Wonderland Academy: Book 1

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Wonderland Academy: Book 1 Page 8

by Cheri Winters

  “No, sorry, I’m not.” I shook my head and took a step back. His fingers slid from my jaw, leaving me feeling cold and alone, even though he was still standing in front of me, still so near. “I’ve never been here before. Tomorrow I could die. And now I have to worry all night about some monster being able to break in—no matter how safe you tell me I am—I saw the creature. It looked right at me. It knows who I am. I know that sounds crazy, but that’s how I feel.”

  “Do you feel better with me here?” he asked, his musical voice just as hauntingly serene as the kiss he gave me.

  “Well, yeah,” I said, nodding a few times. My eyes slowly shut halfway. “I guess.”

  He took my hand gently, his brown eyes filled with kindness and something else I couldn’t read but wanted to. I wanted to know everything about him, but maybe when I wasn’t so tired. “How about I stay with you, help you sleep,” he suggested his voice innocent enough.

  “What?” I blinked myself awake. “No way.”

  “It will ensure that you are safe,” He said, taking a seat. “And I’ll take the floor.”

  “Is that even allowed?” I balked. Heat crept up the back of my neck, and I hoped he couldn’t detect the stutter in my voice.

  “It’s purely platonic.” He winked giving me a sly smile. “I wouldn’t do anything but help you sleep. You have my word.”

  “That kinda sounds like a pickup line,” I said sarcastically and placed my hand on my hip. “Besides. What could you do against that thing if it decided to come inside? You don’t have any magical abilities do you?”

  “No. Just a tiny bit of telepathy.”

  “Oh.” I chewed on my bottom lip, trying to decide what to do. Could he read my mind and my thoughts about our kiss? Heat crept up my neck and filled my entire face.

  “Would Eithanael being here with us help as well then?”

  “Um…he might be sleeping,” I pointed out. It was clear I was stalling.

  “But you would feel safer with both of us?” he pushed, lifting his brows.

  Two guys watching me sleep? I was totally creeped out, though not as much as seeing that beast. That was two more reasons why the monster outside wouldn’t attack me first if it broke in here. I chewed my bottom lip. It would make me feel safer, but I didn’t like that I didn’t feel safe at all. Maybe I was thinking too much about this. Maybe I just wanted to go to sleep.

  “It’s okay, though,” I said, stifling a yawn. “I’m sure he’s asleep or busy.”

  “He’s on his way.”

  “Wha-Did you send him a message telepathically?”

  “Yup. Beats having to chase someone down since cellphones only work in the library on campus grounds. Now. Do you need to do anything more to get ready for bed?”

  I felt so self-conscious all of a sudden. I was wearing my pajama shorts and top, but no bra, and crossed my arms over my chest protectively, even though he hadn’t actually been staring.

  “I already showered,” I said, though I wasn’t quite sure why I was so defensive about it. “I was closing the curtains when I saw—”

  Without saying a word or making fun, Zack went to the window and pulled the curtains shut. “Think you’ll be okay while I go use my shower and get cleaned up myself?” he asked, cutting me off.

  “Yeah, sure.” I nodded.

  He disappeared and I sat on my bed. How in the world was I going to get any sleep with two guys in my room? Just the thought of one had my stomach fluttering.

  A few minutes later, a knock sounded. I wiped my hands on my clothes, then opened the door and found Eithanael without a shirt and in blue plaid pajama bottoms that hung low on his hips. He held a navy blanket in one arm and a small duffle bag. And god, I couldn’t stop staring at the dip of a V on his hips where his pants hung low.

  “This where the sleeping party is?” He lifted his blanket. “Couldn’t find my sleeping bag.”

  “Come in.” Now I felt a little strange knowing that they were here to protect me. Maybe I was overreacting about this monster thing. “What’s in the bag?” Better not be anything to do with sex or I would send both of them packing.

  I ran my fingers through my hair. I was acting ridiculous. I needed to get a grip on myself. I was scared and now two guys were going to sleep in my room to make me feel better. I felt ridiculous. If Mom found out, she’d freak. All the girls and some of the guys back home would be envious. Meghan and Nora would probably swoon.

  “PJs for Zack,” he said as though it was obvious. “Didn’t think you’d want him sleeping nude, and a change of clothes for both he and I for the morning.” He tossed the blanket at the foot of the bed and set the bag next to the door. “We don’t want anyone knowing we were here with you, do we? Don’t want anyone to discern we did the walk of shame.”

  A few moments later, Zack returned. His damp, brown hair was sticking up in every direction. A towel sat low on his hips too. I swallowed as I suddenly felt lightheaded watching a drop of water make a slow, lazy trail down his chest and over his six-pack. Then I remembered his mind-reading ability and my entire body flushed. I wondered if there were boundaries he couldn’t cross, boundaries that included not reading other people’s minds unless he had their consent. Could he influence someone too? Like implant thoughts in their mind? I shook my head, pushing aside the wicked images that sprouted. All this stress and everything was catching up to me.

  I sank onto the bed, fearing I’d pass out if I didn’t.

  My whole room smelled of men and it was making it hard to concentrate on anything.

  “What are you thinking?” Zack had gotten dressed thankfully, except he only wore boxers.

  “Um…where are your pants?” I looked away.

  “Since I sleep in the nude, I thought I’d cover up for you.”

  “Can you put more on than that?” I squeaked. I gestured at his general area with my hand, hoping he would understand. “You can’t be in my room nearly naked. Didn’t Eithanael say he brought you pajamas?”

  “I can take these off then, if the nearly offends you.”

  “No, no, no.” I waved my hands out in front of me. I had to be as red as a tomato. “Don’t.”

  “If you say so.” He chuckled, then put on the grey and red flannel pants. And set out a blanket on the floor on the side of my bed closest to the door.

  This was a mistake. How did either of them expect me to get any sleep? The very air felt charged with testosterone and sexy, masculine hotness. These drool-worthy guys were in my room alone with me. As tired as I was, inside fangirl me was bouncing up and down shouting with joy.

  “You coming to bed?” Eithanael patted my mattress before placing his blanket across the floor between the window and the bed.

  “Uh…” Part of me wanted to tell them both to leave, but then I knew me. I’d fret all night about the stupid jabberwocky breaking through my window. I wouldn’t get any sleep anyway. Might as well take them both up on their offer. Besides the set of Eithanael’s jaw told me he wasn’t going to leave. And it wasn’t like we were ripping off each other’s clothes and having a mini-orgy. That thought made a heat pool low in my belly.

  “You two can take the bed. I’ll sleep on the floor.” I grabbed a pillow when Zack hauled me to him. My back pressed against his chest. I stiffened.

  Before I could react, Zack tossed me onto the bed and I let out a little shriek.

  “Now stay there and sleep,” he winked, like he’d know exactly what I’d been thinking earlier about the two of them pressed up against me. “We’re fine taking the floor. Don’t make us have to hold you down.”

  Oh god, he did know what I’d been thinking.

  With my entire body on fire, I yanked the covers up over me, laying down on my pillow, my mind and my body were wide awake. Aware of every sound. Every breath the guys took until the sounds became deep and even. I rolled over and Eithanael’s scent minty toothpaste and bonfire wafted up to me. An image of me kissing him drifted into my mind and I shook my head, tu
rning away.

  This direction wasn’t any help either. Zack was on the floor on the other side of my bed. Was he dreaming about me? I flopped onto my back, staring up at the ceiling while my hormones were going crazy.

  God. What had I been thinking? No way was I ever going to get any sleep now.

  Chapter Ten

  For an hour or more, I listened to the sound of both men breathing. Zack’s was even and regular. I wondered if Eithanael had crashed out too or if he was still awake and doing something else like thinking. I wanted to look at him, to see for myself, but if I did that, he might catch me and I didn’t want him to know I had been staring.

  “Why aren’t you sleeping?” Eithanael whispered a short time later. His voice was melodic and I closed my eyes so I could listen to it better.

  “Do you have to ask?” I replied, picking at the cover.

  “The jabberwocky?” He sat up from the floor, his breath fanned across my face, bringing the smell of mint. “I can give you something to help you sleep.”

  “What is it?” My voice came out in a husky whisper. I swallowed. I had never taken anything before, but the thought of getting myself to sleep after that was tempting.

  “A small sleeping spell,” he said. The way he said it made it seem like he was offering me a cup of tea or something equally soothing. Hell, he could keep talking and I’d probably fall asleep to the sound of that.

  Instantly an image of him kissing me asleep like a reverse sleeping beauty spell popped into my mind. I was so glad that it was dark because my face was on fire. I tried to swallow but my throat had grown dry. Though I wondered with him being this close to me if the heat radiated enough for him to notice.

  I leaned forward so I could see him in the dark, we were face level.

  He shifted. Instead of getting up though, he leaned closer. Before I understood what was happening, his lips brushed across mine. A zing sailed through me. Maybe Wonderland wasn’t so bad a place after all. In less than a day, two hot guys had kissed me, and both had made me feel something I hadn’t felt before. It was strange, kissing two different guys. I never thought I could like more than one person, but I did. It was nice to know that more than one person was attracted to me. They made me feel safe and desirable. Didn’t hurt that all four of them were as hot as hell either.

  Before I could think on that more, my eyes started to grow heavy and I moaned against his mouth. No, no. I didn’t want to go to sleep yet. How could I be falling asleep when Eithanael was kissing me? That was just rude. The last thing I wanted was for this to stop.

  I desired more if I was being honest. And yet, even deepening the kiss exhausted me. Like I was holding myself back for some reason. Why shouldn’t I enjoy kissing him? And why did my eyelids feel so heavy? My brain was fuzzy like I was dreaming or about to?

  Relax. Let go. His words whispered in my mind.

  His kiss tasted so good. Sweeter than cotton candy…except an odd feeling crept over me. Like I was being lulled into a magical dreamland. My body jerked back in response and I realized what he was doing. He was using his magic to put me to sleep! This had to be like a Sleeping Beauty spell except in reverse. I mean, yeah, that’s what I agreed to, sort of, but not what I meant. If I’d know he was going to kiss me, then I wanted to stay awake for it. I wanted to be an active part of it. I wanted to enjoy it.

  Sleep tugged at my muscles and my mind. I struggled against the weight of it. Wanting to keep kissing Eithanael. Unable to get enough. Just like when I kissed Will. What kind of bewitchment did these guys possess? Or was it Wonderland itself that was making me boy-crazy?

  In the end, sleep won out. I did do my best to put up a fight, but it wasn’t enough. Soon I slipped into a dream of Eithanael and Zack nuzzling my neck. Their warm bodies wrapped around my mind as an ice-cold blizzard raged outside my room. I didn’t remember anything else until the sun flashed through a crack in the curtains and I woke to find my room empty. Disappointment sank into my chest. Part of me had wanted to see them when they woke up to share breakfast with them before the start of the tournament.

  I groaned, rolling over. My stomach rumbled painfully. I needed sustenance. But when I checked the clock, I had less than an hour to get ready for the trails. Maybe I shouldn’t eat. The last thing I wanted was to throw up all over the field, especially in front of others.

  Then I remembered the extra flauta that Tula had given me. I scrambled out of bed and opened my backpack. After digging for a bit, I found it. Still smelled good. I opened up the wrapper and felt the food. It didn’t feel hard or stale. I smiled. Perfect. I took a bite. Oh, it tasted so good. I finished it off then jumped into the shower.

  I braided my wet hair and put on my school uniform. The skirt was a bit short, hitting my upper thighs. But hey, it looked cute on me. Maybe I should’ve done the uniform thing a long time ago. I put on the crisp, white shirt, and rolled up the sleeves. Next came a cute, skinny-tie in the same red and grey plaid. Under normal circumstances, I didn’t like to admit I was human. I was sure others could tell what I was, but wearing the colors felt like I was admitting to having a weakness, and that wasn’t something I wanted to advertise.

  But not today.

  Today, I was proud.

  Finished. I grabbed my phone and hurried to the library. I had just enough time to call Mom before the trails started. I wasn’t sure if she was actually going to respond, but I would at least try. It would be nice to hear her voice, especially right now.

  In the library, a few upperclassmen huddled over the tables, speaking in hushed tones. Were they taking bets on who would survive today? I wished I knew an upperclassman well enough to ask them what to expect. I didn’t want to ask someone I knew who would try to cushion me from the truth. I hadn’t done a good job of preparing myself for coming to Wonderland. I didn’t want to make that same mistake again. Preparation meant survival.

  I just wished I knew how to prepare better.

  I pushed back the bitter acid that burned the back of my throat and went to an empty laptop station.

  My mom had sent me a GIF with a good luck mini-video of a cat and dog dancing. It didn’t touch on my father but it was something. It was contact.

  Plastering a smile on my face, I dialed her number. I didn’t want to worry her about all of this. Even if we both knew it was as dangerous as walking a tightrope over a minefield.

  “Hi, honey,” she rushed out, answering on the second ring.

  “Hi, Mom.” It was so good to hear her voice that I almost burst into tears. “Did you hear the news? They have to take away our weekend passes for the month.”

  “I know, sweetie. I’m so sorry.” She paused. “How is everything else? Are you making friends? Meet any cute guys?”

  “Mom,” I elongated the word, then shook my head. I smiled despite myself. Perhaps it wasn’t exactly what I wanted to talk about, but I was grateful for the fact that it was something normal. Things had been weird between us that it felt nice to go back to our usual repertoire. “I’ll tell you about it tonight.”

  If I was still alive.

  “You’ll do great, Alexis,” her voice cracked. My heart squeezed. I knew she was trying to be strong for me, but my mother had never done a good job of being tough. She was an open book, where her emotions were easily read. “I know you will.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” I blinked back tears, missing her already. Wanting to be back home and not having to worry about dying. I wish I could forget the game and this place. Run away and never look back. It was a silly daydream, one I was surprised I still allowed myself to indulge in, even now.

  The queen would find me. I knew that. I had always known that. Since coming here, I wouldn’t doubt that she’d punish my mom if I left either. The queen had a knack for punishing people that were innocents, who had nothing to do with anything. How much more would she make an example of me when she caught me. Because everything I’d heard and read said she would. It was only a matter of time before she would.

>   An alarm bell rang outside and my insides churned. I sighed, closing my eyes and hoping when I opened them, I’d wake up in my room back home, as though this was all a dream.

  More like a nightmare.

  “Listen, Mom, I’ve got to go,” I said, pinching the bridge of my nose. I opened my eyes, suddenly remembering something. I wanted to talk to her about the photo. And yet, again, I faltered. What if she didn’t want to talk about this? What if this put a strain on our relationship? I cleared my throat. I didn’t care. I needed to figure this out. And if I didn’t make it past the first round today, I wouldn’t be alive any more to talk to her about it. Not emotionally, anyway. I’d be an empty shell with no memories or will of my own. I had to let Mom know what I’d found out so far, even if it was nothing or some mistake. They said everyone had a twin, right? Maybe this was his, but I had to know if she knew anything. “Um…why didn’t you respond to the old photo of Dad I sent you yesterday?”

  “What photo?” she asked. She sounded genuinely confused by my question.

  I frowned. I wanted to ask if she was sure she didn’t get it, but stopped myself. I didn’t want her to get offended that I didn’t trust her, not after it had been a while since I last talked to her. I scrolled down to the messages and gave her the time I sent it.

  “Send it again, honey, I didn’t get it,” she instructed.

  Everything about her voice indicated that she was being honest. But that didn’t make it any less weird. At least that explained why she didn’t comment on it. For a second, I thought she was keeping quiet because she didn’t know how to respond to the truth. I clicked the image and my message, resending both.


  “It hasn’t come through yet.”

  The bell outside blared twice.

  “Oh, I gotta go.”

  “Okay. Call me as soon as you’re done, please.” The worry in her voice was palpable and made the knots in my stomach tightened.

  “I will. Love you, mom.”

  “Love you too. Be careful.”


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