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Acer Page 21

by Kelsey Nicole Price

  For the first time, I really looked at the Science Model. His formula had not only saved Marley, but Iris as well. I heard he worked tirelessly on Reaper and Rust, saving them from damage that most would consider unfixable. He found a way to help other cyborgs have a family. He was forever kind, despite other cyborgs not being so kind to him. He helped fix me after what I did to Rust. To my shame, I wasn’t sure I would have done the same.

  Dax let go. “You’re welcome, Acer.” The corners of his mouth tipped up. “Not quite an asshole, anymore are you?”

  “Don’t push it, Science Model. Especially when you still hold a needle in your hand that you want to use on my daughter.”

  “Point taken.” He held it up so that Marley and I could get a better look. “This is the formula I administered to Theo to slow his rapid age progression. Aria and Reaper wanted him to grow up at a slower rate so he could be a child a bit longer. He is still far superior to a human child and understands far more than a human would at his age. But if my estimates are correct, he would have reached full maturity in less than two years. Now, he has four more years to mature. I couldn’t grant them more without worrying it would harm Theo, but I gave them what I could.” He glanced down my daughter resting in my arms. “The choice is up to you.”

  I looked at Marley, uncertainty rolling through my circuits.

  Marley let out a breath, her eyes fixed on Ever. “One day, the world outside will come knocking, Sunshine. Our daughter will learn, just because she was born with metal instead of bones, some will view her as less than.” Marley’s eyes filled, and she blinked the tears back. “But that,” she pointed at the needle in Dax’s hand. “That will give her more time. Time to grow up in a place where she will be loved. Wanted. Safe. Time for her to learn how worthy she is. Time for us to teach her that different is okay. That her worth isn’t defined by metal or bone but by her heart. Let’s give her time to build her amor, Sunshine. So when the battle comes, she will be ready to face whatever the world throws at her, and nothing and no one will dim her light.”

  I couldn’t stop the fluid from gathering in my eyes. I glanced at Dax and saw she had affected the Science Model, too. His green eyes were bright, and he gazed at Marley in awe. I knew the feeling. I could only nod my agreement, and I signaled to Dax to give Ever the shot. The slight sting of the needle caused her to cry, and my processors stilled for a second. Then it was over, and I praised her for being such a brave girl. Her eyes flashed, snuggling Quackers to her little frame for comfort.

  Marley reached out and plucked her from me, smothering the spot the needle had pierced on her arm in kisses. The mark already fading, but Marley didn’t stop. She dropped kiss after kiss, trying to ease the slight sting the shot had caused.

  I walked Dax to the door and the green cyborg glanced back to look at Marley and Ever one more time. “She might have broken her heart for you, but you put it back together. Makes me really glad I didn’t wipe your ass a second time after you left her.” My mouth dropped as his green eyes narrowed on mine. “Do something stupid like that again? I will wipe you so fast your head will spin, and I will make sure the only programming you have remaining is to worship the ground they both walk on.”

  I smiled. “Well, it’s a good thing I already do.”

  Epilogue One


  “Let’s allow mommy to sleep a little longer, beautiful girl.” I lifted Ever from her crib and carried her to the living room. Her hands smacked my cheeks as she giggled, and I grinned. I grinned all the time, now. It seemed a permanent fixture on my once unforgiving features.

  With my memories I knew what an asshole I had been. I had hated my frame with a passion. I spent most of my days locked away, despising my reflection, and believing myself to be unlovable.




  The mad cyborg who obsessed over a female who stole his heart.

  Then, I had been the cyborg who forgot. Who didn’t remember hating himself and whose program longed to help other cyborgs instead of kicking the shit out of them. The cyborg I was today was a mix of past and present versions. I found I liked it. I could still be the badass who would kill anyone who threatened my family, but I was now thrilled to have my daughter surrounded by others who would shower her in nothing but love.

  The lost, lonely cyborg now had friends. Had a family.

  I bounced Ever on my knee, my grin widening at the way she laughed. Life was perfect. “Do you want to go see your cyborgs?” and they were her cyborgs. Make no mistake. All of them adored her. Theo growled when anyone threatened to take her away from him when it was his turn to hold her. Cyborgs knocked at our door constantly. They were never here for us. They were at our door for her. Our daughter had won the hearts of everyone at the cyborg rebellion headquarters.

  Ever batted my cheek and looked towards the door. “I’ll take that as a yes. First, let’s let momma know where we are going.”

  I carried Ever to the bedroom and held back a chuckle at the way Marley spread across the bed. Arms and legs tossed haphazardly, some of the blankets pushed off the edge, a wide mess of hair billowed out onto the pillow. I leaned down and brushed a kiss on her temple. “I’m taking Ever to the common room. Join us whenever you are ready, lovely.” I whispered softly into her ear.

  “Not without a kiss for mommy, first,” she replied as her eyes slid open slowly. I brought Ever down to her level.

  “Mama,” she cooed and planted a wet kiss to her cheek.

  “See you soon, my two Sunshines.”

  Our eyes flashed at the same time.

  Marley barked out a laugh. “You two. Like two cyborgs in a pod.”

  “Your cyborgs,” I confirmed.

  “Always.” She declared.


  I stepped into the common room, and my eyes looked for my cyborgs. I found Ever in Viper’s arms. The Technology Model’s face caught between her little yellow hands as he made silly faces at her, making her giggle. Brone waited in the wings, waiting for his turn. In fact, there was a line. Like an honest to goodness line. I shook my head. I began to think I needed to create some type of schedule.

  My other cyborg stood guard. His arms crossed over his chest, his eyes never leaving our daughter as he watched her interaction with Viper. No one would dare to hurt her. They would give their lives to protect her. My Acer knew that, but that didn’t mean he would let her out of his sight.

  His golden eyes met mine and I loved the smile that spread across his features. It was the one reserved for only me. Slow and sweet, full of promise and love. The wires in his arms flashed. They were exposed now. His eyes on full view of everyone in the common room. Not one person battled an eye, used to it, now. They knew his expression was for me. My chest drew tight as his love for me burned within the bond, sending butterflies dancing and my heart pounding. My breath caught. Mine, my mind whispered.

  Our love certainly did not go the traditional route; it was more ‘girl meets cyborg while working for the evil corporation who built him, girl falls for the off-limits cyborg and then spends thirty years with a crazy doctor who, at the end, knocks her up without her knowledge’, love.

  And that’s the condensed version.

  Madness, processor wipes, testy Military Models, heartbreak, accelerated pregnancy, cravings for pancakes and Quackers the Beanie Baby.

  Seriously, I couldn’t make this story up.

  But it was ours.

  Perfectly imperfect.

  And that’s better than any happily ever after.

  Epilogue Two


  A branch smacked across my cheek. “Ugh,” I muttered. “Stupid branch!”

  I loathed the outdoors. I much preferred the safety and security of my lab. Beakers and scanners didn’t try to hurt you. Experiments never let your down. If you didn’t get it right the first time, you could try again.

  And again.

  And again.

life, on the other hand, held so many disappointments. Three of my disappointments were currently shacked up with cyborgs other than me. To be honest, I couldn’t even hate Dash, Reaper and Acer for finding their females. They deserved them. They were good cyborgs. Okay, Acer had taken a bit of time to get there, but he was now excelling at being a wonderful mate and father.

  Yet, I remained alone.

  Me. The most brilliant cyborg ever created. The one and only of his model type. The one whose heart ached to belong to somebody. No, not somebody. A female. A female who would look at me and see my worth. See that I deserved her love.

  I did, didn’t I? It had grown hard to tell. I had been passed over time and time again. As I moved further away, through the dense forest that surrounded the cyborg headquarters, slapping branches out of my way, I tried to figure out just what was so wrong with me.

  What was it about me that made me not a desirable choice? I kicked a rock, sending it flying, as I calculated equations in my processors. Making a female fall in love with you couldn’t be that hard. I must be missing something. Some part of the equation I hadn’t gotten right yet. Lost in thought, I didn’t realize how far from headquarters I traveled. My frame halted as I gazed at the trees around me. I didn’t recognize a single one. Then again, how did one go about recognizing trees anyway? A tree was a tree. End of story.

  “Stupid!” I cursed again. I had done this. I wandered too far from where I knew, and now the greatest cyborg in existence got himself lost—in a forest of all places.

  No matter, I was a cyborg. A superior one at that. I would find my way back. A twig cracked causing my spine to stiffen. I spun in the direction of the sound, my eyes scanning the forest. Something glinted in the sunlight pouring through the canopy of trees. I zeroed in, and with my enhanced eyesight, it was easy to see a small, huddled form trying to hide behind a large tree trunk.

  “Darn it,” a voice said in a hushed whisper. If they were trying to say it so I wouldn’t hear, they failed.

  I straightened to my full height and puffed out my chest like I’d seen Reaper do hundreds of times. My model type designed with more brains than brawn, I could still be a force to be reckoned with. My metal frame could withstand far more than mere human bone and tissue. The strength behind any blow from my fists would cause incredible damage.

  I was faster.

  And definitely smarter.

  “There is no point in hiding. I can see you. Come out slowly and make no sudden moves. Any attempt to harm me would result in more harm coming to you, I assure you.”

  Go, Science Model! That wasn’t half bad. Maybe Reaper was rubbing off on me. Oh God, Reaper was rubbing off on me. Focus Dax! Appear intimidating, my brain ordered, and I complied, putting on my best scowl and planting my feet like I had seen the Military Models do.

  Leaves rustled. “Please don’t hurt me,” a soft voice exclaimed. Fear threaded through every word, and I found I didn’t like the sound of terror.

  I watched in shock as a small female stepped from behind the tree, her hands lifted in surrender, a terrified expression plastered on her face.

  Then, like some strange form of magic, her expression turned from terror to wonder as she locked her eyes on my still frame. “Oh, wow,” she breathed as she pushed the dark glasses she wore back up her nose. “It’s you.” Her form trembled, and this time, I believed it was in excitement not terror.

  She shook her head. “I didn’t think...I mean, I never expected I’d find you.”

  The sound of her voice had me rooted to the spot. I simply stared at the beautiful female whose steps now ate up the forest between us.

  She stopped a mere inch away from my frame and craned her neck to see me better. Warm brown eyes peered up at me from behind a set of black-rimmed glasses. Messy locks of chocolate-colored hair fell loosely around a heart-shaped face. Tiny dots skimmed her nose and cheeks. I fought the desire to touch them.

  The urge struck hard, almost taking me to my knees. I wanted to reach out and run my hands over every inch of her.

  Would she be as soft as she looks? My processors wondered as I forced my arms to remain by my sides.

  She didn’t seem to suffer from my affliction. A small hand reached out and cupped my cheek. “Dax,” she said my name with a sigh.

  Wait! She knew my name. How did she know my name?

  The corners of her full, pink lips rose. “What? Do you think I wouldn’t know the only Science Model in existence? The first cyborg ever created by Dr. Shaw?” She flashed me a wide grin, and my heart sputtered to a stop inside my chest before it restarted with a hard thump, beating faster than I ever thought possible.

  “Oh, my heavens! You must think I was raised in a barn.” Slim, delicate fingers clutched the middle of her chest. “Where are my manners? I haven’t introduced myself!” The fingers on her other hand stretched out towards me, and I placed my large, green hand into hers. “My name is Poe.”

  I didn’t shake her hand. I curled my fingers over hers, needing to hold on to some part of her. Poe. Her name bounced around my circuits on repeat, branding itself into my processors.

  She looked down at the sight of our hands then her eyes trailed back up my frame to rest on my face. Her eyes were soft and full of something my circuits couldn’t process.

  Her voice came out breathless as she declared, “I have waited my whole life to meet you.”

  Cyborg Shenanigans

  End Credits

  Where to Find Me

  (when I’m not being held hostage by cyborgs)

  Whew! We made it! Another cyborg got his HEA! I’ll be honest and say Acer and Marley’s story has been by far the hardest to write. Nothing really went according to plan and very early on I watched my grand idea for Acer and Marley get steamrolled by a certain yellow cyborg and his very vocal female.

  Acer started out as a complete jerk when he arrived in my head. He was rude, pissed off and determined to lock Marley in his room until he got rid of his obsession for her. By the end of Reaper I had begun to see bits of his sweet side come through and by his book the tender side of his personality was ready to be revealed.

  It was all due to Marley. She had always seen past the mix of metal and man to the true cyborg hidden underneath and it allowed him to be who really was. Acer almost immediately softened under Marley’s love and acceptance. Like the Grinch his heart grew three sizes within a few pages.

  Marley on the hand was no longer the completely broken female I found when I met her. She was determined to not waste time dwelling on the nightmares of her past and instead just wanted to enjoy every single moment with Acer.

  Marley and Acer’s conflict was for the most part internal. They took me on a ride and at times I found myself telling them to just get their shit together-lol. They still did what they wanted and in the end I loved their story so much better than the one I had planned out for them.

  My characters drive the bus. Where there are times I want to stage a mutiny and take back the wheel I find they are best at telling their stories and my job is to just write them. So I got out of Marley and Acer’s way and I hope you liked the ride to their much deserved HEA.

  Plan for more cyborg shenanigans in the future, with Dax’s story up next and then Vipers. The cyborg rebellion is in full swing so get your Beanie Babies ready!

  Speaking of Beanie Babies-a quick side note as to why they feature in my books.

  At first, I really just found it funny that cyborgs would get a Beanie Baby. What I didn’t realize at the time is that it would be so much more. I was one of those that collected them during their hay day. My mom, grandmother and I would wait in line to get the latest ones and my grandma stalked McDonalds to get the ones in the happy meals.

  At 21 I brought all mine down to Jamaica and handed them out to a group of elderly women living in a nursing home. These women had nothing but a metal cot and a small box of possessions in a large open room which they had to share. The look of joy on their faces when they got
to choose a Beanie Baby is something I’ll never forget.

  When I give a cyborg their Beanie Baby I’m reminded of good memories and the time I got to pay it a little bit forward. What started out as something funny became something meaningful. So I spend quite a bit of time choosing one for each cyborg and I may have restarted my own Beanie Baby collection.

  So from myself, my cyborgs and all their Beanie Babies I want to give a big thank you to everyone who reads, reviews and supports the cyborg rebellion.

  To my family, friends, my tribe of awesome authors and my readers know that I LOVE YOU ALL from the bottom of my non-mechanical heart❤️ You make my dreams possible! Thank you!

  Want to join the cyborg rebellion?

  Come find me here!


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