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Acer Page 13

by Kelsey Nicole Price

  Warm fingers grasped my chin and lifted my head. “Don’t apologize. You are not less, Acer, simply different.” She released my chin. Leaning in, she pressed a quick kiss to my cheek.

  The moment her lips found my cheek I froze. The action stunned me. No one had ever kissed me. Not the new version of me, anyway. I reached up and rubbed the spot where her mouth made contact. Her lips felt soft against the smooth metal of my cheek.

  “Too soon?” She stepped back. “Sorry. I talk about not pushing you and then kiss you. Bad Marley.” She shook a chastising finger at herself.

  I couldn’t help it. I laughed.

  Her face lightened and some of the tension drained from her form. “Well, at least I can still make you laugh.” She sighed. “I should get my things.” She started to move past me, and without thought, I grabbed her arm. “I think I would like you to stay,” I said softly.

  Her eyes grew wet. “You don’t know how much that means to me, but I think it’s better if I don’t. We both need time to adjust to this new situation, Acer. If I stay...” She trailed off. She bit her lip and ran a pale hand through her hair.

  “If you stay...” I prompted.

  “You’d be a temptation that I don’t know if I’d be able to resist.” With a heavy sigh, she turned away from me and disappeared down the hall.

  The sound of her gathering her things sent a shiver along my wires. I wandered into the small kitchen and caught my reflection in the polished metal food storage unit. I ran my hands over my face. I’d be a temptation she couldn’t resist? Why? The question circled around my processors.

  My fingers once again traced the spot her lips had briefly touched. There was nothing visible to show her mouth had contacted my cheek, but I memorized every detail of the encounter. The kiss. The way she made me laugh after. I liked it. I wanted more.

  Marley’s footsteps drew me out of the kitchen. A black bag slung over her shoulder.

  “Where will you stay?”

  “Don’t know, but I’ll find a place to crash.” She squeezed my hand. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.” Marley said the words, but I didn’t quite believe her. I studied her face; dark circles stood out against her pale flesh. The tip of her nose and the whites of her eyes were red. The female had been crying again.

  She stepped around me, careful to avoid brushing against my frame. She made it to the door before full blown panic set in. Stop her! She is hurting. She needs you! The voice screaming in my processors wasn’t one I recognized. I tipped my head to the side as I tried to figure out which part of my programming it was coming from.

  The lapse in attention was all Marley needed. She slipped out the door and vanished.

  My chest drew tight. The artificial heart beneath my metal frame pounded furiously.

  She’s gone.

  I flung open the door and raced into the hall.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Coward, my brain taunted as I fled down the hallway. I couldn’t stay with Acer. At least not tonight. I had been a half-second away from flinging myself at him and using whatever was necessary to get him to remember. Only the look of wonder on his face when I kissed his cheek stopped me.

  My Acer had been a virgin. Was there a step below that? If there was, then this Acer fit the category. He was sweet and shy. A kiss to the cheek nearly blew his processors.

  Knowledge and experience are two very different things. Even with his memory wiped, Acer is still a cyborg. He can search his databanks and gather knowledge on any subject, including sex. Knowledge doesn’t give experience to the subject though. He no longer recalls what’s it like to be inside me or how close the intimacy brought us.

  I swiped away a stray tear. It had been my first time, too. I struggled to process the fact that the cyborg who made love to me was gone, replaced by a version that has no clue what we shared hours before he came back online.

  I won’t lie. Part of me wants to jump his circuits and hope getting down and dirty jogged his memory. The other part knows how dangerous that could be. It would destroy me to make love to Acer only to discover, for him, it was simply sex.

  I needed to go slow. I doubted I could do that if I remained in his quarters. He was my one desire. My safety, the only one who could call me back from the dark.

  But he didn’t know it.

  I turned down a hallway and found myself, once again, outside of the lab. It was late, but cyborgs didn’t sleep. I pushed open the door, and a cyborg unlike anything I had ever seen before stepped out from a room in the back. His blue lips frowned when they took in my disheveled appearance. A green hand landed on my shoulder, and I simply stared at it in confusion.

  “Are you alright, female?” I didn’t respond. Instead, I dropped my gaze to take in his one yellow and one purple foot. They peeked out from beneath black cargo pants, and I watched in fascination as he wiggled his toes which caused a giggle to escape.

  I slapped a hand over my mouth. “Sorry,” I mumbled from behind my fingers.

  His red hand gently grasped my fingers, and I allowed him to tug my hand free from my mouth. “No need to apologize. My appearance usually gets some type of reaction, although no one has ever giggled at me wiggling my toes before.” He offered me a sweet smile.

  I smiled in return. “I’m being horrible, aren’t I?” I held out my hand. “I’m Marley.”

  “Axios,” he said with a smile. “Aria still sometimes slips and calls me rainbow, but I know she means it with affection.” He waved a hand over his frame. “I get why she slips. I do resemble what humans call a rainbow. I have been told it’s a good thing.”

  I took a step back to really get a good look at him. He’s right. He did resemble a rainbow. Maybe not his gray torso, but the rest of him. Blue head, a red and green arm plus one yellow and one purple leg. The assorted colors startling, but somehow, on him, they work. My eyes returned to his yellow foot.

  Acer. His name whispered across my brain and caused my heart to clench. I pressed a palm to the center of chest as I struggled to catch my breath.

  Axios gripped my shoulder a bit tighter. “You never answered me. Are you alright?” Concern flashed in his bright blue eyes.

  “No. Yes. Maybe? I don’t really know at the moment.”

  His brows drew together. “You appear to have been crying. Did another cyborg upset you? Tell the truth. Do not lie to protect them. I will make sure they do not hurt you.” He captured my chin. “Trust me, little female. I have no tolerance for those that hurt females. Especially those under Reaper’s protection.”

  My lower lip trembled. “Um...” The door to the lab suddenly slammed open, and I jumped. A green hand gave me a push, and I found myself behind Axios’s bulky frame.

  “Do not come any closer.” Axios hissed. He wrapped an arm around my waist as he held me close to his frame, making sure I remained safely tucked behind him and away from the threat.

  “She doesn’t need your protection! She has mine.” A familiar voice thundered. “Marley remove yourself from his frame and come to me!”

  I peeked my head around Axios. “Acer?”

  “Acer?” A new voice roared. I swung my head in the direction of the voice. Dax’s green head had popped out from another office in the back. “Why are you back so soon?” Dax’s brilliant green gaze drifted to Axios and how he was holding me tight against his back. His green eyebrows shoot up. “Axios, why are you hugging Miss. Marley to your back?”

  “The female arrived not looking well. I could tell she had been crying. I thought another cyborg might have hurt her. She was about to tell me who, but then Acer stormed into the lab. I may not be a genius like you Dax, but I can put two and two together.” Axios growled low. “Did you hurt this female, Acer? Is that why she ran to the lab, so she could escape you?”

  I patted Axios’s back. “It’s not like that. I swear. Acer didn’t hurt me.” Axios relaxed his grip slightly but he remained planted between Acer and me. I could only guess wha
tever look Acer was giving Axios, it wasn’t a friendly one.

  “Come to me,” Acer ordered one more time.

  I peeked my head out a bit farther from behind Axios’s still unmoving frame. “Seriously, are you sure you don’t remember who you are? Because you are totally acting like him right now.

  Acer curled his fists, a look of frustration on his face. “You left me. I followed you hoping to change your mind. Then I found you,” he pointed a metal finger at Axios. “With him!” He let his finger fall as his shoulders sagged. “I don’t know why, but it is driving my processors crazy.” He rubbed a big palm over his chest, right over the same spot I had clutched moments earlier. “It feels wrong.”

  “Oh, Sunshine. What am I going to do with you?”

  Acer took a step closer. “Stay.” Another step. “With me.”

  I tapped Axios on is shoulder. “It’s alright, Axios. You can let me go.” Axios followed my direction, and I slipped out from behind him. I turned to the multicolored cyborg and gave his arm a squeeze. “Thank you for trying to protect me. You’re a very sweet cyborg.”

  His cheeks darkened to a deeper shade of blue. Most cyborgs were unaccustomed to compliments, but when they received them, they soaked them up like rain after a long drought. I loved watching how they stood a bit taller, and their eyes flashed with pride. Whenever I could, I would dish them out to the cyborgs I worked on. Find something unique about them, something small, maybe something no one had ever noticed before. No two cyborgs were ever alike.

  “You’re welcome. If you should ever need something, don’t hesitate to ask.” Axios pointed a finger at Acer. “Take care of her. For future reference, if you like a female, might I suggest not making them cry. I’ve observed it’s not a way to win their affection.”

  Acer tipped his head. “Thank you for the advice. I will endeavor to follow it.”

  Axios flashed Acer a smile and returned to the office he had appeared from.

  Dax huffed. “Can I go now? Already, my experiment is ruined, and I’ll have to start again.” He shook his head in annoyance.

  “Go ahead, Dax. We’re good.”

  “Thank goodness.” Dax’s head disappeared back through the doorway.

  I held out my hand, and Acer raced to grab it entwining his fingers with mine. He let out a deep breath, followed by a sigh of relief the moment his hand made contact. My touch seemed to relax him at once.

  How was that possible?

  I didn’t have the brain power to process it. Exhaustion hit hard, draining me of the last fumes I had been running on. I stumbled, and Acer caught me. Without warning, he scooped me up and settled me against his chest. I snuggled close, unable to fight the pull of Acer’s warm frame. I brushed my nose over his shirt and dragged in a lung-full of his scent, pleased to know he still smelled the same. Being in his arms and having his scent wrapped around me, I could almost believe he was the cyborg I loved, not a stranger wearing his face.

  “I will return us to my quarters.” He moved along the hall, the gentle sway of his steps made my eyelids grow heavy. I fought the urge to sleep. I wanted to hold on to this moment for as long as I could. When morning came, the truth would be my burden, again. Right here, right now, I could lie to myself.

  “Don’t let me go,” I whispered.

  “I can’t,” he declared softly.

  Those were the last words I heard. My eyes dropped closed as the memories of us chased me into the darkness.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  The female fell asleep in my arms. The weight of her head against my chest sent a pleasant rush of warmth through my frame. Marley had inhaled my scent, her nose ghosted across my shirt, and I had to bite back a groan. Did humans use scents to calm themselves? Did she find my scent appealing? She had made no move to escape my arms, so I assumed she found me acceptable.

  If I sniffed her, would I enjoy it?

  I lowered my head, buried my face in her hair, and inhaled deeply. Her scent hit my circuits and I nearly tripped.

  She mine.

  I took another inhale and let her scent cycle through my systems. I memorized it, stored it deep in my processors so I would always have it with me. Had the old Acer done the same? Did he carry her scent wherever he went, always able to recall what home smelled like?

  I had so many questions, but I didn’t want to hurt the female in my arms. When she hurt, her eyes filled with water, and her cute little nose twitched when she sniffled. I think I would prefer if it twitched because she was enjoying my scent instead.

  I leaned to put her in bed and hesitated.

  You could stay with her.

  Like in bed?


  Could I really? Would she be upset when she woke and discovered me next to her? Would she like it?

  The idea felt scandalous, and I decided I must have liked to live dangerously. I gently laid Marley down and climbed in beside her. I stared at the ceiling and locked my arm across my chest. I didn’t want to accidentally touch her and cause her to wake. The female needed sleep. She would get it.

  Marley turned over and scooted up to my frame. Her leg tried to slip between mine, and she flung her arm over my waist. “Hold me,” she mumbled sleepily. I spread my legs a bit wider and allowed her leg to slide in between as I dropped my arms and wrapped one around her.


  I obeyed and dragged her body on top of my frame. She settled against me with a happy sigh. “Perfect.”

  “Perfect,” I agreed quietly. I didn’t know what the old Acer had done to win her affection; but in that moment, I knew I would do anything to have all my nights spent with her by my side.


  Something large and warm snuggled against my body. And, it was breathing. My body rose and fell with each breath. What the hell? My eyes shot open, and I found Acer’s gold eyes staring back at me.

  “Acer?” I said foggily while I tried to recall what had happened last night. At least I think it was last night. Yesterday’s events slammed through me. The last thing I remembered was Acer holding me, carrying me to his quarters.

  My heart began to pound, my palms grew damp, and I scrambled to get off him. You’d think I’d be happy to wake up in his arms. Happiness wasn’t the emotion I felt at the moment. Pain, sure and swift, raced through my veins. How did we end up like lovers, tangled together in bed? God, how I wanted to be tangled up in bed with him. It took everything in me to not crawl back to him and kiss him until we both lost our breath.

  In my frantic attempt to escape, the sheets wrapped around my legs, and I did an ungraceful swan dive right into the floor.

  “Are you okay?” Acer’s head stuck out over the bed. His gold eyes wide, his mouth hung open as stared at my form sprawled out on the floor.

  My cheeks burned. “I’m fine.” I lifted myself from the ground with a wince. I may be more durable now, thanks to Dax’s formula, but it didn’t take away any of the pain. How do cyborgs tolerate all the blows to their frame? Never mind all the things Global Allegiance subjected them to. Granted, I was all-girl, not metal, and bones weren’t the best shock absorbers.

  I rubbed the back of my head and felt a knot the size of my fist. “Ouch! God damn that hurts. Floor- one. Marley-zero.”

  Acer slid off the bed, his landing much more graceful than mine had been. His hand gently touched the knot, and I let out another wince. He snatched his hand back so quick all I saw was a silver blur. “Sorry.” He raced to the kitchen and came back with a bag filled with ice. Very carefully he pressed it to the knot.

  I shivered. “Cold.”

  He gripped a section of the sheet and ripped. He wrapped the bag of ice in the torn piece of the sheet and placed it back against my head. “Better?”

  “Yes. Thank you.” The sheet helped, but it didn’t completely remove the chill, so my body gave another small shiver.

  Acer’s free arm snaked around the fr
ont of my body and tugged me backwards onto his lap. The warmth of his frame sank into my chilled skin, and I uttered a contented sigh. Then, I remembered this is what got me in trouble in the first place. I no longer could expect Acer to take care of me, to hold me to his frame and make everything alright. It wasn’t fair to him. Sure, he wanted me to stay, but for how long? How long before his current fascination with me ended?

  Without the bond surging through me, I felt unsure and helpless. Confusion, doubt, and fear that his feelings would never return locked me in a state of uncertainty. I also had a healthy dose of lust for the cyborg coursing through me. That made things even more complicated. It felt like my insides had been tossed in a blender with the setting cranked to purée.

  Warm breath tickled the shell of my ear. “You’ve stopped shivering. At least I am doing something right.” A heavy sigh sounded in my ear. “This is all my fault. I should have never got in bed with you, but I didn’t want to leave you. Then you asked me to hold you, and all hope I had of simply resting beside you vanished.” I twisted my head to the side, so I could see his face and watch his eyes darken. “You hurt yourself trying to get away from me.” He slumped his the back against the bed. The hold around my waist loosened.

  I pushed my jumbled mess of emotions to the side, and I really looked at the cyborg who held me. He was Acer, but he wasn’t. He was the cyborg I loved only different. I promised to find him if he became lost. I hadn’t kept that promise. All I did was send him mixed signals. I touched him then pushed him away. I snuggled close to his frame then woke up in a panic when I realized I had been on top of him. I kissed him, made him laugh then fled.

  What had Acer done? He told me he wanted me stay, carried me safely to his quarters, and held me because I asked him to. From the moment he had come back online, I had been so focused on what I lost to see what was right in front of me.

  My Acer was still in there. He couldn’t access his memories, but he was feeling them. He was feeling the pull between us and allowing it to guide him.


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