Dragon Seer: A Fantasy Cultivation Adventure Story

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Dragon Seer: A Fantasy Cultivation Adventure Story Page 11

by Eden Redd

  “Will it always be like this?” Nate asked the three dragons.

  “It’s safer to sleep together,” Izzi said in a whimsical tone.

  “And it's warmer,” Shego smiled.

  Nate turned his head and looked into Shego’s eyes. She seemed fine. He glanced at her neck and saw no marks.

  “We can heal quickly. We may be able to heal faster, once you increase your body sphere,” Shego winked.

  “I will train harder and become stronger,” Nate said with conviction.

  “We all will,” Izzi smiled and snuggled into Nate’s armpit.

  Shego lifted her head a little and looked from Nate and Izzi to Norrah. “The sun will be up in a few hours. Now that Nate is bonded to us, will we return to the dragon isles?”

  Norrah nodded. “We may spend another day or two here, just to make sure our bonding takes. After that, we will fly south to our home and introduce Nate to everyone.”

  “Another day or two sounds wonderful,” Izzi grinned.

  “There is still much to discuss, but it can wait till morning. For now, let's try to get some rest. We…” Norrah trailed off when the very chamber shuddered.

  The group sat up as one. Everyone looked around as the entire chamber shuddered a second time. Dust fell from ancient cracks and the glowing crystals blinked from the disruption.

  Nate’s senses immediately connected to the three dragons surrounding him and glowed with deeper power. The confusion of the connection fell away as he could hear what they heard. Powerful vibrations echoed along the entire spire as something outside continued to slam into it. Each strike was like a blunt hammer, the blows sinking into his very bones.

  The group were to their feet and darted for the door. Nate pumped his legs, scooped up his clothes and kept pace with the three dragon women. Norrah led the charge as Nate, Shego, and Izzi followed. The chamber rumbled and a wide crack formed along a wall.

  Nate continued to run as he awkwardly put on his shirt. Leg muscles bunched up as he leapt into the air and in a flash, his leggings were on. He landed by Shego, barefoot and his boots far behind him.

  The four of them charged into the cavern when a stronger rumble caused a stalactite to fall and crash into exploding debris.

  “What’s happening?” Nate shouted over the booming noise.

  “Our enemies have decided to press their advantage,” Norrah said calmly as she ran.

  “We will most likely be outnumbered. We should retreat to the isles,” Izzi said over the booming explosions.

  “I second that plan,” Shego agreed.

  Norrah remained silent as they crossed the cavern to the main corridor. Wings were folded close to bodies as the three dragons moved with supernatural speed. Nate could barely keep up, his body sphere pulsating with power.

  We just bonded. We’re not ready for a fight like this. If a sea serpent or more crab monsters are here, retreat may be our only option.

  Nate’s thoughts shifted to the town of Moon Cove and his heart sank.

  If the monsters turn on the town, they will be defenseless.

  Nate was about to speak up about his concerns when the four of them skidded to a halt at the main entrance. All eyes looked down in shock as the beach and surrounding areas were filled with large, spiny crab monsters. They were roughly the size of horses and a dozen of them were slowly crawling up the spire. Legs and claws stabbed into sheer stone, moving like armored spiders. Chitin bodies gleamed in the moonlight as eye stalks were focused on the four beings looking over the side.

  Nate glanced at the water where he saw a large, serpent head with razor-spines running from its head and down its back. It turned its serpent head to the spire, black eyes gleaming in the moonlight. It’s pointed maw opened as mist dripped from its throat. The sea serpent’s brow furled with foul intent as it aimed at the spire entrance and the four figures occupying it.


  Vazk stood in the rounded, ceremonial chamber. The subek wore a simple, crimson red robe. His eyes were closed as he stood behind an altar. A small, demonic female statue stood with outstretched wings and a mad smile. She held out her arms as if to comfort any willing to fall into them. The statue’s eyes and smile told a different story of cruel madness and bloody lust.

  In the chamber, forty subeks kneeled to their priest. Their heads were bowed and a variety of weapons hung from their belts. They ranged from daggers and swords to clubs and spiked maces. Torches painted their scaled bodies with a soothing light, all waiting on the wisdom of their priest.

  A distant roar in the distance caused Vazk’s eyes to open. He looked out at the congregation, admiring their loyalty and strength. He then looked at his wrist, the same one that dragon seer snapped like a twig. The goddess took pity on her loyal priest and fully healed the damage without him asking for her aid.

  Vazk grinned to himself. Despite their first loss to the seer, the goddess continued to have faith in her subjects. She had leant some of her power and Vazk hungered for more. Hexnia desired vengeance and blood and Vazk was ready to give it to her.

  The lizard man lifted his scaled snout back to the congregation when another roar touched the world behind the ceremonial cave.

  “Hexians, our goddess has called on us once again. Our allies have engaged the dragons and the seer. We must charge into the fray and slay all who oppose our goddess. She weeps for her lost children and we must wipe away her tears with gifts of blood and violence.”

  “Hexnia,” the followers chanted once.

  Vazk nodded and continued, “We cannot allow our enemies to further gather their strength. The dragons have rejected us. They cower to the southern seas because they know our might and power. They deny any debt of blood owed and we must remind them. We shall be Hexnia’s divine judgement. We will be her will. We will further her power and she will grant us greater power.”

  “Hexnia,” the followers chanted again.

  Vazk’s thin lips peeled back against his small snout as a madness filled his dark eyes. “We all have family and friends in Moon Cove. We have been patient and spoken at length about Hexnia’s teachings. Many have scoffed and rejected our goddess. They turn a blind eye to the truth.

  “Now is not a time for weakness. Now is not a time for the thin blood of cowardice. Now is the time for divine might. If the dragons and seer refuse to die, we will fill the waters with the blood of all who doubt Hexnia’s true power. We will offer this gift of allegiance and show all of Arith, the dawn of a new age has begun.”

  Vazk’s scaled hands curled along the edges of the small altar. He bent down slightly and kissed a leathery wing of his goddess. Dark energy snaked into him and circled his heart. The lizardman stood to his full height, eyeing the chosen to carry out their goddess’s will.

  “Allow our goddess to infect your souls and she will grant you power. And when our enemies lay broken and bleeding at our feet, we will taste a new future. Praise Hexnia!”

  “Praise Hexnia!” the congregation shouted as they all stood up in unison.

  The madness grew, spilling into collective eyes. Many subeks drew their weapons and shook them in the air. Many others hissed and shouted with a maddening rage.

  Vazk grinned further. “Bring the heads of our enemies to this altar and we shall bathe in the love of our goddess!”

  Shouts, hisses, and roars echoed along the cave chamber as many turned and charged out into the jungle, a need for violence and chaos filling their eyes.


  Shego grabbed Nate as Norrah grabbed Izzi. The four of them threw themselves down to the corridor floor as a stream of super-heated mist struck the top of the corridor and exploded.

  The scent of burning seawater and shockwaves struck Nate’s senses like a hammer. Shego covered Nate with her body as shards of melted stone rained down. Nate could barely gather his senses. He glimpsed across their shared connection, feeling rocks hitting their bodies. Shego grunted as a sharp stone hit her back and bounced off. Norrah was silent, her body
and wings covering Izzi.

  The moment the mist parted, the group sat up. The sound of clicking legs and pincers rose up like deadly crescendo.

  “We stay here, we die,” Nate and Norrah said at the same time.

  Another burst of steam struck the side of the entrance corridor, cracking and melting stone instantly. The entire spire shuddered as a haunting roar filled the air outside.

  “Shego, take Nate as your rider,” Norrah ordered.

  The blue-haired dragon woman nodded and her body began to shift.

  “What about the town?” Nate asked as she slowly got to his feet.

  “The symir is here for us. Once we leave, they will stop their attack,” Norrah said as her body began to shift.

  Nate watched as the three dragon women grew larger. Scales rippled along their skin. Snouts formed and hardened. Wings flexed as another explosion rocked the spire.

  Nate stood at the ready as his mind filled with dark possibilities.

  They won’t stop. They will turn on the populace. Their rage won’t let them quit.

  Nate’s mind filled with the many history books he devoured. Angered enemies would always take things further, especially if their foes retreated. Only the most disciplined of troops would end their attacks, but these were not troops, they were monsters. Nate knew they followed a higher calling than territory or supplies. They wanted to make a statement and he wasn’t going to allow them the chance.

  The corridor shuddered and cracks grew longer. Nate spun around to three full-sized dragons. He then turned to Shego. The blue dragon’s spine spikes flattened and she gave him a serpent grin.

  “Hop on,” Shego said with a sly edge.

  Outside, the massive serpent dunked its head in the water and gulped in seawater. Heightened senses were trained on the surface and the dragon spire. It felt the army of crustaceans rise up as the dark god of the sea whispered along the serpent’s soul.

  Belly full of water, the serpent rose up and readied to spit out a stream of molten hot steam when three winged dragons shot out from the cave entrance. The massive serpent turned its head, watching with foul contempt as the dragons flew higher into the night sky.

  Crab monsters along the spire continued their ascent. Their back shells were aimed outward. Eye stalks swiveled and flat spines along their shells popped up. Muscles under the shells bulged and razor-sharp spines blasted out like arrows from taut bowstrings.

  Nate clutched to Shego’s neck as she banked right and then left, a thin cloud of spines filling the air.

  The wind whipped at the seer as he lifted his head and looked down. The beach and spire were covered in large crab monsters. The sea serpent circled, it’s body once again submerged. Nate’s senses sharpened to see the long, dark shadow moving under the water. Even with only moonlight and starshine, the world below glowed with defined edges.

  Something pushed against Nate’s mind. His first thought was to resist when the force sank deeper and a familiar voice touched his thoughts.

  “I have connected all of our minds so we can communicate with our thoughts and help protect us from any mind attacks,” Izzi said seriously.

  “The symir should know better than to attack our minds,” Shego laughed.

  “I want us to circle around and gather as much information as we can before we depart. The elders will want to know about this attack in great detail,” Norrah said.

  Nate concentrated, but found he could easily speak with them.

  “Should we counter attack since we have the aerial advantage?” Nate asked.

  “No need to escalate this encounter. The crabs don’t have the range and even a symir would be hard pressed to take on three dragons,” Norrah answered.

  Nate clung to Shego as the dragons turned and circled high in the sky. He looked down, seeing the crab monsters halting their ascent up the spire. Many of them clung to the spire like ticks on a leg. Their eye stalks swiveled as they watched the three dragons circle the area.

  Glancing to the water, the shadow of the sea serpent was gone.

  “I don’t see the symir,” Nate said across their collective minds.

  “Either he retreated or he’s preparing for another attack. They would be a fool if they tried,” Shego said with an annoyed edge.

  “I can’t sense their mind,” Izzi said.

  Nate looked to the white dragon as her neck and head moved, surveying the dark water. The wind continued to whip at him, bringing him back to the tiny moment of realizing he was on the back of a dragon.

  No matter what happens, we fight as one.

  The giant crabs on the beach were still as statues. Their armored shells shined in the night. Their pincers were at the ready, but didn’t move. An eerie silence filled the island beach as the monsters were as still as a graveyard.

  Nate watched the gathered monsters with intense eyes when his heart beat with concerned power. Eye stalks swiveled and all gazed in one, single direction. Pincers clicked before segmented legs began to move.

  Nate followed the gazes of the armored monsters and they all looked to the east. The faint lights of Moon Cove glowed in the distance, the populace unaware of the advancing army.

  “They’re moving toward the town!” Nate mentally shouted.

  The dragons turned their attention in the same direction, seeing the monsters move along the beach. The crab monsters began to pick up speed. The ones on the spire began to climb down to join their brethren.

  “Norrah, we can’t let them attack the town,” Shego said with concern.

  “There are innocent people there,” Izzi added.

  Norrah was silent as they circled. She gazed down the army of crustaceans as they barreled along the beach.

  “Norrah, we know it's some kind of trap, but we can’t abandon them,” Nate added.

  The green dragon didn’t blink as she watched the crawling movement below.

  “We’re not ready. We can’t put our lives on the line when we just bonded,” Norrah said sadly.

  Nate looked over to the green dragon with determination in his eyes. “I won’t let us fail!” Nate shouted.

  Norrah’s heart warmed as she glanced at the man on Shego’s back.

  “Izzi, slow them down. Shego, break their ranks,” Norrah ordered.

  The white and blue dragon nodded.

  Norrah turned her attention to the dark sea waters.

  “Begin your attacks after I distract the symir,” Norrah said with a cold, mental whisper.

  The green dragon banked over the water, her eyes searching.

  “Hang on,” Shego said with an excited edge.

  Nate continued to cling to the dragon as she turned. Izzi was ahead of them. The smaller of the three dragons began a small dive and Shego followed.

  Norrah spiraled over the sea waters. The large green dragon opened her maw.

  Nate watched with fascinated eyes as Norrah took in a deep breath. A stream of greenish mist blasted out from her mouth, crossed the distance and struck the watery surface. A hazy cloud billowed across the ocean water as Norrah closed her mouth and ascended again. The green dragon banked and dove once again. Her maw opened and another thick stream of greenish mist struck the surface water. The two clouds joined and hovered inches over the sea.

  “What is Norrah’s breath attack?” Nate asked.

  Shego smirked.

  “You’ll see.”

  Norrah’s wings flapped as she gained altitude. She craned her head and blasted out a third stream of greenish mist. When it struck the water and formed a third floating cloud, she watched as all three clouds touched each other and encompassed a large area.

  The green dragon took one more deep breath. She turned and dove for the floating green mist. Her mouth opened wide as mist poured out. Two thorny teeth in the back of her mouth sparked just as she let out a long exhale.

  The night lit up as the green mist blasting out of Norrah’s mouth ignited. A thick stream of fire lanced down from the dark of night and slammed in
to the floating cloud. Nate lifted his hand to shield his eyes as the entire cloud burst into exploding flames.

  Fire ignited and roared over the sea. Explosions rippled and sent waves in several directions. For a brief moment, the beach lit up as bright as a sunny day. Flaming shards leapt up from the exploding cloud and rained down on some of the crab monsters on the beach. Many of the monsters hunkered down as flames crashed into them and scorched their shells. Several that were too close to the water were sent hurtling away and crashing down into others of their kind.

  Flames waved into the night as the top of the water close to the coast was set ablaze.

  Nate marveled at the astonishing power of the green dragon when Shego tilted forward. Nate held tight as he looked forward, seeing Izzi before them and many rows of crab monsters marching.

  The connection was still there. Nate could feel intentions and thoughts as they pressed against one another. Izzi was no longer her cheery, dreamy self. A dark determination filled her spirit as she bore down on the armored force below.

  Spines on many of the crabs stood up, ready to fire on the two incoming dragons. Izzi opened her maw and a torrent of white mist blasted down. Ice shards formed within and outside the stream of mist. When it struck the rows of crab monsters, ice and freezing cold engulfed all in the stream’s path.

  Crab monsters made gurgling whines as they attempted to fire spines as ice blasted into them. Segmented legs froze and ice bit into joints. Shards half penetrated thick shells and cold air froze water on the outside and inside of the creatures. A line of monsters slowed and eventually ground to a halt. Ice and cold bit into their bodies. Shells cracked open in some and others didn’t move at all. Spines fired into the air from those who were barely missed by the dragon’s breath attack.

  The air filled with deadly spines. Izzi dodged to the left and then right before drawing her wings in and spinning forward.

  Shego’s eyes narrowed as she dived down.

  “This is too easy,” Shego mentally smiled

  Nate stared down as Shego made her run. Her mouth opened as energy boiled in her throat. Her eyes flashed with deadly intent before a thick stream of lightning erupted from her mouth and arced down.


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