Home for Good

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Home for Good Page 15

by Nickie Nalley Seidler

  Jared silently hugged me and I could see in his red rimmed eyes the sadness hovering. He was trying to be a big boy tough and strong but I saw through it. I saw the heavy cloak he wore and I wanted to take it all away. I held Livy’s hand and walked over to Belinda.

  “I’m so sorry, mom.” I wrapped her in an embrace and then the door closed announcing Tate’s entrance.

  “That boy causing you trouble?” She lifted her chin at Tate, stomping my way.

  “He’s—“he cut me off with anger in his eyes.

  “When the hell were you going to mention your fucking tires being slashed?”


  “Y ou weren’t exactly here to tell.”

  “Tate Watson watch your mouth around your niece and nephew.”

  “So he is our Uncle?” Jared looked over at me. I would say the confusion settled, but his look told me this told him nothing he didn’t already know.

  “Kids, why don’t you go play in the playroom.” I offered them a smile from their annoyed looks back at me.

  “Thanks, ma.” Tate stormed off into the kitchen as I heard the fridge open.

  “What did I say?”

  I sighed. “Nothing. We haven’t told the kids yet, because…”

  “Because you love the man still?”

  I nodded almost embarrassed of the shit I got myself into with this family. I wanted to avoid the conversation as much as possible.

  “Honey, it’s ok. I know when I see it. Your eyes still light up like a Christmas tree like they did all those years ago.”

  “I’m going to grab some water. Would you like anything?”

  “No, I’m glad you are here though. Tommy would have wanted you to be.”

  I smiled shyly and crept into the kitchen, seeing Tate pour himself vodka on the rocks.

  “Mind making me one?”

  “Yeah, I mind. Wouldn’t want another one of your episodes at the bar.”

  “What’s that?” I asked him, pissed off now. Clearly he had heard from Dale. Didn’t give him a right to say stupid shit to me.

  “Nothing.” He gulped his drink, tossing back the rest.

  “Tate, I’m going to be perfectly clear with you and very transparent. I am not going to skirt around on eggshells from comments made and not explained. I am allowed to go out, with who I damn well please mind you, doing whatever I want. I am a single mother, divorced, and going through a lot. You just came back in my life and I get that’s a lot for you, too. Call it fate, call it a mistake, but we are going to make mistakes. We both have to put the past behind us. I know we didn’t want to explain that to the kids yet, but shit happens. Not everything goes as planned. Don’t we know that well?”

  I moved around the marble island and grabbed a glass from the cabinet, pouring myself a drink since he was being a stubborn ass. A mule, a fucking mule!

  “Why yes, you are divorced, and a single mother. Don’t sit and lecture me about comments with no explanation. You walked away from me outside from a comment without explanation, then another one inside when I asked you about your tire. Cut the shit, Pais. Open up it all to me.”

  I drank the entire glass of vodka I poured and barely stomached the contents. I quickly grabbed juice from the fridge and chased it because that was too much, especially from all I drank last night. I always tried to keep up with the men, and clearly I had to stop trying.

  “I believe Cage slashed my tires, he has been threatening me for two days with possessive qualities. I am handling it, I am in touch with the police. If you know about the tire, you know that Dale called Clint to come get me from the bar which he did, took me home, bathed me from the puke I had all over me, slept on the couch, because I asked him to stay, and when I woke up I found out about your daddy with him where he went to the hospital.”

  “Why did you ask him to stay?”

  “Because I was scared to be alone in my house with a crazy boss essentially on the loose.”


  “Tell me how to do this, tell me how we do this.” I pointed at the space between us.

  “One day at a time, baby.”

  He pulled me into his arms, and I stopped. “We can’t do this with the kids here. Not yet. They’re already confused.”


  “Nothing personal Tate, but they just figured out you’re their Uncle. I don’t want to explain anything further right now. Let’s give it a little bit of time.”

  “I understand.”

  “No more hiding anything from the both of us, ok?”

  “Alright,” he said.

  My phone vibrated in my pocket and I quickly glanced, goosebumps radiating over my skin.

  Cage: I am at your house, where are you?

  “I need to make a phone call.”

  “Paisley, I know that look. Spit it out.”

  I slowly turned my phone for him to see the message.

  “Mother fucker going to get his ass beat. I’m going there.” He started to walk.

  “Stop. Jesus Tate, just stop. There’s so much more to this. I don’t need you setting him off any more. The kids and I can sleep here, or I’ll get a hotel.”

  “Or you can stay at my place after we go straight to the damn police station.”

  “Let me call my friend.”

  I took my phone back out and escaped to the patio out back. Trying to have some privacy while I figured that out. I dialed Chuck because I couldn’t wait any longer. He had to know something by now.

  Shit voicemail.

  “Hey, Chuck, Paisley again. Just seeing if you had any luck with what we talked about. Please get back in touch with me. Things are escalating over here and I’m not sure how safe I’ll be. Bye.”

  Tate stepped outside. “So…”

  “Left a message.”

  “You’re not actually thinking about going to work tomorrow?”

  “I quit that’s why I think this has escalated.”


  I texted Delaney.

  Me: Girl, he’s getting bad. He says he is at my damn house and where am I? Like I don’t know what to do. I had someone looking into the case with Karen, but haven’t heard anything back.

  Delaney: I’m working from home this week, Van approved it, said I had some personal shit going on. Honey, I’m scared for you.

  I couldn’t exactly tell the girl what I knew because then I wildly would be admitting to breaking and entering. I hadn’t told anyone except for Tammy who obviously went with me. It kept my nerves on high alert and I was extremely tempted to pay that damn family a visit. To know something, anything.

  “Mommy? I miss you.” Livy whined standing by the patio door.

  “Oh, sweetie. Come here.” I dipped down on my knee and she ran into my arms. I swooped her up and looked at Tate as he had this admiring look in his eye. I knew how hard it was for him to look at my kids and not see Clint. Not feel the rejection of the biggest mistake in his life, or maybe it wasn’t a mistake to him. Either way, I knew it was tough.

  She cuddled into my neck and I immediately relaxed by her touch and closeness. For a moment the whole world was right. Brooks stepped out on the porch, and I ran to him with Livy in my arms. I put her down quickly for a moment and wrapped my arms around Brooks. The man was grieving and you could see it written all over him. Clint and Tate hid it well, but Brooks, you could read him like a book. Livy clung to my leg.

  I’m so sorry, babe. I am here for you for anything.” I softly spoke in his ear and he held me tighter.

  “Thank you, I know you are. These kids are honestly what’s making me not lose it right now.”

  “It’s ok to lose it. It’s ok to mourn. We’re all hurting, your daddy was a good person.”

  He let go of me and Livy jumped back in my arms.

  “I’m taking Ma to the funeral home, for the arrangements. Clint is meeting me there. You coming, Tate?”

  “I’m going to stay here and make sure they are ok.”

e’re fine, go, they need you.” I pushed him toward Brooks.

  “You need help with an arising issue…”

  “No, they need you to plan to bury your daddy, now go!”

  He moved toward the door.

  “I’ll stay at the house here with the kids. I’ll make some calls if your mom wants me to.”

  We stepped back into the house and Belinda was a crying mess. The doorbell rang and Belinda was the only one near it, so she got the door. She swung the door open to see my mama standing there. Relief washed over and it looked like Tate felt a little better too. My mama hugged Belinda and they shared a moment until she ushered into the house. Jared ran to her first, and then Livy wanted down so she could follow. When the kids were distracted, I leaned up to Tate and kissed his cheek.

  “Go be the brother they need and the son she needs. I love you.” I whispered to him.

  I walked over to my mama and gave her a hug myself, never wanting to let go. There was no way I would inform her of the situation with Cage. No need to scare anybody. The less everyone knew the better. Once I got the info from Chuck, I’d explain what was going on and see what he says about it all. Help me with filing for an order of protection.

  Overwhelmed, I was just grateful my mom was here to keep me and the kids company and to distract me from everything else. The guest beds were set up for us upstairs, the linens washed, and ready. Knowing the family would be gone all evening, I decided to cook a warm meal with whatever Belinda had in her pantry. Spaghetti, simple enough for everyone and the kids would eat it.

  Now we prepared for the funeral.


  A s the curling iron heated up, Livy sat on the toilet seat in front of me. Combing the brush through her silky hair, I began to part it. The funeral was today. I helped Belinda make all the calls to let everyone know and practically the whole town would probably show up. They asked Jared to be a Paul bearer with the brothers and a couple cousins. I thought it a sweet gesture and surely Jared took the job with pride even though he didn’t fully understand it. I was so proud of my boy.

  Thankful I hadn’t gotten any further messages from Cage. Maybe he got the hint and would leave me alone? Nothing from Chuck either which sort of ticked me off at this point. We have stayed at the family house the last two days knowing family needed family. Tate snuck into my bed each night, but I forced him to keep his hands to himself for the sake of being caught. And not just by my kids. For the sake of a smooth funeral service where nobody was hating on anyone, it was the only way to go.

  After the curler warmed up, I started wrapping chunks of Livy’s hair around the barrel letting loose waves grace her shoulders. She was the most beautiful little girl. Jared my handsome dude strutted into the bathroom, showing off his dress suit and a tie Brooks taught him how to tie. Tate was even coming around them and interacting which made my heart warm and fuzzy knowing it was difficult.

  I finished up on Livy and the kiddos headed downstairs while I gathered my black chiffon dress with a lace bottom and buttons up the back. Matching it with a pair of neutral flats, I quickly fixed some basic makeup to cover up the exhaustion in the bags under my eyes, and the acne from the stress going on. We were running out of time to get there, so I made do with what time I had. Not doing much with eyes in case of crying, I sprayed some perfume and marched downstairs to be near everyone else.

  “You look nice.” Tate smiled, eyeing me up and down.

  “Thank you for being here with all of us,” Clint added.

  “I would not be anywhere else. You all are family to me.”

  The kids followed Clint outside and hopped into his truck with Belinda and my mother. Brooks and I got in Tate’s truck as they headed toward the church. Daddy wished for no wake, so everyone was to attend church.

  Feeling free to touch me without the kids noticing, Tate leaned his arm over the console and rested his hand on my thigh.

  “So, y’all a thing now?” Brooks laughed from the backseat.

  I looked to Tate who looked back at me. “We are,” I squeezed his hand. “But, the kids don’t know yet, we’re waiting things out.”

  “I can see how it will be—“

  Tate cut him off. “How it will be a loving relationship between us that the kids will eventually get used to.”

  Brooks slapped Tate’s shoulder as he drove down the road. “Yeah, brother. Don’t worry about the kids, they’ll follow whatever feels right. You both were always right…”

  “We have a long road to get back to that.”

  “Tate, that’s unfair,” I scoffed.

  “Ok, not that long of a road?”

  “A relationship takes time, we have skeletons, we have pasts, but we also have each other. And right now, this feels normal. It feels like the road may not be that long at all.”

  “Ha, see, your girl is pretty smart. Can’t believe I was the only brother to not get in on her awesomeness.” He hid a laugh in his arm and I whacked him in the knee as we all cracked up. That, that was nice to hear us all make a joke of it and not make me feel the world was ending because I married a Watson what’s another? Poor Brooks.

  I squeezed Tate’s hand on my leg to reassure him. To reassure him of everything he needed in that moment. That I loved him, cared for him, was there for him, the good the bad the ugly. It was a complicated relationship, by no means was it easy. We’d overcome all because our hearts were made to beat as one. Our love strong enough to withstand anything that came our way. Tate Watson was a beautiful soul. One I loved getting to know again.

  “When’s your leave over?” Brooks asked.

  “Two more days.”

  “Shiit. Never enough time bro.”

  “I know.” He exhaled looking strangely worked up about it. I knew he said he might not resign his contract, but now he made it seem like he was going to sign it. Not jumping to conclusions, I decided to drop it and not add any more stress to the situational day. He pulled up to the church and to no surprise, a ton of people. Part of me worried that Cage was being too eerily quiet for someone so relentless. After parking the truck, the others pulled up.

  “Tammy is over there, I’m going to go quickly say hello.” I said, hopping out of the truck and over to Tammy wearing a nice navy dress with her pearl earrings. Her kids were not present, but I didn’t expect them to be.

  “Thank you for coming.” I held my hands out to her.

  “Of course. You know I’m here for the family.”

  Taking her hand, I squeezed it. “I’ll keep an eye out for psycho.” She whispered in my ear.

  “Don’t even say that.” Swatting at her arm. “I don’t even want to think about him daring to come here at a time like this.”

  “Sis, psychos don’t think with common sense or courtesy.”

  “I love you.” Turning back and heading toward the boys and my kids now getting out of the truck with Belinda, my mother, and Clint. I took a deep breath as people piled into the church. Not prepared for handling this day, I had to suck it all in for my babies and be strong for them. Brooks grabbed Livy and carried her in as her cute little hands cradled around his neck.

  “Thank you.” I bumped Brooks arm with mine and he winked at me letting me know it was perfectly fine.

  I walked side by side with Tate and it killed me not to be able to touch him in public without stirring up a bunch of senseless drama. Everyone knew I married and divorced Clint. I didn’t need rumors or anything started at a dang funeral.

  The hearse pulled outside of the church and upon walking up the steps, I grabbed Livy from Brooks and watched the men go down there and put the white gloves on their hands. A stray tear escaped my eye as I watched Jared, my baby boy, do as he was told with instruction from the funeral director. Clint patted his back quickly before they all eased toward the hearse and took the sides they were on. Clint, Jared, and Randy one of their cousins, on one side of the coffin, and Tate, Brooks, and their other cousin Daryl gripped the coffin on the other. Beli
nda sobbed watching the men and boys begin to carry the coffin out of the car and up the walkway. Two other men of the family also joined them to help last minute since they technically needed four on each side due to the weight.

  Holding on tight to Livy, we watched them make their way toward the entrance of the church where the priest met them. My mother squeezed my hand reminding me she was there for me. We all proceeded into the church and I joined the family in the second row. I didn’t feel as though I should be directly in front as I was a part of the family, but divorced out, too. That was until Clint turned around and took my hand, pulling Livy and I up to the first row to be with them. I followed whatever they wanted. Jared looked up to me with sad eyes.

  “Mom, that was really heavy.”

  “Shhh, the priest is talking now.”

  Livy pulled my arm. “Mommy, I have to go potty.”

  “Can wait until it’s over.”

  “No, mommy, I have to go bad.”

  My mom eased her head over and whispered. “I can take her.”

  “Oh thanks—“

  Livy interrupted. “No, I want mommy.”

  I sighed and grabbed her up while I rushed to the outside aisle so I was more discreet than us running down the center aisle. People looked with sympathized smiles.

  Making our way through the church at the back, I pushed open the door for the women’s room.

  “Go ahead, baby.”

  She did her business, came out, and washed her hands. I heard a knock at the door so I told her to hurry up. Once she was done, she thought it was funny to try to run from me. I opened the door expecting another woman to step in, but there wasn’t anyone there. Livy laughed and I prayed nobody heard her as it wasn’t the time or the place for the games she was playing. I rounded the corner and my heart dropped, freezing me to the ground as a pair of evil eyes looked back at me, standing only inches from me.

  “I told you, you were mine.” Cage angrily whispered, sweat rolling down his face before sticking a gun at my side and ordering me to move toward the outside door. I gasped in shock at his blunt, risky move. Livy was almost to the front of the church now. That would hurt Cage’s plan, because the moment she got back there and I wasn’t there with her, they would look around to see where I was.


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