Trophy Wife

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Trophy Wife Page 13

by Bethany Lopez

  I glanced at him, completely baffled. “You tell me?” I said with a sharp laugh. “I thought Summer had the flu, but no, and everything has spiraled since then.”

  “But you’re definitely going to ask her to marry you?”

  “Yeah, I was actually thinking along those lines before I knew she was pregnant, but now, I’m positive. This is what I’ve been waiting for, Trent. A family. And Summer is more perfect than I’d ever imagined. I have no idea how I got so lucky.”

  “And to think, none of this would have happened without me.”

  “How so?” I asked, cocking an eyebrow at his self-satisfied expression.

  “I’m the one who dared you to join the True Love app, which you never deleted. Summer saw you on the app and liked you, but made a mistake and deleted you, ergo, Margo saw you at the bar and came over to give you Summer’s number. You’re welcome.”

  “But I didn’t call her. She saw me in the grocery store and came over.”

  “Still wouldn’t have happened without the app.”

  I shrugged, conceding his point.

  “So, how are you going to do it?” he asked.



  “Uh, I don’t know … get a ring. Get down on one knee. The usual,” I replied.

  “My god, it would be cute if you weren’t so freaking clueless.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “No one just gets down on one knee anymore. There has to be this whole big thing,” he said, throwing his hands up as if he were exasperated. With me. “First you have to plan it all out. Then you have to let one of her friends know, so she can make sure Summer has her nails done and her hair done and is dressed up nicely for pictures. Because there have to be pictures. Some women even want you to have a photographer on hand, hiding in the shadows to snap candids of the proposal.”

  “Are you being serious right now?”

  “Totally, Mr. Mason,” one of the girls from my class called out. “You can’t just spring it on her when she has bed head or something. And the nails are a must, because she’s going to want to show off the rock you got her. You are getting a rock, right? The ring is, like, the most important thing.”

  I looked out over the students and noticed all of the females were nodding in agreement.

  “What else do I need to know?” I asked, feeling a pit in my stomach.

  “Location is key,” Ms. Sinclair added with a look of resignation. “Lots of people like the beach.”

  “The beach?” We were at least three hours from any beaches.

  “Yeah, but parks work, too. Or, like, the zoo, anywhere that has meaning for the two of you. A place that you went, or somewhere you always said you’d go, but haven’t. Destination proposals are cool, too.”

  Holy crap. Destination proposals? They’ve all lost their minds.

  “What happened to good, old-fashioned romance? Spontaneity?” I asked.

  “Oh, romance is a must, but so is the other stuff,” another young lady said.

  I glanced at Trent, who was nodding in agreement.

  “Okay, well, it looks like I have a lot to figure out. Now, everyone, back to work.”

  My mind was reeling for the rest of the day.

  I’d already gotten the ring, one I thought was perfectly Summer and I hoped she’d love. But it looked like I had some planning to do. Apparently, I couldn’t just take her to dinner and propose like some low-level punk. I’d have to put some thought and effort into it.

  And hire a photographer.

  I wondered if it had to be a professional, or if I could simply ask my brother Charles to follow us around.

  He always took pretty good pictures.

  I sighed as I drove home, unsure of what my next move should be. Figuring a woman’s point of view might help, I gave my sister-in-law, Jamilla, a call.

  “What’s up, sexy prof,” she said in greeting.

  “Oh, have we shortened it now?” I asked wryly.

  “Yeah, I was just trying it out,” she said with a laugh. “I think I like it.”

  “I need your help,” I said, getting straight to it.

  “Uh-oh, women problems?”

  “No, everything’s great. It’s just …come to my attention … that in today’s popular culture, marriage proposals are a really big deal.”

  “Ahhh, yes. Is my big bro looking to pop the question?”

  “I am.”

  “Does Charles know?”

  “No, I haven’t told him yet.”

  “Ha, yes. I am going to gloat so hard.”

  “Jamilla … can you help? I’ve been told she needs to have her nails done and think she’s going somewhere where she would want to be dressed up. Also, there should be paparazzi on hand.”

  Jamilla chuckled, which made me smile.

  “My big question is, how? Where? I’ve never been known for grand gestures. I’m kind of at a loss here.”

  “Okay, you’ve called the right person. Here’s what you’re going to do…”



  “I’m so glad we’re doing this,” I told Whitney and Margo as we walked through the city center.

  We’d had a fantastic Women’s Day Out. We’d gotten manis and pedis, went shopping for new lingerie for my already blossoming bosom, gotten blowouts, and I was currently wearing a fabulous new dress Margo had insisted on buying for me.

  It was a really fun day of self-care and I’d been surprised how much I’d really needed it.

  Especially that pedicure. Lord, having my feet rubbed had felt amazing.

  Our last stop was going to be dinner downtown, in this cute Italian place with outdoor seating right in the city center.

  “Do you mind if we stop here for a minute?” Whitney said, pointing to a bench right in front of the fountain. “I think I have something in my shoe.”

  “Sure,” I said, but Margo already had me by the elbow and was leading me to the bench.

  We all sat down, and I was about to say something, when suddenly music began to play and Chris Young’s Who I Am With You began blaring through the area. My jaw dropped when the seemingly random people grouped together and began to dance.

  “Oh my gosh, you guys, it’s a flash mob!” I yelled to Whit and Margo over the song.

  When I caught the look on Margo’s face, my head swung back in time to see Noah come front and center of the group and join into the line dance.

  His face was bright red, but his smile took up his whole face and his eyes were rapt on me as he moved.

  Whitney gave me a little shove, so I got up off of the bench and moved in closer.

  The words of the song began to register, and my hands flew to my mouth.

  Is this really happening?

  I laughed, I cried, and eventually started to move along to the music as I enjoyed the performance Noah had planned for me.

  When the song died down, everyone started moving around as if the flash mob had never happened, and Noah got down on one knee in front of me.

  He opened the ring box to reveal a cushion-cut engagement ring with a yellow diamond shining brightly in the center.

  “Oh, Noah,” I cried as my entire body began to involuntarily shake.

  “Summer,” he began, his tone gruff. “From the moment I saw you, I knew you were too good for me. For some reason, you wanted to date me anyway. Over the last few months, I’ve learned what a kind, smart, honest, amazing woman you are. You’re undeniably gorgeous on the outside, but that’s no match for the beauty of your heart. I can’t believe you not only deemed to love me, but you’re giving me the family I’ve always dreamed of.”

  Noah paused and I could tell he was trying to fight against the emotion that was welling up inside of him.

  “It would be the great honor of my life, if you would agree to be my wife.”

  I knelt down with him and cupped his cheeks with my hands.

  “Yes, I would love to marry you.”

  He slid t
he ring on my finger, and we kissed to the sound of Margo and Whitney cheering behind us.

  Noah stood and helped me to my feet, and I threw myself into his arms with a joyful laugh.

  “I can’t believe you did all that!”

  Noah grinned at me and said, “I had help from some friends. Did you like it?”

  “It’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. I’ve never been so surprised.”

  “Good,” he said, giving me another quick kiss. “And it’s just getting started.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked as he set me back on the ground.

  “That dinner we have planned,” Whitney said as she and Margo joined us.


  “It’s your engagement party!” Margo shouted gleefully.

  “Really?” I asked, my eyes getting watery again. “You planned a party, too?”

  “Like I said, I had help,” Noah replied. “But, yes, everyone is waiting for us right now. In fact…”

  He pointed toward the restaurant, where a crowd of our family and friends stood in the outside dining area. Apparently, they had all watched the proposal as well.

  I laced my fingers through his and we moved down the walkway to join our engagement party. We were met with cheers and congratulations, then we all moved inside, since Noah had reserved the entire restaurant for our party.

  We were immediately pulled aside by Noah’s parents, who were obviously thrilled by the engagement and couldn’t believe Noah had been in a flash mob.

  “You danced in front of all those people. You were so brave.”

  “Thanks, Mom,” Noah said sheepishly.

  “I have never been so surprised in my life,” I said happily, sliding my arm around his waist.

  “Me neither,” his father agreed.

  We moved around the room, speaking with Jamilla and Charles and Trent and Cam, before moving to say hi to Luca and Whitney’s kids, Stella and Silas. Then we briefly greeted Helen and my mom, who were standing off to the side, kind of on their own.

  I was touched Noah had asked her, even though he’d probably had an internal debate over it … I know I would have. But knowing Helen, she’d keep my mom in check and on her best behavior. And as long as she didn’t make a fuss, she’d be invited to the wedding as well.

  But I’d wait to tell her about the baby. I didn’t want to chance her doing or saying something to sour my happy day.

  It was a lovely, festive, and extremely thoughtful occasion. And when, at the end of the night, Noah handed me a thumb drive with pictures of all of it, I was absolutely floored.

  “You really did think of everything.”

  “Like I said…”

  “You had help, I know,” I replied, leaning in to hug him tightly. “But you’re the one who was thoughtful enough to make it all happen. You truly are a gift, Noah. I’ve never been so happy. I love you.”

  “I love you, too. And you deserve to have a day dedicated to sweeping you off your feet.”

  * * *

  Epilogue – Summer

  * * *

  “You were right, I do miss being able to see my feet,” I said as I inelegantly plopped into my chair.

  I’d officially moved into Noah’s house … our house … a few weeks ago and we’d finally finished unpacking and finding a place for all of our things to coexist.

  “How are you feeling otherwise?” Whitney asked, sitting on the sofa across from me.

  “Pretty great, actually. Like super horny.”

  Whit chuckled and said, “One of the perks I’m sure Noah is enjoying.”

  “I’ve heard no complaints.”

  “Are you excited?” she asked. I’d had the doctor tell her the sex of the baby and she’d had a gender reveal cake made for us. He didn’t know anything about it, and I’d decided to keep it something special between us, rather than having a party for it.

  We could tell everyone after we’d had the chance to celebrate ourselves.

  “I am. Are you sure you don’t want to give me a little hint?” I asked.

  “No way, my lips are sealed … I promised.”

  I’d made her vow not to tell me, no matter how much I begged.

  Just then, we heard Noah’s keys jingle as he opened the front door and came inside.

  “Hello, hello, Daddy’s home,” he called out, causing me to fall into a fit of giggles.

  When he walked into the room and saw Whitney grinning at him from the couch, Noah’s face turned bright red.

  “Oh, uh, hey, I didn’t realize we had company.”

  “Not company, just me, Daddy,” Whitney joked as she stood up and moved to give him a quick hug. “In fact, I’ll leave you guys too it. Have fun and call me later, Summer.”

  “Thanks again, Whit.”

  “Anytime, babe.”

  “Well, that was embarrassing,” Noah said as I crossed to give him a kiss.

  “Don’t worry about it,” I assured him. “Come on, I’ve got a surprise for you.”

  “Is it bigger than the, I think I’m pregnant thing, because I’m not sure I can take anything else.”

  “Ha ha,” I said dryly as I pulled him into the kitchen.

  “Dessert for dinner?” he asked when he saw the cake sitting on the counter.

  “It’s a special cake,” I informed him slyly.

  “How so?”

  “Well, when we cut into it, it will reveal if we’re having a boy or a girl.”

  “Really?” Noah asked gleefully.

  He grabbed the chef’s knife out of the butcher block and held it out. “Shall we?” he asked.

  I nodded and placed my hand over his on the handle of the knife, and then together we cut a large slice.

  “Ready?” I asked, my voice shaking with excitement.

  He nodded and we slid the knife under the slice and eased it out.

  The cake was blue.

  “A boy?” Noah breathed.

  “It’s a boy!” I shouted, letting the knife go at the same time he did.

  As it clattered to the counter I stared at the cake.

  “I really thought it was a girl.”

  “Are you disappointed?” he asked.

  I looked up at him with a happy smile and tears streaming down my face. “Not at all. I can’t wait to meet him. I already love him so much.”

  “I know,” Noah said, pulling me in close. “I can’t wait to teach him to swim, and to read, and all about dangling participles.”

  “You’re such a delicious weirdo,” I told him as I laughed, so happy it was hard to believe I’d ever been anything else.

  “I’m your delicious weirdo,” he said, leaning down to nuzzle my nose with his.

  “Yes, you are,” I agreed, looking up at him with all the love in my heart. “Forever mine.”

  * * *


  * * *

  I Would’ve Loved You by Jake Hoot & Kelly Clarkson

  I Hope by Gabby Barrett

  Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood

  Say Something by A Great Big World featuring Christina Aguilera

  Torn by Natalie Imbruglia

  Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri

  Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi

  I Can’t Make You Love Me by Bonnie Raitt

  Lose You to Love Me by Selena Gomez

  So What by P!nk


  Return to Love by Andrea Bocelli featuring Ellie Goulding

  Who I Am With You by Chris Young

  What’s Next?

  Want more of The Jilted Wives Club? Keep reading for Chapter One of Work Wife - Preorder Now!

  Work Wife

  Chapter 1 - Margo

  * * *

  “I still live with my mother, but it’s really for her sake. She doesn’t want to be alone, and she likes having me there to take care of. I’m kinda in between jobs right now, but I think I’d like to be an actor. There just aren’t really any acting jobs here in the
city. Anyway…” He paused to cough in rapid succession. “Don’t worry, it’s just a sore throat and cough. No big deal.”

  Somebody shoot me.

  I swear to God, Summer is going to owe me big time for this.

  I backed further away in my seat to try and avoid his germs.

  The speed dating event Summer had asked me to come to in her place was just kicking off, and this guy was my first “date”. He’d been talking about himself from the moment he sat down and hadn’t asked me one thing about myself.

  I seriously hoped our five minutes was almost up.

  “Okay, fellas, switch,” the moderator said.

  All of the men stood up and walked to the next table, while all of the women stayed put.

  “Hi, I’m Margo,” I said to the tall drink of water who sat across from me.

  “I’m Philip.”

  “Where are you from Philip?” I asked, noting his accent.

  “I actually live in France. I am only here for the weekend on business. I saw the app was hosting this event and thought I’d check it out.”

  Okay, so this dude’s definitely just looking to hookup.

  Once the moderator told them to switch again, I crossed off the first guy’s name and put a check mark next to the second because… who knew. He may be the best bet I had for the night.

  And on the party went.

  Some of the guys were okay. But if they mentioned marriage or kids, I crossed them off my list. There was no way I was looking to get bogged down with a guy in search of a serious commitment.

  I was doodling on my paper when the next guy sat down and when I looked up to see longish black hair framing a tanned, lean face with bright blue eyes, my spidey senses started to tingle.

  I instinctively held out my hand and said huskily, “Margo.”

  His answering grin was slightly lopsided, and his hand was rough with callouses. The hands of a man who worked for a living, not like the guys in my office, or my ex.

  All of this worked for me. A lot.

  “Aiden,” he replied in a deep voice that sent shivers down my spine.


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