The Awakening: Book 1 of The Bloodmoon Wars (A Paranormal Shifter Series Prequel to Luna Rising)

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The Awakening: Book 1 of The Bloodmoon Wars (A Paranormal Shifter Series Prequel to Luna Rising) Page 11

by Sara Snow

  My hand started to shake as I reached out. “No,” I whispered, and I looked in her eyes. There was such intense sadness there. “One of them infected you.”

  She nodded. “I can feel it already changing me.”

  “Kill her before she turns.” I spun around to find Council Member Levi behind me, his eyes scanning the dead vampires before landing on me. “She has only minutes left. Kill her, and you will pass.”

  “I can’t kill her!” I yelled as I got to my feet. “She-she needs help.”

  “She’s no longer a werewolf, Elinor. She’s a vampire, an enemy. She’s going to become one of them.” He pointed to the Bleeder on the ground.

  My stomach flipped. “You can’t be serious! Call a witch! Amputate her leg before the poison spreads. Do something! I’m not killing her!”

  “Elinor . . .” I looked down to see Meeka holding her hand up to me. “None of that will work.” Her hazel eyes turned red for a moment. My heart stopped beating, an aching pain I’d never felt before consuming me. “Do as he says. Don’t let me become one of them. Please! Kill me and become a-a Guard.” She twisted to her side and groaned loudly. When she rolled onto her back, her eyes were red. “Please . . . Elinor, k-kill me.”

  I got up, my entire body shaking. I looked at Levi, in shock at what was happening. He was just standing there as Meeka began to twist and turn on the ground, her deformed growls causing my ears to ring.

  “Two minutes, Ms. Blackwood. Make a choice, but either way, she dies.”

  My heart was beating so loudly in my ears, I couldn’t hear my own thoughts. This wasn’t how any of this was meant to go. At this moment, this was my true test, and it was one I would fail. Even though I’d only known Meeka for a short time, I couldn’t bring myself to take her life.

  Levi walked towards my friend. Tears began to roll down my cheeks in earnest as he bent over Meeka. I closed my eyes and fell to my knees the moment I heard him slit her throat, the sound of her blood choking her, causing bile to rise to my mouth.

  Meeka was silent now, but I couldn’t bring myself to look at her. I heard Levi walk over to me. “I’m sorry, Ms. Blackwood. I’m afraid you’ve failed.”



  “Are you hungry?” I looked up to find my mother studying me with worried eyes. I shook my head, and she tried to hide the disappointment in her eyes. “Even a light snack? You haven’t eaten all day, Elinor.”

  I sighed and nodded, knowing she wouldn’t give up until I ate something. The truth was, I’d lost my appetite days ago. Skye, who had stayed for dinner, kept glancing up at me as they ate.

  I just wanted her to hurry and finish eating so we could get out of this house and go meet Cyrus.

  A few minutes later, my mother returned with a plate containing a slice of pie, and my mouth curved downward with distaste. "Thanks, Mother," I mumbled as I picked up my fork and cut off a small piece of the pie.

  It was quite delicious and instantly made me realize how hungry I was. But I frowned and pulled away when she reached out to run her hand down my hair. “I’m sorry about what happened, Elinor. I truly am.”

  I looked up at her and closed my eyes as her warm hand cupped my cheeks.

  “It’s okay.” I opened my eyes. “I made a deal with Father, and I will stand by it. So, I guess we’ll be visiting another pack soon?”

  She nodded and turned away. I quickly finished the pie, then dragged Skye outside. We didn’t talk as we made our way into the forest, but the silence wasn’t an awkward one. And then Cyrus joined us. My best friends’ presence and understanding had been the only things keeping me together.

  I was dangling my legs over the cliff and sighed. Despite the darkness, I could easily see the rushing river below and the rocks sticking out of it.

  It had been seven days since I returned home a failure. Sure, everyone was talking about how well I had done overall. But in the end, I had still failed.

  I closed my eyes, and in my mind I saw Meeka lying there, bleeding out.

  “Damn it,” I mumbled under my breath, and both Cyrus and Skye looked my way at the same time.

  I hadn’t spoken much since returning . . . since leaving the arena, to be exact. I had no words to describe what I was feeling. . . . I just felt numb. Of course, by the time Cyrus, Skye, and I made it back to the pack, everyone already knew what had happened.

  When I got home, I locked myself in my room for an entire day—mainly to avoid any questions, but also because I just couldn’t bear to be around anyone. Even after I came out of my room, I didn't say much to anyone.

  Meeka’s death had been a horrible tragedy. Her life shouldn’t have ended like that. None of the men and women who died should have lost their lives during a test.

  A test!

  Raven and a male from our pack managed to finish the examination successfully, although both had been in rough shape in the end. I was happy that someone was capable of making our pack proud, at least.

  The thing was, none of them were given the choice I was. None of them were instructed to kill a fellow wolf in order to become a Guard. And Meeka was a fellow wolf—she hadn’t turned, not completely. I knew it was foolish to think like that. She was turning. It was only a matter of time, but I just couldn’t. When I looked at her, I saw a victim. I couldn’t murder her, even if it was a mercy killing.

  "She was strong . . ." The words slipped from my lips suddenly, and I began to tear up.

  “You don’t have to talk about it,” Cyrus whispered. He put his arm over my shoulder to comfort me.

  I shook my head. “I need to. I can’t let this continue to eat me up. She didn’t deserve to die like that. None of them did.” I pinched the bridge of my nose as Meeka’s sad eyes appeared in my mind. “Levi was so calm while she just laid there, knowing she was about to die. He told me to kill her, so damned casually.” I sighed as I looked up at the starry night sky. “I can’t see through it. Why did they all have to die?”

  “I think this is just another reason that our leaders are all wild animals,” Skye grunted through clenched teeth. She couldn’t have said it better. “So, when are you leaving to visit another pack?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m sure my father will tell me. Right now, I’d rather be anywhere but here.” I closed my eyes.

  Cyrus suddenly got up, and Skye and I watched as his wings sprouted from his back. I couldn’t help smiling as he ruffled his feathers, but my brows arched in confusion as he began to grow bigger before my very eyes.

  His arms elongated somewhat, and his shirt began to rip until it fell from his body. His eyes turned black as his wings flapped, and Skye and I covered our eyes from the strong breeze they created.

  “When the hell did you learn to do this?” Skye jumped to her feet. “You’re . . .” She tilted her head back to look up at him because our friend, who was once 6’2” and slim, was now at least 7’ and a mountain of muscle.

  I got to my feet slowly, my eyes scanning his body. “I didn’t know Incubi could transform.”

  “They can’t,” he replied.

  My eyes widened at the deep bass of his voice. It was as if a new man was standing in front of us. Once again, I was hit with the realization that we really didn’t know Cyrus. I glanced at Skye, who had her hands clasped tightly before her, her brown eyes twinkling.

  Cyrus’s eyes drifted to her, and she quickly looked away. “I inherited this power from my father. Being the son of the Demon King does come with a few perks.”

  “No wonder your mother wants you to take over,” Skye murmured.

  He held his hand out to me, and I frowned. “What?”

  “Get on my back, just like when we were kids.”

  For the first time in days, a genuine smile made its way onto my lips. "You're kidding?"

  When we were younger, whenever Skye or I were feeling down, Cyrus would fly with us on his back. It had always worked to lift our spirits, but as we all grew older, it had stopped. I could ima
gine how difficult it would be for him to carry a full-grown adult on his back.

  He shook his head. “I’m not. You said you want to get out of here, so let me take you. Even if it’s only for a short while.”

  “So you’ve been able to do this all this time? You could have carried me last week when we were walking back from the market?” Skye crossed her arms over her chest, and the devilishly handsome smile Cyrus sent her way seemed to soften her instantly. “Whatever.”

  "Alright, let's go then," I said as he bent down onto one knee, and I carefully climbed onto his back and wrapped my arms around his neck. He stood up and flapped his wings, and I tightened my hold on him. "Oh, my Goddess! Slow down!”

  He chuckled. “Sorry, I can’t hear you.”

  He took off on a run and dove off the cliff. My scream pierced the night as we fell, the rushing water below us coming up to meet us rapidly. His wings extended just before we were going to crash into the water, and we ascended abruptly.

  Above us, I could hear Skye cheering us on, but soon I could no longer hear her as Cyrus flew higher into the sky. I sighed as I placed my cheek on the back of his neck, a feeling of freedom washed over me. I hadn’t felt this way since the last time we did this as kids.

  With the wind in my hair, I envied Cyrus for his ability to fly wherever he wished to go. I looked down at the forest below. I could see the tiny bright lights that were coming from the houses of my pack members.

  Everything looked so small from up here, so insignificant. I exhaled and looked up next, smiling at how close the stars seemed. Holding onto Cyrus’s shoulder with only one hand, I reached up with the other, trying to catch one.

  “Thank you for this,” I said.

  He glanced over his shoulder at me, his hair blowing wildly. “You and Skye mean everything to me. Nothing is ever too much for the two of you.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Goddess, don’t get sappy on me now.”

  He dipped suddenly.

  I screamed for my life. “Bastard!”

  “You started it,” he chuckled as I smacked his bare shoulder.

  You're with the Goddess now, Meeka. You’re at peace.

  I exhaled as my eyes slowly closed. I pushed the memory of Meeka’s last moments to the back of my mind and pulled forward the good moments we had spent together, no matter how brief.

  My eyes popped open as a scream below us met my ears.

  I grew stiff.

  “Did you hear that?” I asked Cyrus anxiously.

  He nodded. “Yes, look below us.”

  I peeked over his shoulder as I called on my wolf to enhance my vision. My eyes changed to black and I gritted my teeth as I spotted a frail human running. He had three wraiths hot on his tail.

  “Demons,” I growled as the man tripped and fell forward.

  Cyrus tipped face toward the ground as we began descending quickly. One of the wraiths rushed forward, his body cloaked in black smoke. He phased through the poor man, turning his skin deathly pale.

  They’re feeding on his fear.

  I released Cyrus’s shoulder, and his body tensed as I leaned forward. Knowing what my intentions were, he sighed.

  “Okay,” he said.

  I unwrapped my legs from around his waist as he reached around to grab me. Then he threw me forward.

  My eyes watered and my vision blurred as the air whipped by me. I fully awakened my wolf, and my dress began to rip from my body as I started to shift mid-air. I howled loudly, alerting the wraiths of my presence. As they looked up at me, the man tried to run but fell to his knees.

  No doubt he was exhausted—his energy had slowly been drained by those parasites. I bypassed my first form and shifted into the final one. This was serious.

  There was no way I was going to let these creatures kill this man. I might not be a Guard, but I’d never stand by and watch another person get hurt when I could do something about it. The earth beneath my feet cracked as I landed. The force rattled my body, but I still managed to spin around and face the demon, howling with all the strength within me.

  The thing’s red, beady eyes stared at me for a moment. I widened my stance and hunched forward. I'd never fought a wraith before, but that would not deter me. Behind me, I heard a crash as Cyrus landed.

  He walked forward to stand beside me, his wings flapping once before folding behind him. “I suggest you both leave. But if you wish to die tonight, stay, and we’ll gladly grant your wish.”

  I bared my teeth, saliva dripping from my mouth as I growled. They turned and vanished before our eyes, bursting into clouds of smoke.

  I turned around to find the man we had just saved cowering with fear still, his wide, teary eyes dancing from Cyrus to me and then back.

  “We won’t hurt you,” Cyrus explained as he stepped forward slowly. “You have our word. But may I please have your cloak? If she changes back now, she’ll be naked.”

  The man looked at him with confusion for a moment, then glanced at me, his eyes rolling up and down my body before nodding and allowing Cyrus to help him up to remove his cloak.

  Once covered, I returned to my human form. “Thank you,” I told the man with a smile, but he suddenly burst into tears.

  Cyrus and I looked at each other as he wiped at his eyes.

  “I’m sorry. You just saved my life. Thank you,” he said, looking at Cyrus, then at me. “Thank you both. I have three daughters, their mother died years ago, and if I leave them, I fear . . .”

  Cyrus placed his hand on the man’s shoulder. “We’ll accompany you home if you wish. Nothing will happen to you or your daughters. Okay?”

  The old man nodded, his blue eyes still watery. “What are your names?”

  “I’m Elinor, and this is Cyrus,” I stuck my hand out of the cloak, but only a little so as not to expose myself to the old man.

  “I’m David,” he said, shaking my hand. And as we followed him home, he told us all about his many years as a sailor when he was a young man.

  I listened on, intrigued about the places he’d been and the things he’d seen. And while his stories were fun and full of adventure, they also filled me with sadness. All I could do was take comfort in knowing I’d helped to save his life so that he might continue living the kind of life I would never be able to.


  I pulled the corset around my waist after slipping through my bedroom window. Outside, Cyrus’s wings flapped slowly as he hovered outside.

  “I’ll have to wash and return this tomorrow. David’s daughter was kind enough to loan it to me, but it’s really starting to cut off my circulation.”

  Cyrus’s lips curved with a grin. “Well, it was either that or flying home in just a cloak. Imagine how that would look. But hey, you did say that you wanted to be known for more than just being the first-born of an Alpha, right?”

  “Yeah, yeah, whatever.” I leaned out the window. “Thanks for tonight, Cyrus. Really.”

  “I’m just happy you’re talking again.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, so am I. Well, goodnight then. Are you staying over at Skye’s or going off to wherever it is you go?”

  “I’m going to stay at her place tonight. I imagine Skye is going to want me to take her for a flight . . . and I’m exhausted.”

  I laughed at that. Skye was definitely going to ask him to fly with her the moment he stepped through her door. "Alright, good luck then."

  He shot upwards and disappeared.

  I stared at the piece of the moon peeking out from behind a cloud. It had been days since I'd felt like myself. Confronting those wraiths and saving David had helped me gain some perspective.

  I might not be a Guard, but Father never said anything about me not helping others. I just had to find the positive in this situation, to make sure I honored Meeka’s memory. Like me, she’d stepped outside of what was expected of an Alpha-born female. And we’d both paid the price.


  “You’ve been through worse. Remember that.”

  I stared at myself in the mirror and tried to be convinced by the words that were leaving my lips. Sighing, I pressed my fingers into my eyes and headed downstairs for a late-night snack.

  Tomorrow, I’d be visiting another pack with my father, and I was not excited about it. Still, I’d made a promise, and I needed to stick to it.

  Walking softly, I listened to the sound of my bare feet on the wooden floor. After Cyrus took me flying a few days ago, I opened up to my parents about what had happened at the trials, about Meeka. My mother had cried, while my father's face had only turned red with rage.

  Although everyone knew I failed the test because I couldn’t kill a werewolf who had turned into a vampire, no one knew of the relationship I’d shared with Meeka. I had broken down while talking to my mother and father. To my utter shock, my father had hugged me so tightly, I thought he was going to break me in half.

  “I’m sorry, Elinor. I had no idea you’d be asked to do something like that,” he had told me.

  I smiled at the memory as I left my room and made my way through the hall to the stairs. Things between my father and I had improved as well, and he still permitted me to train with Connor. Now I never miss a hunt.

  “She excelled higher than all the other applicants.”

  I frowned as Darian’s voice met my ears, and I stopped walking.

  “Sure, being an Alpha-born contributed, but she proved herself to be a leader, an Alpha. She took charge when it was needed. I hate to admit it, but she would’ve made a great Guard.”

  Wait a moment, is that Darian speaking highly of me?

  My lips curved with a wicked smile. I fully intended to rub it in his face, now that I knew what he thought of me.

  “It’s a shame you had to ask Council Member Levi to fail her. I understand your reasons more than anyone else, but how it all played out wasn’t . . .”


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