Defining Darkness (Royal Bastards MC Tampa Chapter Book 1)

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Defining Darkness (Royal Bastards MC Tampa Chapter Book 1) Page 10

by K E Osborn

  Excitement builds inside of me as I lean up on my toes. “Does this mean what I think it means?”

  “Yeah, we’re leaving the room. You’re coming out to meet everyone, but I’ll be your companion the entire time. So, no thinking of running or doing anything stupid. Got it?”

  I turn, slamming my body into his. Nycto tenses as I hug him, even with one of our arms tethered together. “Thank you! Thank you so much. I can’t wait to meet everyone.”

  “You ready?” he asks as I pull back from him.

  “So ready!”

  “Then, Chiquita, let’s get to your welcome party.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  Adrenaline spikes through me at a vast rate. Being tethered to Nycto has my heart rate spiking all on its own, let alone the fact I’m about to be free of this bedroom for a short time.

  “Here we go.” His deep, sensual voice sends a shudder down my spine as his grip on the door handle guides a wave of excitement through me. I bite my bottom lip as he turns the handle, pulling the door open. My stomach flutters with butterflies but also with eagerness and nerves.

  I have no idea what the other people are like here.

  What is he about to take me out into?

  It has to be better than living alone in his room.

  We step out into a darkened hall. His eyes remain on me as I take it all in. I thought I’d be anxious, scared even, about stepping out into this new world, but all I am is eager to take a look at the rest of his clubhouse. I glance behind me—the hall is long. I’m assuming there are more bedrooms down there. He slides his cuffed hand into mine, making my head snap back to him. My skin prickles in goosebumps as he looks at me. Even in the dim light, his face is clear enough.

  “You ready for me to introduce you to everyone?”

  I thread my fingers with his. I’m shocked at how excited I am to meet everyone. I was stolen from my home, and now I’m here. I’m not sure why, but for some reason, I feel safe. It’s probably not right to be feeling this way, but for some strange reason, I do. I just wish Ivy was here so she could feel safe too. “Yeah, I’m more than ready.”

  Nycto leads me out of the hall into a vast open space. My senses burst into overload as I try to take everything in. After being in a small room with the same stuff for God only knows how long, seeing so many new things and people all at once is overwhelming.

  He tightens his grip on my hand as we stay still with all his people observing me. Bikers, club girls all standing with warm greetings waiting for me, but it’s not them I’m awed by. It’s the clubhouse itself. The grandeur of it.

  I’m definitely in some kind of underground bunker. There are no windows to let normal light shine through. The ceiling is rounded like I’m in some weird doomsday dome, but it’s kind of cool at the same time. A bar is off to the far left. They even have a pool table, sofas, tables, and chairs to sit at. It’s a real neat setup they have here.

  There are three rooms off to the back. I don’t know what they are, but I’m assuming one is the kitchen because I smell something cooking, and the aroma floating out from there is amazing. I see Trixie standing over by a tall guy who’s watching me curiously with his arms folded across his chest, his tattooed biceps bulging at the seams.

  All this attention on me is a little daunting, and no one’s saying anything, so I figure maybe I should break the ice. “Hola soy Eva, un placer conocerte,” I blurt out waving with a bright smile.

  Nycto raises his brow as everyone widens their eyes in confusion.

  “She doesn’t speak English?” one of the guys blurts out.

  Nycto doesn’t reply, letting me play my game.

  I straighten my shoulders. “Por supuesto que sí, solo estoy jugando contigo.”

  Trixie steps through the crowd. “Stop being a shithead, Eva. She said her name is Eva, it’s nice to meet us, then she said, of course, she can speak English. She’s just playing with us. Roughly translated, of course. Good to see you again,” Trixie offers coming over, leaning in for a brief hug.

  I wrap my free arm around her. “I had no idea you spoke Spanish, Trixie? Beautiful, great cook, and bilingual. Is there anything you can’t do?”

  She snorts. “Deep throating… you’d think with these dick-sucking lips, I’d be a queen at it, but nope, my gag reflex is just up the shit.”

  Everyone bursts out laughing as I widen my eyes. She winks at me, then turns, walking back over to where she came from. I lean into Nycto’s side. “Is that true? A club girl who can’t…” I trail off, and he says nothing.

  Instead, he turns his head from me toward his brothers. “Everyone, this is Eva. As you see, she has a wiseass side to her, so feel free to give it back. I want you all to make her welcome, though. She’s been through a lot. I want to give her some freedom to let her know she’s welcome at the RBMC.”

  His words make warmth flow through me. Everyone comes off as hard and so tough like they’ve seen a lifetime of bad decisions and hardships, but things are different in their eyes. Their eyes are kind and forgiving. It’s how you tell a true man’s soul. That’s how I know even though Nycto’s moods are all over the place, he would never hurt me. He harbors demons, definitely, but the way he looks at me makes them disappear.

  “Thanks, everyone, for taking me in. You didn’t need to. You could have let me be taken by those men. I don’t know where I would be now if it weren’t for this club…” I tense up but continue, “… probably where my sister is now.”

  Everyone’s eyes shift to the floor. They must feel bad for not rescuing her too.

  “I just hope we can find her soon.” As I look around the room, I realize I’m very thankful to be here. They saved me from who knows what. With how everyone is watching me, I can’t help but feel secure.

  A man I recognize from the night I was taken steps forward. He was handling Ivy and put her into the van. His eyes are haunted as he approaches me. “Eva, the name’s Void. I’m the VP around here, and I want you to know I’m personally looking into your sister.”

  Nycto narrows his eyes on his VP. Something’s being unspoken between them, but I don’t care right now. Void’s telling me he’s working on finding Ivy, and that’s all I need to know.

  “Thank you. I really appreciate it. I hope you find her soon. I don’t want her alone and scared.”

  Void narrows his eyes on me. “I have an inkling she’s real close. Don’t worry, Eva. You’ll see her again.”

  For such a strong, angry-looking man, he comes across as a genuinely nice guy. I reach forward to give him a hug, but he pulls back with a grimace. “Nothin’ against you, Eva, just not the huggin’ type.”

  “I understand. It’s nice to have someone on my side when it comes to Ivy.” I side-eye Nycto.

  Nycto rolls his eyes. “Do you think Void would have any interest in Ivy if it weren’t for me? Be respectful, Eva.”

  I purse my lips. “You’re doing everything you can to find her. It just kills me to imagine what those men could be doing to her. Of the…” I pause contemplating the horrendous sexual acts they could be putting her through.

  Nycto exhales. “She’s important, Eva. I’m sure they’re taking care of her, not hurting her.”

  Sniffling, I glance at Void, a glimpse of anger in his features. I’m not sure what that’s about, but I choose not to say anything.

  “I feel bad for even considering enjoying myself out here with you all while she’s suffering.”

  Nycto tightens his hand in mine. “Just enjoy your freedom for now. How ‘bout I take you on a tour?”

  My mood shifts a little, my eyes wandering around the vast space. “Please.”

  Nycto slaps Void on the shoulder, then leads me over to the bar. It’s a long concrete slab with black marble on top. Not what I would have normally pictured for a biker’s bar, but it suits this place. Tall black and metal stools line the length of it finishing off the decor. A tough-looking woman with shoulder-length blonde hair and a nose r
ing stands behind the area wiping the bar down. Her arms have scattered mismatched tattoos. It’s like she’s had a few hard years in her life, but she smiles at me kindly.

  “Hey, Eva, I’m Stacey. You want something to drink?”

  I shrug. “I’d kill for a Cuba Libre.”

  Stacey’s eyes shift to Nycto, and he dips his chin in approval. She throws the cloth over her shoulder. “Cola, rum, and lime coming right up.”

  “Thanks so much.”

  Stacey turns to where the wall is lined with alcohol and glasses like at a real bar. She moves around like a bartender, and I’m impressed.

  “Wow! Girl’s got moves.”

  “Stace is our resident mixologist. We pulled her out of a dive bar that was going under. She wouldn’t be able to pay her rent, so we offered her a place here instead.”

  Stacey turns, pouring the lime into the glass. “Haven’t looked back since.”

  Smiling at the pure honesty oozing from her, she throws a straw into my glass, then slides it over.

  I pick it up and raise it in cheers to her. “I’m glad you found a home here, Stacey. It certainly is interesting… to say the least.”

  “You have no idea. Enjoy your drink, hon.”

  I bring the straw to my lips, taking a sip. The refreshing coolness from the ice, the fizz from the cola, and the tang from the lime all make for a flavor explosion in my mouth. Then the warmth hits from the rum. She’s mixed it perfectly. No wonder they like having her here if she makes drinks this good.

  “Thank you!”

  Nycto pulls me over to the left. We walk toward the first big room, and that smell hits me again. We casually stroll as everyone moves about doing their own thing. We enter the room, a large stainless-steel kitchen makes me envious. I did all the cooking back home. I would have loved to have something like this. By the looks of it all, no expense has been spared. There are two large industrial ovens, two six-burner gas stovetops, a walk-in pantry I can’t see the end of, and two giant refrigerators, not to mention a chest freezer the size of a wall. It’s the perfect kitchen for mass production.

  In the middle of the kitchen is an island where another beautiful woman is standing stirring something in a bowl. Her hair, a rich chocolate color, is tied up in a messy bun on top of her head. Her eyebrows are perfectly manicured. The shirt she has on is so tight, I can’t be sure it’s not glued to her skin, but she looks amazing. I’m not ugly by any means, but this woman is the epitome of perfection.

  “Pep, how are you doing with that batter?”

  I didn’t even notice Trixie’s in the room as she calls out to the stunning woman mixing the batter.

  “All done and ready for you.” Pep’s face lights up like the dawning of the first sun of the day. “Oh, hey, Prez, is there anything we can do for you and Eva? We’re just getting lunch ready.”

  Trixie turns around to face us. “Eva, it’s so good to see you out and about. Just wish Prez would let you have a little more freedom, so us girls could have some time together.”

  Nycto groans. “Don’t give her any ideas. Eva’s aware this is a process. It’s all about trust.”

  “He doesn’t trust me. Though, I am beginning to gather you guys are all pretty amazing around here,” I add.

  Trixie rolls her shoulders. “Damn straight, we are.” She turns to face me. “Eva, I know you wanna go find Ivy, but the more you fight, the harder life here will be. You need to trust the Prez is trying to do the right thing by you.”

  Nycto stiffens beside me.

  “I know. It’s a tough situation to be in.”

  Nycto clears his throat. “When’s lunch ready, Trix?” He abruptly changes the subject.

  “Just have to deep fry everything, then we should be good to go.”

  “Well, hurry it up and make sure there’s enough for Eva,” Nycto gruffs out, gripping his hand on mine, then turns us to exit the kitchen.

  His change in mood is a little strange as we walk out. I try to wave with my glass in my hand which is difficult, but the girls just smile and continue cooking.

  As we leave, I lean into him. “That was rude.”

  He glares at me. “Don’t start your shit with me, Eva, people will hear.”

  “Then let them hear. What’s going on with you?”

  He grunts, effectively ignoring me as he walks us over to the sofa behind the pool table. A couple of the brothers are playing pool as he gestures for us to sit on the sofa, and we drop at the same time. Being cuffed makes moving more of a joint effort. He slides closer to me, so our bodies are completely aligned, and he pulls my hand over to rest on his thigh.

  Swallowing a nervous lump in my throat, I bring my drink to my lips, slowly sucking through the straw.

  I begin to people watch, simply loving that I’m out in the open and have something to occupy my mind. I need to enjoy this time because I don’t know how long it will be for, or when I will get this luxury again. I don’t even care I am not talking to people. The fact I’m not alone, confined to a room, is giving me a euphoric feeling.

  So, for now, I’m going to sit next to Nycto and enjoy his company.

  Even if he is being a bastard.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Eva adjusted well. So well, I almost thought about taking off the cuffs.


  Eva chatted with my brothers. She fits in here so fucking well it makes me a little nervous because I see her here as part of the furniture. Problem is, the longer I hide Ivy from her, the quicker she will turn on me. All the hard work I’m doing getting her to trust me will be for nothing.

  Every time I start having a good time with her, I’m reminded of the secret I’m hiding.

  It’s why I clammed up in the kitchen. This whole situation makes me nervous for causing Eva so much concern for Ivy when I know she’s perfectly fine. In one single second, I could take Eva’s pain away, but in doing so, it could turn her against me in a flash, but I have to let it go, or Eva will know something’s up. So, I’ve picked myself up, and will let Eva enjoy her night without me being a moody bastard.

  Walking Eva back to my room, I know she’s tired. It must be close to three in the morning. Normally, this is my awake time, but she’s crashing hard, so I need to let her rest. Opening the door to my room, I walk us in as she lets out a yawn.

  “That was fun.”

  I grab the key from my pocket, undoing the cuffs. Eva watches my every move. The cuff breaks free from my wrist, then I take it from hers. My fingers slide around her wrist rubbing it to ease any tension the restraints may have caused. Her eyes meet mine, the spark, that adrenaline rushes through me again. Just like every time our eyes meet this way.

  We stand, staring at each other, my hand caressing her smooth skin as her breathing hitches. A knot forms in my stomach, tightening. I don’t get nervous when it comes to women, but Eva has a way of shaking my world to its very core. I don’t know what it is about this woman, but she has the power to rattle me. It’s unnerving.

  Her tongue darts out, licking her bottom lip. I wish I were that lip. My cock strains against the seam of my jeans. I know I need to make a decision right now—make a move or back the hell away before I can’t.

  Eva’s chest heaves, it almost has me undone. So, I take my hand from her wrist, stepping back.

  Her eyes droop somberly like she regrets my decision, and I do. We’ve had a good night, and I’m not going to mess it up now by making a move which could fuck everything up.

  Clearing my throat, I take my eyes from hers, placing the handcuffs on the desk. “You should go to bed. It’s late.”

  “You’re not staying?”

  Rubbing the tension in the back of my neck, I really fucking want to. “I can’t. I have some shit I need to deal with. Club business. Then I’ll come back.”

  “I’ll wait up—”

  “No, Chiquita, you go to sleep. I might be a while, but I will be back.”

  She walks over to the bed, slouchi
ng on the mattress. I’m not sure if it’s me she’ll miss or more the fact she’s now back in isolation.

  Maybe I’m hopeful.

  Or maybe I’m fooling myself.

  “Okay.” Her tone is flat.

  Damn! She was so full of life out there tonight. So happy. So carefree. Bringing her back in here has made her sad again.

  I hate watching her like this.

  But I’m the one to blame.

  “Sleep well.”

  She lays on the bed, turning her back to me.


  Taking in a deep breath, I turn for the door without saying anything else and walk out. I feel like the asshole that I one-hundred percent am. I’m toying with her emotional state. What kind of prick does that? I need to figure my game plan, and I need to do it now.

  Exiting my room, I close the door, locking it. My eyes stay firmly on the lock for a good thirty seconds.

  Maybe I should leave it unlocked. See what she does?

  But it’s asking for trouble.

  She’s not ready.

  Not yet.

  The fight for her sister is still too strong. Eva would leave in a heartbeat, not giving me a second thought. Rolling my shoulders, I turn, leaving Eva behind and walk out of the hall back into the scarce clubhouse. Unlike me, most of my brothers sleep at night. Seeing as the party has died down, they’ve headed off to bed. A few stragglers are still up drinking.

  I wonder what Ivy’s thoughts are about Eva being out tonight?

  She’s probably asleep, but I’ll take my chances.

  Heading downstairs, I make my way through the Bricking Room toward the Brick Cell. The lights are on. Void sits in the room with her on the sofa watching the television. I stand back taking the scene in. They’re not talking, not doing anything unusual, just spending time together.

  I walk through the door. Both their heads casually turn to me, and Void raises his chin. “Eva in bed?”

  Ivy’s eyes widen at the mention of her sister’s name.

  I take a seat on the edge of the sofa. “Yeah, she’s had a big night.”


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