie then paused. I waited to see if he would stop me.

  I know what’s under it. I’ve seen it. But, it feels like forever. I know that him having the power to cover at least some parts of his unfinished frame means something to him. From the moment they pulled him from the vat, he’d desperately tried to find something, anything to cover his unfinished frame. He begged the MechTechs to provide him with some type of clothing.

  Most of the time t
hey ignored him, choosing, instead, to parade him around naked in front of other cyborgs, making sure to make loud comments about how he would never be like them. They would mention how he would always be ugly and unworthy. I caught them in the act once. The rage and disgust I felt caused me to nearly vomit on top of their polished, black shoes. The next day, I brought him his very first hoodie and matching pair of sweats. I had convinced the other techs that Dr. Shaw, herself, had given the order to provide him with clothes. I might have modified an old voice recording to provide the necessary proof. Even though I knew I would lose my job, maybe my life as well if they had discovered me. I couldn’t stand to watch him suffer. When I gave him the clothes, it was the very first time I saw him smile.

  With one hand on the zipper, I lifted the other to cup his jaw, tracing his lips with my thumb. His lips colored a lighter shade than the rest of him, pale yellow that reminded me of spring tulips. Soft and pliable, his lips are a contrast to his unrelenting frame. I tugged on the zipper, revealing his chest. I took in the sight of his yellow flesh intermixed with patches of smooth metal. It seemed like a jigsaw puzzle, pieces of silver fitted against honey-colored skin.

  I trailed my fingers down his chest, moving over metal and flesh, touching each part with reverence. “To me, you are complete. You always have been.” I grabbed his hand and lifted it, lacing my fingers with his. I wanted him to see the sight of our hands joined together. To see I would never shy away from him—from any part of him. “You are beautiful, Acer. Every part. Every piece. If you don’t believe it yet, that’s okay. I’ll show you. I’ll tell you every day until that CPU of yours believes it.”

  He opened his mouth then shut it. It would take time. I looked forward to the challenge. My cyborg was stubborn. So was I. I smiled. I stood on my toes and placed a kiss on his cheek. A frigid blast of water hit my back, and I squeaked, pressing my body closer to his. “Cold.” I shivered.


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