Rescuing Jules (Lawless MC Book 1)

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Rescuing Jules (Lawless MC Book 1) Page 9

by K. C. Stone

  The doctor had said I could check out tomorrow. It was supposed to be today, and he was kind of edgy when I asked why. I thought maybe Dom had something to do with that. But the doctor did have orders for me when I got out. I had to promise to do group therapy sessions with the psychiatrist who was in here the other day. She said I didn’t seem to be processing the whole situation correctly. I mean, I hadn’t known there was a book for this. What was it, the guide to overcoming being kidnapped and held captive?

  I guess I wasn’t as scared or freaked out because my situation was slightly different than the other girls. For one, I wasn’t going to be sold. I was a gift to a sick son of a bitch who was dead already, he just didn’t know it. And second, I hadn’t gone through a fraction of what they had.

  “You ready, my love?” Dom’s voice broke into my thoughts.

  I flashed him a huge smile. “Thank God! Yes! This hospital bed is boring me to tears.”

  He put on the slippers Mom had brought me and helped me out of bed. At least I didn’t have to be wheeled around like an invalid anymore. We walked slowly down to Leah’s room.

  Stepping inside, I came face to chest with her giant, Viper. Holy shit. He’s sporting a man bun! Good night, this man is sexy!

  A throat cleared. Dom clamped a hand over my mouth, laughing. “Baby, you better keep those thoughts to yourself. I may have to get a little jealous and kick my brother’s ass.”

  “Brother, your girl is hilarious,” Viper chuckled.

  I moved past him, my face burning, and climbed in bed next to Leah. “How are you doing, sweetheart?” She was looking so much better. The black and blue bruising had now turned green and yellow.

  “Better. And I get to go home soon.” Leah smiled. “Thank goodness, because this place is making me nuts!” She turned serious. “The doctor is going to do surgery on my knee tomorrow. Once that’s done, I just have to stay a couple days to recover and make sure nothing gets infected.”

  Dom stepped closer to the bed. “When you girls are ready, we need to meet up with Grace, Faith, and Storm and the brothers, okay?” He looked nervous but determined. “There’s stuff we need to go over before you all get out of here.”

  Both of us nodded and said okay. Leah shot me a questioning look and I shrugged. I had no idea what was going on. What could he need to talk to all of us about? I met Dom’s eyes and immediately my nerves went on edge.

  Whatever he wanted to talk about wasn’t going to be good.


  I hated to dredge up bad memories for the girls since they were just healing, but they needed to be aware of the situation and what was gonna go down. Having the guys come to the meeting with their girls was important because some weren’t at church and with the impending release of the girls, I needed all the brothers in the know and on watch. Especially the ones assigned to the girls.

  When we’d gone back to her room after seeing Leah, I decided to let her in on what the meeting was going to be about. After getting her settled in the bed, I sat beside her and took her hand.

  She looked up at me, and the shadow in her eyes told me she knew something was up. “Dom, what’s going on?” The fear in her voice gutted me.

  I gave her a tight smile and looked her in the eyes. “This will be hard to hear, but I’m not going to keep anything from you. Ever.” She nodded and squeezed my hand. “The man in the house wasn’t John. He’s still out there.” She gasped, but I had to keep going. I took a deep breath. “There’s more. When we went to his place, there were photos of you all over his walls. And his computers were full of pictures of our girls and others.” I talked fast, then my heart broke as I watched the small sense of safety she’d been holding onto fade away.

  She started shaking and I wrapped my arms around her. Finally, she found her voice. “But I thought you got him. I thought this was over.” Her breaths came fast and hard, and panic filled her beautiful eyes.

  I pulled her closer to me. “Baby, breathe. It’s okay. We’ll find him. All the brothers are out looking for him right now. I need you to hold on to that strength just a little while longer, baby. I know you have it in you,” I said as she started to cry. She’d been so strong for so long. Not just for herself, but for everyone else. “I promise I won’t let anything happen to you. I’ll keep you safe, okay?”

  She nodded and snuggled deeper into my side. Kissing her head, I held her until she calmed.

  When she was ready, I led Jules to the makeshift conference room with my arm around her shoulders. I helped her sit on the couch, being careful not to jostle her around. Her ribs were still banged up and sore, and I couldn’t stand the thought of causing her even a little pain. Maybe I was being too overprotective, but she was my girl. It was my right.

  I knew she was nervous because she gripped my hand tight, like she didn’t want to let go. And she was still working through what I’d just told her. Sitting next to her, I watched as my brothers came in, bringing their girls. Sitting back and holding Jules close, I thought about how they were all together for the first time since they were rescued. It was heart-breaking watching them hold hands, seeing the tears and nervous smiles. They still had the haunting memories in their eyes. Hopefully one day those would go away. Until then, it was our responsibility to keep them safe.

  The last person to arrive was Sal. Storm froze up and started to shake.

  Smokey moved closer to her, talking softly. “Storm, honey, this is Sal, Jules’ dad. He isn’t going to hurt you, sweetie. He’s one of the ones that’s trying to help, okay?”

  Nodding, she visibly calmed down when Smokey took her hand and gently rubbed her thumb. I think everyone in the room was shocked she was letting him touch her, because of the wide eyes and stunned looks. She glanced up at him and he winked, then she turned back to face the rest of the group. Smokey had a satisfied smile.

  I stayed seated, wanting to stay close to Jules, and spoke to the room. “Ladies, I wanted to have this little meeting to keep you all up to date on what’s going on. As you know, the police have apprehended two of the men,” I thought it was best they didn’t know what really happened to one of the scumbags.” But unfortunately, the guy heading it all up, John, got away.”

  The girls’ reactions were what I’d expected. Leah frowned up at Viper and her muscles tensed. Storm trembled, and actually leaned into Smokey, terror in her eyes. Grace pulled her knees to her chest, tears filling her eyes. Mac put an arm around her shoulders. Faith shook her head. And Jules tightened her grip on me. I could feel her hand shaking.

  Leah spoke up, her eyes narrowed and filled with hate. “So, where the hell is he?”

  I sighed and wrapped myself around Jules. “We’re trying to find him, but until we do, I’d like you all to stay with the club.”

  The girls all nodded. I’d expected a little more resistance but was pleased that they were cooperating. Mostly.

  Leah straightened in her seat, pulling away from Viper. “Where are we gonna stay at a motorcycle club? And why can’t we just go back to our own places?” She glanced up at Viper, then back at me. “The guys could just stay with us.”

  I looked her in the eyes. “We have an apartment complex where each of you can stay with the brother who’s been guarding you. Unless it makes you uncomfortable, then arrangements can be made. This will ensure that you all are safe and protected. Besides, some of you don’t have anywhere else to go.” I said it as gently as I could, but it was the truth.

  Leah opened her mouth like she was going to say something else, then nodded and relaxed back into her seat.

  I turned to Grace. “Grace, I know you’ll be going to live with Sal and Cara. They’ll protect you.” She smiled shyly at Sal, who smiled back. “Storm, you have a longer hospital stay, but after that you’ll stay with me and Jules at our place.” She brightened a little and glanced at Smokey before looking down at her hands. “Leah, are you good to go with Viper?” I asked, already knowing the answer by the look that flashed between them. She nodded
her head. I nodded, glad they weren’t freaked out by the plan. I glanced at Faith, and she half-smiled at Mac.

  Jules spoke up for the first time. “I know this is all scary after what we’ve all been through, but it’s for the best.” She looked up at me, trust and love shining in her eyes. “These guys will protect us with their lives.” She glanced at each of the girls. “We’re going to get through this.”

  Her strength continued to stun me. Even though she was scared to death, she was trying to help them and backing my play. She was perfect, and I loved her with everything I had.

  “Each of you have to go to individual sessions twice a week, and one group session a week. Your brother will go with you. They’ll wait outside if you want, or they can sit in the session with you. That’s up to you.” Storm looked a little panicked, but the rest just nodded. “Any questions of any kind, please ask me. If anything happens, anything out of the ordinary, please let me or the brothers know and we’ll take care of it.”

  There wasn’t much left to say. I asked the girls if they had any questions, and when they said no, I had the brothers escort them back to their rooms. Now we just had to hope we could keep them all safe until we found John and gave him what was coming to him.

  A hell of a lot of pain.



  Getting released from the hospital turned out to be harder than I thought it would.

  I woke up and glanced over at Dom sleeping soundly, then let my thoughts slide to the past couple weeks.

  All of us girls were having trouble adjusting to real life again. I always felt like people were watching me, or that someone was following me, and not one of the brothers either. The hospital was safe. The outside world was a lot scarier now. Especially since John hadn’t been found yet.

  It was like in one of those scary movies when the character turns back thinking someone is there, but then they don’t see anyone. I felt like I was constantly having to be on alert, always looking for the nearest exit.

  Seeing a therapist twice a week helped. So did the group sessions. It helped knowing I wasn’t alone, or that what I was going through wasn’t unusual. The therapist said it would take time. It had only been three weeks since we were rescued. All of us girls had also started taking a self-defense class and it’s helped too. Dom suggested Gia join us and she did. She’d been great, supporting me when I had my bad days. She understood there was nothing to do but to be with me, let me talk, and know that it’d pass.

  Gia didn’t really understand why going outside still caused panic attacks. I tried not to go out unless Dom went with me and even then, I didn’t really like doing it. It was the same for the rest of the girls. Being in big crowds and being around people we didn’t know still sent us into panic mode. When someone accidently bumped into me, it caused an almost paralyzing panic attack.

  The first time it happened I was out with Gia. We were leaving the self-defense class and the streets were really crowded. I had an escort, as usual. Most of the time it was Smokey because Storm was at New Day. Dom had someone on the inside looking out for her.

  Gia and I had just left, and a passerby bumped my arm. I freaked out and couldn’t control it. I just stood there frozen. Smokey had to talk me down before I could move to get in the car.

  Grace still had a lot to overcome. Living with my parents seemed to be helping. Leah was doing fine at the club, and she and Viper seemed to be getting closer. And Smokey went to visit Storm whenever he could get away.

  So, I guess some good had come out of all this. I finally got a sister and a group of ladies that I will forever be bonded with.

  Dom and I were doing amazingly well, despite the circumstances. Honestly, it had taken some time for him to kiss me without it bothering me. But when I finally got over the fear, his kiss erased all the gross images of John touching me. Dom was still very careful with me, and I understood, but I was starting to worry.

  Waking up next to him every day without him touching me was difficult. I knew he wanted to make sure I was okay mentally before we did anything again, but like I’d told him so many times, even though John was still out there and I was still scared, he was my safe place. The only place I felt secure and normal.

  The therapist had said maybe I should make the first move to let him know I was ready.

  So that’s exactly what I was going to do.

  I rolled over, running my hands along Dom’s chest and abs, thinking that would wake him. When he didn’t budge, I traveled lower and slipped my hand under his boxer shorts. I gently gave him a squeeze. That got a groan out of him.

  He turned over and sleepy eyes found mine. He kissed me softly. “Babe, are you sure?” he whispered.

  I didn’t answer, just pierced his lips with my tongue. It worked. I awakened the beast. He kissed me roughly as his hand roamed my body, feeling his way down to my sweet spot. He slipped his fingers into my panties. Needing the feeling of his hand on me, I ground myself against him as his fingers stroked my clit. I moaned his name and moved my hips, letting him know I needed just a little bit more pressure. I gripped his dick harder, jerking him faster as I felt his breaths quicken. He was getting close.

  “Dom, don’t stop!”

  The edge was right there. I pumped him even faster, harder. He slid two fingers inside me and started pumping in and out. He bit my nipple and that sent me over. I came around his fingers, looking right at him. Watching me come undone caused him to detonate.

  He moaned loudly. “Fuck, Jules! I’m going to come.” He wrapped his hand around mine, pulling harder. He came all over my hand and his. Smiling, I kissed him. “You’re a little devil in an angel disguise,” he said, grinning.

  He kissed me hard before getting up to clean off and bringing a towel. As we got dressed and ready for the day, my heart felt just a little lighter.

  Maybe things would work out despite everything going on around us. There was no way I was going to lose him. But I knew I’d have to fight. Not to keep him, but to keep myself from going crazy and pushing him away without meaning to.

  Dom left me with Smokey while he took care of some club business, which was fine with me today. I had a plan to help us get back to normal, and I wanted it to be a surprise. With my trusty sidekick, Smokey, I headed into the city to get all the ingredients for Dom’s favorite meal and a special outfit for myself. Well, it was really for him.

  I was sick of waiting. After this morning’s sex-capades, I wanted more. Tonight, I was going to get it.

  We had a great trip, and I found everything I wanted. I couldn’t help but laugh as I remembered how Smokey had turned red and kept shuffling his feet and looking down in the lingerie store. It was so cute that he was embarrassed. The guy was a badass biker and a lingerie store freaked him out? It was adorable. He didn’t think it was so funny when I laughed at him.

  When we got home, Smokey sent me on into the house while he unloaded my stuff from the car. As I climbed the porch steps, I was surprised to find an envelope tucked in the door jam. Not even thinking about it, I opened it.

  The first thing I saw was a photo of me. I started shaking, my brain freezing. Smokey came up behind me and dropped the bags, then took the photo and envelope from my hand. His face got red and he growled. Then he pulled out his phone and dialed.

  “Dom, we have a big problem.”



  I had just finished checking in on Duke and was heading to my bike when my phone rang. Noticing it was Smokey, I answered immediately.

  “What’s up, brother?” I froze when I heard Jules crying in the background. “What the fuck?” I boomed. “What’s the matter?”

  Smokey was trying to calm Jules and didn’t answer for a few seconds. “Someone left a note at your house. You gotta get back here now, brother. She needs you.”

  I hadn’t needed to hear any more. I hung up and jumped on my bike. Racing like a madman, I broke every speed limit and traffic law there was trying to get back to my girl.<
br />
  When I pulled up to the apartment, I dialed Sal as I killed the bike and hopped off. “We have a problem. Get here now.” I didn’t wait for an answer before I disconnected the call.

  Taking the stairs two at a time, I opened the door and barreled into the house. My angel was sitting on the couch with her legs pulled up to her chest and her arms wrapped around them. Tears ran down her cheeks. When we made eye contact, she jumped up and launched herself at me. She landed right in my open arms and I wrapped them around her tight.

  Holding her small body with one arm as she clasped her legs around my waist, I brushed her hair back from her face. “Hey, baby. What happened?” I tried to keep the anger at whoever had hurt her out of my voice.

  “Just look.” With a loud sniffle, she climbed off me and ran to the bar. I didn’t want to let her go, but I didn’t move fast enough to catch her.

  “Where’s Smokey?” I asked, my anger burning hotter that he may have left her alone. I tried to chill out. He’d never leave her. He knew I’d kill him if he did.

  “Right here.” Smokey came out of the bathroom with a couple pills in his hand. “She had a headache, so I got her some meds.” He handed them to her with a bottle of water.

  Jules came back to me with an envelope crumpled in her hand and I pulled her in to my side. I needed her close. “What happened?” I was frustrated that no one had answered me yet.

  Jules wiped at her nose with the back of her hand. “I needed to go to the store, so Smokey took me into the city. Everything went fine, but then when we got back, this was sticking out of the door.” She lifted the envelope with shaking hands. “Dom, look at the picture.” She pulled out the photo.

  It was a black and white picture of her walking up to a building with Gia. On the back it said, “You thought you won, but I get what’s mine.”


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