CHANGING THE PLAYER: Charleston Pirates #1

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CHANGING THE PLAYER: Charleston Pirates #1 Page 7

by Chance, Jacob

  “Thank you for coming with me.”

  “You don’t need to thank me. That’s what you’re paying me for,” she reminds me.

  “Right. Well, I’ll check in with you tomorrow at some point.”

  “Sounds good. Thanks for the ride.” She’s out of the truck and the door is closed before I can form a reply.

  It’s probably for the best that I didn’t say any more. She bluntly reminded us both that I’m paying her for a job. While the circumstances may be unusual, this is no different than me hiring her to be my agent. She’s providing a service I’m paying her for. No more, no less.

  We need to keep this arrangement as black and white as we can. We laid out the rules ahead of time and now we just need to stick to them. I’ll keep my eyes on the prize and smash the shit out of our fake relationship like I do with every goal I set for myself.



  I’ve noticed Flynn and I are starting to attract attention on various social media platforms. Headlines about a mystery woman taming him have caught on like wildfire. I’ve avoided reading the actual posts. I don’t want to know what they’re saying about us. It’ll only stress me out and make me question why I agreed to help Fynn.

  After the mini golf event, I’m sure the curiosity and attention is only going to increase. There were a few photographers in attendance snapping pictures the entire time. I also got tagged on Facebook and Instagram by the college girl we met at the sandwich shop after we went clothes shopping. Speaking of his clothes, I think that part of my plan may have backfired on me. Dressing him in khakis was supposed to make him look more respectable and less noticeable. Yet, I couldn’t take my eyes off him during his round of miniature golf. Whose ass looks that good in khakis? It’s a crime for one man to be so attractive and athletic and funny and… Fuck.

  Clutching the sides of my head, I give a quick shake, as if it’ll stop me from thinking about Flynn’s good qualities.

  Saturday mornings are my favorite at the office. It’s quiet and relaxed with no clients coming in or out. For the most part, it’s usually just me here.

  I plug away, answering emails I didn’t get to yesterday. I’m glad for the weekend to be here. I need a break from spending time with Flynn. He acted strange at the end of our “date,” and I was relieved when he brought me straight home. I thought he might want to grab food, and I didn’t want to spend any more time in his company.

  Things got a little weird for me at the event. When I say weird, I don’t mean enjoying the way his khakis fit a little too much. I mean complicated.

  When Flynn kissed my forehead, it was such a sweet and unexpected gesture, it set my heart aflutter. I physically reacted to his touch and it freaked me the fuck out. I can’t be getting hearts in my eyes and butterflies in my stomach over Flynn. Hell no.

  I’m hoping it was an isolated incident. Some weird fluke that’ll never happen again. Maybe ogling his ass for so long caused it.

  Wait a minute. Maybe it’s like when guys get porn dick from watching too much porn and they can’t get it up unless they watch more.

  Maybe somehow staring at Flynn and all his physical perfection is ruining me for other guys. What if after our agreement is over, I’m never attracted to an average guy again? I don’t want to get Flynn vag.

  I press both palms to my hot cheeks. Oh my God. Just thinking about him has made me overheated.

  I grab one of my ever present pads of sticky notes and a pen. Like with all problems, there has to be a solution. I just need to figure out what it is.

  Okay. Think. Think. Think.

  How can I stick to our arrangement without having to spend an exorbitant amount of time in his company?

  I can drive myself to and from wherever we have to be.

  But if I do that, people will find it strange that we’re taking two cars. And Flynn won’t go for it either. No way.

  I can make sure I don’t spend additional time in his company. We can go to the necessary events and then he can take me immediately home. No more eating together on off days or going shopping. Tapping the pen to my lip, I realize this is a solid idea that could work.

  I’ll have to come up with plausible excuses for why I need to go home. They’ll need to be believable or Flynn will turn on the charm and wear me down until I change my mind.

  My phone’s text alert pings.

  Flynn: You’ll be at the game tomorrow, right?

  My eyes close and I groan. Speak of the devil. I forgot about the freaking football game. Maybe I can ignore his message and pretend I didn’t get it.

  My phone pings again and my eyelids snap open.

  Flynn: I know you never ignore messages. If you don’t answer, you’ll hurt my feelings.

  Reading his message, I snort.

  Me: You don’t have any feelings to hurt.

  Flynn: Are you sure I don’t? Do you want to be the reason the Pirates lose?

  Huh? I have no idea what he’s talking about.

  Me: Why would me not being there affect the outcome?

  Flynn: Because if my girl’s not there, that would be a distraction for me.

  Me: We’re not in a real relationship, so it wouldn’t be a distraction for you.

  Flynn: But no one else knows that. Their perception would be that I was distracted by your absence.

  This is total bullshit.

  Me: I feel like I’m being blackmailed.

  Flynn: Whatever works.

  Me: Fine. I’ll be there. But I’m sitting in the box with Sadie. And FYI, you’re a giant asshole.

  Flynn: Well, I’ll be happy you’re there, no matter where you’re sitting. Doesn’t that count for something?

  Me: Fine. You’re an asshole—not a giant one.

  Flynn: You’re not wrong. I’ll see you after the game.

  Here’s my chance to explain why I need to leave right away. Why do I need to leave?

  Twitching my lips side to side, I work on formulating a solid reason. All I can come up with are fairly basic excuses, but one of them will have to do.

  Me: I need to head out right after the game. Got a lot of paperwork to go over before Monday.

  Flynn: You can stay for a few minutes, though. At least long enough to say hi to me.

  Me: I’ll see you tomorrow.

  I decide to be vague and not give a definitive answer. Then he won’t go back and forth with me until I give in.

  Like a naughty kid, he’ll keep asking for something until he hears the answer he wants. And when it comes to him, I’m like the parent who’s incapable of following through. This isn’t new behavior from him. But I’ve no doubt he’ll use our current relationship to his advantage in any way he can. That’s Flynn. He’s used to charming his way through life off the football field.

  * * *

  “When were you planning on telling me about you and Flynn?” Sadie asks, pursing her lips in an expression of displeasure.

  Here we go. At least she waited until halftime to start in on me.

  “I didn't want to say anything until I knew it was more than a date or two.”

  “And is it something worth continuing?” she questions.

  “I think it is. We’ve only gotten together a handful of times.”

  “But?” Sadie presses for more.

  “I really like him. He’s different than I thought he’d be.” None of what I’m saying is untrue.

  “How so?” Of course she wants details.

  “He’s well mannered and thoughtful.”

  She lobs a dubious look my way. “Are we talking about the same guy?”

  I nod slowly. “I’ve always thought he was ridiculously attractive, but when he asked me out, I was hesitant at first.” I choose my words carefully, sticking as close to the truth as I can. I don’t want to lie to Sadie, and so far everything I’ve said has been honest. “He persuaded me to give him a chance, and now I like him a lot more than I expected to.” I wish I could confide in Sadie and tell her how much my confli
cting feelings for Flynn are causing me concern. I could really use someone to share my thoughts with and receive advice from.

  “Have you guys had sex yet?” she asks too loudly.

  “Shh, Sadie, keep it down. I don’t want everyone knowing my business.” Her dad is sitting two feet to her left. He probably heard what she asked.

  “Nadia, you’re dating one of the most notorious football players in the league, you better get used to people being in your business.”

  “Ugh, I know. That’s not something I can prepare myself for. It’s more of a case of deciding if I can grin and bear it or is it a hard limit for me.”

  Sadie leans closer, whispering, “Speaking of hard limits, you never said whether you’d slept with him or not.”

  “You’re like a dog with a bone when it comes to getting information you want.”

  “I just want to know if you’ve been boned yet.” She giggles.

  “Okay, I’ll change that to you being like a dirty-minded teenage boy.”

  “I’m both of those things and proud of it. Stop dodging my questions and answer them, dammit.”

  “We have not had sex yet.”

  “What?” She gasps, raising her empty glass. “Good thing I didn’t have any wine in my mouth or you’d be wearing it.”


  “Because you’ve been spending so much time together. This is Flynn Shaughnessy we’re talking about.”


  “This guy has a reputation for being a dog. He takes two women home at a time.”

  “That’s not the norm for him,” I state, defending him.

  “Maybe it’s not, but it’s also not a secret how he screws ’em and loses ’em.” At a loss for what to say, I give a quick shrug of my shoulders. “But he’s not being that way with you.” She looks out at the field for a minute, and my hope that she’s finally going to drop this subject climbs. She turns her head my way and her eyes open wide. “You know what this means?”

  “No.” I shake my head. “I don’t even know what you’re talking about at this point.”

  “Nadia,” Sadie sighs my name with frustration. “If Flynn is treating you differently than other women, it’s because you’re unique.”

  “Yeah, I know. I don't think anyone sees me as his type.”

  “Nadia, unique is a compliment. You’re beautiful and successful, which makes you every man’s type. But your success can be intimidating for some guys, and they’ll let their own insecurities keep them from pursuing you.”

  “You’re hardly one to talk. You’re the VP of this franchise—talk about intimidating.”

  “And I found a man to rise to the challenge, a man who appreciates me and loves me for who I am. And it seems like you may also have.”

  “I think you’re blowing whatever Flynn and I are way out of proportion. We’ve gone on a handful of dates and we enjoy each other’s company. That’s hardly a marriage guarantee.” If she only knew how silly what she’s saying really is she’d want to kick my butt.

  “I think I’m right, and I’ll remind you of this conversation when you have his ring on your finger,” she says with confidence.

  “Ha.” I laugh. “There’s no way that’s going to happen.”

  “You can name your first daughter after me.”

  An unbidden image of a dark haired little girl with sparkling blue eyes appears in my mind and I push it aside. My future was laid out long ago, and Flynn is not a part of it. I need to stick with my plan.

  * * *

  I wait for Flynn in the same place I did after last week’s game. When I catch sight of him walking toward me, he looks elated. The Pirates won by ten points, solidifying their place at the top of their division.

  “Hey, congratulations.”

  He grins even wider. “Thanks. That was a lot of fun.”

  “You looked like you were enjoying every minute of it,” I say. He catches hold of my hand and we walk toward his truck at a leisurely pace.

  “How do you feel about going out for a couple of drinks with the guys?” he asks.

  “What are you going to do?” I smirk.

  He laughs. “Ah, the lady’s got jokes.”

  I preen, tipping my head from side to side. “Occasionally.”

  “Unfortunately for you, I’ll also be there. Are you up for going out?”

  I’m sure he doesn’t want to just go home and sit inside for the rest of the night. It’s still early. He wants to be with his teammates and celebrate their victory. Do I really need to be there? He is paying me to make sure he behaves, so I guess I better go.

  “Sure, that sounds great.”

  “You don’t need to lie, Nadia. I know you’d rather go home and line up your pens and pick out your clothes for tomorrow, or whatever it is that type A personalities do on a Sunday night.” He releases his hold on me, playfully bumping me with his hip. Clicking the truck’s remote, he unlocks and then opens the passenger door. Two large hands close around my hips, lifting me onto the leather seat.

  “Well, that was unexpected,” I say.

  Leaning forward, he smiles, entering my personal space as he fastens my seatbelt. The scent of his woodsy soap and cologne mixed together wafts around me like a giant cartoon bubble I’m trapped inside of. There are definitely worse places I could be stuck. He backs away, closing my door, and I drag the heavenly fragrance deep into my nostrils while I’m still alone.

  He slides into the driver’s seat and my eyelids flip open. He doesn’t need to know he smells so delicious, or that I was trying to breathe his scent deep into my soul like some creeper.

  We’ve barely driven down the street when Flynn pulls into a parking lot.

  “This is one of our regular game day hangouts,” he explains when we’re walking inside the sports pub.

  “I thought you guys preferred going to clubs,” I say.

  He pauses, craning his neck, looking around. “We usually end up at a club when we have the game on Sunday night. But when we’re done early like tonight, we like to come here. The beers are cold and the food is amazing.” He tugs on my hand. “Come on. I see a couple of the guys.”

  We take seats at a large, round table in the back corner of the space with Darren and Nixon, a player I’ve never met. Flynn takes care of the introduction, and he seems like a friendly sort with an easy smile.

  Flynn drags my chair closer to his, leaning in to speak next to my ear. “Back here is less visible than some of the other seating. This is our usual spot and the owner saves it for us.”

  I don’t dare to turn my head. If I do, it’ll place our faces close together—place our mouths a whisper apart, and that can’t happen.

  My eyes wander around the bar, scrolling over all the sports paraphernalia. “That’s nice of him. He must respect your privacy then. Some bar owners might use your patronage to their advantage.”

  “Not Arthur. He’s an older dude and fairly private himself.” He drapes his arm on the back of my chair, pressing against my upper back. I’m sitting stiff-necked, afraid to move, and I’m taking shallow breaths because his scent is all around me.

  Who needs alcohol? I think I could get a buzz off Flynn’s nearness alone.

  More of their teammates wander in with Levi and Kendra among them. She waves my way, her smile bright on her pretty face. Levi pulls out her chair, and I notice a tight pinch to Darren’s lips as he watches them. When Kendra laughs at something Levi says, Darren’s eyebrows dip downward, lowering like dark storm clouds. Does he have feelings for Kendra? And if he does, is Flynn aware?

  “Guys, you know Nadia,” Flynn says, pulling me out of my ruminations. I appreciate his effort to make me comfortable with his friends. He’s probably figured out by now, I’m a listener more than a talker. I like to observe the people around me, and that’s how I tend to learn things about them. Lies can fall easily from lips, but body language and expressions are rarely misleading.

  The waitress brings pitchers of beer and a slew of appet
izers. “We come in here starving, so we have a standing order to avoid waiting. We all make sure Arthur and his staff are tipped well enough to make it worthwhile,” he tells me.

  “I bet his employees love working on the days you guys are in.” I take a sip of beer and lick my lips.

  “I hope they do. We can get loud and a little rowdy on occasion, but no one’s been kicked out yet.”

  “You seem to only have issues when you play the night games.” I turn my head toward him to see his reaction.

  He nods. “You’re right about that.”

  “Are you part Gremlin? You get a drink in you after a certain time and all hell breaks loose?”

  He smiles good naturedly. “Maybe. I’m not sure what the reason is, but I’ve always been a night owl. My parents always told me nothing good happens after midnight and I agree in some ways.” He sweeps his fingertips under my chin in a caress so brief, I almost wonder if I imagined it. “There are also plenty of fantastic things that can happen after midnight.”

  Facing forward, I grab my glass, letting the ice cold temperature ground me. I need a lifeline to hang on to. I’m getting whiplash from the many facets of Flynn’s personality. He goes from sweet and considerate, to romantic and dirty without even tapping the brakes. I don’t think he realizes he’s doing it, and I hope it’s not noticeable how off balance he’s got me feeling as a result. I’m way over my head with him and this situation. Hopefully I make it out in one piece.



  Scanning all the happy faces around the table makes me feel amazing. We had a fantastic game, and that alone is cause for celebration. We fought to the end like warriors and came out victorious. And having Nadia sitting beside me seems so right, like she’s always been there. She fits in wherever we go and whatever we do. Comfortable with herself in every situation, she doesn’t change how she acts. It’s one of my favorite things about her, but there are so many positive qualities to choose from.


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