Defining Darkness (Royal Bastards MC Tampa Chapter Book 1)

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Defining Darkness (Royal Bastards MC Tampa Chapter Book 1) Page 22

by K E Osborn

  Nerve signals to Void as I step back. They both grab Nycto and hoist him up. He lets out a deep guttural groan as they start walking with him toward our room. My stomach rolls in anguish as I follow closely behind.

  Trixie rushes up, handing me some ice packs. “Good luck tonight, hon.”

  I nod but scurry off after Nycto.

  As I walk into the bedroom, Nerve and Void are lying him on the bed. The dull glow of the red lamp makes the blood and bruising on his face seem even more violent if that’s possible. My brows draw together as I stand back and observe Nerve while he tends to him.

  “Is he gonna be okay?” I whisper.

  Void takes the ice packs from me, gripping my bicep. “He’s tough, Chiquita. He’s been through far worse than a beating. With you by his side, he’ll be good as new by morning.”

  I glance at Nerve for confirmation.

  “He’ll be fine. Just needs rest. The guys out there will be partying it up tonight. Keep him calm in here, and if you need anything, come get me, okay?”

  I nod, walk over, and sit on the edge of the bed. “I can’t believe he did this for me.”

  Nerve places one of the icepacks over Nycto’s ribs, then another on his swollen face. “You’re his Ol’ Lady. It was the only way. It’s meant to be.”

  I reach out, grabbing Nycto’s hand and loop our fingers. He’s fast asleep, so he doesn’t tighten his fingers in mine. The blood staining his skin is a reminder of what he’s done for me.

  Tonight, it’s my turn to make sure he’s taken care of because I’m his Ol’ Lady, and he is my Ol’ Man, and that means more to me than anything I thought ever could.


  I hardly slept all night. I kept checking to make sure Nycto was breathing. I was so worried that he was so badly concussed he was going to leave me. I couldn’t handle that at this point, the thought alone is enough to disarm me completely. This man, this gorgeous man, is a part of me now, and that’s never going to change.

  Lying on my side, I run my hand up and down his chest lightly. I’ve been hesitant to touch him all night, but I need the contact.

  Nycto’s eyelids slowly flicker, even in their swollen, bruised state. My heart leaps into my chest as I stare at him. Eventually, his eyes open, then squint like he’s feeling immense pain all over again. He exhales with a slight groan as his hand comes up to his head like he’s trying to soothe an almighty headache. “Fuck me!”

  I weakly smile. “Good morning.”

  Nycto’s eyes flick to me, and the corner of his lips turn up ever so slightly. “The only thing good about this morning is you, Chiquita. Everything else is fucking shit.”

  I shrug. “I dunno about that… I’m your Ol’ Lady now. Andrés is gone. Your punishment is over. We can get on with our lives together now.”

  His hand caresses my cheek. “You’re fucking amazing… and right. I’m focusing more on my embarrassment than the good shit—”

  “You have nothing to be embarrassed about, Nycto—”

  “I took a beating in front of my club. Don’t think they will respect me after the presidents’ retaliation.”

  I look deep into his eyes. “You took punishment for doing something you believed in. For taking a stand for your Ol’ Lady. If they don’t see that you fought for something, stood for something, then they don’t belong in the Tampa Royal Bastards MC.”

  This time his grin is wide, his face glows with pride. “I knew… I knew from the second you fired sass back at me you were going to be a kickass Ol’ Lady. Right here, right now, you just proved it to me, Chiquita.”

  “I really wanna kiss you right now,” I tell him.

  He chuckles. “You don’t ever have to hold back from kissing me, Eva. You wanna kiss me, you fucking kiss me.”

  I narrow my eyes. “But your lip looks so sore—”

  Suddenly, he leans up, his lips pressing hard against mine. The second our mouths collide, that intense fire lights and burns inside of me. There’s something about Nycto that turns me into an insatiable wreck. He ruins me. He completes me. He is everything I didn’t know I needed. I kiss him back, trying to be careful, but it’s hard to control myself when he’s so fucking irresistible, so I deepen the kiss showing him as much enthusiasm as he’s showing me. That is until he whimpers in pain.

  My eyes shoot open when I see I’m leaning on his ribs. I shoot up instantly. “Shit, sorry! Are you okay?”

  “Better than I have been in a long time… just sore.”

  I wince, taking in his nose’s crooked form and point to it. “I think it’s broken.”

  “It is… I heard the crack.”

  “I get it, you know…” Rolling my shoulders, I exhale. “Why they did it that way.”

  He raises his brow like he wasn’t expecting me to understand.

  “I didn’t love it. It killed me to watch, but you broke the rules… and other than killing you, that was the next best thing. That was their only form of punishment.”

  “You don’t know how right you are. They could have de-patched me or taken my presidency… or yeah, killed me. What I got was the tame version. I got off lightly. All the other variations would have involved some form of torture. Jameson’s tough but fair. I did the club wrong, so the punishment must fit the crime. As I said, I got off lightly.”

  “You knew, right back when you first took me, you knew something like this would happen.”

  His hand comes up stopping me as his swollen eyes meet mine. “And I’d do it all over again for you, Eva.”

  My stomach flutters in butterflies. Nycto knew from the moment he saw me we’d end up here. I think I did too in some ways. I refused to believe it being so caught up in finding my sister. I’m not sure we had love at first sight, that would be impossible, but we knew there was chemistry. There was something physically pulling us together.

  You can’t have the light without the dark.

  And together, we’re just that little bit of both each other needs to survive.

  “I’d prefer if you didn’t...”

  He lets out a small laugh, then groans from the pain.

  “I appreciate your sacrifice, Nycto. It means so much to Ivy and me.”

  He squeezes my hand, then stretches a little because no more words need to be said. Now it’s time to get on with our lives.

  “Right, I need food. Shall we face the music?”

  I nod my head, stand, and help Nycto up. Wrapping my arm around his waist, he loops his arm over my shoulder to help him walk. He’s not crippled, but he’s not stable either.

  “Okay, let’s go,” he says.

  We walk out into the bustling clubroom, and all eyes focus on us as everyone watches closely. He wobbles slightly as I grip hold to steady him. He exhales, looking out at the sea of presidents. “I want to thank you all for coming…” he pauses, catching his breath. “I knew I had this coming… I know I did the wrong thing.” He wobbles, blinking a few times. “Tampa won’t be dealing in trafficking anymore. We’re out.” He stops to catch his breath. “We have new business, which I’ll need to discuss with you, Jameson… when I’ve had pain meds… and maybe less knuckles to the damn head.”

  A light snicker filters through the room as Jameson nods at Nycto. “You got it. But now, Nerve, get this man some drugs, some beer, and somewhere to sit with his woman while the rest of us continue to party on his dollar.”

  Nycto groans as the rest of the clubroom cheers. I help Nycto move to a seat, my heart pounding ferociously as I wrap my arm around his waist, leading him into the back corner away from the excessive noise. I sit him on a chair.

  Trixie steps over with a giant plate of food. “You doin’ okay today, Prez?”

  He looks out at the sea of Royal Bastards with a smile. “You know, Trix, I am. I have my woman. My brothers are here in their version of support. Honestly, though, I might look like a massacre now, but I feel like a masterpiece. I’ve come full circle, and I know where my path is leading…”

��Where’s that?” Trixie asks.

  He turns to face me, grabbing my hands. “Wherever Eva is.”

  My heart swells. I never thought I could feel this whole. That I could ever know, without a shadow of a doubt, that I could live my life for one person. Yes, obviously, I live for Ivy too, but Nycto has taken his home in my soul.

  Something changed that night we first laid eyes on each other. He was cocky, self-assured, and arrogant, yet, through the darkness, he shone so bright, the light threatening to break through. He’s so much more than he gives himself credit for. But I see him, his flaws and all. To me, he may be dark, but that doesn’t define him. It does not make him who he is because after darkness, there always comes light, and though he lives his life shrouded in darkness, hounded by the depths of his depraved past, he’s finding his way through.

  With me by his side, I know we can accomplish anything.

  I am his guiding light.

  Just like he is my darkness.

  And that is all we will ever need.



  One Month Later

  Things have progressed in this last month. Eva’s settled into a routine. She’s found her stride here at the clubhouse and loves life. Ivy has too. She’s taken on the job of caring for our crop, seeing as it’s right next to the Brick Cell where she spends the majority of her time. She’s scientific-minded and has used her skillset to get our plants growing at a rapid rate. Ivy seems to enjoy being in charge of something that makes her feel useful like she’s a part of the club.

  Dash helped Ivy set it up. With how he grew up, he knew all about how the set-up should run, so he’s been downstairs helping Ivy get everything in working order. Needless to say, the crop is booming, and so is our new business ventures. It hasn’t gone unnoticed Ivy and Dash’s friendship is blossoming as well. Which also has me aware that Void isn’t downstairs as much as he used to be. I’d like to know why, but I’m not going to interfere.

  I stand back watching Ivy with her clipboard as she jots down notes. She even requested a lab coat, gloves, and goggles, so she doesn’t contaminate the plants. She takes her job seriously like some kind of nerdy scientist. It suits her.

  Dash hands her a cutting, and she examines it under a microscope.

  “Plant thirteen is doing well, Dash, that extra layer of soil did the trick.”

  Dash grins. “I love it when you talk dirty to me.”

  Ivy shoves his shoulder as they keep working.

  I, however, roll my eyes. “Good work, you two. Keep it up.”

  Ivy bows her head at me, without looking my way, as she continues her work. So, I turn to head for the stairs, I don’t need to hang around listening to their crappy banter. As I reach the top of the stairs, the clubhouse is a flurry of excitement. It’s nearly the first weekend in September, and Eva’s a little too excited about what Monday will bring.

  Eva’s rushing around handing out orders wearing tight jeans and an RBMC property patch T-shirt. I’ll never get sick seeing that on her body. She suits the position of head Ol’ Lady so fucking well. Maybe a little too well as she plans for a major Labor Day celebration. Apparently, now Voltage has forged her and Ivy’s American citizenships, she’s taking our American holidays very seriously. The club must celebrate them with gusto and enthusiasm according to her.

  I find it incredibly cute the way she’s taken to becoming an American. She still celebrates her Cuban heritage every chance she gets, but she loves it here. America gave her a new purpose. A new life. So, she’s taking it and running with it.

  As she fusses about getting everything in order, I walk over to her. Trixie writes something down on a notepad as Eva lists what she wants done. “Only American food on the menu. Hotdogs, wings, potato salad, corn on the cob, I want it all. And beer in those red cups. We need it to be a real festivity, Trix.”

  Trixie eyes me. I tilt my head letting Trixie know what my woman wants, she gets. Trix nods, then walks off with Eva’s orders as I pull Eva to me. “I’ve created a monster.”

  Eva turns in my arms, threading her fingers in my hair, her eyes meeting mine. “No, I just want it right. I just…” she sighs, “… I want to have the perfect holiday for you.”

  I press my forehead to hers. “While I like this side of you, Chiquita, all I want is to spend the day inside you. Labor Day isn’t that important… save your energy for the Fourth of July if you want to do something extravagant.”

  “But that’s too far away.”

  “You want a reason to throw a party?”

  “I want to show the guys I appreciate them…” She shrugs. “This is my way. To put on something for them. Celebrate their country and have all the food and festivities to go with it.”

  I get it. This is as much for her as it is for me. Bringing my hand up to the side of her face, I caress her cheek. “Have your party. We could invite Miami. Make it a real celebration?”

  Her face lights up, and she leans in kissing me. “You won’t regret it. This is going to be the best Labor Day you’ve ever had.”

  I chuckle. “Well, you can make it the best Labor Day, and I promise I’ll make it the best night you’ve ever had.”

  Her cheeks flush. “You say that a lot. I never think you can top yourself, yet you always manage to.”

  I lean in against her earlobe, drawing it into my mouth with my teeth. “I promise, baby, I’m only just getting started with you,” I whisper against her ear.

  “Get a room,” Void calls out, walking past us into the kitchen.

  Eva giggles as I pull back, rearranging my dick in my jeans. “Tonight, you and me, we’re finishing this.”

  Eva leans in, sliding her tongue along my bottom lip, then pulls it between her teeth.


  I let out a groan as she turns, her plump ass sashaying as she walks away, making my cock rock- fucking-hard.

  “You bet we are,” she calls out.

  I rub the back of my neck. How the hell did I get so damn lucky?

  Turning, I head into the kitchen. Void’s staring into the refrigerator like some sort of lost soul. That, in itself, is strange—he usually gets one of the club girls to fetch his food. He hasn’t been himself for months ever since I found him in his room with a bottle in hand.

  It’s time to check in.

  “Void… you wanna tell me what’s so fucking interesting in the fridge?”

  He closes it so hard the whole unit rocks, then he turns facing me with his arms folded over his chest with a scowl. “Why the fuck is Dash helping Ivy downstairs? I thought he was learning to be a mechanic, not a fucking magical weed horticulturalist.”

  I hold in a laugh. “You done?”

  He scowls at me. “Am I done? No, I am not fucking done! I don’t understand why she’s always fucking laughing at his lame attempts at humor. He’s a fucking kid.”

  “Mm-hmm… anything else?”

  Void throws his hands in the air. “As a matter of fact, yes. Dash is trouble. We need to kick him out. He doesn’t deserve a patch. I won’t vote yes at the table, so he may as well leave now.”

  I shake my head. “Okay, you’re done! Dash is due his patch. I get the table has to be unanimous, but the kid has earned it. He took a fucking bullet for Sage when he was with her at the safe house. Kid’s got balls. We need brothers like him.”

  Void starts pacing. “Don’t care.”

  “This isn’t about Dash at all, is it?” I smirk.

  He stalls, glaring at me. “The fuck it isn’t—”

  “Then what’s your fucking reasoning? All I can see here is jealousy.” He scoffs, moving back to his rapid pacing. “You can’t deny the man a patch because he’s spending time with Ivy.”

  “I don’t have to stand here listening to this bullshit from you, of all people.” He turns to storm off.

  I grab his cut, forcing him back to the refrigerator, my eyes meeting his dead-on. “Don’t talk to me like that. Remember who your president is.” I shov
e him forcefully as he exhales, then runs a hand through his hair. “Void, it’s time to pull your fucking head out of your ass. I get you have issues. Hell, me, of all people, understands that shit, but, brother… if you like Ivy, then you need to stop avoiding her. Spend some damn time with her. You were in a better place when you did.”

  His face scrunches. “She’s too pure. She’s a fucking virgin, Nycto.”

  “Yeah, she is, but she’s also strong, sassy, and so full of fucking fight and fire. She handles anything thrown at her. Fuck, brother, she’s helping us grow weed. The woman lives in an underground bunker with a room full of dead, decaying bodies next to her knowing and willingly…. including Andrés’ rotting corpse, who she bricked behind a wall without batting a damn eyelid. She’s not pure and virtuous… you’re making her that way in your head.”

  “What if I’m too late? What if the kid’s made his move?”

  “There’s only one way to find out, you fucking idiot.”

  Indecision crosses Void’s face, but then I see that change when he heads for the exit. He’s been needing to do this for a long time. No doubt Void and Ivy have a connection. They’ve had one since Eva and I found ours. The only problem, Void’s fighting that connection hard. Sure, Ivy’s a little more complicated than Eva, but maybe Void is even more troubled than me.

  With some careful planning on my behalf, by inserting Dash into the equation, I’ve gotten Void to recognize what he could be missing out on.

  I realize Void and Ivy could be great together, but they need to see their potential like the rest of us do.

  As he walks past me, I slap him on the shoulder. “Go get your girl, brother.”

  “Gonna try. It’s time for me to find out if Ivy is pure or poisonous.”

  I guess we’re all about to find that out.




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