Epic Zero: Tales of a Not-So-Super 6th Grader Books 1-3 (Epic Zero Box Set)

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Epic Zero: Tales of a Not-So-Super 6th Grader Books 1-3 (Epic Zero Box Set) Page 25

by R. L. Ullman

  I try making sense of what just happened. I can’t believe Dad 2 has given up. I mean, he’s not my dad, but he’s still Captain Justice for Pete’s sake! The leader of the freaking Freedom Force! Suddenly, Wind Walker’s words ring truer than ever: nothing is as it seems.

  Dog-Gone races down the block and peels off between two abandoned houses. I’m probably a block behind him, so I dig deep and try to pick up speed. I don’t know how he tracked me down, but boy I’m glad he did. Right now, a friendly face is exactly what I need.

  I hit the spot where he turned off, but Dog-Gone is nowhere to be found.

  “Dog-Gone?” I whisper. What happened to that mutt? Did he take off, or did something bad happen to him? I look around for clues, like footprints, doggie doo—anything—when something plows into me from behind, taking out my legs!

  I land hard on my rear with a thud. But before I can react I feel hot breath, accompanied by a low, threatening growl.

  “Dog-Gone?” I say. “What are you doing?” Dog-Gone’s head appears inches from my face, and I’m staring at razor-sharp teeth. Clearly, he’s not so happy to see me.

  “Whoa, boy,” I say. “It’s me, Elliott, your mas … ter.”

  And then it hits me. This isn’t my Dog-Gone. It’s Dog-Gone 2! And based on his incredible sense of smell, he knows I’m not his Elliott!

  He growls again—a menacing, throaty growl.

  “Hang on,” I plead. “I never tricked you. You saved me, remember?”

  Another growl.

  “Look, we both know I’m not your Elliott. But that doesn’t mean I’m a bad person. I’m just looking for your master. Do you know where he is?”

  Suddenly, he lets out a high-pitched whimper.

  What’s going on? Why is he reacting that way? Hold on. I would never, ever let my Dog-Gone roam the streets alone, unsupervised. He could get hurt. And this world is way more dangerous than mine.

  So, maybe that means …

  “Is your Elliott missing?”

  Dog-Gone 2 bows his head, and lets out another whimper.

  He is missing!

  “Look, boy,” I say. “That’s why I’m here. I’m trying to find your Elliott too. Maybe we can work together and figure out where he is? What do you say?”

  The German Shepherd studies me with his big, brown eyes. I try to look trustworthy. After all, I’m not going to tell him I’m only here to steal the Orb of Oblivion.

  I feel a wet slobber on my chin.

  I guess that’s a yes!

  Dog-Gone 2 backs up and I get to my feet. “Okay, maybe we should start with where you saw him last.”

  The mutt nods and takes off again. Great, a dog that’s even more impulsive than mine! I don’t know where we’re heading, but my thoughts are completely scattered.

  I mean, what could have happened to Elliott 2?

  Maybe somebody took him out? But if he has the Orb of Oblivion, then whoever did that must be pretty powerful.

  Or, maybe the Orb took over his mind? I know how powerful the Orb can be, and my greatest fear was always losing control. It’s possible he’s lost the battle and the Orb is doing whatever it wants using Elliott 2 as its host.

  The very thought makes me shudder.

  I catch up with Dog-Gone 2 who’s waiting for me behind a tall hedge. He’s panting lightly, meanwhile, my lungs are burning. You’d think after all the times I’ve run from danger, I’d have more endurance by now.

  “I-Is … this w-where … y-you saw him last?” I wheeze.

  Dog-Gone nods his head ‘yes,’ and walks to the other side. As I round the corner I find him standing stock-still, staring straight ahead. Instantly, my stomach sinks and I realize this mission is going to be a heck of a lot harder than I ever imagined.

  Because rising before us is a monstrous structure resembling a steel octopus.



  Well, this is the last place I thought I’d ever be.

  On my Earth, Lockdown is the Meta-Maximum Federal Penitentiary designed to keep the world’s most dangerous super-powered villains under lock and key. Essentially, it’s where the good guys put away the bad guys—for good. So, to say I’m shocked by what I’m seeing is a gross understatement.

  The inmates have taken over the asylum.

  Lockdown looks like an ant farm for costumed criminals. They’re manning guard towers, patrolling the walls—even guarding the front gates! There isn’t a superhero or law enforcement officer in sight.

  I glance over at Dog-Gone 2 who’s busy relieving himself on a nearby tree. I had asked that flea bag to take me to the last place he saw Elliott 2, but I never thought it would be here. Maybe he misheard me?

  I mean, if he’s like my Dog-Gone, he has what I’d call ‘selective hearing.’ If you’re miles away and open a bag of potato chips he’s by your side in a flash, but if you ask him to get his snout out of the trash can it’s like his ears are suddenly stuffed with cotton. Go figure.

  “Dog-Gone,” I whisper. “Are you sure about this? Remember, I asked you to take me to where you saw your master last.”

  Dog-Gone nods, and turns back to Lockdown.

  Freaking. Wonderful.

  Not only do we need to break into an impenetrable prison controlled by super-powered villains, but we also need to get Elliott 2 out before we’re caught, killed, or all of the above. Sounds like a suicide run.

  “We need a plan,” I say, looking to the heavens for inspiration. “And since I’ve got the bigger brain, I guess it’s up to me. Let’s figure this out. We need to get inside without being seen, which should be easy for you. Unfortunately, we just can’t march up to the front gates and—”

  I hear a rustling noise. The next thing I know, Dog-Gone 2 is wading through the underbrush and heading straight for Lockdown’s front gates! And he’s not invisible!

  I duck behind the hedges. “Dog-Gone!” I whisper firmly. “Dog-Gone, come! Get back here! Bad dog!”

  But it’s too late, he’s halfway to the gates by now. I hear shouting when the watch tower guards finally see him. That’s fine, he can get caught if he wants to, but not me. No siree Bob! I’m getting out of here while I still c—

  Wait a minute! What’s he doing? Why is he turning around and facing me? He’s just standing there, using his nose like a pointer.

  That mongrel! He’s selling me out! I’ve got to split!

  But it’s too late.

  The Super-Speedsters reach me first. I recognize them from their Meta-profiles: Speed Demon, Whirlwind, Break-Neck. Then the Flyers drop in: Atmo-Spear, Dark Storm, Bicyclone, Terrible Tempest. Then come all the rest—waves of them.

  I’m completely surrounded.

  “Hey, it’s great to see you guys,” I say. “How’s the family?”

  Just then, a pack of villains split apart, and a masked figure wearing a long, dark robe approaches. He looks me up and down through the white slits in his black mask. “Your Excellency,” he says, with a grisly voice. Then he bends in a slight bow. “We are thankful for your safe return.”

  Your Excellency? Is he talking to me? Wait a minute! That voice. I know that voice! “Shadow Hawk?” What’s he doing at Lockdown?

  “Of course, your Excellency,” he says, looking surprised. “Where else would I be? I see Dog-Gone found you. Fortunately, that saves us from paying a large bounty, although now I’m sure I need to find a lifetime supply of dog biscuits. So, where did you wander off to? And if you don’t mind me asking, what happened to your hair?”

  My hair? I reach up and touch my head. Wait a minute, my hair! They think I’m Elliott 2—the ruler of this world! So, that means Shadow Hawk 2 must be evil too. This is so weird, but I’ve got to play along!

  “I went for a stroll,” I say.

  “Three weeks is quite a long stroll, your Excellency,” Shadow Hawk 2 says, his eyes narrowing. “And your hair?”

  Okay, think fast. I need an excuse for why I’m not blond. “Oh, I ran
into some weird Meta 1 hero named Color Clash. He turned my hair brown, so I made sure he saw black and blue.”

  “I see,” he says, looking at the villains around us. “Perhaps we should discuss this at a more appropriate time. Why don’t we head back to Lockdown. You seem tired and I’m sure you’re hungry. Besides, in your absence we found something I’m sure will pique your interest. Shall we?”

  I nod, and he leads us towards the prison. The villains fall in line, as does Dog-Gone 2 who pads next to me with his head held high.

  “Okay,” I whisper. “Maybe you have the bigger brain. But next time, warn me first.”

  Dog-Gone 2 let’s out an “I-told-you-so” growl as we march straight through the front gates. I peer up at the main building and think back to the last time I was here—with K’ami.

  This is where the Worm brainwashed and freed an army of the Meta 3 prisoners. This is where we fought the Blood Bringers over the Orb of Oblivion. This is where K’ami died.

  It’s strange how often I dream about that day, but no matter how many times I relive it, it always ends in the same nightmare—with me holding K’ami’s lifeless body. K’ami sacrificed her life for me—for all of us. I wonder if I could do the same.

  As we enter the main building, I hear her voice, calmly saying: Never show weakness.

  And she’s right. On the outside, I keep a poker face, but inside I’m a mess. I mean, I’m being escorted inside a flipping prison by a bunch of Meta prisoners! This wasn’t exactly the plan I had in mind. But it’s not like I’ve got better options.

  We walk through several dimly lit hallways until we reach a security checkpoint. Shadow Hawk 2 swipes a card and the doors open into another hallway lined with dozens of cell doors. A sign above reads: Former Hero Wing 5: Official Access Only.

  Former Hero wing? What does that mean?

  Shadow Hawk 2 continues down the hall. As we pass by each cell, I read the signs:

  Cell#27: Magnet Man – ex-Meta 2: Former member of the Hero Hive. Used to control magnetic objects. Is permitted to use silverware at mealtimes.

  Cell#28: Electric Defender – ex-Meta 3: Former member of the Strike Force. Once able to fire electricity from his body. Is permitted to shower daily.

  Cell#29: Blue Bolt – ex-Meta 3: Former member of the Freedom Force. Once able to move at super speed. Is allowed outdoor exercise once per day.

  Blue Bolt? Or rather, Blue Bolt 2?

  I stop and look inside the window. Blue Bolt is sitting Indian-style on the floor, her head hung low. She looks weak—broken.

  Suddenly, Shadow Hawk 2 is by my side. “Pathetic, isn’t she?”

  Anger wells up inside me, but I can’t blow my cover.

  “She’s powerless?” I ask.

  “Completely,” Shadow Hawk 2 says. “You saw to that, remember?”

  Me? That’s right! Back on Arena World, Grace 2 told me my evil double used his powers to render heroes powerless. Now what Captain Justice 2 said about having his powers cancelled makes perfect sense! I can’t look surprised.

  “Of course, I remember,” I say. “How long has she been in there?”

  “I don’t know,” he says. “Three months, maybe four. But don’t worry, we’re not feeding her much. Were only keeping her around until her friends inevitably try to rescue her. Once we capture them, we’ll dispose of her like all the rest. Thank goodness heroes are so predictable.”

  “Y-you mean you’re using her as … bait?”

  “Yes, of course,” he says, throwing me a suspicious look. “Those were your orders.”

  “Right,” I say quickly. “Sorry, it’s been a long week.”

  “Three weeks,” Shadow Hawk 2 reminds me. “But your strategy has been very effective. Since you went on your little stroll, we’ve captured every member of the Do-Gooders, the Great Samaritans, the Honor Roll, and sixteen out of twenty members of the Liberty Legion.”

  I know those teams! On my world, they’re all superhero teams. Mostly Meta 1’s and 2’s, but still, they’re good guys. This is completely nuts!

  “But, we’re still working on the grand prize,” he continues. “Come, I have more to show you.”

  I take one last look at Blue Bolt 2. This is worse than I thought. But even I have to admit it’s a brilliant strategy. I mean, no respectable hero could sit back and watch their comrades suffer like this.

  Unless, of course, you’re Captain Justice 2.

  We pass the cells of other fallen heroes. But right before the exit, something catches my eye. There’s a flash of movement, and then a face presses against the glass window.

  Yellow eyes follow me as I move down the hallway. I swear I’ve seen those eyes before. But where?

  And then it hits me—Alligazer!

  I flinch, fearing I’ll be turned to stone. But then I realize if he’s in here, he’s powerless!

  We reach the final set of double doors and I get an incredible sense of déjà vu. The last time I walked through here, I fought the battle to end all battles. Who knows what’s waiting for me this time?

  Shadow Hawk 2 swipes again, and the doors open.

  A familiar courtyard stretches out before us. It’s massive in size and open to the night sky. This time, there are rows and rows of chairs set out, all facing a giant, golden chair situated on a platform.

  Shadow Hawk 2 steps to the side and motions. “Your throne, your Excellency.”

  My throne? Well, okay then. I smile and make my way over to the platform.

  Just then, doors open on all sides of the courtyard, and hundreds of costumed creeps come spilling out. I’ve never seen so many bad guys in one place before. They line up in front of the chairs, their right hands across their hearts.

  Um, okay. What’s going on?

  Shadow Hawk 2 approaches quickly and whispers in my ear. “Your Excellency, they will not sit until you do.”

  “Oh, yes, of course,” I say. Then I step up onto the platform and sit in the chair.

  The villains follow suit.

  Dog-Gone lies in front of me, forming a furry barrier between me and the crooks.

  Hundreds of evil eyes are fixed on me. I feel really, really uncomfortable. I mean, what am I supposed to do now?

  The next thing I know, Shadow Hawk 2 appears by my side and starts speaking. “My vile friends, thank you for putting aside your personal differences to join us for a most historic occasion. I am aware that many, if not all of you have attempted to further your positions during the temporary absence of our liege. But, as you can see, he has returned and is stronger than ever.”

  I sit up and try to look dangerous.

  “Now,” Shadow Hawk 2 continues. “Let’s waste no more time. Let’s get to the main event, the reason you are all gathered here today.”

  The criminals start buzzing. Something big is about to happen.

  “Henchman!” Shadow Hawk 2 calls. “Bring forth the cage.”

  Suddenly, a door opens, and two strongmen enter the courtyard carrying a large, square-shaped object covered by a cloth. All eyes are on it as they place it in front of the platform.

  “Watch and be warned!” Shadow Hawk 2 says. “For if you fail to comply with the commands of our King, what happens next may happen to you!”

  Um, okay.

  “Now,” Shadow Hawk 2 says. “Bear witness to the power of our King, as he renders another Meta hero powerless!”

  Wait! What?

  “Unveil the captive!”

  Everyone rises as the cover is ripped off the box.

  “Now, Your Excellency,” Shadow Hawk 2 shouts. “Destroy the girl!”

  The villains erupt in a deafening cheer.

  To my horror, trapped inside a metal cage is a frightened, brown-haired girl wearing a blue costume with white stars.

  It’s Grace 2!


  I think this is called ‘irony.’

  I mean, I’ve been looking for Grace 2 everywhere, and now, she’s here—delivered to me on a s
ilver platter! Of course, she’s locked in a cage surrounded by hundreds of Meta villains who are cheering me on to remove her powers. So, it’s not exactly the warm and fuzzy reunion I was hoping for.

  “Zero her out!” comes a cry from the crowd.

  “Filet that Flyer!” comes another.

  Grace 2 looks at me, her blue eyes wide with fear.


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