Hurting You

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Hurting You Page 3

by Beck, J. L.

  “Stella!” At the sound of her name, she jumps, her shoulders tense, and a small shriek escapes her lips. “Where the hell are you?” The male voice continues. Hearing the condescending tone he is using, makes me want to go inside and cut off his fingers and shove them down his throat. I know I have no reason to be protective of this girl, after all, she holds our lives in her hands, but I am.

  “I’m coming!” she yells back.

  “And you better put the damn trash bag inside the dumpster this time.” The same voice booms through the door and into the alley. I don’t know what it is about him yelling at her, but it really rubs me the wrong way. If he keeps it up, he’s going to be brushing his teeth through his asshole. Stella twists her head around, looking over her shoulder at us. Her gaze then moves and falls to the floor where the trash bag is sitting. She doesn’t make a move to get it, which means she is more afraid of us than the guy she is working for. Good. I’m satisfied with that.

  Crossing my arms over my chest, I stare at her, a tiny grin on my lips.

  Come here, baby…

  Cam being the knight he is, leisurely strolls over there, picks up the bag and tosses it into the dumpster. When he turns back around, the bastard winks at her, and I can’t help but grin wider. This is going to be so much fucking fun.

  She actually mutters, “thanks,” before turning back around and disappearing inside. The door shuts behind her, and I turn to Cameron.

  “That went well,” he grins.

  “It did, but I think we need to make certain she understands just how far we are willing to go. I want to make sure she truly believes us.”

  “Yeah?” Cam cocks his head, “What you have in mind?”

  “I think we follow her home and give her a little taste of what we can do to her.”

  I can see the wheels in Cam’s head spinning, “I’m pretty sure she’s a virgin, given her reaction to what you said earlier, and I’m not okay with taking her cherry tonight.”

  I give him a deadpan look, “I didn’t say we were fucking her. I highly doubt she would allow that to happen. I mean testing the waters. Let’s just mess with her a little bit, corner her, maybe get a little taste of her. Find out if she really is a virgin or not.”

  Normally, I wouldn’t have to try for a girl, they come to me, on their backs or knees willingly, but Stella is a whole other beast. She’s going to fight us tooth and nail, but she’ll enjoy it. I’ll make sure of it.

  “Yeah, let’s do it. She intrigues me. Not really sure why. She seems to be the simplest girl here at Blackthorn, and yet she’s not simple at all.”

  “I get it.” And I do because in my own mind I’m trying to rationalize the growing obsessive thoughts I’m having about her. I want to know everything there is to know. “Can you get information on her? How old, address, and stuff? Find out anything we can use against her?”

  Cam rolls his eyes, “Do you think this is my first rodeo?”

  “No, but it’s the first girl you’ve ever had to learn the name of,” I tease.

  “Shut up. When you’re fucking them, they all look and sound the same. Plus, names aren’t needed when I’m giving them the best orgasm of their lives.”

  Cam’s a playboy and an asshole. I’m just an asshole with a dark obsession that I hide well. It’s no secret that we both like to share, and Stella, she might just become our newest conquest.

  “Tonight, we show her what we’re capable of.”

  “Tonight,” Cam says, and we walk our separate ways.

  * * *

  Following Stella home was easier than I expected. For a girl as terrified as she is, she lead us right to her house without a single pitfall. Granted, even if she was looking for a car following her, she wouldn’t have seen us through the thick black cloud of exhaust her car drags behind her. She needs a new car, like yesterday.

  We follow her into the shittiest neighborhood in town and watch her pull into the driveway of a small rundown house. Jesus, the girl, has charity case written all over her. It’s no wonder she works at the school instead of attending it.

  She barely has two pennies to rub together.

  As a safety measure, we park a good block away and watch her get out of the car and walk into the house. I don’t like the fact that she’s so oblivious to her surroundings. She should be paying better attention. Watching her back. There are a lot of assholes out there that could hurt her. Assholes like us…

  “This neighborhood is terrible.” Cam points out the obvious.

  We wait in the car for thirty minutes before we get out and walk down the sidewalk.

  “Should we break in or just ring the doorbell?” I ask, not being sarcastic at all.

  “Let’s surprise her,” Cam snickers, and we make our way around the house. We walk up to the back door, and I can already see it’s not going to take much to force our way in. There is a thin looking glass in the center of the door that will be easily broken.

  Before we even get close to the door, a floodlight above us switches on, shining a bright light on us. Shit. I look at Cam, who just shrugs his shoulders at me. A moment later, the same door we were about to break down opens, and a gray-haired lady appears in front of us. Fuck, this wasn’t part of the plan. I’m about to spout out some random excuse of why we are creeping around at the back of her house when she surprises me by smiling widely.

  “Oh, there you are,” she greets us like she was expecting us to be here. “Well, come on in, don’t be standing out here in the cold.” Stepping aside, she opens the door wider to make room for us.

  Okay… This is odd. I give Cam a questionable look, but he doesn’t miss a beat, taking the invitation, and stepping inside. Shaking my head, I follow him.

  The backdoor leads straight into the kitchen. It’s small, the furniture is colorful and mismatched, but it also has a strange kind of cozy appeal to it.

  “Why don’t you go make yourself comfortable in the living room, and I’ll whip you up something to eat since you just missed dinner?”

  “Grams? Who are you talking to?” Stella’s voice comes from somewhere in the back of the house. “For the love of God, do not turn on the stove, Grams!” There’s a panic to her voice.

  Her grandma suddenly looks distraught as if she just remembered something bad. She opens her mouth to talk but is interrupted by Stella’s loud shriek. All heads turn toward the door where Stella just appeared. She has a flimsy towel wrapped around her, but besides that, she is standing naked just a few feet away from us. Her hair is still wet and sticking to her slender neck and shoulders. Drops of water catch in the light against her porcelain skin.

  “W-what are you doing here?” she asks, her voice as frantic as the clutch she has on the towel. “Grams, come here. Step away from them,” she tells her grandmother nervously.

  “What’s wrong?” Her grandma asks the same panic in her voice now.

  Shit, this is getting out of control.

  “Nothing is wrong,” I try to defuse the situation. “We were just coming by to say hi.”

  Stella looks between us, panic like I haven’t seen before in her eyes. I’m pretty sure she is more scared right now for her grandma’s life than she was yesterday for her own.

  “Grams, it’s late. Why don’t we get you ready for bed? Come on, I’ll help you.” Stella talks to her grandma like she is a child, and suddenly it clicks. She’s her caregiver. Grams must have Alzheimer’s or dementia or something like that.

  “Yeah, Grams, why don’t you go get some rest,” Cameron coos. Gently, he takes the old woman’s arm and leads her across the room to where Stella is standing. Then he leans in and whispers something into Stella’s ear. She stiffens but nods before leading her grandma away.

  Walking over to him, I nudge his side, “What did you tell her?”

  “I told her she better not dare put clothes back on,” he smirks. “Now, let’s get comfortable in the living room,” he walks away and toward the multicolored couch.

  I can alrea
dy feel my cock growing to life, “Yes… let’s.”



  Oh, god. They’re here, in my house… with my grandma. No, this can’t be real. I can handle being scared for myself but not for her. Now they have something to use against me. Grams gets into bed without complaint, and like a child, I tuck her in.

  Briefly, I entertain the thought of calling the cops, but then I remember where I am. I don’t even know if the cops would show up in this neighborhood anymore and if they do, what would they do? Would they help me? Would they believe me? Shaking my head in defeat, I decide to not risk calling the law.

  I really want to put on a shirt and a pair of sweatpants before going back out there, but his instructions were clear, and I don’t want to tempt them into hurting me.

  Quietly, I close Grams’ bedroom door. With a death-grip on the towel, I walk back to the living room on shaky legs. Half-naked, and with my wet hair sticking to my skin, I’m freezing. My whole body trembling from a combination of fear and cold. I try to take a calming breath, but I can’t seem to get enough air to my lungs. I’m so lightheaded I think I might seriously pass out.

  When I enter the living room, I find the two guys sprawled out on the couch like they own the place. My heart starts to beat out of control as I imagine what is going to happen next. I don’t know what they are going to do to me, but my imagination is running wild. Whatever it is, I need to stay quiet because I can’t let my grandma get hurt. I’ll do anything to protect her.

  “Don’t look so scared,” the blond one, who reminds me of a jock, says, “your Grams is going to be fine… It’s you we want.” He grins, but I feel anything but a smile coming on. I feel sick taking in the two men sitting on my couch, the place I sleep. The two of them couldn’t look any more out of place here.

  They are all put together, wearing new expensive-looking clothes, their hair is styled, and their shoes are shined. Everything about this house is old, scuffed up, and falling apart.

  “You look cold,” the other one points out. “Why don’t you come here, and I’ll warm you up?” I shake my head, but still, find my feet moving all on their own.

  “W-what do you want? I told you I wouldn’t tell anyone, and I haven’t. Isn’t that… isn’t that proof enough?” I stop at the edge of the couch, and the brown-haired one reaches out for me. I clutch onto the towel a little harder when his finger touches the edge of it.

  “Sometimes the proof is in the pudding, wouldn’t you agree, Cam?”

  Huh? What does that even mean?

  “I would agree…” The guy named Cam smiles, but it’s not a cheery smile. No, this one is cruel and promises dark things. Things I know I’m not going to be ready for.

  “Which means we need to see how well you can follow directions. We need to make sure you’ll listen to us when we tell you to do something,” the blond one says this time, and my gaze ping pongs between the two of them.

  “It’s time for your first test, Stella.” Cam pulls at the edge of the towel, and because I’m so caught up in the back and forth, my grip has slackened. In an instant, the towel is pulled away, and I’m left completely exposed to these two immoral men. Letting out a squeak, I use my hands to cover my breasts and vagina, but there’s no point. They’ve already seen me.

  Both men’s pupils dilate, and their nostrils flare as if they’ve just taken a whiff of a porterhouse steak being brought to them. I take a hesitant step back, considering the option of running, but with Grams here, there isn’t anywhere for me to go. Where could I go with her in the next room, and myself completely naked?

  Nowhere, that’s where, and they know it. Like a wounded and trapped animal, my eyes dart around the room.

  “Don’t even think about running or screaming. Grams is in the other room, and believe me when I tell you, you don’t want to wake her. You don’t want her to see what we have planned for you.” My bottom lip starts to quiver, fear encasing my body in a block of ice.

  “Come on now, be a good girl and sit down on my lap,” Cam uses a soft voice that sounds like it’s been dipped in honey. Sexy and drawn out. Any other woman might be hypnotized by that sound, but it brings me nothing but pure terror.

  Gathering all my courage, I force my limbs to move. Turning around, I lower myself onto his lap. His hands find my hips, and he pulls me back, steadying me until my bare ass makes contact with his jean-clad thighs. Immediately, I feel his hard length pressed up against my backside. I try and block out the terror I’m feeling. I’ll do anything they want so long as they don’t hurt Grams.

  My back is straight and stiff as a board, while my face is turned away from them. Somehow not seeing them is even worse. Not knowing what they are going to do next has me on a cliff’s edge and scared out of my mind. I can’t tell you how fast my heart is beating, just that it’s trying to escape my chest. I can’t breathe or think.

  A warm hand gently touches between my shoulder blades, and I damn near jump off Cam’s lap at the touch. All he does is run it down my spine, caressing my skin softly. It should be a calming touch, but he might as well be dragging a knife across the flesh. Dread and worry consume me, leaving me exhausted and cold. I fold my arms across my chest, trying to get warm.

  “What do you think, Easton, can we get her to relax a little?” Cam speaks to his friend. At least they finally revealed their names to me. It’s only a tidbit of information, but it makes them seem a little more human now that I know their names.

  “Yeah, I think I know something that might loosen her up,” he chuckles. “Lean back, sweetheart. Let us take care of you.”

  Take care of me?

  Before I can think too much on it, Cam tugs me back at my shoulders, until my back is flat against his chest. I want to recoil, be disgusted by him, but my freezing skin appreciates the warmth he is offering, and without thought, I cuddle deeper into his chest, my arms fall to my side.

  He doesn’t seem to mind, his hands snaking around my body to cup my breasts. He gives them a light squeeze, sending small jolts of pleasure straight to my core. Taking my nipples between his fingers, he rolls the hardening buds lightly.

  I’ve never been with a man before, let alone two, and while fear is rooted deep inside of me, there is a curious warmth blooming in my center. It’s confusing because I know deep down, I shouldn’t want this, but somehow, I do.

  “Have you ever been touched like this before?” Easton questions gingerly.

  “No,” I answer, hoarsely. His eyes light with either excitement or fascination, which I don’t know. It was probably stupid of me to answer that question, but I’m too afraid to lie and too smart to provoke them.

  “Perfect.” Easton reaches for me, his fingers gently slide up my leg. His touch is warm, but it paralyzes me with fear. When he reaches my knees, I consider locking my legs together. But there are two of them and one of me. It won’t take but a second for them to overpower me. I’m helpless, completely at their mercy.

  “Relax, Stella. Let us make this good for you…” My knees knock together, and I bite the inside of my cheek.

  “Please,” I whimper as he pushes my legs apart, my pussy coming into view. My legs end up on either side of Cam’s thighs, and he uses that leverage to spread me open even wider. Easton pauses, his eyes lifting from my center and up to my face.

  “We make the rules, sweetheart, and we need to know that you can follow those rules.”

  “I can,” I muster up a response. Cam shifts his hands, keeping one on my breast while moving the other up to my neck.

  “Good, then sit back and show me that you can,” Easton murmurs. I want to continue watching him, but I’m left gasping when Cam’s fingers circle my throat, squeezing my flesh tenderly.

  “I can’t wait to listen as you fall apart on his hand, your tight cunt gushing your sweet release.” His filthy words shouldn’t have an effect on me, other than disgust, but they do. They make the burning ache deep inside of me, roar to life. With my head forced back an
d Cam’s hand wrapped around my throat, I’m forced to rely on feeling alone.

  The softest of gasps passes my lips as Easton’s fingers make contact with my pussy. He traces my folds, up and down, making leisurely strokes that have me panting after a few seconds. I don’t want to give in to the feelings I’m having right now, but I can’t escape them either.

  “So fucking pretty and pink. Soon, I’ll need to taste you, sink deep inside you. You want that, don’t you?”

  All I can do is whimper as Cam starts to roll my nipple between his fingers, causing flames of pleasure to lick at my skin. I let my head fall all the way back against his shoulder, our faces so close together. Everything about this is so intimate. I’m completely naked, and they are so close, so close they are all around me. Invading all the space.

  Easton easily finds my clit and starts to rub circles against it, giving me just enough friction to crave something deeper. My hips lift out of instinct as if my body knows what it needs, and how to get it.

  “Such a greedy pussy.” Easton pulls away and then shocks me when he lands a hard slap against my pussy. I gasp, a spark of pleasure pulsing deep inside of me. It threatens to consume me if I let it and I want to, so fucking badly.

  “Oh, god…” I mewl into the air.

  Cam chuckles behind me, the sound vibrating through me. Before I can gather my wits, Easton’s doing it again. This time the slap is a little harder, and my clit throbs at the assault.

  “You like that, don’t you?” Cam whispers into my ear, his lips pressed against my lobe.

  I swallow thickly, feeling the gush of arousal in my pussy. Before I can respond, Easton is on me. He does it again, and again, each slap a little harder than the last, but still landing with an effectiveness that is astounding. My face burns and my body aches with a need that I can’t alleviate.

  “Please, please,” I beg, my core tightening. I’ve never needed a release so much in my life. My body feels like a coil, tightening more and more.


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