My Uptown Girl

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My Uptown Girl Page 24

by C. Morgan

  “I told my parents I was capable of making my own decisions and choosing who I wanted to be in a relationship with. It was never about you coming after the money and more about them expecting me to live in the lap of luxury. They have this idea I’m a delicate flower that requires pampering. I’ve explained to them over and over I want to put in the work. I want to do what my dad did and make my own money. I am grateful for the way I grew up, and I appreciate the things their money has done for me, but I need to do it on my own now.”

  “Relationship?” I asked with a smirk. “I got the distinct impression you didn’t want to admit knowing my name and you certainly didn’t want him to know I’ve seen you naked.”

  Her lips quirked at the corners. “I think he might have figured that part out. They have given me their blessing to see you. If you are willing to give me a chance, I will always claim you. I will shout it from the rooftops and tell the world that you are my man.”

  I raised my brows. “Someone sounds a little possessive.”

  She grinned. “I learned it from you.”

  “How did you convince them?”

  “I can be very passionate about things I really want. And I told them I was in love with you.”

  The words bounced around in my brain. I’d definitely heard her correctly. Instead of using words to tell her how I felt, I kissed her.

  She practically melted into me, and everything was forgotten.

  Chapter 38


  The kiss was sweet and beautiful, and while the passion was still there, it felt different. It felt more meaningful. I leaned into him, his mouth moving over mine, exploring every inch. It felt like it had been an eternity since I touched him. I was starving for him. He pulled away, his forehead resting against mine.

  “Are you sure about all of this?” he asked.

  “I’m a million-percent sure.”

  He closed his eyes before opening them and looking directly into mine. “I’m glad you’re back. I was not looking forward to going on without you.”

  “I’m back and I will stay for as long as you will have me.”

  He got to his feet and pulled me up with him. Usually, he would push me on the couch, take me against the wall, or we would rut on the floor. There was something different about him as he held my hand and walked with me to my bedroom. There was no frenzied stripping of clothes or demands for anything. It was as if the uncertainty that always lingered between us had settled and now it was just the two of us.

  When we got to the room, he turned to face me. He didn’t speak as he unbuttoned my shirt and pushed it over my shoulders. Next, he was removing the shorts I had worn. I stood before him in the new lingerie I had bought for this specific moment. If the boat thing didn’t work, I was prepared to use sex to convince him I wanted him.

  “This is nice,” he whispered, tracing his fingertip over the red satin strap of my bra.

  “It’s for you.”

  “For me?”

  “I was prepared to use sex to make you take me back. I figured wrapping it up in a pretty package would further my agenda.”

  “Baby, you never have to do anything more than look at me to make me want sex. Hell, you don’t even have to look at me. I always want you. I especially like the pretty packaging, but honestly, I would prefer you naked.”

  “You always make me feel so beautiful,” I said when he ran his hand down my arm.

  “You are beautiful and sexy as hell.”

  “But when you say it, it feels real.”

  He grabbed the back of my neck and kissed me. The kiss sent fire racing through my veins. “It is real,” he said on a breath. “Never let anyone make you feel less than gorgeous. If they do, tell me and I will correct their line of thinking.”

  I smiled up at him. How had I gotten so lucky to win the attention of a man like him? I felt like the sun was shining on me when he looked at me with desire in his eyes. He gave me confidence without using empty compliments. When Fulton said something, I believed it. He never lied or bullshitted. He said what he meant and that was that.

  “I think it’s time we got you out of these clothes.”

  He took a step back and quickly shed his clothing, right down to his socks. He stood before me gloriously naked with zero shame. I reached out to touch him as if he weren’t real. When my hand touched solid muscle, I knew he was very real.

  He wrapped an arm around me and gently moved toward the bed. The pretty lingerie was dropped to the floor. I lay on the bed with him beside me. He was looking down at me with such sweet affection it made my heart feel full. There was a warm and fuzzy feeling in my belly that was more about being cherished than sexual arousal.

  He lowered his mouth to mine for a sweet kiss before he slid his lips over my jaw. He continued kissing and nibbling at my neck and over my shoulder. He didn’t stop. He kissed every inch of my body until I was shaking with need.

  “I want to taste you. I want to know every part of you, inside and out.”

  I gasped when his mouth closed over my heated center. I couldn’t stop the orgasm. His slow perusal of my body with his tongue had left me on the edge. One swipe of his tongue over me was the breaking point. When he slid his tongue over my navel and held himself over me, I looked up to find him staring down at me.

  “You are everything to me,” he said. “Everything. I will walk through fire for you. I will be the man you need, and I will do my best to live up to your father’s very high expectations.”

  I smiled and reached up to touch his face. “You already have. Just keep being you. That’s all I want.”

  He held my gaze as he adjusted his hips for a slow penetration. There was something different about the way he moved. I felt different. I felt like I was being branded for life as he slid in inch by slow inch. When he was completely seated inside me, he didn’t move. We stared into each other’s eyes for what felt like forever. I could practically feel our souls weaving together.

  “That’s it,” he whispered. “Feel me inside you. Can you feel my heart beating?”

  I felt him throbbing inside me. I put my hand flat against his chest and felt his heart beating. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply as if he were fighting against some unseen force.

  “I feel you,” I told him. “I feel all of you.”

  “All of me is yours,” he said.

  “And I am yours,” I replied.

  His mouth dropped to mine, sealing our confessions with a passionate kiss. When he began to move his hips, it was slow and purposeful. There was no hurry. It was him completing our joining. I dropped my arms wide on the bed, completely surrendering to him. He rocked inside me, jerking hard before slowing things down.

  He kissed me again and again until I was teetering on the edge of another orgasm. “Look at me,” he whispered, his usual commanding voice absent.

  I opened my eyes. Everything felt hazy. He had created a beautiful fog of lust and passion that clouded my vision. “What is it?” I asked.

  “I want you to see me when I take you over the edge. I want you to know it’s me. I will be the only man inside this sweet body for the rest of your days. Do you understand?”

  I made a sound of acceptance, my lips pursed together as I fought to stay focused. My body had other ideas. Ecstasy was making me drunk with need. “I do.”

  “Amara, look at me.”

  I opened my eyes that had slid closed once again. I saw his deep blue eyes staring into mine. He was looking right into my soul. I focused on his face, memorizing every little nuance, right down to the tiny wrinkles at the corners of his eyes. “I see you.”

  “See me,” he repeated in a strained voice. “This is me. This is who I am. Are you sure you want this?”

  How could I say no to him? He was my everything. In that moment, I knew our souls were permanently fused together. I had never felt so completely connected to another person in my life. “I want you. I want all of you.”

  He clenched his jaw, and with one tin
y move, he was taking me over the edge. We fell together. Both of us cried out, groaning with pleasure as we sealed the spoken words. His body collapsed onto mine. The full weight of him pushed me into the mattress. I wrapped my arms around his back and my legs around his. I held him against me, refusing to ever let go of the man.

  “Amara, I’m squishing you,” he said.

  “No, just a little longer.”

  He kissed my neck and disentangled himself from me. He rolled to his back, bringing me with him. My leg draped over his thighs and my head rested on his chest. His arm was around me, anchoring me against his body.

  “Do you remember the moment we met?” he asked, absently running his fingertips down my arm.

  “I do. You came to my restaurant. We were going to talk about lobster.”

  “Yes. I remember the very moment you stepped out of the kitchen. I saw you and I knew my life was going to change. I knew you were mine. I didn’t understand what it meant at the time, but I knew I was going to have you.”

  I smiled against his chest. “That was very confident of you.”

  “I loved you in those first few seconds. I know it sounds crazy, but it was just this feeling of knowing. It was like knowing when something is hot to the touch or that the sky is blue. I knew. I knew I wanted you, and initially, I was a little worried you would never look twice at me.”

  “Oh lord, I did a lot more than look twice at you. I saw you and I immediately thought about sex. I wanted to climb you and feel all that hard, masculine strength against me.”

  He chuckled deep in his chest, the sound vibrating against my ear. “That’s bold.”

  “It is bold and very unlike me, but something about you made me want you more than I ever wanted anyone else.”

  “I guess we were both hit with the same bolt of attraction.”

  “We were.”

  “I love you,” he said. The three little words made my heart sing. “I don’t really know how to be a boyfriend, but I will try my best to keep you happy.”

  “You don’t have to try. You just keep being the man you are. That is the man I fell in love with.”

  “Are you sure you want to saddle yourself with a guy like me?” he asked. “I don’t think I will ever be able to buy you expensive jewelry or take you on luxury vacations. I honestly don’t think I want that kind of life. I like simple. I like enjoying the little things in life.”

  “I don’t want any of that. If I did, I would stay home and be daddy’s spoiled little princess. I want you just as you are. I don’t need you to try and buy my affection. When you stop by the restaurant just to say hi before going home after a long day, that is better than a diamond necklace. When you fix little things and look at me like I’m the best thing since sliced bread, that’s what makes me feel special. Jewelry, money, vacations? None of that will ever make me feel the way your gestures do.”

  “All right, good to know. I’ve got gestures for days.”

  We both laughed before falling quiet once again. Never in my life had I ever felt so complete. Lying in his arms with the knowledge he loved me was better than anything I could have ever hoped for.

  Chapter 39


  The new engine hummed along as we gently bounced over the water. It was a good feeling to take the boat out and not worry about the damn thing cutting out and leaving us stranded in open water. I felt like one of the big boys.

  “Good haul,” Stanley said as he pulled in the last pot.

  “It has been a great haul.”

  “Too bad we are stuck on this piece of shit boat,” he joked.

  “I hear you. One day, maybe I’ll get us something pretty.”

  He chuckled. “Honestly, I can’t believe the difference a fresh coat of paint makes on this thing. It feels safer.”

  “Hey, she was never dangerous before,” I argued.

  “She was not going to win any safety awards. And that fucking engine? I am not sorry that bitch is gone. I hope it went to the engine graveyard. It has been fixed so many times it is no longer an engine. It’s rusty bolts and steel.”

  “It lasted a long time. It did its job.”

  “Not really,” he said with a laugh. “We spent plenty of hours stranded.”

  He had a point. “Not anymore.”

  “Nope, not since you used your magic stick to get us a new engine.”

  I groaned. “Why do you always have to say the dumbest shit possible?”

  He grinned. “That’s what Amara calls it.”

  “What are you even talking about?”

  He nodded. “Yep, Amber told me.”

  “No, she did not. You are making that shit up.”

  “Nope. Amber and Amara had a few drinks and the conversation was flowing.”

  I couldn’t believe Amara would freely talk about our sex life. “Bullshit.”

  “She called it the magic stick. Amber thought it was funny. She didn’t give me details but I did get that little tidbit of information and I couldn’t pass up the chance to tease you with it.”

  “I’m glad I could be a source of entertainment for you.”

  “They seem to get along pretty well,” he continued. “Amber met Kerri and they hit it off. They are going to be quite the threesome.”

  “I take it that means things are going well with you and Amber?”

  He nodded. “Very well.”

  “And the weight loss?”

  He patted his belly. “Down eight pounds.”

  “Good job. You’re doing it for the right reasons, right?”

  “Yes, Coach. Amber is helping me out. The nights I want to lay in bed and eat ice cream, she offers alternatives. Her suggestions actually help burn calories, if you know what I mean.”

  “Yes, Stanley, I know what you mean.”

  “I mean we do the horizontal tango,” he said, making some grotesque hip movements.

  “Stop. You are making me nauseated.”

  He laughed and walked away. I started the engine and began the trek back to the harbor. “We’re heading in for the day?”

  I gestured in the general direction of the harbor. “Isn’t that obvious.”

  “It’s early.”

  “I have a date.”

  “I hope it’s with Amara because I can’t lie, and Amber will tell her.”

  “The date is with Amara, asshole.”

  “Oh. Okay then. Let’s go.”

  “Gee, thanks for your approval.”

  We docked and parted ways. I rushed home to shower and change. Today was a big day and I didn’t want to show up in my sweaty work clothes. When I got to the restaurant, I was pleased to not be able to find anywhere to park. That was a good thing. I pulled around back and walked around to go in the front.

  The tables were packed with families, young people, and elderly as well. It was a great turnout. I moved out of the way. I spotted Kerri.

  “Hi,” she greeted. “Amara is in the kitchen. Do you want a table?”

  “I don’t think you have one to spare.”

  “I don’t, but we could probably find somewhere to squeeze you in.”

  “No, don’t worry about it. I’m going to go back and see her.”

  I made my way into the kitchen and found her overseeing the making of the burgers.

  “You made it!” she exclaimed.

  “I did. You have a full house.”

  She took off her gloves and tossed them in the trash before walking to me and giving me a quick kiss. “I do and it’s all because of you.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Your recipe. Your idea to sample my food at sunset when the fishermen were coming in. You made this a success.”

  “I try,” I said with a shrug. “It’s the least I could do after what you did for me.”

  “How was the catch for the day?”

  “It was good. Really good. Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “Nope. We have it all under control. Sit down and I’ll get us a couple of

  I laughed. “Unless you want to sit on the floor, we are going to be waiting a while.”


  “It’s packed.”

  “That’s the third night in a row!” she exclaimed. “I can’t believe it. I knew it would take some time to turn that corner, but I didn’t expect it to happen this soon. I hope this is a good sign that we will make it longer than a year.”

  “You will make it longer than a year. You serve good food and you haven’t gouged them on the prices. The locals will remember that and keep coming back.”

  “Thanks. Truly. You really are what made this happen. There have been so many times I wanted to give up.”

  “You did this. You made this work. It was your dream and your hard work that made it happen. I’m happy I get to be the man in the shadows. I like watching you work. I like watching you kick ass.”

  “You like to watch a lot of things,” she teased.

  “I do and I will always want to watch you.”

  “We better break up this little party or we’re going to end up in that walk-in,” she whispered.

  “It worked before.”

  “No one was here before,” she hissed. “Now, let’s get up there before they come looking for us.”

  I followed her up front. I stood back, watching her greet her customers and make small talk with the people already seated. She was in her element. She loved what she did, and I loved watching her do what she loved. I could watch her all day. She was a special woman. We had worked through the other issue, as we called it.

  Her father had been kind, and as it turned out, I liked the guy. I especially liked her mother. I had always had this idea about rich people. I expected them all to be snotty and stuck up. They weren’t. Her mother was sweet and an excellent cook. It seemed Amara had inherited her cooking skills from her mama.

  “Hey, you good for five more minutes?” Amara asked.

  “Take your time. I’m perfectly fine watching you work.”

  She gave me a quick kiss. “We’ll go back to your place and eat some really good hamburgers.”


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