Epic Zero: Tales of a Not-So-Super 6th Grader Books 1-3 (Epic Zero Box Set)

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Epic Zero: Tales of a Not-So-Super 6th Grader Books 1-3 (Epic Zero Box Set) Page 17

by R. L. Ullman

  Just then, Order appears, hovering in the air above us. He lands without a sound, and snaps his fingers. Suddenly, we can move again.

  “I suggest you refrain from harming one another,” Order says. “After all, you will soon be working together.”

  “Are you nuts?” Grace exclaims. “I’m not working with him! He took over my entire planet!”

  “Grace, what are you talking about?” I ask, totally confused.

  “Don’t you dare call me by my first name, you tyrant!” she screams back.

  “What?” I say. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “There is nothing wrong with her,” Order says. “For, on her world, you are a tyrant.”

  “Her world? What are you talking about?” I say, more confused than ever.

  “Perhaps I can explain,” Wind Walker says. “For my powers allow me to walk between worlds—and between universes.”

  “Hold on there,” I say. “Are you saying there’s more than one universe?”

  “Yes,” Wind Walker says. “I am certain that you perceive your reality—the here and now—as the only form of reality—as a single, unfolding series of events. But the truth of reality is far more complex. For while we are standing here in our universe, there are other realities co-existing to ours—mirror universes, in a sense—where events still unfold in a chronological manner, but with drastically different outcomes.”

  “So you’re saying there are two of her?” I say, pointing to Grace. The very thought makes me shiver.

  Wind Walker smiles. “Yes, just as there may be hundreds of mirror worlds, there may be hundred of versions of her, just as there may be hundreds of versions of you.”

  “Hundreds of Graces,” I say. “I think you just exploded my brain.” If he’s serious then that would explain why she has brown hair instead of blond. And why her costume is blue instead of crimson. That’s not my sister! It’s some freaky alternate universe version of my sister!

  “So, hang on,” I say. “You mean, on your world I’m like, the king?”

  Grace folds her arms and spits. “I didn’t say king. I said tyrant.”

  “Cool!” I say.

  “Enough,” Order says. “There is little time, and you must learn the rules.”

  Grace shoots me a nasty look. I wouldn’t trade my sister for this version any day of the week.

  Order snaps, and a holographic map segmented by gridlines appears. “You will be battling on Arena World—a planet with varied terrain and extreme weather conditions. Do not underestimate these facts. How you deal with Arena World may ultimately contribute to your victory, or your defeat.”

  Well, that sounds ominous.

  “As I have explained to each of you,” Order continues, “you will be competing against the team of my brother, Chaos, to recover a hidden artifact. This is the artifact you seek.” Order snaps, and a silver cube with an orange glow materializes. “This is the Building Block. I must warn you, the Building Block is not just an object—it is a sentient being. Therefore, you may want to consider it as a player in its own right. And it can be deadly.”

  Great, now we’ve got to fetch a tissue box with attitude problems.

  Order snaps again and the image of Arena World shifts to an image of Earth. “This is a battle with the ultimate stakes. If you are defeated, billions will lose their lives. Today, you will get to know one another and learn how to work together. You will practice as a team, and become familiar with each other’s powers.”

  I peer over at Grace, who’s still giving me the evil eye.

  “And tomorrow,” Order continues, “you will fight for your lives. But, before I depart, I think it is only fair to reveal who you will be facing in combat. Study my brother’s team carefully, and determine your course to victory.”

  He snaps again, and disappears, leaving behind four holographic images of our enemies.

  There’s some villain I don’t know, but is a dead-ringer for a Skelton Blood Bringer.

  And then, there’s Siphon!

  The Overlord!

  And … Mom?


  So much for working as a team.

  After Order dropped the bomb about our competitors, he vanished without a trace. Then, instead of coming together as a team to strategize, the four of us wandered into separate corners. Truthfully, that’s fine by me, because after what’s transpired in the last five minutes, there’s a heck of a lot I need to process.

  First, I still need to wrap my head around this mirror universe thing. It’s hard to imagine there’s some duplicate of me out there doing things I couldn’t even dream of—like, for example, conquering Earth. I mean, how’d something like that even happen? I can’t believe it’s even real.

  But, then again, it’s impossible to write off when a duplicate of my sister is pacing back and forth less than twenty feet away. To keep everything straight in my mind, I’ve labeled her Grace 2—and it’s pretty clear she hates me. I really don’t know how we’re ever going to work together to save Earth.

  And then there’s the other doozy.

  Apparently, we’re going to be fighting Mom!

  I mean, clearly she’s not my mom—my mom’s a hero through and through. So, that means on some bizarre Earth, Mom is a villain! This is like, total insanity! I don’t know if this version of mom is from the same Earth as Grace 2 or not. I guess she could be Mom 2, Mom 3, or Mom 103 for all I know.

  My head is pounding.

  Before Order split, he left behind a buffet with all sorts of food on it. I see Wind Walker and Aries loading up their plates and talking. My stomach is rumbling, so I figure I’d better grab something now. After all, who knows how long it’ll be until I can eat again.

  As I approach, I catch the heroes in mid-conversation.

  “—don’t know if they can work together,” Wind Walker says.

  “Fabulous,” Aries says. “Then we’re as good as dead.”

  “How’s it going, fellas?” I say, grabbing a chicken drumstick.

  Aries looks at me with a serious expression. “If we’re going to have any chance at winning this thing, you’re going to have to bury the hatchet with her.”

  “Me?” I say. “You saw what happened. She’s got the problem, remember?”

  We look over at Grace 2, who’s now sitting with her back against the wall, her head resting on her knees.

  “That may be true,” Wind Walker says. “But it is up to you to solve it. The lives of billions depend on it.”

  “Why is it my job? She started it! I didn’t do anything to offend her, but breathe.”

  I glance back over to see her wiping away a tear.

  Suddenly, my dad’s words pop into my head. “We’re heroes,” Dad said. “We’re sworn to help all of those in need.”

  Sometimes it stinks being the good guy.

  “Fine,” I say, looking at Wind Walker and Aries. “I’ll do it.”

  But how? Out of the corner of my eye, I spy a pile of jelly doughnuts on the table. Maybe …

  I grab a napkin, wrap up a doughnut, and take a deep breath. Then I walk over to Grace 2 and slide down next to her.

  “Jelly doughnut?” I offer. “They’re my sister’s favorite.”

  “Thanks,” Grace 2 says, “mine, too.” She reaches for the doughnut and takes a big bite. “Sorry for attacking you,” she says, talking with her mouth full. “I lost my marbles when I thought you were someone else. But I guess you’re you, and not the person I thought you were.”

  “No problem,” I say. “You really caught me off guard. I mean, I didn’t know about this whole mirror universe thing. It kind of blows my mind when I think about it.”

  “Yeah, me too,” Grace 2 says. “It’s weird.”

  I study her closely as she chews. Except for her brown hair, she’s the spitting image of my sister, even down to the freckles on her nose.


  “So,” I say, “if you don’t mind me asking. Was that your mom
up there? I mean, mine’s a hero on my world.”

  Grace 2 breathes out. “Yeah, that’s my mom—Ms. Understood. I haven’t seen her since she and my dad got divorced.”

  “Divorced?” I exclaim.

  “Yeah,” Grace 2 continues. “She used to be a superhero, but then turned into a villain. My dad was pretty bummed about it, so much so that he actually hung up his tights. Especially after—well, after you became supreme ruler and outlawed all superheroes.”

  “I did what?”

  “Outlawed all heroes,” Grace 2 repeats. “You offered a bounty to anyone that brought you a superhero. And once you got them, you cancelled their powers—permanently. It then became a free-for-all for the villains, who pretty much did whatever they wanted. They started forming these Meta gangs, marking their turf. But there’s still an underground group of heroes like me that work day and night to stop you. We call ourselves the Freedom Force. And one day, we’re going to take you down and set the world right again.”

  I watch her get more and more agitated as she speaks.

  “Hang on,” I say. “Remember, it’s not me who’s doing this. It’s your brother on your world.”

  “Sorry,” she says, deflating. “You’re right. This whole thing is so overwhelming. And then to see my mom up there …”

  “Hey,” I say, putting my hand on her shoulder. “I get it. But we’re the heroes, right? We need to save the day when others won’t.”

  She smiles at me, “You’re right. I guess if we’re going to work together, we should put this behind us, shouldn’t we?”

  She reaches out her hand, and we shake.

  “By the way, Elliott,” she adds, “you’re blond in my universe.”

  “What?” I say. “You’re kidding?”

  As we stand up, we’re joined by Wind Walker and Aries. Aries gives me a nod. “We good?” he asks.

  “Yeah,” I say. “We’re good.”

  “Excellent,” says Wind Walker. “Now we must learn about each other’s powers and abilities.”

  “And that is precisely why I have returned,” comes Order’s voice from above, spooking the pants off of us.

  “I’m getting tired of this guy,” Grace 2 whispers.

  “Prepare yourselves,” Order says.

  Suddenly, all of the gold doors around the chamber pop open.

  “I don’t have a good feeling about this,” Aries says.

  “This exercise will not be as difficult as the task you will face tomorrow,” Order says. “Nonetheless, it should prove quite … educational.” And with that, he disappears.

  “Close ranks,” Wind Walker says, and we all gather back-to-back in the center of the room, awaiting the arrival of whatever nightmare Order is about to throw at us.

  We stand there for what feels like an eternity. I take a deep breath. These guys are counting on me to pull my weight, but I can’t even control my powers. I need to make sure that when I use them, I don’t accidentally cancel out theirs.

  That is, as long as whatever it is we’re about to face even has Meta powers. Because if it’s anything else, then I’m essentially useless.

  Just then, we hear beeping—lots of loud, high-pitched beeping. Like there’s some big hullabaloo among a bunch of—

  “Robots!” Grace 2 yells.

  Robots. Of course, robots.

  I’m about to inform my teammates that I’ll be as useful as a pinecone, when the mechanical monsters are on top of us. They’re big and fast. I barely catch their features—menacing red eyes, pincer-like arms, and spiked, spinning wheels—as they head straight for us.

  I dive out of the way in the nick of time, as a bot slides past me, leaving behind a giant skid mark.

  This isn’t good! My powers don’t work on robots!

  But, apparently, they’re no problem for my teammates.

  Aries holds his ground, shattering robot after robot with his powerful fists! Wind Walker’s opened some kind of mystical void around his body that’s like a roach motel—robots check in, but they don’t check out! And Grace 2 has taken to the air, picking up robots one by one, and dropping them to their doom from terrifying heights!

  We’d probably get out of this mess if it wasn’t for the fact that the robots just keep coming—wave after automated wave.

  I’m pretty much dead meat sitting here, so I pick myself up and bolt towards Wind Walker. Maybe he can protect both of us with that rift thing he’s got going on. I make it halfway when I suddenly realize my feet aren’t touching the ground anymore.

  I’m floating! With a robot latched onto each arm!

  I try to pull free, but their grip is too strong.

  “Help!” I call, but the other heroes have their hands full.

  We’re cruising at a good clip when the robots suddenly change course. Before us is a giant column in the corner of the chamber—a thick, marble column.

  “Put me down!” I yell.

  But they don’t listen. Instead, they make a bee-line straight for it, which can only mean one thing.

  They’re going to smash me against it!

  We pick up speed!

  We’re going so fast I can’t even speak, my face is stretched back like I’m nose-diving in an airplane. The column is getting closer and closer. We’re going to crash!

  I close my eyes.

  And one overriding thought takes over.


  Suddenly, there’s a deafening SCREECH, and I’m jerked forwards. The robots release their grip, and I go flying head over heels, landing inches away from the base of the column.

  What happened?

  I turn, to find the two robots standing stock-still behind me—stopped dead in their tracks.

  I thought it …

  … and they did it?

  But that’s not my power? My powers only work on Metas. I-I haven’t been able to do that since … since …




  “Epic!” Grace 2 calls from above. “Are you okay? Sorry I couldn’t get here faster.”

  “Yeah,” I say, standing up. “I’m good.”

  “Nice work,” she says, landing beside me. “Funny, your powers are exactly the same as my brother’s.”

  “Really?” I say. For some reason, that gives me a weird feeling, but I can’t put my finger on why. I’m just so confused right now.

  Seconds later, we’re joined by Aries and Wind Walker. There’s a mountain of robot parts behind them.

  “Everyone okay?” Aries asks.

  “Yep,” Grace 2 says. “We’re fine. I guess we showed those tin-bots a thing or two.”

  “Indeed,” Wind Walker says. “But we fought as individuals. If we are going to be victorious tomorrow, we will need to fight as a team.”

  “I agree,” Aries says. “Otherwise, we’ll have no chance. I’m pretty clear on your powers,” he says looking at Wind Walker and Grace 2. “But what exactly do you do?” he says, looking at me.

  “Me?” I say, stalling for time. “Great question.” What do I tell him? My Meta Manipulation powers can cancel the powers of other Metas. But that doesn’t explain what I just did to those robots who don’t have powers.

  “He’s omnipotent,” Grace 2 says. “Just like my brother on my world.”


  “Omnipotent?” Aries says. “What’s that mean?”

  “It means all powerful,” Grace 2 says. “If he thinks it, it’ll happen. Isn’t that right, Epic?”

  All powerful? Wait a minute. Is that what the Orb of Oblivion is—omnipotent? And it’s … inside of me.

  “Epic?” Grace 2 repeats.

  I look up to find them staring at me. “Yeah,” I say. “That’s right.”

  “Well, then” Aries says, breaking into a huge smile. “Now I see why Leo wanted you. I guess we don’t have anything to worry about.” He puts his big hand on my shoulder. “We’ve got Epic Zero.”

  “Right,” I say, faking a smile. “I guess we do.”


  Let’s just say Order was less than impressed.

  He muttered something about picking the wrong group of heroes, and then sent us back to our rooms to rest up for tomorrow’s battle to the death. That’s okay by me because, honestly, I’m still not sure what happened out there.

  It’s no secret I was in serious danger with those robots out there. I mean, I thought I was going to croak! But, instead, the Orb of Oblivion took over.

  Believe me, I’m grateful to be alive. But, I’m also freaking terrified.

  Especially after hearing what Grace 2 had to say. Because if she thinks her brother’s powers are like mine, then I’m going to have a bigger fight on my hands then finding the Building Block. After all, her brother is pure evil.

  Of course, he and I aren’t the same person. I mean, I suppose it’s possible that I’m just a good guy and he’s a natural psychopath. A good example of that is Mom—she’s a hero on my world, but a villain on Grace 2’s world. But there’s also another possibility.

  One that’s less pleasant to think about.

  Maybe he was good just like me, but then turned evil. Not because he wanted to be a villain, but because he couldn’t help it—because he was corrupted—by a second Orb of Oblivion.

  The thought sends a chill down my spine.

  Two Orbs of Oblivion?

  It’s staggering to even consider it. But the more I think about it, the more I realize it must be true.

  How else could he have become king? I mean, my powers are strong, but not that strong! And how else could he permanently cancel a Meta’s powers? Grace 2’s words echo in my mind: If he thinks it, it’ll happen.

  Isn’t that how the Orb works?

  So, if that’s also true for him …

  I think back to what happened with those robots, and remember the Watcher’s words: the Orb took whatever steps were necessary to ensure its own survival. It’s pretty clear. The Orb wouldn’t let me die because it wanted to save itself!

  And then I realize what’s really happening. The Orb is using me—resting inside of me—gathering its strength. And when it’s ready, it’s going to make its move.

  Sweat drips down my forehead.

  I mastered it before, but what if it’s too strong this time? What if it turns me into a monster? What if it takes over my mind, and I become a puppet—a shell of a person—existing only to do its bidding?


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