Elsie's Motherhood

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Elsie's Motherhood Page 11

by Martha Finley

  Chapter Eleventh.

  "If thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst give him drink;for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be notovercome of evil, but overcome evil with good."--ROMANS XII. 20, 21.

  "Splendid!" cried Dick, wheeling about toward home, now half a mileaway, "but we must hurry back or grandpa will be mad. I say Wal, what_do_ you s'pose makes Travilla and Cousin Elsie so different from us?I mean all of us at Roselands."

  "I don't know," returned Walter reflectively; "maybe because they'reChristians. You know it says in the Bible we're to return good forevil."

  "Yes, and so heap coals of fire on our enemies' heads. And, Wal, I feel'em burn now. I'd give anything not to have coaxed and teased Ed intoshooting that time, and not to have scared him and the others with thosefrightful disguises."

  "So would I: and we'll never do the like again, Dick, never; will we?"

  "I reckon not: and we must ride over to Ion after breakfast, and tell'em so, and thank 'em for these beauties and the other things."

  "Yes; didn't the note invite us to spend the day there?"

  "Why so it did! But I'd forgot; the sight of the ponies knocked it allout of my head."

  So great was the delight of the lads in their new acquisitions, that noteven the repeated assertions of their mothers and other members of thefamily--seconded by the reproaches of their own consciences--that theydid not deserve it, could materially damp their joy.

  An ungracious permission to accept the invitation to Ion, was grantedthem with the remark that Calhoun and Arthur, who were included in it,would be there to keep them in order, and also to report upon theirconduct.

  Calhoun, troubled and mortified by the suspicions which he imagined musthave been entertained against him at both the Oaks and Ion since theescapade of Dick and Walter, had kept himself closely at home during thepast week, and studiously avoided meeting either his uncle or Travilla:but this invitation, as the holding out of the olive branch of peace,was joyfully accepted.

  The four rode over to Ion together, directly after breakfast, and foundthemselves greeted with the greatest kindness and cordiality by Mr.Travilla, Elsie and the children, all gathered in the veranda awaitingtheir coming.

  The two culprits, shame-faced in view of their ill-deserts, yetoverflowing with delight in their ponies, poured out mingled thanks andapologies, and promises for the future.

  "Never mind, my lads, we'll say nothing more about it," Mr. Travillasaid in his kind, cheery way, Elsie adding, "You are very welcome, andwe are sure you do not intend ever again to try to alarm our darlings,or tempt them to do wrong."

  She led the way to her beautiful summer parlor, a large, loftyapartment, with frescoed walls and ceiling; the floor a mosaic ofvarious colored marbles; a bubbling fountain in the centre, gold andsilver fish swimming in its basin, windows draped with vines, and at thefarther end a lovely grotto, where a second fountain threw showers ofspray over moss-grown rocks and pieces of exquisite statuary.

  Here they were presently joined by their Cousin Horace. Ices and fruitswere served, and the morning passed in a most agreeable manner,enlivened by music, conversation, and a variety of quiet games; Mr. andMrs. Travilla laying themselves out for the entertainment of theirguests.

  Their children had been excused from lessons in honor of the day, andwith their sweet prattle, and merry pretty ways, contributed not alittle to the enjoyment of their elders.

  Mr. Dinsmore came to dinner. Calhoun fancied his manner rather cooltoward him, while Dick and Walter were left in no doubt of his sterndisapproval of them, until their Cousin Elsie said a few words to him ina quiet aside, after which there was a decided change for the better.

  Calhoun watched his cousin furtively, as he had of late formed a habitof doing: and as he studied her character, his respect, admiration, andaffection grew apace; he found her so utterly unselfish and sincere, sopatient and forbearing, yet firm for the right, so unaffectedly gay andhappy.

  Something of this he remarked to her when for a few moments they chancedto be alone together.

  "Ah," she said smiling and blushing, "it is not lover love alone that isblind; you have been looking at me through rose colored spectacles, asso many of my relatives and friends do."

  "But are you not really happy, cousin?"

  "Happy? Ah yes, indeed! Have I not everything to make me so? the best ofhusbands and fathers, five darling children; comparative youth, health,wealth that enables me to prove in my own sweet experience the truth ofthose words of the Lord Jesus, 'It is more blessed to give than toreceive'; and the best of all" she added low and reverently, the softeyes shining through glad tears, "His love and tender care surroundingme. His strong arm to lean upon; His blood to wash away my sins. Hisperfect righteousness put upon me. These, cousin, are more than all therest, and you and every one may have them if you will; for His own wordsare, 'Ask, and ye shall receive; seek and ye shall find.' 'Him thatcometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out.'"

  "You give me a new view of religion," he said after a moment'ssurprised, thoughtful silence. "I have been accustomed to look upon itas something suitable, perhaps desirable, for old age, and certainlyvery necessary for a death bed; but too great a restraint upon youthfulpleasures."

  "Sinful pleasures must indeed be given up by those who would followChrist; but they are like apples of Sodom,--beautiful in appearance, butbitter and nauseous to the taste; while the joys that he gives are pure,sweet, abundant and satisfying. 'Godliness is profitable unto allthings, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is tocome.' 'They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of thyhouse; and thou shalt make them drink of the river of thy pleasures.'Ah, Cal, if one might safely die without the Christian's faith and hope,I should still want them to sweeten life's journey."

  Another thoughtful pause; then the young man said, frankly, "CousinElsie, I'm afraid I'm very stupid, but it's a fact that I never havebeen quite able to understand exactly what it is to be a Christian, orhow to become one."

  She considered a moment, her heart going up in silent prayer for help tomake the matter plain to him, and for a blessing on her words; for wellshe knew that without the influence of the Holy Spirit they would availnothing.

  "To be a Christian," she said, "is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ,receiving and resting upon him alone for salvation. 'He hath made him tobe sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousnessof God in him.' 'God so loved the world, that he gave his only begottenSon, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but haveeverlasting life.' Do not these texts answer both your queries? We havebroken God's holy law, but Jesus, the God man, has borne the penalty inour stead; 'all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags'; we dare notappear before the King clothed in them; but Jesus offers to each of usthe pure and spotless robe of his righteousness, and we have only toaccept it as a free gift; we can have it on no other terms. It isbelieve and be saved; look and live."

  "But there is something beside for us to do surely? we must liveright."

  "Yes, true faith will bring forth the fruits of holy living; but goodworks are the proofs and effects of our faith, not the ground of thetrue Christian's hope; having nothing whatever to do with ourjustification."

  The entrance of Arthur and young Horace put an end to the conversation.

  Horace was not less devoted to his elder sister now than in childhood'sdays; Arthur, distant and reserved with most people, had of late learnedto be very frank and open with her, sure of an attentive hearing, ofsympathy, and that his confidence would never be betrayed.

  She never sneered, never laughed in contempt, nor ever seemed to thinkherself better or wiser, than others. Her advice, when asked, was givenwith sweet simplicity and humility, as of one not qualified, in her ownestimation, to teach, or desirous to usurp authority over others: yetshe had a clear intellect and sound judgment, she opened her mouth withwisdom and in her tongue was the law of kindness. There seemed a sort ofmagnetism about her, t
he attraction of a loving, sympathetic nature,that always drew to her the young of both sexes, and the large majorityof older people also.

  The three young men gathered round her, hanging upon her sweet looks,her words, her smiles, as ardent lovers do upon those of theirmistress.

  Somehow the conversation presently turned upon love and marriage, andshe lectured them, half-playfully, half seriously, upon the duties ofhusbands.

  She bade them be careful in their choice, remembering that it was forlife, and looking for worth rather than beauty or wealth; then aftermarriage not to be afraid of spoiling the wife with too much care andthoughtfulness for her comfort, and happiness, or the keeping up of thelittle attentions so pleasant to give and receive, and so lavishlybestowed in the days of courtship.

  "Ah, Elsie, you are thinking of your own husband, and holding him up asa model to us," said Horace laughingly.

  "Yes," she answered, with a blush and smile, a tender light shining inthe soft brown eyes, "that is true. Ah, the world would be full of happywives if all the husbands would copy his example! He is as much a lovernow as the day he asked me to be his wife; more indeed, for we growdearer and dearer to each other as the years roll on. Never a day passesthat he does not tell me of his love by word and deed, and the story isas sweet to me now, as when first I heard it."

  "Ah, good wives make good husbands," said Mr. Travilla, who had enteredunobserved, just in time to hear the eulogy upon him. "Boys, let eachof you get a wife like mine, and you can not fail to be good husbands."

  "Good husbands make good wives," she retorted, looking up into his facewith a fond smile as he came to her side.

  "The trouble is to find such," remarked Horace, regarding his sisterwith tender admiration.

  "True enough," said Travilla, "I know not of her like in all the lengthand breadth of the land."

  Catching sight of Mr. Dinsmore pacing the veranda alone, Calhoun slippedquietly away from the rest and joined him.

  "Uncle," he said, coloring and dropping his eyes, "I think you doubtme."

  "Have I not reason, Calhoun?" Mr. Dinsmore asked, looking searchinglyinto the lad's face.

  "Yes, sir, I own that appearances are strongly against me, and I can notdisprove the tale they tell; but--oh, if you could trust me still,uncle!"

  He lifted his head, and gazed fearlessly into the keen dark eyes stillbent searchingly upon him.

  Mr. Dinsmore held out his hand, and cordially grasped the one Calhounplaced in it.

  "Well, my boy, I will try: it is far pleasanter than to doubt you. Butthere is some one at Roselands who is disposed to aid and abet the KuKlux in their lawless proceedings."

  "I can not deny that," said the nephew, "yet it would ill become me tosay who it is; and I think, sir, since grandpa has set down his foot sodecidedly in opposition, there will be no more of it. Travilla andCousin Elsie have given me their confidence again, and I assure you,sir, I am deeply grateful to you all."


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