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Rescuing Jules (Lawless MC Book 1)

Page 5

by K. C. Stone

  I looked to one of the guys. “Find the keys. Let’s get these girls free.”

  Minutes went by. There was movement all around, but all I could see was Jules. Finally safe in my arms. Someone ran down the stairs and I looked up and saw one of the brothers with a set of keys. He moved to the first girl. She sobbed violently, shaking as he unlocked her chains. She just stared up at him, not sure what to do.

  One by one, the brothers unlocked the girls. When Jules was free, I sat back against the wall with her cradled to my chest. Sirens wailed as ambulances pulled in. Paramedics come down the stairs, their reaction exactly like ours. They shook their heads, a couple turning green, visibly appalled by the sight and smell. It was something that would haunt the strongest person until the day they died.

  “Help me!” As two medics rushed to my side, I laid her out for them, frantic. “She passed out about fifteen minutes ago. I don’t know if it’s because she’s exhausted or if something’s wrong with her.” I took a deep breath as they motioned me to step back and started working on her. I dragged my hands through my hair, wanting to be by her side, but knowing they needed room to work. “We called as soon as we found them. I have no idea how long they’ve been here.”

  I wasn’t sure if anyone was listening, I just felt the need to explain. To say something, anything to get my mind off the crazy fear eating me alive. Would Jules be all right? Had they hurt her, like, touched her? If they had I’d kill them.

  The paramedics looked all the girls over, poking and prodding and starting IVs, giving them what I could only assume was fluid in those clear bags. Then they loaded them on gurneys and carried them up the stairs one at a time.

  I walked beside Jules, holding her hand until they loaded her into the ambulance.

  Sal walked up, horror and fear written all over his usually stoic face. “Is she all right?”

  I scrubbed a hand through my hair as they strapped her in. “She passed out. Other than that, I have no idea.” I couldn’t keep my voice from shaking. She had to be okay.

  I overheard one of the EMTs calling it in. “We have five female victims that appear to have been held captive. Severe trauma. ETA fifteen minutes.”

  Severe trauma. The words kept ringing in my head. How bad was she hurt?

  Sal interrupted my thoughts. “Son, we have a problem. That’s not John,” he whispered as he pointed to the man my brothers had surrounded over by a tree.

  Damn. I’d hoped they’d have him out of here, but they had to wait for a car since they’d all ridden their bikes. Wait. What did he say?

  “What?” It had to be him. “What do you mean?”

  “Dom, that is not John. He’s not here.” Panic laced his voice as he moved closer. “This isn’t over.” He shook his head, looking at his daughter in the ambulance. “You have to protect her. Stay with her at all times. Got me?” True fear seeped through his tone. “At least until I find him. He knows all my safe houses.” Failure echoed in his tone. “I can’t protect her right now, but you and your club can.” He made eye contact with my brothers, and they all nodded.

  Sirens from cop cars screamed in the distance. I looked around in a panic. There was no way we could get these guys out of here before the cops arrived. I ground my teeth. I needed to punish someone for what they’d done to Jules.

  Sal laid a hand on my arm. “Go with Jules. I’ll stay and finish up with the cops.” I glared at him and he seemed to understand. “I’ll make sure nobody says anything about the third guy or John. He’s ours to deal with.”

  That calmed me a little. “Okay. I’ll let you know how she is.” A sudden thought hit me. “Don’t forget to call Gia, will you?” She was important to Jules, and she should know we’d found her.

  He nodded and moved to meet the officers pulling up. I climbed into the back of the ambulance, immediately latching onto Jules’ hand. I looked around and noticed that each ambulance had one of the girls in it and each of the girls had one of my guys sitting with them.

  “Guard them with your lives,” I mouthed to them. Each one gave me a nod as the paramedics closed the doors.

  Waiting in the emergency room waiting area was hell on earth. My whole body revolted against letting her go. I didn’t want the woman I loved out of my sight ever again. Closing my eyes, I tried to calm my breathing, focusing on her face in my mind. Knowing I would be with her as soon as they were done checking her over helped soothe me some.

  I let my mind drift to the night I first told her I loved her.

  I walked out of the bike shop, ignoring the guys. I was used to catching shit from them lately. I didn’t care they were making fun of me. I couldn’t erase the smile from my face. I was a goner for that girl, and I had plans for her that night. I shot her a quick text.

  Me: Get ready. I’ll be there at seven, beautiful.

  Jules: Where are we going?

  I didn’t bother responding because I had no intention of telling her.

  I picked up Jules at her apartment. I knocked on her door, then got knocked on my ass when she opened it. She was dressed in the tightest pair of jeans I’d ever seen. My own jeans got uncomfortably snug. The top she had on was just as tight, highlighting her perfect breasts. She looked gorgeous, all the way down to the black boots she was wearing.

  Grabbing her and picking her up, I kissed her hard as she wrapped her legs around my waist, shoving her tongue down my throat. I loved how eager she was. Gripping her ass and giving it a squeeze, I gently nipped at her lip. She let out a cute little squeak.

  “Hi, beautiful,” I murmured as I kissed down her jaw line. “You ready to go?” I set her on her feet.

  With a shimmy of her ass, she walked down the sidewalk, eagerly waiting to hop on the back of my bike.

  I took her to this amazingly beautiful lookout at the top of a hill. Complete with a blanket where I had set up the dinner I’d picked up from her favorite place. Looking out on the city as the night life was just getting started, I sat there with my arms draped around Jules. She nestled into my chest, enjoying the quiet.

  “This place is peaceful,” she said on a sigh. “I love it here.”

  I nuzzled her hair, inhaling deep. “Me too,” I agreed. “I like to leave my problems down there with the city and just relax. Being here with you makes it even better,” I whispered in her ear.

  “What makes it so special?”

  I lifted her chin and looked her in the eyes. “Because I never thought I’d love someone enough to share this side of me with them.” Tears welled up in her eyes and I wiped them away.

  She sat up to kiss me. “I love you too.”

  “Family for Juliane Galenti.” The doctor interrupted my memory.

  I jumped to my feet and shook his hand. “Is she okay? Can I go in there now? Please, doctor, I need to be with her.”

  “She’s banged up, but fine physically. Follow me. You might want to get some sleep. She will be out for a while. We had to sedate her.” He explained as we walked into her room.

  My heart stopped momentarily when I saw her curled up looking so small and broken in the hospital bed.

  “No thanks. Not yet.” I sat in the chair next to her, placing my head in my hands.

  I guess I hadn’t realized how exhausted I was. Before I knew it, I’d drifted off, hanging on to her hand and floating into a dream. One where we were laying under the stars on the roof of my apartment building, curled up under blankets that hid our naked bodies from the chilly night and the unknowing world below.



  I smelled him. That stomach clinching, heart racing aroma of leather and musk. The smell of safety.

  Dom. My prince.

  In my mind, I saw his brilliant smile, felt the touch of his lips on mine. The heat of his breath on my skin, raising goosebumps.

  I heard his voice in my head as he sang to me, then begged me to wake up. I wanted to cry out for him to save me. I was scared. I didn’t know where I was or how to get out. I felt pressure
on my hand and pulled away. I tried to open my eyes, and the light seared my lids shut. I felt the pressure ease up on my hand. The light dimmed. I forced my eyes open again, this time able to see a little in the darkened room.

  There he was. The man of my dreams, my knight in shining armor. Or, knight on a shiny Harley. I let out a sob. Could this be real?

  Dom kissed my face, all the while whispering to me. “I’ve got you, baby. You’re safe. Nothing bad will happen to you again.”

  I fought to talk around the sobs. “I’m sorry,” I rasped out.

  “Hey, hey, princess. Don’t worry about that. It’s all okay now. Just calm down and breathe, baby.” Dom gently wiped the hair from my forehead. “You knew I’d move heaven and earth to find you. What would a Prince Charming be without his princess, right?” He planted a tender kiss on my forehead.

  I finally caught my breath as reality seeped in. “What about the rest of the girls?” I squeaked out in a hoarse voice.

  “They’re all here and being taken care of. Don’t worry. We got all five of you. All here and all safe.” Leah! My eyes widened and it was like he was reading my mind. “The boys grabbed the men when they were dragging Leah out of the house. She’s a little banged up. All of you are. But other than that, everyone seems to be okay.”

  “But how did you find me?”

  Dom smiled and caressed my cheek. “That I will tell you another day. For now, rest.”

  I went to take a deep breath and let out a whimper, grabbing my ribs.

  Dom grimaced. “You have two broken ribs and a pretty bruised up face, love. Your knee is sprained too. Can you tell me what happened? Do you remember anything at all?”

  I swallowed and he gave me a sip of water. “I was at the club. I was going to call you and tell you I talked to Dad and that I was sorry, but you were so mad. I thought I’d messed everything up too bad for it to be fixed. Then this lady said she needed help. I was so stupid. I don’t remember anymore till I woke up.” I bit my lip to keep it from quivering and Dom squeezed my hand. “John wanted my dad to sell girls. Can you believe that? When my dad said no, they took me. John said I was his. Dom, he watched me. All the time. Before he took me. He said I was supposed to be with him. He was pissed that I gave myself to Irish trash, he said.”

  Dom’s face got red, but he kept his voice gentle. He swallowed hard, like he didn’t want to ask. “How did they hurt you? Did they,” he gritted his teeth. “Did they touch you?”

  I knew what he meant and I shook my head. “He hit me, and one of them kicked me. They never got the chance for more.” I didn’t know what else to say and he seemed to understand. “When can I see my parents and the other girls?” They were family now, after what we’d all been through together. I needed to know they were okay.

  My eyes stung with more unshed tears. I’d hoped I’d see my family again, but I was afraid I wouldn’t. Family meant more than I could ever explain. The man in front of me meant more to me than I could ever understand.


  I kissed Jules’ fingertips, my heart breaking at the fear in her eyes. “Your mom and dad just stepped out. They should be back soon. They slept outside on the couch. Gia is in the waiting room. They’re all worried about you. And we can go see the girls as soon as the nurse checks you out.” I stood. “Let me tell her that you’re awake, okay?”

  I went to the door and turned to watch a smile spread across her face. My breath caught and tears stung my eyes. The thought that I could’ve lost her was never far from my mind. I swallowed the lump that’d lodged in my throat.

  Stepping into the hall, I walked to the nurses’ station. “Ms. Galenti is awake.”

  The nurse smiled. “I’ll page the doctor.” She picked up the phone and spoke quickly, then followed me back into Jules’ room.

  As the nurse checked Jules over, I turned back toward the door. I could see Jules’ mom and dad in the mirror in the corner, coming down the hall.

  Leaning into Jules’ ear, I whispered, “I’ll be right back, baby.” I kissed her forehead before walking out into the hall. I gave her parents a tired smile. The weight of the past couple days’ events finally hit me all at once. “She’s awake and she wants to see you. Especially you, Mrs. Galenti.”

  “Please, call me Cara,” She said, stepping in to hug me. “I can’t thank you enough for what you did. You saved my baby girl.” She looked down, trying to hide the tears in her eyes. “I’m so thankful she has you in her life.”

  For the millionth time today, I swallowed back tears. “Nobody has ever loved me the way she does.” I turned to head back to the room, not wanting to cry in front of them.

  Sal stopped me. “Everything is prepped and ready.” He didn’t need to say more. I knew that meant he was ready for whenever we found John.

  “He’ll have to wait until she gets better. I won’t leave her.”

  “Agreed.” He extended his hand.

  “We do this together.” I said, meeting his eyes.

  With a nod of my head, we entered her room, which seemed very crowded. I wanted to tell them to go away, that I needed to be alone with her. Needed to assure myself she was really there and safe. But I didn’t. They needed to hold her too.

  Besides, if things went the way I planned, I’d have forever to hold her.



  Holding my parents’ hands, I looked around at the people I loved. I smiled as tears rolled down my cheeks. I silently thanked them for being in my world.

  After spending a few minutes with them, my eyes found Dom’s and I nodded my head ever so slightly. He knew what I wanted. I needed to see the girls.

  “Let’s go see the others.” He smiled as the nurse brought in a wheelchair. Apparently, he’d thought ahead.

  Trying to stand, my legs were a little weak.

  “Take it easy, baby. Let me help you,” Dom said, easing me into the chair.

  “I want to visit Grace first,” I told him. She was so young and I needed to see if she was okay.

  Dom slowly wheeled me to Grace’s bedside. Tears rolled down her battered face when she saw me, and I gently grabbed her hand. She looked so fragile.

  Tears flowed without my permission. “How are you?”

  “I’m better, but I still have a long way to go. I’m just happy I’m free. I have you and your family to thank for that,” she whispered, peering over at Dom.

  “Don’t say that, Grace. You would’ve gotten out,” I told her.

  The look she gave me sent chills through my body. “I don’t think so, Jules. The rest of us don’t have the connections or the resources that your family has. I’m so grateful, because if you didn’t, we would still be trapped in the worst kind of hell.”

  The thought had never occurred to me. It wasn’t the police who had found me, it was Dom. His love for me not only saved me but saved the others. Looking up at him, I realized just how powerful love could be, and how blessed I was to have him.

  I squirmed, needing to change the subject. “Have you seen the others?” I asked Grace.

  Grace nodded, then winced. “Yes. Storm is the worst of us.” The sadness in her voice was gut-wrenching.

  “Why? What’s wrong with her?” Did I miss something? I filtered through what memories I had, but there were only pieces. Was Storm hurt worse than I thought? Then it hit me. “Oh. Who else?” There was no telling what had happened to them before I’d arrived. All of them could’ve been raped and I’d never have known. My gut clenched and I felt like I could throw up. Her loaded silence told me Storm wasn’t the only one. I decided to leave it alone for now. “What about Storm’s injuries? Will she be alright?” My heart wrenched when I looked up and saw Grace’s face twisted with sadness.

  She took a shuddering breath. “She has a broken ankle, an infection, and some bruising. And well, men can’t touch her. She freaks out. So they’re keeping her sedated for now. Mostly. You can sit with her, though. She might like that.”

  “Can you come wi
th me?” I wasn’t sure I could stand to see her like that on my own.

  “Let me ask if she can have visitors,” Dom said, and headed to the nurses’ station.

  Grace let go of my hand and sat up. “Thank you.”

  “What did I do?” I wasn’t sure what I’d done to deserve her thanks.

  Grace shook her head. “You don’t see it, do you? You gave us hope that we could still get out. Hope that some of us never had.”

  I didn’t really know what to say to that. Knowing she had no family, I wondered where she’d go from here. “What are you going to do now?

  She shrugged. “Not sure. I have to be here for a while. Fractured ribs, and I have some other stuff to take care of before they’ll let me go.”

  I smiled and touched her face. Just then, Dom walked in with a boy trailing behind him. The kid was very good looking. Deep sea green eyes, and a smile that lit up a room. There was a small scar above his eyebrow that gave it a permanently arched look.

  Clearing his throat, the guy came forward. “Hey, I’m Ezra. Nice to finally meet you.” I noticed he was talking to Grace more than me.

  Dom smiled. “Ezra is a prospect for the club. He’s been Grace’s doorman since we found you ladies.”

  “Doorguard you mean?” I asked with a slight smile.

  Dom gave me a full out grin. “Yes, princess. Each of you has a brother assigned to you in case you ladies need something.” And for protection went unsaid but was implied.

  Bringing another wheelchair around, Ezra raised a brow in question at Grace and she nodded. He picked her up and carefully sat her in the chair. It was then I saw just how thin she truly was. I couldn’t imagine enduring more than a few days of what we’d been through. These girls had suffered for weeks, maybe longer. It wasn’t until right then that I realized just how bad it had been for them.

  Dom steered my chair to follow Ezra and Grace. “Leah is awake. I just saw Viper outside and he said she’s doing good.”


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