The Woman in the Pyjamas

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The Woman in the Pyjamas Page 5

by Sarah Pond

  'Put me up to what?' Kate looked at her innocently.

  'Flattering me.'

  Kate rolled her eyes and smiled, 'You've got to ease up on yourself, girl. It is okay to just accept a compliment, you know!'

  Then Daisy found herself telling Kate all about Stephen and the end of their marriage, and how it had floored her, along with what little confidence she'd previously had. Then Kate shared how her long term relationship had come to an abrupt end, and how heartbroken she had been, to the point where she didn't think she would ever feel love again. Listening to Kate share her story, Daisy didn't feel quite as alone as she had before.

  Kate looked sad for a moment, and Daisy reached out to squeeze her hand. 'Thank you.'

  Kate sat up straight, 'I was like you were for a long time, then I started to learn to have fun again. Over time, things got easier, and I started to date again.'

  'Are you with someone at the moment?'

  'Not just now. Still, for this evening, you are delightful company! You're a good dancer, too.'

  Daisy laughed, 'You're not flirting with me are you?'

  Kate had a cheeky glint in her eye, 'Would you mind if I was?'

  Daisy smiled. She rather liked the attention, it was an unusual feeling for her. 'Actually, no. But you know I'm not here to meet anyone. And I like guys.'

  'Yeah, I know. I can help you relax a bit, though. Talk to me as if you were talking to Ryan.'

  Daisy shook her head, 'I'd feel silly.'

  'You're over thinking things. Sometimes you need to just go with the moment.' With that, Kate leaned in and kissed Daisy. She was gentle, and had the softest lips. Daisy was so taken by surprise, that she went with it. When Kate pulled back, she smiled at Daisy, who stared at her, eyes as wide as a bush baby. Kate laughed. 'You don't have to look so worried. Look, I was just trying to show you what I meant.'

  Suddenly, Daisy started laughing. 'You know, I can't remember the last time I was kissed like that. You've just made my evening!'

  'Come on, let's go and dance.' Kate led the way back to the dance floor.

  Feeling looser and lighter, and with a kick to her ego, Daisy smiled and danced, really letting rip. It felt good to let go, to really let go. After feeling so nervous at the beginning of the evening, Daisy was pleased that Eve had made her go out.

  Eve was sitting near the bar, enjoying a virgin cocktail, smiling as she watched her friend. She really hoped that with a bit more confidence, Daisy would start to go out more. Her life had been all work and Jess, it was about time she started doing more for herself. Over these last few weeks of fun dares, she had noticed that Daisy was more relaxed around Jess, and seemed to have more patience generally.

  When Eve and Daisy were leaving, they hugged Kate goodbye. 'Good luck with Ryan. Remember, just go with it.'

  'Thank you, and thanks for the chat and everything.' Daisy was really grateful for Kate's support.

  'You're welcome. By the way, it was a great kiss! Ryan's a lucky guy.' She winked at Daisy.

  Eve's eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

  Stepping outside, there was a cool stillness in the air. It seemed so quiet without the throbbing music beating away. Daisy thanked Eve for making her go out. 'I had a really good time. You were right, it did feel good to let my hair down.'

  'You certainly did seem to do that all right! Was there anything you wanted to tell me?'

  Daisy looked at Eve quizzically, 'I don't think so. It was a really good evening. It felt good to dance, too.'

  Eve was exasperated, 'Oh my god. The kiss?'

  Daisy laughed, 'Oh that.'

  'Yes, that! Well?' She almost fell off the end of the question in anticipation.

  'Kate was so sweet. I was telling her about Ryan. She was explaining about being in the moment, and not over thinking things. I think she made her point well!'

  Daisy looked like the cat that got the cream, and all Eve could do was laugh. She was thrilled to see her friend looking so happy.

  Lying in bed that night, Daisy replayed the conversation with Kate. She had been really sweet, and Daisy did feel a surge of confidence. She would love to kiss Ryan as easily as Kate had kissed her. She thought again of the dream she'd had about Ryan. Daisy wished the alarm hadn't gone off at that precise moment. Still, it was a dream, what was the chance that Ryan really wanted to kiss her, especially when there were plenty of younger and prettier women at work. She sighed. Well, it didn't hurt to dream.

  'Ooh, I like your hair, it looks fab!' Cheryl smiled at Daisy.

  'Thank you. It was time for a change. The magazines you brought in were really helpful, too.'

  At the hairdressers, Daisy smiled at Heather as she came over. 'Hi, how are you?'

  'Good thanks.'

  'So, what are we doing today, same as usual?' They had the conversation through the mirror, as Heather stood behind Daisy's chair.

  'Actually, I think it's time for a change. I want something a bit more fun and easy to manage. I did find a few cuts I liked in some mags.'

  They had a chat about some styles, and once Daisy was happy with her choice, Heather started snipping away. Forty five minutes later, Daisy was smiling at the new version of herself in the reflection. The neat bob was gone, and in its place was a choppy, shorter look, which reflected the different shades of Daisy's blonde hair, and accentuated her face. Daisy was beaming, 'I love it! Thank you so much.'

  'I have to say, it does look more you, somehow. You look like more of a Daisy now!'

  Daisy looked at her reflection, as Heather held the mirror up to show her the back. Yes, she looked more herself. For a moment, she caught a glimpse of the girl she had been growing up. She also noticed that the new cut definitely made her look younger. This felt good, and Daisy felt as though she was walking on air as she glided out of the salon.

  Daisy was heading to Accounts when she saw Ryan walking the other way. They smiled at one another as they passed, and Daisy felt her heart beating faster. She flushed as the remembered dream flooded into her mind. If she had stopped to turn around, she would have seen Ryan turning back to look at her.

  It was a couple of days later when Daisy saw Ryan again. 'I like your new haircut, it really suits you.'

  'Thank you.' Daisy felt herself blushing.

  Ryan was about to say something else, when Dan walked in. Daisy couldn't help a flash of irritation. Is he Ryan's shadow, for goodness sake, he always seems to be within a few feet of him.

  'Like your hair.'

  'Thanks, Dan.'

  'You look really good.' Daisy was flattered to see that he really meant it, rather than saying it for politeness.

  'Thanks.' Daisy turned to try and catch a glance at Ryan, but he was facing away, and she could only see his back. She was sure that he was about to say something else when Dan had walked in. Though what did she expect? They were barely acquainted colleagues, he was probably going to ask her whether the kettle had just boiled.

  A few evenings later, Eve asked Daisy, 'So what does Ryan think of your new haircut?'

  Daisy sighed, 'He did say he liked it, but so did lots of other people. I really don't think he notices me in that way.'

  'Well, the main thing is that you like it. Maybe Ryan doesn't want to say too much for the same reason you don't.'

  Daisy had decided that she wasn't going to put her life on hold on account of someone else. Ryan could be her little office fantasy, but she certainly wasn't going to moon over him, and wait around to get noticed.

  Since going to see Helen, the stylist, Daisy was beginning to get used to dressing for herself, rather than what she thought someone else would like. Stephen had liked to see her wearing skirts and dresses, and she generally wore more formal clothing. Looking back, probably old fashioned would have been more accurate. Sometimes Daisy wondered how she and Stephen had ended up together, they really didn't seem to have much in common at all. Then again, they say that opposites attract.


  'Hi, mind
if I sit here?'

  Daisy looked up at the tall and rangy dark haired man. 'No, please do.'

  It was at a works party, not the company that Daisy worked for now. 'I'm Stephen, pleased to meet you.' As she shook hands with him, Daisy noticed how big they seemed on the end of his long arms.

  'Daisy,' she smiled shyly.

  He smiled back, 'That's a really pretty name.'

  Now that Stephen was sitting level with her, she saw that he had really kind eyes. 'Thank you.'

  At the time, Daisy hadn't thought it was a cheesy pick up line. She saw it for the genuine complement that it was. Over the course of the evening, they chatted for hours. Daisy mixed with other people too, but Stephen kept coming back to find her. It turned out that he was a friend of one of her colleagues, she thought she hadn't seen him at work. It was a big company though, and it was still possible to meet people for the first time who had worked there as long as Daisy had.

  When later they danced together, and the songs slowed down, Stephen held Daisy close. She felt safe with him, and the arms that she had thought of as skinny now felt strong to her. Later on, she had told Stephen that it was while dancing that she had begun to fall for him.


  Daisy didn't really dance nowadays. She used to so love dancing, usually with Stephen. Since they had broken up, she hadn't even thought about it. Until now. Going to the club had been a lot of fun, and it had felt so good to dance again. Daisy told Eve that her next challenge for herself was to go to a dance class. One evening she turned on her laptop to have a look for classes in her area. After a bit of searching, she found a class that would fit with her schedule. Evenings and weekends weren't ideal, as she would have to get a babysitter. Friday was her only day off, so that narrowed down her choices. Eve worked Monday to Friday, so this was something that Daisy would do on her own. She quite liked the thought of it. Something that was just hers.

  The zumba class was held in a local sports centre. Daisy was a bit nervous about going on her own, but she was determined to do it, so holding her head high, she strode into the entrance. It was a tall glass fronted building, and looked shiny and new. She made her way to reception to book her place, feeling pleased with herself for coming along. Heading upstairs towards the fitness studios, she hoped that she would find the right room, now some of her confidence was beginning to fade. There were a few people milling around, and Daisy asked whether she was in the right place as there were a few studios there. An older lady said, 'Yes, we're all here for zumba. Is this your first time doing it?'

  Oh good, a friendly person. 'Yes. Have you been doing the class long?'

  'Quite a long time, now. It's really good fun, you'll enjoy it.'

  They made their way into the studio, which had floor to ceiling mirrors along one whole wall. Daisy didn't relish the prospect of watching herself dancing. Still, she was here now, and wasn't about to back out.

  The instructor arrived, greeting everyone. She was a very vibrant and attractive woman, with bronzed skin and a dancer's physique. Her dark curly hair was cropped short, except for a heavy fringe that fell over her face. She wore loose trousers with a bright orange sports top, and already Daisy was feeling very unfit. More people had arrived, and they smiled at Daisy. Well, she thought, it certainly seems very friendly here. The instructor greeted more people, and seemed to know many of them by name. 'How is everyone today? I'm Florence, for those of you who don't know me. If everyone's ready, we'll get started.'

  The music was turned up, and the warm up dance started. Daisy recognised the music immediately. 'Can't stop the Feeling' was a song she had danced to only recently at the club with Eve and Kate. Daisy stood at the back, partly because she didn't yet know what she was doing, and also because she didn't want to stand too close to those mirrors.

  The class was very energetic, and a lot of fun. With a small studio full of people, you had to lose your inhibitions pretty quickly. Although many of the moves were easy enough, Daisy was struggling a bit with her coordination. At times it was easier to copy the person in front of her as she really seemed to know what she was doing. Still, it didn't matter, and Daisy noticed that she wasn't the only one to get some of the moves wrong. As someone later said to her, you really need to go a few times to start picking it up anyway. The whole point was to dance and have fun, and hopefully get a bit fitter along the way.

  That evening, Eve asked Daisy how she got on with the class. 'I really enjoyed it.'

  'Great. So will you go again?'

  'Yes, I think so. I felt so good afterwards. The music was great, and the instructor was so upbeat you couldn't do anything other than have a good time! I wish I could dance like her. You know, I've been thinking more about introducing a wellbeing programme at work. After how well it's worked at your place, I'd like to give it a go. Also, the things I've been doing for myself have made me feel good, and definitely more confident.'

  'I can certainly recommend it, it's a lot of fun, and the people at work seem so much happier.'

  So Daisy called a meeting to discuss her ideas. People could introduce a fun and easy challenge, which was completely optional, in the hope that a few people would take it up. They could do it individually, in pairs or groups. Daisy would follow it up with a team get together so that people could share their challenges and results.


  Daisy was in the kitchen at work, daydreaming whilst waiting for the kettle to boil. Why was she thinking about Stephen now? She wondered whether things would have been different if she had met him now. She loved her new haircut and look, but Stephen had obviously liked her the way she was all those years ago. It seemed so long ago. Well, it was, Daisy thought, about eighteen years ago. Where had that time gone. After that first meeting and dance, Stephen had called Daisy the next day. He hadn't wanted to come across as too keen, but he also didn't want to lose the chance to spend some more time with this enchanting person. He had tentatively picked up the phone, dialling her phone number carefully, partly so as not to make a mistake, and also to give him some time to steel his nerves. Daisy could still remember the nervousness in his voice that first time he had called her. Even the thought of it now caused her feelings of warmth. A noise behind Daisy awoke her from her reverie.

  It was Ryan. 'Hi.'

  'Hi.' Daisy felt the blood rushing to her cheeks, and suddenly felt flustered. She carried on with what she was doing. Okay, keep occupied, she told herself. She decided to search for the biscuits, and reached for the top cupboard. The box had been pushed towards the back, and try as she might, her fingertips only grazed the edge of the box.

  Ryan turned to see Daisy reaching for the cupboard. She had really toned arms, and her shoulders were enticing. He thought how much he would like to kiss them.

  Daisy was aware of Ryan standing close behind her, and as he spoke, she could feel his breath on her hair. Oh my god, this is just like my dream. Her stomach started doing somersaults. 'Let me give you a hand.'

  'Oh, thanks.' Daisy moved aside so that Ryan could get to the cupboard.

  'Do you think someone was trying to hide the biscuits? Some people don't like to share!' He smiled at her as he said it. Daisy's heart fluttered.

  As Ryan handed her the box, she smiled, trying to cover her nervousness, 'Thank you.'

  Putting the box on the side, she took off the lid, noticing that her hands were shaking slightly. This was the closest she had been to Ryan, and probably the first time that they had really been on their own. She cursed her limbs for turning themselves into jelly. Whilst she was in turn telling herself off, and trying to encourage herself to take some action, Ryan was back at her shoulder. He was now standing so close to Daisy, and he found himself leaning towards her shoulder as she took the lid off of the tin, her back towards him. He felt as though he was being reeled in.

  'Great, custard creams, my favourite.'

  Lost in her own thoughts, Ryan's voice made Daisy jump. She turned around, to see him grinning at her, all lo
psided smile and floppy fringe. God, she wanted to kiss him.

  'Sorry, I didn't mean to make you jump.' Ryan put his hands on Daisy's shoulders, 'You're shaking. I'm so sorry.'

  Daisy looked so vulnerable, and as she looked at him, he felt himself irrevocably drawn towards her. His hands still on her shoulders, his face moved closer.

  In a couple of seconds, Daisy's head was whizzing. Oh my god, he's going to kiss me. Is my breath fresh. I need to go for a wee. Do I look okay. Am I ready for this?

  'Ooh, you've found the biscuits, good-oh.' It was Jeffery from accounting. He was oblivious to what he had interrupted. He didn't even notice Daisy and Ryan jump back from one another as though they had had an electric shock. A bucket of cold water would have had the same effect.

  In a moment, the mood was lost. Both Daisy and Ryan now felt awkward and self conscious. Daisy smiled, muttering that she must get back to work, and hurried off to her office. Ryan watched after her, silently cursing Jeffrey under his breath. Then again, work probably wasn't the best place to try making a move, was it. Maybe he could ask Daisy for a drink after work one day. That way, if she said yes, he would know that she might be interested. If not, then he would just have to forget about her.

  Eve answered the phone to an excited Daisy. 'What's going on, hun?'

  'Something nearly happened with Ryan today.' Daisy's voice was rushed and breathy.

  'What do you mean, something nearly happened?'

  'I think he was going to kiss me. But we got interrupted.'

  'Oh no. But wow!' There was a pause, and Daisy could almost hear Eve mulling it over before continuing, 'Well, actually, this could be good. Tell me more.'

  Daisy explained everything, whilst Eve made the appropriate noises. Daisy could just picture the various facial expressions on Eve's face as they spoke. When she had finished, Eve said, 'Well, that's great. Now you know he likes you.'


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