Flicker (Dixie Reapers MC 11)

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Flicker (Dixie Reapers MC 11) Page 12

by Harley Wylde

  I hadn’t paid much attention to the little town I would now call home. When I’d arrived, I’d been too nervous and focused on meeting my dad for the first time. I hadn’t really had a chance to get out and explore, or get a good look at the place during the daytime. It was cute. Nowhere near as big as Vegas, but it seemed like a great place to raise kids. I wondered if Flicker and I would ever have a family. I hadn’t thought about it too much in the past, not knowing who would ever want to marry someone like me. Not that Flicker had asked me to marry him, just move in with him. It was still more than anyone had ever offered before.

  As we passed the diner, I smacked my hand against the window. “There! It’s my dad’s bike! Isn’t it?”

  The truck came to a halt and Flicker looked in the direction I pointed. “Yeah, that’s Sarge’s Harley. I’ll call it in and have someone track him down.”

  “I need to see him, Flicker. I need to know he’s okay.”

  Before anyone could stop me, I’d unbuckled and leapt from the truck. I went running for the diner, but as I hurried inside, I didn’t see my dad anywhere. I scanned the place twice before a waitress came over.

  “Can I help you, hon?” she asked.

  “I was looking for my dad. His bike is out front.”

  “Sarge?” she asked.

  I nodded.

  “Go down the alley. There’s a glass door, but you won’t be able to see through it. There’s a buzzer next to it. He’s with Lily up in her apartment.”

  Lily? I thought that was the name of the waitress who had been checking him out, the one who had the ass he hadn’t been able to stop staring at when we’d come here that first night. I nearly knocked Flicker over as I rushed back outside and down the alley. I heard him calling me, but I wasn’t about to stop and explain. If my dad was with Lily, then he was likely all right, but I needed to see for myself. What if everyone just thought they were together but he’d really been snatched by Galetti or someone else?

  I pushed the buzzer and waited. I felt Flicker grip my arm and knew he’d yell at me first chance he had, but I didn’t much care.

  “Can I help you?” a voice asked through the intercom.

  “I’m looking for Sarge,” I said.

  The intercom went silent and I waited for what felt like forever before my dad opened the door. He looked tired and almost defeated. What the hell was going on? If I’d known this Lily person wasn’t going to be good for him, I’d have never suggested he hook up with her.

  “Dad, what’s going on?” I asked. “You just disappeared.”

  “Sorry, baby girl.” He pulled me against his chest and gave me a hug. “I’ve been dealing with some stuff. We’ll talk about it soon, okay? I’m still figuring shit out. I’m sorry if I worried you.”

  “Have you not looked at your phone?” Flicker asked.

  Sarge shrugged, then pulled it out and stared at it. “Dead. Must have forgotten to charge it.”

  “There’s a crime boss after your daughter and you didn’t think to fucking check in?” Flicker demanded.

  “I figured she was safe here. Look, I’m dealing with some shit and it’s got my head all fucked up.” Sarge sighed. “Pepper means the world to me. Finding out I have a daughter is amazing, but there are things that were put in motion before she arrived and I’m trying to handle the fallout.”

  “Louis is dead, Dad,” I said. “Galetti took him. I was supposed to go turn myself in and he would let Louis go, but I was put on lockdown at the compound. Galetti, he…”

  Flicker ran a hand down my hair. “It was brutal. Pepper’s been sick all morning so I’m taking her to see Doctor Myron. She saw your bike and jumped out of the damn truck.”

  My dad tipped my chin up. “Listen to Flicker, honey. And the others. They’ll keep you safe. I’m damn sorry about your friend, but if I had to choose between that boy and you, I’d pick you every time. Stay alive, whatever it takes.”

  “Are you coming home?” I asked.

  “Soon. Might bring Lily with me, if I can get her to listen to a fucking thing I say. Stubborn-ass woman.”

  I smiled up at him. “If she’s stubborn, then that’s a good thing. She’d need to be in order to handle you.”

  “You might be right.” My dad tugged on a lock of my hair. “I’ll be home soon. Stay out of trouble.”

  Flicker snorted but didn’t comment. I glared at him, but he just winked at me. I gave my dad another hug, and then Flicker led me back to the truck. The doctor’s clinic wasn’t much farther. I hadn’t expected all of them to come inside with me, but they did. King and Flicker stayed by my side, and the other three -- Bats, Grimm, and Savior -- stayed near the door.

  A few women in the waiting room gave them looks, clearly uncomfortable with the bikers lurking. Well, except one. The way she was eyeing Savior, she looked like she’d be more than willing to climb him like a tree and hold on. It amused me, seeing the way the public reacted to them. To me, they were just men -- some of whom could be really damn annoying -- but a few of the women in the waiting room looked downright scared.

  “What’s that grin for?” King asked, looking around, as if trying to see what was so funny.

  “Just observing the other people waiting to see the doctor,” I said.

  He looked around again, his brow furrowed. “What about them?”

  “You don’t see how you make some of them nervous? Except the one lady who looks ready to lick Savior from head to toe.”

  Flicker snickered and put his arm around me. “You get used to it.”

  “Yeah, well, someone looks at you like you’re a lollipop and we’re going to have words. Possibly with fists,” I said.

  He brushed a kiss to the top of my head. “You’re the only woman I want, baby girl.”

  “The two of you are rather nauseating,” King muttered.

  Flicker flipped him off, making one of the ladies gasp. She shot up off her chair and rushed to the front desk. I was assuming she’d changed her appointment since a moment later she practically ran from the clinic. If that offended her, then I felt sorry for her husband or boyfriend. She’d looked like the type who didn’t know how to have a good time. But then, there were plenty of men like that too, so maybe she was with her perfect match.

  I wasn’t very good at waiting.

  “Hey, we didn’t even sign in,” I said, starting to stand, but Flicker pulled me back down.

  “Don’t need to. King set up your appointment when he brought the truck over. They’re expecting you,” Flicker said.

  Well, that was different. I was starting to see that being with the club would take a bit of adjustment. Things didn’t seem to work for them like it did for regular people. I only hoped that meant if they did tangle with Galetti that no one would get into trouble over it.

  A nurse stepped out of a doorway that led to a long hall. “Pepper White.”

  I stood and Flicker did as well. King stood up and I glared at him. He promptly sat his ass back down. No way in hell they were both going back there with me. Flicker was mine, but King didn’t have any business hearing whatever the doctor had to say. I didn’t care if he did feel like he needed to protect me. I didn’t think anyone would attack me in here, and if they did, I had Flicker with me. And it wasn’t like I couldn’t hold my own if the need arose. At least, I assumed I could. After the night that had changed my life, I’d taken some self-defense classes. In theory, I could protect myself if I needed to even though I’d never tested it.

  I was shown to a room and climbed onto the padded table while Flicker placed himself between me and the door. I thought it was sweet, but unnecessary. We were at the doctor, not in a war zone.

  Famous last words, or thoughts in this case. An unassuming blonde woman in scrubs came in, flashed me what to be the evilest smile I’d ever seen, injected something into Flicker and my guy fell straight to the floor.

  “What the fuck?” I jumped off the table, but I had nowhere to go.

  The bitch pulled ano
ther syringe out of her pocket and uncapped it. When she came toward me, I kicked out at her, my toe colliding with her elbow. It knocked the needle from her hand, but it didn’t slow her down. She reached for me, her hands going around my throat. I slapped and punched at her, doing my best to break free. Her grip tightened and spots danced across my vision. My knee landed hard against her ribs and she grunted in pain, but didn’t let go. After a moment, everything started going dark. My last thoughts were that I hoped Flicker would forgive me when he woke up.

  Chapter Ten


  “Son of a bitch!” I roared in fury at anyone within hearing distance. How the fuck had Pepper been taken? I’d only faced Pepper for a moment, and I’d heard the door open, but before I’d even turned around, someone had injected me with something. Whatever the hell it was, it had knocked me out for hours. Fucking hours! Who the hell knew where Pepper was by now, or if she was even still alive.

  “Where the fuck were you?” I demanded of King and the others who had been with us. “How did she get past you?”

  “Back entrance,” King said. “None of us thought someone on Doc Myron’s staff would hurt her. We left the building and your woman vulnerable.”

  “Doc had some cameras installed out back after a break-in last year. A blonde woman in scrubs and a big ass guy in a suit put your Pepper into a black SUV. We pulled a plate number, but Wire ran it and it’s been stolen off a damn Prius,” Grimm said.

  “You know who has her,” Torch said. “We were only waiting for you to wake up before we acted. Whatever the fuck they gave you knocked you out for a few hours. Plenty of time for Galetti’s people to put her on a jet and fly her to Vegas. Rocky’s contacts confirmed a woman matching Pepper’s description went into Galetti’s building. She appeared unconscious.”

  “And they didn’t fucking do anything?” I demanded.

  “They didn’t want to risk harming Pepper further,” Torch said.

  “We can figure shit out when we get there. I’m going to Vegas and I’m getting Pepper back. Who the fuck is going with me?” I asked.

  Casper VanHorne stepped from the shadows of the room. I’d known he was at the compound, but I hadn’t even realized he was in fucking Church with us. Damn ghost! But if the scary son of a bitch was on our side, I didn’t care how fucking creepy he could be.

  “My jet can be fueled and ready to leave within the hour,” Casper said. “It can’t hold everyone, though. Including me, eight men can go.”

  “Sarge and I are going,” I said, knowing Pepper’s dad wasn’t going to sit this one out. The man gave me a nod where he lounged in his seat, looking too relaxed. I knew that was the furthest thing from true though. He had that look in his eyes, the someone fucked with my daughter and I’ll slaughter them all look.

  “I’ll go,” Rocky said. “The guys in Vegas will be happy to get their hands dirty.”

  “I’ll go too,” Tempest said. “Savage Knights offered some men. I’ll help coordinate when we get there. I may not always like the fuckers, but at least I’m familiar to them.”

  “That leaves room for three,” Casper said.

  “I’m in,” said Tank. “I owe Pepper.”

  I gave him a nod. Yeah, he did fucking owe her, and I was grateful he was going.

  “Me too,” said Tex.

  The doors slammed open and I grinned when I saw who was walking into Church unannounced. Motherfucker. I hadn’t even realized he was getting out.

  “Can anyone join this party?” Hammer asked.

  “When the fuck did you get out?” Cowboy asked.

  “This morning,” Hammer said. “Thought I’d surprise you fuckers. What are we discussing?”

  “Flicker’s woman was kidnapped and taken to Vegas by a boss named Galetti,” Venom said. “We’re organizing a team to go after her. Only room for one more, and as much as I’m sure you’d like to get back in the game, I’m not letting you get mixed up in this shit the day you get out of prison.”

  Hammer flipped him off and Venom responded in kind.

  “We can introduce everyone later,” Torch said. “Hammer has been with this club a long-ass time, but he’s been serving time for drug trafficking. Lots of new faces since you went away, brother. Now isn’t the time for a reunion, though. The man who has Pepper already killed her best friend in an effort to draw her out.”

  “What the hell kind of name is Pepper?” Hammer asked, giving me a smirk.

  “Ask her daddy,” I said, pointing to Sarge.

  Hammer’s jaw dropped. “No shit? I didn’t know you had a kid.”

  “Neither did I,” Sarge said. “Pepper was a surprise, but there’s no doubt she’s mine.”

  “Fuck. All right. Well, tell me what you need and I’ll do it,” Hammer said. “Even if you’re confining me to the compound, or at least the town, there has to be something I can do to help. I may not know Pepper, but if she’s Sarge’s kid, then she’s a Reaper by blood.”

  “Rides an Indian like Flicker too,” Grimm said. “Should have seen her when she showed up that first night. Dressed head to toe in black leather, riding that damn bike like she was part of it. No wonder this fucker fell hard and fast.”

  “You’re just jealous,” I said.

  Grimm shook his head, but he was smiling. No one knew his story when it came to the fairer sex, but there was definitely something in his past he didn’t want to discuss. I’d always thought it had to do with a woman. He had a good time like anyone else, but he never let the women get too close. Except the old ladies. I always figured it was because they were taken and safe. Anyone unattached he kept at arm’s reach until he needed a quick release.

  “One more,” Casper reminded everyone. “Who’s going?”

  Torch lifted a hand, but Venom was shaking his head.

  “What the fuck do you mean by that shit?” Torch demanded of the VP.

  “Talk to your wife,” he muttered.

  Torch narrowed his eyes and looked around the room. Tex looked a little uncomfortable, and so did Zipper. It seemed Isabella had been keeping something from Torch. I had a feeling he was going to be a daddy again. His daughter, Portia, was a year and a half now, and his eldest daughter, Lyssa, was nearly six and a half years old now.

  “Fuck me,” he muttered. “She’s pregnant, isn’t she?”

  Tex cleared his throat and looked the other way. Yep. Torch was going to be a daddy again. Lucky fucker.

  “Mara’s pregnant too, but I’m still going,” Rocky said. “She’s only six weeks along so she should be fine. If she needs something, I know Ridley will help her.”

  “You didn’t notice your wife was getting a bit… plumper?” Tex asked.

  “Just how fucking long has she kept this from me?” Torch asked.

  “About three months,” Venom said. “Ridley asked her to tell you. My woman went with her to the doctor to verify the pregnancy. And if Ridley knows something then…”

  “Then all the women know, which means the rest of you fuckers know.” Torch sighed and leaned back in his seat. He looked both annoyed and happy at the same time. It seemed the Reapers family was growing again. With some luck, Pepper and I would have a kid in the near future.

  “I’ll go,” said a voice from the doorway. King stood just inside. “I know I’m not a patched member, but Pepper was taken on my watch. It’s only right that I help get her back.”

  “Fine,” Torch said. “And we’ll discuss you listening in at doors when you get back.”

  King nodded, but his jaw was set and I knew that if he had to do it over again, he’d have still listened at the door. He was a good kid, would make a great addition to the club, and I knew Torch would be patching him in soon. Regardless of him breaking into Church, he’d proven himself countless times. Helping get Pepper back just solidified his place here.

  “I’ll make the arrangements,” Casper said. “I’ll also secure lodgings for a few days. If she’s in rough shape, she won’t be able to come home right a
way. You should prepare yourself. Galetti might be small compared to some of the men you’ve faced, but he’s a sadistic bastard.”

  I’d already seen the proof of that. Poor Louis had hardly been recognizable, and there hadn’t been much left of him. Torch dismissed everyone and I went to pack a bag, not just shoving my clothes in the duffel but some things for Pepper as well. When I packed her bathroom shit and saw the unopened box of tampons on the counter, I stopped. Other than the days I’d been gone, we’d had sex frequently, and I knew for damn sure she hadn’t been bleeding any of those times. I picked up the bathroom trashcan and shifted it to see the contents, in case that was her second box. Nothing in there either except dental floss and tissue.

  I looked at the box again and a feeling of dread hit me. If Pepper had those, then she’d been expecting her period, and she obviously hadn’t used any of them yet. So either she was late and was carrying my kid already, while in the hands of a madman, or it wasn’t quite time yet. Fuck me. As much as I wanted a baby with her, I really fucking hoped that she wasn’t pregnant. It was bad enough that Galetti had her, but if he had my unborn kid too, nothing would stop me from tearing him apart.

  Taking down another bag from the top of the closet, I filled it with my guns and ammo, as well as my favorite knives. I knew it was going to get bloody. There was no way Galetti would let Pepper go without a fight, and I wasn’t leaving Vegas until that asshole was dead. Whatever it took, I’d make sure he wasn’t breathing when this was all over.

  I carried my bags outside and walked to the clubhouse. Two trucks were already running so I tossed the duffels into the back of one and climbed inside. King was driving with Tex in the front next to him. Casper was in the back seat with me. When the other truck was loaded, we drove to the airstrip and boarded Casper’s private jet. There were exactly eight seats and I wondered where they planned for Pepper to sit when we rescued her. Casper must have known what I was thinking and he pointed to the back of the plane.

  “Bathroom and bedroom are back there. The bedroom is small, but your woman can lie down if she needs to while we’re in the air,” Casper said.


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