Traded: A Vampire King Paranormal Romance (Midnight Royals Book 1)

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Traded: A Vampire King Paranormal Romance (Midnight Royals Book 1) Page 5

by Tori Leigh

  It would also be exciting to show her pleasure, the kind that only I could give…

  I stared straight ahead. The bridge into Charleston came into view.

  “Wow.” Audrina leaned forward, ogling the enormous structure. “I don’t remember this.”

  I allowed myself the pleasure of looking at her face. Her eyes were bright, eager. “I’m looking forward to showing you more.”

  She turned to me and smiled—actually smiled.

  It was a good thing I didn’t have a heart. If I did, in that moment, it would’ve stopped dead.



  I was sad about leaving Winnie behind. And I was scared. But the moment I glimpsed Charleston, something else sparked inside of me—a feeling I didn’t even recognize. The city was beautiful, so much more so than I remembered.

  The enormous, cabled bridge brought us over the river, its aqua water sparkling in the midday sun. I held my breath as we crossed—I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been so high up. The city beckoned from the other side. Elegant church spires and grand old buildings rose into the sky, colorful and classic, with the greenery of trees dotted throughout the view. Charleston was a city, but they had preserved the natural beauty of its surroundings.

  My heart lifted just looking at it. “It’s beautiful, huh?”

  I turned to find Gabriel Dalca staring at me. “It’s incredible.”

  I cleared my throat. “Do you live downtown?”

  The corner of his lips twitched up. “Sort of.”

  “Sort of?”

  “We’ll be there in a few minutes—you’ll see what I mean.”

  He said nothing further as the Escalade made its way over the bridge and we entered the city proper. There were walkers and joggers out on the sidewalks, taking advantage of the warm, sunny day. The traffic slowed as we wound our way through the streets, lined with colorful brick townhouses, outdoor cafes and palm trees.

  I couldn’t help but gape. I hadn’t been around so much color—so much activity, so much life—in longer than I could remember. Tons of young, attractive people milled about, chatting, texting, smiling. I felt like I’d been dropped in the middle of a big-budget Hollywood rom-com, one where a happy ending was guaranteed.

  Gabriel glanced at me. “We can come for a walk downtown tomorrow. First, I must get you settled and attend to some business.”

  “Great.” I shook my head, but I couldn’t tear my gaze away from the sunny city scene. Winnie and I had been locked at Hawthorne Hall for too long. The fact that there was so much energy, so much sun and happiness, that close to my grim home baffled me. It was like another world.

  The SUV snaked down another side street, this one residential. The sidewalks were empty, but the homes were gorgeous. Stately townhouses abutted each other, sparkling in the sunlight, their bright colors and carefully attended shrubs boasting of wealth.

  The Escalade pulled up in front of the largest house on the block. Its off-white-brick facade sailed into the sky. Glossy black shutters adorned the enormous windows. Manicured topiaries lined the entrance, which led to a black door adorned with a large, gold door-knocker. Gaslights flickered on either side.

  “Here we are.” Gabriel held out his hand for me, his dark gaze searching my face.

  “I-It’s beautiful.” I put my hand into his and almost gasped. A surge of electricity that shot through me from his touch, straight down to my core. Oh boy.

  I doubted he felt it—nevertheless, he released me as soon as I climbed down from the car. The driver got my bag as Gabriel led me through the iron gate and down the walkway.

  “Welcome to my home.” He opened the door and ushered me through.

  My memories of what Hawthorne Hall had been like while my father was alive were hazy, but I remembered what it felt like. Immaculate, warm, spacious and inviting. It made you feel good to be there, as though the sheer beauty of the place could transform you. Gabriel’s townhouse felt like that. Luxurious, elegant, utterly immaculate. As soon as I entered, I felt like I’d never be the same.

  Gray walls rose above me, stretching out from the dark hardwood floors. The floor-to-ceiling windows, surrounded by white, ornate columns, let in a flood of sunlight. Portraits lined the walls, men and women with serious expressions on their faces.

  “Are these pictures of your family?”

  He nodded. “Yes, going back several generations.”

  I studied the oil paintings as the driver brought my bag in. He bowed to Gabriel and left, closing the door behind him.

  Then we were alone.

  “So… Audrina.” Gabriel walked down the hallway, footfalls echoing. “I’d like to show you more of the house—I’m sure you’d like to settle in. Then we have some things to review and discuss before we attend our first cocktail party.”

  “There’s a p-party?” My throat went dry. “Tonight?”

  Another small smile played on his lips. “That’s why you’re here, remember?”

  I lifted my chin, reminding myself to be brave. “Of course.”

  “Now, let me show you this first floor of the house.”

  He swept down the hallway, and I followed him. There was so much to look at, but I only caught glimpses—enormous bookcases, crystal chandeliers and a gourmet kitchen that looked straight out of an architectural magazine.

  Gabriel headed to the last door on the left. “This,” he said, “is your first-floor suite.”

  He opened the door, and I had to stifle a gasp. It was a bedroom fit for a princess. An enormous bed with a white canopy commanded the center of the room, and another crystal chandelier projected tiny rainbows onto the pale-yellow walls. It was light, airy, and completely magical.

  “I took the liberty of having some gowns ordered for you,” Gabriel said. “They will deliver the bulk of them tomorrow. A cocktail dress will be available for you this evening. I will have it brought downstairs once it arrives.”

  I didn’t understand what he meant by that, but he continued, “Please, if there’s anything that you need, just let me know. I have a tailor who is more than happy to dress you. In fact, this is the most excitement he’s had in some time. He was positively gleeful when I phoned him earlier.”

  “That’s very kind of you.” I wondered how he knew my size, but I didn’t dare ask. A warm glow of happiness blossomed in my chest. I hadn’t had a new dress in forever, and the wallpaper in my room at home was faded and peeling in parts. Material things weren’t important to me—even so, I had to admit that the beautiful bed and the prospect of playing dress-up lifted my spirits.

  Gabriel smiled at me. “Are these accommodations to your liking?”

  I nodded quickly. “Absolutely. The room looks like it belongs to a princess. And thank you very much for ordering some clothes for me. I probably don’t have anything that’s appropriate for these events.”

  He nodded. “It’s my pleasure.” He went and stood by one of the windows and looked outside. “But although this suite is for your personal use while we’re on the first level, you will not be staying here. This one’s just for show. Your actual room is downstairs.”

  There was this “downstairs” business again. My heart hammered in my chest. “M-My actual room?” Was it one I would share with him?

  He glanced back over his shoulder at me. “I have to tell you a few things that might shock you. But I need you to understand something first.”

  Hi gaze locked with mine. “You are safe here. You are safe with me. I promised to return you to your sister if that is your desire, and I do not break my promises. Do you understand me?”

  “Y-Yes.” My voice shook. I might be safe, but I was still afraid.

  “The Dalca family has a lot of resources. In the past, that has made my family a target.” Gabriel frowned. “We take extreme measures to protect ourselves. What I’m about to show you is completely secret. You must understand that you can tell no one about what you see. My safety and my family’s safety depend upon it.�

  Heart pounding, I waited to hear more.

  He tilted his chin, his gaze raking over me. “Can I trust you, Audrina? Can I trust you with my life?”



  “What I’m about to show you is completely secret. You must understand that you can tell no one about what you see. My safety and my family’s safety depend upon it.”

  Gabriel’s words rang in my ears. What on earth could he mean?

  “W-What are you going to show me?”

  “The place where my family is safe.” His gaze searched mine. “You can’t tell anyone, not even your sister. It’s to protect her as much as it is as it is to protect us. So I must ask you again—can I trust you?”

  My curiosity overwhelmed me, but at the mention of my sister, my maternal instinct kicked in. I focused on what he was asking. If I needed to hide something about the Dalcas in order to keep Winnie safe, I would swear to it. “You have my word.”

  He bowed his head. “Excellent. I had a feeling you were trustworthy, Audrina. I believe your priorities are in the right place. It’s very refreshing.”

  My cheeks grew hot. “T-Thank you.”

  “Thank you.” He grinned at me, and it seemed a bit wicked. “It will be a relief to finally have someone to tell my secrets to.”

  I shivered. How many secrets did he have?

  Gabriel held out his hand again. “Please follow me.”

  I took his hand with mixed emotions—and this time, I wasn’t surprised when electricity surged through me at his touch. Even though my skin felt hot pressed against his, I shivered.

  My heart skittered in my chest. I wasn’t sure if it was from fear of being close to him, or if it was something else… But as he tugged on my hand, leading me back down the hall, heat spread through me. Inexperienced though I was, even I recognized it—my entire body buzzed with his proximity, his hulking, handsome mysteriousness.

  We stopped near the kitchen, and Gabriel pointed at it. “There’s always food here on the first floor. You may help yourself to anything, but this is really just used for entertaining outsiders. My primary kitchen is on the lower level.”

  I squinted at the floor. “In the basement?” Who had a second kitchen in the basement?

  “Yes—you’ll see.” He hit a button on the wall, and I realized the door we were standing in front of was actually an elevator. “Downstairs is where my proper home is—this is all just for show.” He motioned to the gorgeous townhome. “I will have all your things sent down, of course. But I wanted you to be comfortable on this level. If we have guests who do not know my true identity, we will entertain them on this floor.”

  My mouth went completely dry. All my silly, happy thoughts—about the excitement of holding his hand, about princess beds, about fancy dresses—went up in smoke. His true identity? What the hell did that mean? Was he, like, Ironman or something?

  But Ironman lived in a regular mansion. The details of the movie were fuzzy, but he definitely didn’t have a secret elevator that led to his true home, one below the surface, away from the sunlight…

  My frazzled brain searched for another alternative—Batman, maybe? Didn’t Batman have a secret cave? But Batman isn’t real, Audrina…

  I eyed the front door. The sunlight was out there, the pretty buildings, the palm trees. I’d never outrun Gabriel’s long, powerful legs. But maybe I should try? His biceps bulged beneath his suit coat. If he caught me, I’d be trapped. Fuck.

  The elevator door opened with a ping. The interior was dark and sleek, the side walls mirrored. I swallowed hard. I’d been making jokes about him locking me up in his basement. He’d just said something very strange about his true identity. And now Tall, Dark and Apparently Really Frickn’ Crazy wanted me to hop into his elevator so he could take me down with him, so he might show me where he actually lived.

  “Audrina. Look at me.” As if Gabriel sensed my thoughts, he reached for my hands and squeezed them. Again, heat shot through me at his touch. “What did I tell you?”

  “T-That I’m safe here.”

  “That’s right. Good girl.” He stared directly into my eyes, mesmerizing me. “You are safe here, and you are safe with me. What I’m about to show you might change your opinion of me, of course.” His gaze swept over me—and did I imagine it, or was it tinged with sadness? “But you have my word that no harm will ever come to you. I will protect you with my life. Do you understand? You have my vow.”

  He kept promising me he would keep me safe. Despite mounting evidence to the contrary, staring into the depths of his dark eyes, I somehow believed him. Or at least, I wanted to. I suddenly understood myself: I wanted to believe him, so I didn’t have to leave.

  You’re a fucking idiot, said the voice in my head.

  Gabriel didn’t break my gaze. “I don’t welcome very many people into my home. You are one of a precious few. It means something to me to have you here.” He said it like he meant it, like he’d never meant anything so much.

  He went inside the elevator and waited for me.

  Run, said the voice in my head. Don’t you remember that curiosity killed the cat?

  Of course I did. But maybe he was Ironman. Or Batman. Or… ??? I didn’t know. But this gorgeous enigma of a man was offering me a ride down the rabbit hole, and I couldn’t bring myself to deny him. Or myself. Not just yet. Maybe all those years of being locked up in Hawthorne Hall, with nowhere to go and no one to see, had finally gotten to me.

  Or maybe he was getting to me.

  I took a deep breath and straightened my shoulders.

  And then, like a moth to a beckoning, tantalizing flame, I followed him inside.



  I couldn’t help but smile as the elevator door closed, and we descended. I inspected Audrina. Her cheeks were flushed, and she looked a bit dazed, as if she’d surprised herself by coming with me.

  She wasn’t the only one. I’d given her one last chance to flee, and she hadn’t taken it. “Thank you,” I said simply.

  She nodded in response. With the mirrors on each side, Audrina Hawthorne’s luscious curves surrounded me. What I wouldn’t give to unzip the sheath, to let it fall around her ankles, to gaze upon her creamy, naked flesh…

  I glimpsed her unforgettable ass in the mirror and had to tear my gaze away. My cock strained against my pants, directly toward her, beseeching me to claim the virgin. Her scent was everywhere, and a fresh scent mingled with it, emanating from between her legs. Ah. The elevator was suddenly very, very hot. Even though we weren’t touching, electricity crackled all around us. I wondered if she could feel it. But if the scent that beckoned from between her legs was any indication, she absofuckinglutely could…

  Fucking. Torture.

  The elevator pinged again, the doors opening, cool air rushing in. “Here we are. May I?” I eyed her hand. “It might make the tour easier.” I couldn’t help myself—I would use any excuse to get close to her.

  “S-Sure,” Audrina said.

  She still looked dazed, eyes wide, lips slightly parted. I knew that look. Too bad what I was about to tell her would probably wipe it off her face for forever. Still, I took her hand. Having her skin against mine her made every inch of me ache with yearning, but I did it anyway.

  I was damned already. I might as well enjoy it.

  “Oh my God.” Audrina gaped at the living room. “I thought the first floor was incredible.”

  “Ah, thank you.” I felt it again—that excitement. I imagined seeing my home through her eyes, as if for the first time. The ceilings were very high, with recessed lighting that gave the subterranean room a warm glow. An enormous light fixture dominated the center of the space, its dozens of dangling lights shining like strands of bright, luxury confetti. A fire crackled in the fire pit along the wall, and sumptuous couches faced each other. Objets d’art, most of which were priceless, graced lit cabinets.

  My brothers often teased me that my home was the lair of
a seducer. It invited intimacy with its soft lighting and shadowy, lush corners. I supposed it did have a rather sinful vibe. But I hadn’t used it to my advantage in years…

  “Come. Let me show you.” It was important that Audrina became familiar with the human elements of my home, the things she would need to feel comfortable and stay healthy. My experience with humans was that it was very important for them to eat regularly, drink lots of water, and get enough sleep. They always seemed much happier when their physical needs were being met.

  I tried not to think of Audrina’s other physical needs. She was blossoming before me, a rose ready to be plucked. Her goddamned curves were killing me, and I was immortal. Ha ha—the joke was clearly on me. But I glowered, just thinking about it. I could make her first time, her last time, and every time in between more pleasurable than any stupid human ever could. I would make her orgasms so intense, she’d beg to stay in my bed forever, screaming my name for all eternity…

  My erection was so big it was almost comical. I might as well let it give the tour. Enough, Gabriel. Jesus.

  I tried to focus as we went through the kitchen and into the adjacent wine room, both of which were fully stocked. “I have round-the-clock staff. If you would like any sort of meal, at any time of day or night, just enter it into my system. Like this.” I showed her the tablet I used to send messages to the staff. “It’s important that you keep your strength up. Are you hungry now?”

  “No.” But her cheeks turned pink as her stomach growled rather loudly. “Maybe.”

  “What would you like? Please, anything.” I wanted to spoil her while I could. From what Mrs. Finn had told me, the cupboards had been bare at Hawthorne Hall.

  “Um, I don’t know…” She frowned. “Are you hungry?”


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