My Uptown Girl

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My Uptown Girl Page 17

by C. Morgan

  “Damn, you look hot on this floor,” he growled.

  I opened my eyes to look up at him with a smile on my face. “We are definitely making the most of this new floor.”

  “You are going to come back here every day and you are going to remember this moment,” he said, his eyes holding mine. “You are going to remember me filling you up and making you shout my name.”

  I nodded. “I will.”

  “Then do it,” he said with a powerful thrust.

  I gasped and reached up to grab his shoulders. I dug my nails into his flesh, watching his face twist in pain and pleasure as he moved inside me. “Yes, Fulton, yes. Like that.”

  He put his head back, his strong arms holding himself off of me. The veins on his neck bulged as he strained his body. I could watch the man all day. He was so powerful and not just in a physical way. I closed my eyes and let my other senses come alive. I focused on the smell of him and the sound of his body hitting against mine. I ran my tongue over my lips, tasting him there. His skin rippled under my touch as I slid my hands down his chest and moved to grab his hips.

  I pulled him against me and lifted my hips from the floor. He ground his pelvis, scraping his cock against the walls inside me until I was lost in a sea of pleasure. The orgasm was a slow roll over me, starting in the tips of my toes and sliding up my legs. My muscles tensed as I erupted around him. From somewhere far away, I heard him chanting my name. I held on and let go of everything I had. I gave myself to him in every way.

  When he was finished, every last drop spent, he lay down beside me. Both of us were naked and flat on our backs under the bright lights.

  “I really hope no one decides to stop by right now,” I said with a laugh.

  He turned his face to look at me. “They would get one hell of a show.”

  “Yes, they would.”

  “This was an interesting way to finish the day.”

  “Thank you. I really cannot thank you enough for all of the help. I would be lost if it wasn’t for you.”

  “You are welcome. I like getting my hands dirty now and again.”

  I laughed and sat up to begin the search for my clothing. “You always get your hands dirty.”

  “But not like this. I like breaking up the monotony of what I do every single day.”

  I pulled on my underwear and then my jeans. He was dressing as well. “Will this set you back too much?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You missed work because you were here. I know that’s a big deal.”

  “It isn’t the first time and it won’t be the last. It will be okay.”

  “I should pay you,” I told him. “Once my insurance picks up the bill, I will have them cut you a check as the contractor.”

  “You don’t need to pay me. I did this because I wanted to help out a friend. That’s what friends do.”

  “But you also need to make money to pay your bills,” I insisted.

  He stepped toward me and grabbed my face in his hands. “I am going to be okay. I’m not going to lose everything because I didn’t catch lobster for a couple of days. This was well worth missing out on some fishing.”

  I smiled. “I hope so. Maybe I should drop to my knees and give you another thank you.”

  He laughed, swatting my ass when I bent to grab my shoes. “Not right this moment, but anytime you want to drop to your knees for me, say the word. I would be happy to oblige.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “I should probably get going,” he said. “Let me help you clean up.”

  “Are you going out tomorrow?” I asked him as we carried tools out to his truck.

  “Do you need me for something else?”

  “No. Go fishing. I can handle this. I’m going to do some rearranging, but I can do that on my own.”

  We finished loading his truck and stood outside. He gave me a quick hug and a kiss before leaving me alone. I went back into the restaurant. I needed to find a way to pay him. He was too damn proud to accept money from me, but I knew he needed it, and he certainly deserved it.

  I finished cleaning up. Every time I looked at the spot on the floor where he had been sprawled out naked, a little shiver went down my spine. He was right about me always remembering that exact spot. I would never forget what we did. He was crazy. I was crazy. He couldn’t keep his hands off me, which made me feel like the sexiest woman in the world. The man that the rest of the world saw was very different than the man I got to see when it was just the two of us. He could be hard and soft at the same time. He was demanding and gentle. I was falling fast. I told myself it was just the high of good sex.

  Fulton and I were similar but also very different. I wasn’t sure he would like the person I really was. He was a man that prided himself on working his ass off for every dollar. He bucked convention and didn’t base his value on his wealth.

  That impressed me but would he be impressed with me if he knew the wealth I came from?

  Chapter 27


  Things were slow. I wasn’t worried, but I was feeling a little antsy. As was my luck, I tried to go fishing and that fucking engine took a shit. I got it fixed and the bait I ordered never came in. These were the weeks I hated. This was the kind of week that could send a man into some serious depression. I knew guys that couldn’t handle the stress of not earning a paycheck and they gave up. They went to work in a cannery or found work on another boat, working for someone else.

  I had too much damn pride to do that. It probably wasn’t the smartest thing, but it was my thing. I didn’t give up. I couldn’t give up. The rain was coming down and the idea of getting my ass out of my warm bed and going out on rough seas did not appeal to me.

  I could stay busy and fight off some of the guilt by going over to Amara’s restaurant. I could help out and fix some of the many things I saw that needed repair. When I stopped by last night to see how things were going, she told me it was slow. I really hoped things picked up for her.

  My phone rang. I assumed it was Stanley. He wanted to know if we were going out. I grabbed the phone and brought it to my ear without looking at the screen.

  “What?” I answered.


  “Amara?” I asked, pulling the phone away to look at the screen.

  “Are you in bed?”

  “I am.”

  “You’re not thinking about staying in bed all day, are you?”

  I grinned. “Are you thinking about coming over and crawling into this bed with me?”

  “I would love to do that, but you need to go fishing.”

  “Why do I need to do that?”

  “Because I need a fresh delivery.”

  “You do?” I asked, unable to hide the excitement in my voice. “Does that mean things are picking up?”

  “Eh, not a lot but I need fresh lobster, just in case.”

  I listened to the rain falling. “It’s pretty shitty weather.”

  “Right now, it is.”

  “Do you really need a delivery or are you just trying to help me out?”

  She laughed. “Busted! But seriously, I feel terrible that you missed out on good fishing days. I know you need that work.”

  “It’s not that bad. I was thinking about swinging by the restaurant and taking care of those few things you mentioned.”

  “Fulton, you have to fish. I can take care of the new shelving unit. If I need help, I will call you.”

  “I won’t be able to help if I’m fifty miles offshore.”

  “But you can talk me through anything I might need.”

  “I could try.”

  “All right, lazy bones, get your sweet ass up and catch me some lobster.”

  It was hard to say no to that. “I will do it. For you.”

  “Good. I will see you later.”

  “I’ll do my best but no guarantees.”

  “Good luck,” she said and ended the call.

  I quickly called Stanley and told hi
m to get his rain gear. We were going fishing. I didn’t bother showering. I was going to get wet as it was. I wasn’t holding out a lot of hope we were going to catch a lot.

  “You think this is a good idea?” Stanley asked as we headed out to sea.

  “I don’t know that it is a bad idea.”

  “Why are we doing this?” he asked. “You hate fishing in the rain.”

  “We always fish in the rain,” I reminded him.

  “Doesn’t mean we like it,” he replied.

  “Amara needs a delivery,” I told him.

  He looked up at the sky. “Ah, I see. We’re out here getting wet because your girlfriend wants some lobster.”

  “Not my girlfriend, but that pretty much sums it up. Now, get out there and start on that string. The sooner we get this done, the sooner we get to go home and get dry.”

  We started pulling pots. It didn’t look good for us. We set the string and moved onto the next one. We repeated the action, pulling and setting pots with very meager results. When we set the last string, I decided to call it a day. We tried. Some days, the lobster didn’t cooperate.

  “Sorry,” I told him as we headed back in. “I was hoping to get a little something.”

  “It’s what we do,” he said nonchalantly. “You can tell your girlfriend you tried.”

  “Will you quit calling her that?”

  “What’s up with the two of you anyway?”

  I could deny it, but I didn’t want to, not anymore. “I’m not sure, but she’s different.”

  “You said that before.”

  “She is different. She’s not like any other woman I’ve ever dated. I think she could be the woman I’m supposed to be with.”

  “No shit!” he exclaimed. “I didn’t think I would ever hear those words from you.”

  “I don’t think I ever expected to say the words. I didn’t think I was the type to feel this way about anyone.”

  “Why her?” he asked.

  I wasn’t sure how to answer. I wasn’t sure what the answer was. “She’s different and I know I’ve said it before. But there is something about the way she talks to me. It’s like she is seeing me for who I am and not the help. She doesn’t look at me like the dumb piece of ass that some of the other women I’ve dated did.”

  “Oh, poor you, used for your body.”

  “It’s true. It’s not always a great thing. It worked for a while. I didn’t mind keeping my distance from every woman I met, but that was for self-preservation.”

  “Does she know how you feel?”

  “No. Fuck no. I’m not going to talk to her about shit like that.”

  “That’s kind of how this stuff works.”

  “How would you know?” I questioned. “It isn’t like you have a lot of experience in the world of relationships.”

  “No, but I watch a lot of TV.”

  “Oh god, you are giving me advice you picked up from TV?”

  “It’s good advice,” he insisted. “They always have happy endings.”

  “Good point.”

  “I’m worried.”

  I turned to look at him. “Worried about what?”

  “You. Your heart.”


  “Because you haven’t been down this road before and you don’t know if she feels the same way. This could be very one sided.”

  I could admit I felt the same way, which was why I didn’t want to tell her. I wasn’t sure I would like rejection. I didn’t know how I would handle it. “I don’t think it is,” I told him.


  “Because she is honest. I don’t think she knows how to lie or be dishonest.”

  “Everyone lies,” he replied.

  “Yes, but I don’t think she is like that. What would she have to gain from being with me? It isn’t like she would want me for my money. At the rate we are going, I can’t even bribe her with lobster.”

  “Sex. Stability. Fixing shit.”

  “She might be with me for the sex, but the rest she doesn’t need. She wants me. Shit, she doesn’t mind telling me that much.”

  “Lust and love are two very different things.”

  “I didn’t say shit about love,” I snapped.

  “You didn’t have to say it,” he said with a grin. “I can tell. You are into this lady, and if she dumps you, it’s going to hurt.”

  “Maybe but it isn’t like I’m going to lose my shit over it. Right now, it is going good. I like it.”

  “I think you need to tell her. I know I don’t know shit about shit, but you might want to let her know you are falling for her before things get too deep. You say it won’t bother you, but I think it will. I don’t want you to get hurt. I know, I know. That sounds sappy and cheesy but it’s true. I think of you like my brother. I have to look out for you.”

  “I appreciate that,” I told him. “I’ll be okay. Either way, I’ll be fine. I want her to be the one, and I want her to want me to be her one, but I can’t control it.”

  “Okay. I’ll be here for you.”

  “Thanks, but I don’t think it’s going to end badly. Amara is young but she knows what she wants. She isn’t the flighty type and I really don’t think this is a fling for her. She doesn’t seem the type. We’ve both been raw and honest with each other. She’s not hiding anything from me. She wants something and she goes after it.”

  “And you went after her,” he teased.

  “Damn straight I did, and it worked well for me.”

  “All right, all right, I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt, but if she fucks you over, I’m not going to be pleased. We’ll have to fire her.”

  “Fire her?”

  “Yep. I’m not giving the lobster I pull out of the ocean to any woman that screws over my best friend.”

  I laughed, not bothering to point out that I was the one doing the bulk of the fishing. “Noted. I’ll tell her that, should she try and dump me.”

  I stayed at the wheel while he took care of the few chores on the boat. I was sure I was right about her. She was too real to be leading me on. I would make the step to ask her if we were on the same page, but I didn’t think it was necessary. I felt the way she responded to me. I felt the way her body gripped mine when I was inside her. The way she looked at me when I drove into her. It was more than sex.

  I had plenty of sex in the past and no woman had ever looked at me like she did. Her eyes were expressive. I saw the emotion she felt. She was too raw to hide much of anything. The more I thought about it, the more certain I was.

  I didn’t know what happened next. I honestly had never made it to this point in any of my past relationships. I didn’t know how to proceed. So far, it had been easy. There wasn’t a lot of thinking involved. We just kind of fit together. We didn’t struggle for things to talk about. It was one of the realest, rawest relationships I ever had. I didn’t have to pretend to be anyone I wasn’t. She knew I wasn’t rich. She knew I could be surly. She knew I worked a lot. None of it seemed to bother her in the slightest.

  In fact, it seemed like she was drawn to all the traits the other women in my life had been turned off by. That had to make her special. She was put on this earth for me. She was made for me. It was why we fit so well together. I was just happy as hell I had been lucky enough to find her. Now that I had her, I didn’t think there was any chance I would ever let her go. She was going to be stuck with me. I needed to make her understand that. I was certain I could convince her.

  Chapter 28


  I hoped Fulton was having a successful day on the boat. I didn’t really need lobster, but I owed him. He gave up two days of work for me. He would never let me pay him, which meant I needed to be creative in how I found a way to make sure he stayed afloat.

  I checked the time. I still had a couple of hours before the employees came in. We were doing dinner only for now. The lunch hour was too slow and didn’t justify the full staff.

  Fulton lit a fire under my ass. I was su
ddenly very anxious to learn all there was to know about taking care of some of the basic maintenance issues in the restaurant. I had been watching YouTube like a crazy woman. I managed to put together a new shelving unit, fixed the legs on a few tables, and was already planning on the flooring I wanted in the dining room.

  It was cheesy, but he inspired me to be better. To be more involved with my business instead of just going along for the ride. I was the captain of my ship. When something broke, I needed to be able to fix it. Obviously, some stuff would require a professional, but I wanted to at least try.

  In the middle of my She-Ra moment, my phone rang. I wiped my hands on a towel and pulled it from my back pocket. It was my dad. “Hey,” I answered. Things were good between us, but I was still a little upset about the Nick situation.

  “You’re at the restaurant?” he asked.

  “I am.”

  “Good, open the door. I’m here.”

  “You’re here?” I said with surprise.

  “I’m at the front door.”

  “I’ll be right out,” I said and headed out. I unlocked the door and hugged him. “What are you doing here?”

  “I thought I would stop by and see how things were going.”

  “Good,” I lied. “Fine, I should say.”

  He walked inside while I locked the door. “It’s clean in here.”

  I laughed. “You didn’t expect it to be clean?”

  “I mean it looks nice. How is business?”

  I was not a good liar. “It could be better.”

  He grimaced. “Things are still slow?”

  “It isn’t anything to worry about. We’re new and still trying to establish ourselves. We were closed for a few days and we’re still trying to recover from that.”


  “I’ll show you,” I said, anxious to show him the work we had done.

  He walked into the kitchen and looked around. I kept moving, leading him to the back where the prep sink was and the new floor. There were tools scattered about and I had yet to push the shelves back into place. I was taking the time to reorganize, which left things looking in disarray.


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