Bitter Sweet Revenge

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Bitter Sweet Revenge Page 15

by Donna Jay

  “That I’m his daughter? I think so.” Jodie deadpanned, and they all laughed.

  “I meant does your father know you’re dating the hired help.” Katie chuckled.

  “No, he doesn’t.” Simon descended the porch steps, shaking his head. “But Jodie’s going to tell him. Aren’t you?”

  Chewing her lip, Jodie stared at her feet. “Your sister doesn’t need to hear this.”

  He handed a glass of orange juice to Katie and another to Gillian.

  “Yeah, I do,” Katie said. “It can’t be any worse than having to tell them you’re gay.”

  “Do your parents know?” Jodie turned the question back on Katie.

  “They will…soon,” Katie said.

  Gillian squeezed her hand, and although it should’ve reassured her, it made Katie feel worse.

  “Where do you work?” Gillian asked, and Katie could’ve kissed her for changing the topic.

  “On the farm,” Jodie said. “My dad warned me to stay away from the cadet.”

  “That’s me.” Simon stabbed himself in the chest.

  “You’re such a goof.” Katie laughed.

  “A loveable goof.” He planted a kiss on Jodie’s cheek. “My good looks won you over, didn’t they, babe?”

  “You told me there were chickens on the farm but not peacocks.” Gillian tipped her head in Simon’s direction. “He’s practically strutting.”

  He was, but he looked so happy, Katie couldn’t begrudge him.

  Right at that moment, Henrietta came strolling into the yard.

  “Oh, look.” Gillian clicked her fingers. “Here, chook, chook, chook.”

  “Did you leave the back gate open?” Jodie frowned at Simon.

  “Nope.” He turned to Katie. “Did you close the front gate when you came in?”

  She thought back to the rusty hinges on the gate she’d held open for Gillian. “I thought I did, but maybe not.”

  “Shit.” Simon jumped to his feet. “You better not have pooped inside.” He cornered Henrietta, picked her up, and dumped her over the wire fence. “Back in a sec.”

  While he was off doing damage control, Katie turned back to Jodie. “Are you worried your dad will be angry if he finds out about you and Simon?”

  “No.” Jodie shook her head as Simon reappeared. “I’ve done stuff that’s made him angry before. He gets over it. I’m almost twenty-one, so they pretty much let me do my own thing, learn from my own mistakes.”

  “So, what’s the problem?” Katie asked, sure she’d missed something.

  Simon looked at her with affection in his eyes. “Jodie’s worried if her dad finds out, I’ll lose my job.”

  “Do you get on well with your boss?” Gillian asked, batting away a sand-fly.

  “Yep.” Simon nodded. “He went on holiday for a week, left me in charge of the farm, said it was the first time he’d felt comfortable enough to do that in a long time.”

  “Did everything go smoothly?” Katie hoped like hell it had, and that Jodie was worrying about nothing.

  “It went great. Jodie and I worked side by side...” He smiled at Jodie, and she finished the sentence. “…And slept side by side.”

  The feelings they had for each other was palpable.

  Gillian got to her feet, shaking her legs out. “Sorry, numb bum.”

  Jodie chuckled. “At least it’s not flat like mine.”

  “I like your flat bum.” Simon grinned.

  “Did you just call me fat?” Jodie jumped to her feet, laughing. Simon chased her around the plastic picnic table.

  Katie held up her hands. “All right, all right. So, what are you going to do?”

  “Tell her dad,” Simon stated as he caught Jodie and hugged her from behind. “If he fires me, we’ll deal with it then. But I think you’re worrying about nothing. I’m not keeping you a secret forever.”

  His declaration made Katie more determined than ever to come out to her parents. She owed it to herself and Gillian.

  A loud rap on the front door made all heads swivel in that direction. From her position on the log, Katie couldn’t see who it was, but the sidelong look Simon gave her confirmed her fears.

  David was here.

  “Anyone home?”

  “Out here, dude,” Simon waved him through the cottage.

  The second David joined them in the backyard, Katie’s anxiety skyrocketed. The last thing she wanted was for Gillian to be on the receiving end of his bigotry. Without conscious thought, she moved sideways.

  “Hey, my man.” He fist-bumped Simon, his gaze locked on Jodie. “Who’s this lovely lady?” He held out a hand and gave a slight bow.

  Watching him act like God’s gift to women made Katie sick to her stomach.

  Gillian closed the small space Katie had created between them. “You okay? You seem a little tense?”

  Inhaling a deep breath, Katie forced herself to relax her shoulders. “I’m fine. Just wary of this guy.”

  Right at that moment, David spun on his heel. “Katie!” His lecherous gaze made her skin crawl. “Wow, you look as stunning as ever.” He turned his charming smile on Gillian. “And you are?”

  “This is Gillian,” Katie said, her voice devoid of emotion. “Gillian, this is David…Simon’s mate.”

  “Don’t be like that, Katie. We dated, remember?”

  Damn him!

  “Once,” Katie admitted, if you could even call it a date.

  “We should do it again sometime.”

  “Not happening,” Simon voiced Katie’s thoughts.

  Jodie chewed on her thumbnail, her gaze darting from one person to another.

  “Why not, she’s not a kid anymore?” David folded his arms across his broad chest. “She doesn’t need her big brother’s approval to date who she wants.”

  “No, she doesn’t. But you’re not her type.”

  Katie’s heart leapt into her throat. She silently begged Simon not to out her. Not to David.

  “And what is her type?” David jutted out his chin.

  All mouths fell open when Gillian spoke.

  “I am.”

  She put an arm across Katie’s shoulders, and as sick as Katie felt, she also felt protected.

  His gaze locked on Katie as if Gillian hadn’t spoken. “Oh, my God, you’re a fucking dyke. No wonder you were colder than a fridge when I tried to kiss you.”

  “That’s enough, mate.” Simon was a picture of anger. Body tense, mouth set in a thin, tight line.

  David spun on him. “Don’t tell me what’s enough.” He pointed at Katie. “She duped me, lead me on, and made me shake hands with a faggot.” He slapped his forehead. “Ah, it makes sense now. No wonder you ended up so-called sick when I washed your gay mate’s filth off me.”

  “David!” Simon shouted.

  “Come on, bro. Are you telling me you’re okay with your sister being a carpet muncher?”

  In a blur, Simon’s fist connected with David’s jaw. The deafening crack made Katie wince.

  “You fuckin’ prick.” David tackled Simon and a scuffle broke out.

  “Oh, my God, I’m so sorry,” Gillian’s hand flew to her mouth.

  “Don’t be. You weren’t to know he’s a homophobe.”

  “Should we try to break them up?”

  Before Katie could reply, droplets of water sprayed her forearms. She turned to see Jodie holding the garden hose on Simon and David. “Cool it, or I’ll phone my father and have your arse thrown off our property.”

  Breathing hard, arms wrapped around each other like wrestlers, David and Simon stilled.

  “We cool?” Simon asked, not releasing his stranglehold.

  Looking defeated or perhaps disgusted, it was hard to tell with the blood coating his upper lip, David nodded.

  The second Simon released his grip; David elbowed him in the throat. He jumped to his feet. “There, now we’re even. You and your sister can go to hell, gay boy.”

  Anger surged through Katie. “He’s got a girlf
riend, dickhead.”

  He flipped her the bird and left the same way he came in. Fuming, she turned to see Jodie helping Simon to his feet.

  He pulled Jodie close, plastering his wet body to hers. “My hero.”

  She slugged him in the arm. “Don’t go pulling that shit again. I hate violence.”

  “I know, but sometimes a guy has to defend his honour.”

  So does a girl.

  Wringing her hands together, Gillian cleared her throat. “I’m sorry. I should’ve kept my big mouth shut.”

  Simon tilted his head. “Why didn’t you?”

  Bristling, Katie opened her mouth to protest. He held up a hand, silencing her.

  “Because I didn’t like the way he was acting hostile toward Katie.”

  “You and me both. Anyone who dares to fuck with my sister has to deal with me.”

  The declaration was bittersweet. The words were heartfelt, but knowing her brother got hurt because of her was a bitter pill to swallow.

  “What’s with the long face?” Simon eyed her with compassion.

  “You shouldn’t lose your friends because of me.”

  “Don’t sweat it, sis. We haven’t been close for ages.” He stepped toward the cottage. “I don’t know about anyone else, but I could do with a beer.”

  Katie didn’t normally drink and drive, but right then she needed something to calm her nerves. “If you’re opening a flagon, I could do with a glass.”

  “How about you, Gillian?” he asked, wringing out the bottom of his wet T-shirt.

  “Sure.” She squeezed Katie’s shoulder, and Katie closed her eyes wishing she could erase the last ten minutes of her life.

  Actually, no, she didn’t. David got what was coming to him.

  “I’ll get the drinks,” Jodie said, kicking aside the garden hose. “You go get changed.”

  Once they were alone, Katie turned to Gillian. “You okay?”

  “I’m fine. I’ve dealt with bigger bullies than David.”


  Shortly after seven thirty p.m., after a no-frills dinner of sausages and bread, Katie and Gillian were finally on the road back to Palmerston North.

  The sun was low in the sky and the temperature was mild. With the windows down, a warm breeze whipped around their shoulders.

  “That was interesting,” Gillian said.

  “It was.” Katie adjusted the rear-view mirror.

  “Want to tell me about David?”

  “Not really.”

  “But you will.” Gillian gave her a knowing smile.

  Keeping her eyes on the road, Katie gave her the condensed version. “I asked him to last year’s Christmas party. End of story.”

  “David made it sound like more.”

  “David’s a douchebag.”

  “I won’t argue with that.” Gillian looked thoughtful. “Jodie seems nice.”

  “She does,” Katie replied, relieved Gillian dropped the topic of David.

  After checking the coast was clear, Katie turned onto highway 56. “Are you ready to go home yet?” Katie held her breath waiting for Gillian’s reply. She never wanted this day to end.

  “Not unless you want to get rid of me.”

  “Never!” Katie’s head shot around so fast her neck cracked.

  “So, what did you have in mind?”

  “If you haven’t had enough of meeting the Parkers for one day, my mum would love to meet you, my friend.” She cringed at how that sounded. “Sorry, but they don’t know yet.”

  “It’s fine. I told you I’d give you time.”

  “I’ll tell them…soon.” she said softly. “But not tonight. Not with you there.”

  “Thanks.” Gillian reached over and squeezed her hand.

  Katie wasn’t sure if she was thanking her for not coming out in front of her or for vowing to come out.

  “What’s with you and bathrooms?” Gillian’s abrupt change of conversation threw Katie for a loop.

  “What do you mean?” Katie shifted down gears as they neared a tight corner.

  “You took forever at the cinema and nearly as long at Simon’s. Both times I was about to come looking for you.”

  “Oh.” Katie chuckled. She’d had to more or less strip just to pee. She pulled on the shoulder strap to her one-piece bathing suit. “I’ve still got my togs on, remember?”

  “Bad luck for you.” Gillian smoothed out her dress.

  “Believe me, I’ll be out of them the second we get home.”

  “Need a hand with that?”

  Katie chuckled. “Touché.”

  At least there was more room to get changed in her bedroom than the backseat of a car.


  “No one home?” Gillian asked as Katie parked on the grass verge in front of the house. Her car had been banished from the driveway when it sprung an oil leak.

  “They’ve gone to the club but should be home by nine.” She glanced at her watch. They had an hour to themselves.

  Inside, she pointed to the telephone on the kitchen bench. “You can call your parents if you need to.”

  “Thanks.” She picked up the phone.

  Trying not to eavesdrop, Katie stepped into the kitchen and cleaned out the esky.

  “Hi, Mum. I’m at Katie’s.” A pause. “It was great…I’ll tell you about it when I get home.” Another pause. “Probably around ten.” She glanced at Katie and Katie nodded.

  If she wanted to be home by ten, Katie would have her home by ten. She mouthed ‘going to get changed’ and left the room. By the time she’d thrown her dress back on, Gillian appeared in the doorway.

  “Want a tour of the house?” Katie asked.

  “I’d prefer a tour of your room.” Gillian strolled into her bedroom like she owned it. She pushed the door closed and Katie’s mind went into overdrive.

  They were alone, in her bedroom. She held her breath.

  Gillian remained where she was, staring at the posters on the walls. “The Eurythmics.” She nodded her approval. “I love Annie Lennox.”

  “Favourite song?” Katie picked up a cassette and popped it into the player.

  “There Must Be an Angel. What’s yours?”

  Katie pressed play and let the lyrics speak for her.

  “Sweet dreams,” Gillian’s sung along, “Everybody’s looking for something.”

  She stepped up to Katie. “May I have this dance?”

  Excited and nervous as hell, Katie chuckled. “My room’s too small to dance.”

  “Says ye of little faith.” Gillian wrapped her arms around Katie’s waist.

  They swayed to the music, staring into each other’s eyes. Katie’s gaze dropped to Gillian’s lips. She wanted to kiss her, but she wasn’t brave enough.

  As if reading her thoughts, Gillian pulled her closer. Their lips touched, and Katie’s heart exploded.

  She parted her lips. Gillian’s tongue slipped inside, tentative at first then with more passion.

  They kissed for a long time, swaying to the music. The song ended and their lips parted.

  “You okay?” Gillian smiled warmly.

  Katie nodded. “Can we do that again?”

  “I’d love to.” Gillian gently guided Katie back onto her bed, the satin bedspread cool beneath them.

  Stretched out, side by side, Gillian circled Katie’s nipple with her fingertip. “This okay?”

  “God, yes.” Katie had never been so turned on. She felt like her heart was going to beat right out of her chest.

  Their lips met and Katie arched her back. She wanted to mould her body to Gillian’s, but the feel of her caressing her breast was too good, so she didn’t dare move.

  Deepening the kiss, Gillian trailed her fingers down Katie’s stomach and slowly dragged the hem of her skirt up. The fabric tickled her thighs before Gillian’s fingers did the same. Katie’s heart kicked into a gallop. Her libido went through the roof.

  “I can feel your heart beating.” Gillian gazed into her eyes.

p; “I’ve never done this before,” Katie admitted, feeling shy.

  “I’m honoured to be your first.” Gillian lowered her mouth to Katie’s. They kissed, long and slow.

  She ran a finger along the inside of Katie’s thigh, firing senses to life. Her touch was electric.

  Her hand stilled and Katie’s eyes flew open. “Why did you stop?”

  “Shh.” Gillian held her finger to her lips. “I heard a noise.”

  Straining to hear, Katie tilted her head. The clunk of the garage door closing made her heart leap into her throat. “Shit, it’s my folks. They’re not supposed to be home until nine.” It was a little after eight-thirty.

  “Crap.” Gillian straightened her skirt and leaned back against the wall, sitting sideways across Katie’s bed.

  Trying not to freak out, Katie bounded off. She finger-combed her hair, straightened her skirt, and tossed a pile of LP’s on her bed.

  Looking totally relaxed, Gillian picked up Pat Benatar’s album and flashed Katie a wicked grin.

  The album title, In the Heat of the Night, wasn’t lost on her.

  Her mum tapped on her bedroom door. “We’re home.”

  “I can hear that.” Katie pulled open the door.

  Her mum’s eyes went wide. “Oh, this must be your friend. Gillian, is it?”

  “It is.” Gillian waved from the bed. “Nice to meet you.”

  “You too.” She eyed Katie up and down. “Everything okay? You look a little flushed.”

  Feeling like her mother could see right through her, Katie stammered. “I...we…”

  Gillian came to her rescue. “I told her to put sunscreen on her face. But do you think she’d listen? No. She’s probably got sunburnt feet, too.”

  Katie glanced down. Yep, her toes were blushing as well.

  “How was your night, Mum?” Katie attempted to take the focus off herself.

  “We had a great time.” Her mum’s eyes sparkled.

  “Smells like it.” Katie waved her hand in front of her face. “You’ve got wine breath.”

  “Well excuse me.” Her mum’s eyes were full of laughter. “Come make your mother a coffee and bring your friend out to meet your dad.”

  “Sure, I’ll be there soon.”

  “Door open.” Her mother pushed it open when Katie went to close it.

  “What? Why? You used to tell Simon to close his door and keep the noise down when he had mates over.”


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