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Acer Page 10

by Kelsey Nicole Price

  I took her face in my hands, leaning down to rest my forehead against hers. “Listen to me. I wish to spend forever with you. I want it more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my whole entire existence, but what I want—what I wish—can never be.” Pain squeezed my chest. My mechanical lungs struggled to draw breath. “The reality is that my processors will decline until I am trapped in a world of madness. When that happens, I will either shutdown or be terminated. That is how it ends.”

  She pushed her shoulders back, her jaw set. “No, that won’t be how it ends.” She held her chin high, her face a mask of fierce determination. “You may have given up, Sunshine, but I haven’t. I didn’t survive—we didn’t survive only to have this be how our story ends. I am the best MechTech there is. There isn’t a code I can’t solve.” Her legs wrapped around my waist, locking our bodies as one. “If forever is truly what you want with me, then give me a chance to find a way for us to have it.” Her hands sought my skull, the piece of me that housed my most shameful secret, and without hesitation, she pulled it down to cover it with kisses. “Because make no mistake, my Acer,” her lips found my ear, “forever is what I want with you. I won’t settle for anything less.” She kissed me hard, capturing my lips, preventing me from voicing any disagreement. “Get dressed. We need more information, and I know just where to get it.


  The walk to the lab was silent. The secret Acer revealed hung heavy between us. The way he dressed had been mechanical. His movements quick and precise, his face blank. The gold returned to his eyes, but without the shine. I almost threw myself at him, wanting to grab him and demand the Acer I knew—the Acer who made love to me mere hours ago, come back. That Acer showed me such pleasure. I knew making love with Acer would be incredible, but I had come alive beneath him. Every part of me awoke, the darkness banished by my brilliant cyborg.

  Now, with every step down the hall, the darkness crept back in. The Acer beside me was one I didn’t recognize. His frame completely rigid, he walked on the other side of the hallway, careful to not touch me.

  My steps became uneven as the urge to scream bubbled in the back of throat. The doors to the lab appeared, and I forced myself to focus. If I was going to have a shot at fixing Acer, I needed Dr. Shaw’s help. I could battle Sunshine later. Fix him then fight with him. It sounded like a good plan to me.

  Acer pushed open the door, and the face that greeted me was one from my nightmares. I froze in the doorway, unable to move as I stared at the red cyborg who often haunted me whenever I closed my eyes.

  Acer marched inside, not realizing I stopped. He spun around and twisted his frame, following my line of sight.

  “You,” he snarled, advancing on the red cyborg, his hands clenching into fists. “It was you!”

  The red cyborg looked past my pissed-off cyborg, his eyes shifting to where I remained paralyzed just inside the doorway. His ruby eyes widened when he saw me. He stumbled backward, rubbing a giant red palm over his chest right where his heart rested. The bright crimson hue of his face lightened, his cheeks now resembled a pale shade of pink. “I didn’t think...she told me.”

  The massive red cyborg dropped to his knees, he hung his head, his large shoulders slumping. “I will not fight you, Acer. Your female has every right to her vengeance.” He raised his eyes from the floor and searched mine. “You might not believe me, but know, from the bottom of my heart, I am sorry.” Sorrow rang in every word. Resigned to his fate, the Medical Model refused to fight back against my cyborg. By the look of pure rage on Acer’s face, I knew he wouldn’t stop until the Medical Model was dead.

  During my captivity, only the Medical Model ever showed me any kindness. He carried me back from the experiments, carefully cradled against his chest, the steady beat of his heart offering me a moment of safety. At night, he would often sneak in to check on me, his gentle touch cool and calm amid all the pain.

  Him being a cyborg also lessened my fear. Red, instead of the yellow I longed for, he stayed the closest thing to remind me of the cyborg I loved. Processors and circuits, I understood. Wires and programming made me feel safe. I learned cyborgs were sometimes more human than humans, themselves.

  Seeing him shocked me more than anything. No matter what had happened, I couldn’t bring myself to hate him.

  A dark-haired woman appeared from an office. Recognition struck. The famous Dr. Shaw stood mere feet away. My jaw dropped. My feet moved on autopilot, walking through the doorway and into the lab.

  She gave the scene a once-over, and a frown appeared on her beautiful face. Her hazel eyes narrowed on my cyborg. “What is going on here? Why is Rust on his knees? And you,” she jabbed the air in Acer’s direction, “Why do you look like you’re about to start a fight in my lab?”

  The Medical Model turned his ruby gaze toward Dr. Shaw. “This doesn’t concern you, doctor. Whatever the outcome, I am at peace with.”

  “Well, I’m not. This is my lab. Acer, stand down. Whatever Rust has done, I am sure he is sorry for. Don’t forget he was a victim too.”

  One minute, Acer stood in front of me, and the next, he had Dr. Shaw by the arms. His fingers dug into her flesh causing Dr. Shaw to wince.

  “A victim?” Acer roared, the force sent Dr. Shaw’s hair flying backward from her face. “He hurt my female! Made her scream! I saw it.” He shook Dr. Shaw hard then gave her a shove. “Stay out of this, doctor!”

  “Do you know? Even in her dreams, she sees you?” Acer stalked towards the still-kneeling cyborg. He pulled his fist back and crack hit the Medical Model square across the jaw. The force sent the red cyborg’s head reeling backward only to rebound with a sharp snap. Acer began to rain down blow after blow, his fists moved so fast they blurred, becoming nothing but a streak of silver. The Medical Model’s frame crumbed, his knees giving out as he fell forward, his skull hit the floor with a sickening thud.

  “Acer stop! You’re going to kill him!” My feet moved with cyborg speed as I raced to the Medical Model and threw my body on top of his. I curled my tiny form over as much of the red cyborg’s head and back as possible, trying to shelter his frame with my body. “No more!”

  Acer’s eyes blazed red with code, it danced like fireflies, flickering against the black. He raised his fist, and I knew it was over. This was how I would die. Killed by the cyborg I loved. One punch from him would crush my skull, killing me instantly.

  In my heart, I knew it wasn’t him. He was caught in the grip of madness, pushed over the edge by rage and the need to punish something that had hurt me.

  “I love you,” I prayed he would hear those three words whenever he felt lost.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Do it! the voice inside my head ordered. Dark liquid dripped from my silver fingers. I spilled the Medical Model’s fluid. It coated my metal like a stain, a black mess that slicked my fists and splattered on the floor. A haze of red slid over my visual system like a film. It flashed on and off as it caused chaos in my programming.

  I drew my fist back, unable to fight the command. One more strike to his skull and the Medical Model would be terminated.



  No longer able to hurt my female.

  I love you. Three words slammed into my processors like a slug to the chest. For a moment, my visual systems cleared, and what I saw made my heart stop inside my chest.

  Marley used her form to shield the Medical Model, her small body wrapped around Rust’s head and back as her wide eyes stared at me, preparing for my next strike. One blow from my fist would be her death. I gaped at my fist in horror. I had been one punch away from killing Marley. I dropped my hand and crashed to my knees. Time slowed as I took in the sight of my destruction.

  My fists obliterated the Medical Model’s face. Red chunks of flesh clung to his cheeks, the metal of his frame smashed in, and wires torn from his eyes dangled limply between his broken eye sockets. A massive dent, the size of my fist, imprinted into
his skull. He was alive but barely.

  Some of the damage I caused might not be repairable. Rust could be permanently blind or worse; I could have irreversibly damaged his CPU. Sure, I wanted to hurt him, but this went beyond that. I completely unleashed the dark side of my programming, attacking him with pure fury while he knelt defenseless, totally at my mercy.

  He deserved it, my dark side argued. No. That’s the madness talking. I scanned the room and saw Dr. Shaw with her arms wrapped around herself, large fingerprint-sized bruises stood out against the pale skin on her upper arms. I did that too. My circuits spun, and I averted my gaze, my frame going deathly still.

  I returned my eyes to Marley. She eyed me cautiously, not yet willing to move off the Medical Model but holding no hate or terror in her gaze. She told me she loved me, and I was about to kill her.

  Mechanical fluid churned in my stomach. I sunk back on my heels, defeat pounded through every wire. It was over.

  I terrorized Dr. Shaw, brutally and viciously beat Rust, and almost killed the female I loved since I had first laid eyes on her. I was dangerous. A monster.

  The sound of footsteps racing down the hallway sealed my fate. Dax, Reaper, and Viper crashed through the lab door and skidded to halt to take in the scene around them.

  A low growl emitted from Dax, his emerald eyes raked over the bruises darkening Dr. Shaw’s arms. He rushed to her; his hands gently ran over the dark purple marks.

  Dr. Shaw patted his chest. “I’m fine, Dax. It’s Rust I’m concerned about.” She shot a worried glance at the red cyborg. “Acer almost killed him. I don’t know how badly he’s damaged. I just got him back, Dax...I can’t...I can’t lose...”

  Dax wrapped his arms around her. “Shh. You won’t. I will fix him. I promise.”

  Dr. Shaw nodded slowly. Dax stood protectively in front of her, his green frame seeming to grow larger. Something dark glittered in his eyes, and it promised me a whole world of pain.

  Reaper’s massive frame moved into my line of sight, blocking out everything else. He caught me by the shoulders and hauled me to my feet. “You did this?” His lips drew tight as he pierced me with a hard, cold stare. “Why, Acer?” His grip tightened. “Why would you do this?” His voice was thick as his entire frame grew stiff.

  My heart thudded dully in my chest. Liquid burned inside my eye sockets as a painful lump formed in my throat. I met his gaze for a brief moment. “Destroy me.” I let my gaze fall, my chin dropped to my chest. Shame tore at my processors. It dug into my circuits, clawing its way through every wire. I lifted my chin slightly and glanced at Viper. “Take her. She doesn’t need to see this.” Viper gave me a curt nod. “I’m ready.”

  Reaper released me, and I found myself back on my knees. I bowed my head. Plasma rifle or the battle axe he carried either one would do the job. Part of me longed for the battle axe. I didn’t deserve a quick death.

  Marley leapt to her feet, rushing to me, she threw herself over my back. Her hands dug into my shoulders, desperate to hang on to me. “Acer, don’t do this! Tell them! Tell them it wasn’t you!” She pleaded, her voice frantic.

  I grabbed her hand and clasped it to my chest right over my heart. “Thank you for loving me. My heart is and will forever be yours.”

  Her free hand pounded against my back as warm wetness dripped on the top of my head. Each tear felt like a brand, searing my soul, marking me as wanted, loved. No one else would cry for me. Only her.

  “I love you.” My fingers slipped from hers. “Take her.”

  Nails dug into my shoulder then they were gone.

  Marley let out a wail. “Put me down! Somebody, anybody! It’s not his fault! He can’t help it! He’s broken. I can fix him! Do you hear me? I can fix him!”

  I watched her struggle in Viper’s grasp. She fought, thrashing and twisting, trying to free herself, but Viper was stronger. “He’s mine!” She sobbed, her voice filled with despair.

  “Wait!” Dr. Shaw stepped from behind Dax. “What do you mean he’s yours?”

  Chapter Eighteen


  Dr. Shaw’s question stopped Viper in his tracks. Finally! Someone was at least going to hear me out. “Put me down! I refuse to answer Dr. Shaw while I’m being held like a child!”

  Acer growled. “Marley, just go. Nothing you say will change my decision. I almost killed you!”

  Viper set me down, and the moment my feet hit the floor I went straight for Acer. “Shut up! I’m not listening to you right now. You were just going to abandon me!” I shoved him, the force causing him to sway. “You tell me you love me and then order Viper to take me away! Fuck you, Sunshine. If you won’t fight for yourself, I’ll do it for you, and I expect you to remain quiet while I do it!”

  Reaper gently grasped my arm. “In the end, the choice is mine. Nothing endangers my cyborgs or my female and child. I am sorry, but if I must sacrifice one for the good of many I will do it. Look at what he did to Rust.” Reaper’s gaze fell on the wounded cyborg and he shook his head sadly. “Acer is dangerous, Marley. He knows what must be done.”

  I gritted my teeth, trying to find enough patience before I knocked the Military Model on his large, gray ass.

  “I threw my body over Rust.” His name felt strange on my tongue. I had never learned it during our time together. But now that I knew it, calling him ‘the Medical Model’ wouldn’t be right. “I was willing to die in order to protect him. I love cyborgs. I would never risk their lives unless I have a good reason.” The room blurred as new tears filled my eyes. “And I do.” I looked at Acer. “I love cyborgs, but I am in love with Acer.”

  I smacked Reaper’s chest; my palms stung. I really needed to stop smacking cyborgs, but today was not that day. I felt beyond pissed—at all of them. I never thought I would have a moment where I hated cyborgs, but I was close. Reaper, Viper, Dax, even Acer himself, all of them wanted me to simply walk away and accept Acer’s fate. Not going to happen. I grabbed a fistful of Reaper’s shirt and yanked hard pulling him down until we were face to face. “Tell me, Military Model. What would you do to save a person you loved?”

  His brow furrowed then he released a sigh. “Anything.”

  “So, we understand each other?”

  Reaper nodded, and I released the grip on his shirt.

  I turned to Dax. “You promised Dr. Shaw that you would help Rust. Please, he’s in pain.” I couldn’t leave him like that.

  “Fine,” Dax growled then turned his emerald gaze on Acer. The green orbs flashed. “If you even so much touch a hair on my mother’s head, ever again, I will kill you myself.” Dax walked to Rust and reached his side in two strides. he knelt and pulled out a scanner.

  I dropped to my knees beside Rust and reached for his hand. I gave it a squeeze. “What happened in that place was not your fault. We were both at her mercy. I’m glad you got free. Don’t die, okay?” He squeezed my hand in reply, a trace of a smile teased the corner of his busted red lips.

  “Are you finally going to answer my question?” Dr. Shaw crossed her arms over her chest. “We have something we need to discuss. I want you and Acer in my office, now.” She turned her back to us and walked away.

  Acer stood and stormed towards the office, Reaper hot on his heels. I ran to catch up. The three of us squeezed into the tight space. The office had certainly not been built to accommodate two huge cyborgs and two females.

  Dr. Shaw glared at Reaper. “I didn’t invite you.”

  “I don’t need an invite. Remember when I was elected the leader of the cyborg rebellion? Cause I do. This concerns all of us.”

  “Fine, you can stay, but what is discussed here does not leave this room. Understand?” Reaper nodded. Dr. Shaw took a seat behind the desk, letting out a tired sigh.

  I had been so busy trying to stop Acer from killing Rust and trying to stop Reaper from killing Acer on his own order that I hadn’t really gotten a good look at Dr. Shaw. Now, I took a moment to study the woman who had been my hero.
r />   Messy brown hair spilled out from a bun on the top of her head, beautiful hazel eyes moved over all of us, the soul behind them much older than the young-looking woman who sat before us. Not one wrinkle lined her face, her pale skin flawless. Dr. Shaw looked exactly like she had when she appeared in interview files I watched during my training over thirty years ago.

  I moved closer to the desk and my jaw fell. The bruises so dark a moment ago already began to fade. I narrowed my eyes in confusion. “What are you?”

  “Human with some additions. I can tell you have questions, but now’s not the time. Tell me how Acer is yours.”

  I let out a deep breath, knowing everything hinged on the next words out of mouth. “He just is. I wish I could explain it, but from the moment we met, I knew he was the one. I connected with him, understood him. I would go to my room at the end of the day, and he was all I could think about.” I put a hand to my chest and my heart pounded furiously beneath my palm. I pressed a finger over the beat. “It was like he was right here. I felt him, every second of every day.” My chest tightened, my heartbeat picking up speed as I remembered him coming to me in my cell. He managed to find me even trapped in hell. “I even saw him in my cell. At the time, I believed I was imagining him, calling him up from my memories to help me survive all the pain and torture. Now, I’m not so sure.”

  Dr. Shaw leaned forward on the desk. “This is very important. Why are you no longer sure?”

  I glanced back at Acer. Some unknown truth was staring me in the face and somehow, I had to find it. His life depended on it. “Since we have been back together, we have shared one of his memories, and somehow, he ended in one of my nightmares. It’s the only way he would know Rust had been part of my time with the doctor. I shouldn’t be able to view his memories nor should he be able to access my dreams. But it’s happening. Now, I wonder if he was there with me—a part of him, at least. He always felt too real. I could touch him, hold him.” I shook my head. “Am I crazy?”


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